"H" - Medical Pdf Articles:


Selección de mi Spam Comentarios De pronto pienso que en realidad me habría gustado sumergir la bolsa del té, Transliterar para contemplar la contaminación de lo extraño en forma de espirales de color en el Representar los signos de un sistema de escritura, mediante los signos de otro. De agua, luego verter el azúcar y observar el remolino de partículas cristalinas que se forma


CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE AND PREDNISONE AS SALVAGE THERAPY FOR MM Weekly Cyclophosphamide and Alternate-Day Prednisone: An Effective, Convenient, and Well-Tolerated Oral Treatment for Relapsed Multiple Myeloma After Autologous Stem Cell Transplantation YOUNG TRIEU, MSC; SUZANNE TRUDEL, MD; GREGORY R. POND, MSC; JOSEPH MIKHAEL, MD;WILFRID JAKSIC, MD; DONNA E. REECE, MD; CHRISTINE I. CHEN, MD; AND


Presseinformation Pickelfrei über das Teenager-Alter hinaus Ab einem Alter von 20 Jahren verändern sich die Ansprüche und Bedürfnisse der Haut – sie benötigt zusätzliche Feuchtigkeit. Trotzdem haben viele junge Frauen auch wei- terhin mit Mitessern und Pickeln zu kämpfen. Die richtige Pflege für unreine Haut über das Teenager-Alter hinaus bietet die neue Geschichtspflegeserie

Microsoft word - 醫學報告四 _eng ver_.docx

Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine Volume 2011 (2011), Article ID 985345, 7 pages doi:10.1093/ecam/nep102 Inhibition of Inflammatory Gene Expression in Keratinocytes Using a Composition Containing Carnitine, Thioctic Acid and Saw Palmetto Extract Sridar Chittur,1 Brian Parr,1 and Geno Marcovici2 1State University of New York (SUNY), Albany, NY, USA 2Advanced Restoration Tech

Microsoft word - the hairdx _rxr_ genetic test for finasteridet-finalapproved.doc

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Jon Boroshok, Public Relations 978-502-1055 jonb@hairdx.com HairDX Introduces Genetic Test For Finasteride Response Breakthrough Test Helps Doctors Determine Best Treatment To Save Patients’ Hair SAN FRANCISCO, CA, MARCH 9, 2009 – Molecular dermatology research and development innovator PharmaGenoma, Inc. and its subsidiary HairDX, LLC (www.hair

3370 formaldehyde (english) anachemia msds canada/4 pages/v. 2.2

Material Safety Data Sheet EMERGENCY NUMBERS: (USA) CHEMTREC : 1(800) 424-9300 (24hrs) (CAN) CANUTEC : 1(613) 996-6666 (24hrs) (USA) Anachemia : 1(518) 297-4444 (CAN) Anachemia : 1(514) 489-5711 Protective Clothing TDG Road/Rail Section I. Product Identification and Uses Product name FORMALDEHYDE Chemical formula Synonyms Methylene oxide, AC-4553, AC-4554, 41860, 418


A CONVERSATION WITH DR. MICHAEL MEASOM “A Conversation with Dr. Michael Measom” is a forum bringing together educators, business leaders, concerned citizens, and treatment professionals to discuss issues involved with understanding, treating, and preventing chemical addiction disease. Dr. Measom responds to questions from the audience, providing insights based on his wide-ranging medical

Geschäftsbroschüre platinum 5n

WELLNESS INSIDER AUSGABE 19 Vitalität für den Mann - ein Leben lang Von den zahlreichen Kräutern, die das menschliche Wohlbefinden steigern, gibt es einige, die ganzbesonders für den männlichen Körper und seine Bedürfnisse geeignet sind. Zusammen mit Geheimnissen aus der traditionellen chinesischen Medizin entstand daraus SuperMale FormulaTM von Platinum, die Wellness Formel für d

Microsoft word - ex for s-block.doc

(Ex. from Past Exam Questions) 7. Sketch the trends for the properties mentioned below, and account for the trend in 1. Describe the interaction among the entities in each of the following species: (i) zinc (i) melting point of the alkali metals, Li, Na and K (ii) boiling point of the Period 3 elements, Na, Mg and Al (iii) solubility in water of the Group II sulphates(VI), MgSO2. The lat

30 sept 2010 minutes v2.

Minutes of the PPG Meeting Held at Haughton Thornley Medical Centre, Thornley Street, Hyde 30 September 2010 Present : Bill Burgoine (Chairman) Bal Duper (Medical Director NHS Tameside & Glossop) Apologies: Dr Lisa Gutteridge, Alan Yates, Sheila Caldecott, , Gill Anderton, Delia Hulme, Moya Berry, Jacquie Gladwin 1. Welcome & Apologies: The Chairman welcomed ev

Microsoft word - plp_conséquence sur le versement en espèces de la plp_i.doc

Unione Europea – conseguenze sul pagamento in contanti della prestazione di libero passaggio Diritto europeo Il 1° giugno 2002 è entrato in vigore l’accordo sulla libera circolazione delle persone tra la Svizzera e l’Unione Europea. Stati membri dell’Unione Europea Danimarca Irlanda Polonia Spagna Italia Portogallo Stati membri dell’AELS Conseguenze per la previdenza p


What Your Pharmacist Should Know adapted from “The Fibromyalgia Advocate” This information may be freely copied and distributed only if unaltered, with complete original content including: © Devin Starlanyl, 2008. Each of us with fibromyalgia (FM) and Chronic Myofascial Pain (CMP) needs a trustworthy pharmacist to coordinate our medications and keep us informed. New medications are com

Sources of neuroprotective compounds

Calcium Channel Blockers How These Blood Pressure Drugs Cause Early Death and Promote Cancer Dangerous Drugs Among the top 10 drugs prescribed in the U.S. are blood pressure drugs called calcium channel blockers. Calcium channel blockers are prescribed for hypertension (high blood pressure), heart arrhythmias (irregular heart beats), and angina (chest pain.) Unfortunately, resear

Drug-induced long qt syndrome

Hellenic J Cardiol 48: 296-299, 2007 Drug-Induced Long QT Syndrome K ONSTANTINOS P. LETSAS , MICHALIS EFREMIDIS , GERASIMOS S. FILIPPATOS , 1Second Department of Cardiology, Evangelismos General Hospital of Athens, 2Second Department of Cardiology,Atticon University Hospital of Athens, Athens, Greece. Key words: Drugs, long QT, torsades de pointes, sudden cardiac A continuously growi

Eine arbeitsgruppe von Ärzten in frankreich, die sich seit jahrzehnten mit der therapeutischen anwendung niedrig dosierter .

Lithium in der Therapie Eine Arbeitsgruppe von Ärzten in Frankreich, die sich seit Jahrzehnten mit der therapeutischen Anwendung niedrig dosierter Spurenelemente beschäftigt, setzt neben anderen Mineralstoffen und Spurenelementen auch Lithium in Form von Lithium-Glukonat ein. Eine Trinkampulle = 8,140 mg Lithium-Glukonat*. Dies entspricht pro Trinkampulle 0,28 mg Lithium. Wenn man davon a

Microsoft word - tätigkeitsbericht_2006

Hessische Fachvereinigung für Diabetes e.V. (HFD) Sitz: Giessen Gründungsdatum: 14.08.1996 Vorsitzender: Prof. Dr. med. Hermann-Joachim Glaser Abteilung für Allgemeine Innere Medizin und Gastroenterologie Herz-Jesu-Krankenhaus Buttlarstr. 74 36039 Fulda Stv. Vorsitzende: Dr. med. Cornelia Marck Giessener Str. 12 35415 Pohlheim Schatzmeister : Michael Simonsohn Mainzer Landstr. 2

Ed 4 - final.pdf

Scleroderma Education Program Chapter 4 Gastrointestinal Tract This fourth chapter usually takes about 15 minutes. Introduction Almost everyone with either limited or diffuse Scleroderma will develop some Gastrointestinal (GI) tract problems. About 85% of people with Scleroderma will have some changes in their GI tract. These changes range from mild to severe. This chapte

Ivf (in vitro fertilization) is the procedure where eggs are removed from a woman and the fertilization of the eggs by sperm i

IVF Costs (for those without Insurance Coverage) IVF (In Vitro Fertilization) Treatment Packages To help with the financial burden of IVF, we have developed competitively priced packages.  The packages include in-cycle ultrasound monitoring & blood tests, IVF (egg retrieval, fertilization of the eggs by sperm, & nurturing of the resultant embryos) & Embryo Transfer into the

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COAMATIC® Protein C - 82 2098 63 ENGLISH - Insert revision 12/2002 Intended use Specimen collection Calculation This kit is for the quantitative determination of Protein C activity in human citrated plasma. Nine parts of freshly drawn venous blood are collected into one part trisodium citrate. Plot the absorbance (A) for the standard samples against their protein C activity on B


Nicotine & Tobacco Research Nicotine & Tobacco Research Advance Access published July 9, 2010 Original Investigation The use of snus for quitting smoking compared with medicinal products Karl Erik Lund, Ph.D., 1 Ann McNeill, Ph.D., 2 & Janne Scheffels, Ph.D. 1 1 Norwegian Institute for Alcohol and Drug Research, Oslo, Norway 2 UK Centre for Tobacco Control Studies


DEUTSCH-SCHWEDISCHE HANDELSKAMMER • TYSK-SVENSKA HANDELSKAMMAREN Miljöservice Recyclinginformation sedan 1997 Amiralsgatan 17, 211 55 Malmö • Telefon: +46-40-304940, Telefax: +46-40-304943 Nyhetsbrev Internationell Recycling # 78 Tysk-Svenska Handelskammarens Nyhetsbrev Internationell Recycling publiceras 10 ggr/år och är en helt kostnadsfri tjänst. Vi informerar om ak


At different times, you’ll find he is distracted, confused, uncooperative, angry, and withdrawn. He may de-mand things from you immediately. He may angrily challenge you as you try to protect him from injury. Hemay refuse to do therapeutic exercises with you. He may even yell and threaten when you ask him to do theWhen you’re trying your hardest to give him the best possible care in very ch

Important product information

IMPORTANT PRODUCT INFORMATION Dear Doctor: Novartis Animal Health US, Inc. is committed to delivering safe and efficacious veterinary products, and would like to inform you about a recent development involving CLOMICALM® (clomipramine hydrochloride) tablets. Due to potential packaging issues at our manufacturing facility, there is a rare possibility that a wrong tablet may be found in bot

Microsoft word - website version penile implant 3_2011.doc

A Guide To Implantation of a Penile Prosthesis You have elected to have an implantation of penile prosthesis. The primary purpose of a penile implant is to help you achieve an erection for sexual intercourse. This booklet is aimed at helping you understand your surgery, what will happen in the hospital, and what you can expect when you go home. You should talk to your surgeon or a

C2ccd#060460 1.7

J_ID: Z7V Customer A_ID: 06-0418 Cadmus Art: CCI 21093 Date: 5-JANUARY-07Catheterization and Cardiovascular Interventions 69:000–000 (2007)Late Stent Thrombosis: Considerations and PracticalAdvice for the Use of Drug-Eluting Stents:A Report From the Society for Cardiovascular Angiographyand Interventions Drug-eluting Stent Task ForceJohn McB. Hodgson,1 * MD, FSCAI, Gregg W. Stone,2 MD, FS


De Nederlandse Richtlijnen Boezemfibrilleren H.J.G.M. Crijns1, N.M. Panhuyzen-Goedkoop2, J.H. Kingma2,3, A.A.M. Wilde4, M.A. Allessie5, J.H. Bennekers6, M.P. van den Berg1, H.A. Bosker7, I.C. van Gelder1, A.T.M. Gosselink1, O. Kamp8, J.L.R.M. Smeets5 Inleiding N.M. Panhuyzen-Goedkoop, Niet-farmacologische behandeling van boezem-Elektrische cardioversie van boezemfibrillerenEtiologi

Microsoft word - autism jim jones medical treatments.docx

Autism and “Jim Jones” Medical Treatments© Dr. Andrew Dickens NMD Healing Pathways Medical Clinic 6939 E. Main St. Scottsdale, AZ 85251 (480) 699-7400 Permission granted to be used in entirety NOT TO BE CONSTRUED AS MEDICAL ADVICE Why such a title? After reading this article I trust you will agree on the selection. But first, who was Jim Jones? Briefly, in the mi


”Localism”, global history and transnational history A reflection from the historian of early modern EuropeFew things are more sensitive to the present than history itself. Few realities are as dependent on our current existences as the way in which we approach, view and reconstruct history. For this very reason, it is in no way strange that the historians of the early twenty-first century sp

Consultancy report

Consultancy Report Ref: 6386 R01 Mr M Barter and Mr P WebberJoint Occupational Safety and Health UnitSteele CloseEastleighIn accordance with our qualityassurance procedures, this report iscountersigned by: Noise measurements of appliances and equipment Hampshire Fire and Rescue August 2000 ISVR Consultancy Services Institute of Sound and Vibration Research Contents Append


UNOFFICIAL COPY OF HOUSE BILL 719 ____________________________________________________________________________________ By: Delegates Pendergrass, Weldon, Bobo, Bronrott, DeBoy, Dumais, Frush, Heller, Jones, Kaiser, King, Krysiak, Love, Madaleno, Malone, Mandel, Marriott, Menes, Moe, Montgomery, Petzold, Rosenberg, Rudolph, and F. Turner F. Turner, Goldwater, Hurson, Hammen, Boutin, Bromwell


Italian Journal of Zoology, March 2010; 77(1): 116–121Karyotypes and Ag-NORs in Phyllomedusa camba De La Riva, 1999and P. rhodei Mertens, 1926 (Anura, Hylidae, Phyllomedusinae):cytotaxonomic considerationsC. R. PAIVA1, J. NASCIMENTO2, A. P. Z. SILVA3, P. S. BERNARDE4, & F. ANANIAS*11Curso de Cieˆncias Biolo´gicas, Universidade Sa˜o Francisco (USF), Sa˜o Paulo, Brazil, 2Curso de Cie�


Tolerance and effectiveness of a new dynamichand-wrist orthosis in chronic stroke patientsA.S. Andringa∗, Ingrid G.L. Van de Port and J.W.G. Meijer Revant Rehabilitation Centre Breda, Breda, The Netherlands Abstract . PURPOSE: To evaluate tolerance of a new dynamic hand-wrist orthosis and effectiveness on the prevention of progressive wrist contracture and spasticity after stroke. MET

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Politics-Economics 26.9. – 16.10.2005 Politik und Wirtschaft als aktuelle Prozesse Lösungen 05.16 Economiesuisse __g__; SVP-Präsident U. Maurer __g__; BR Blocher __g___; CVP-Präsidentin D. Leuthard __f__; SP-Präsident Fehr __f__; d) Bundesrat muss einen Gesetzesartikel, Bundesbeschluss ausar- siehe auch „Staat und Wirtschaft“ Seite 87 b) Wert aller Dienstleistungen


Dr Mathew Leese: Publications, Patents & Conferences - 1997-2012 Publications Steroidomimetic tetrahydroisoquinolines for the design of new microtubule disruptors. Leese, M. P.; Jourdan, F.; Dohle, W.; Kimberley, M. R.; Thomas, M. P.; Bai, R.; Hamel, E.; Ferrandis, E.; Potter, B. V. L. ACS MedChemLett 2012 , 3, 5-9. Structure-Activity Relationships of C-17-substituted estrat

Material safety data sheet

MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET   1. CHEMICAL PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Composition Concentration 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION OF PREPARATION Major Health Hazards: The onset of symptoms varies depending upon such factors as the route of absorption and quantity involved. In patients with occupational poisoning, skin symptom

74hc4075-q100; 74hct4075-q100 triple 3-input or gate

74HC4075-Q100; 74HCT4075-Q100 Triple 3-input OR gate Rev. 1 — 22 May 2013 Product data sheet 1. General description The 74HC4075-Q100; 74HCT4075-Q100 is a triple 3-input OR gate. Inputs include clamp diodes. This enables the use of current limiting resistors to interface inputs to voltages in excess of VCC. This product has been qualified to the Automotive Electronics Council (

Occupational hazards of war depleted uranium: all the questions about du and gulf war syndrome are not yet answered rosalie be

International Journal of Health Services, Volume 36, Number 3, Pages 503– 520, 2006 © 2006, Baywood Publishing Co., Inc. Occupational Hazards of War DEPLETED URANIUM: ALL THE QUESTIONS ABOUT DU AND GULF WAR SYNDROME ARE NOT YET ANSWERED Rosalie Bertell For 15 years, the debate about depleted uranium (DU) and its detrimental effects on the health of veterans of the Gulf War of 1991, on t

Graisse blanche lithium

FICHE DE SECURITE Rédigée conforméméent à la réglementation (CE) n. 1907/2006 du 18 décembre 2006 Modifiée en novembre 2009 Produit : GRAISSE BLANCHE LITHIUM HPCA130 IDENTIFICATION DE LA SOCIETE ET DU PRODUIT GRAISSE BLANCHE LITHIUM Utilisation Lubrifiant pour paliers et roulements HAUTE PERFORMANCE CHIMIE Societé 42 610 SAINT ROMAIN LE PUY - FRANCE TEL 04 77

Microsoft word - acute gastroenteritis.docx

Acute Gastroenteritis (Diarrheal illness) in Guyana The Ministry of Health has received an unusual number of calls from the public relating to diarrheal illnesses. In addition, the media has also become very interested in the public health problem. The Ministry of Health believes if people are kept informed, they will be able to take necessary action to reduce the problem. It is a public hea


Syllabus for Bio200B Winter 2005: Biomolecules and energetics John Wagner Kate Heston The textbook we will use in this class is Principles of Biochemistry with a Human Focus by Garret and Grisham. 2002, Harcourt Publishers. Some reading will also be assigned in the book that you used in the first quarter, The Cell a Molecular Approach (Third ed.) by Cooper and Hausman. 2004, ASM Press.

Österreichische_toxoscreening_rl_150113 incl anhänge

„Österreichische Richtlinie für das Toxoplasmose-Screening in der Schwangerschaft und frühen Kindheit“ Screening, Therapie und kindliches Follow-up Diese Richtlinie wurde unter der Koordination von Andrea-Romana Prusa unter Mitarbeit der „Arbeitsgruppe Toxoplasmose“ im Rahmen der Arbeitsgruppe Infektiologie der Österreichischen Gesellschaft für Kinderheilkunde

Ariad pharmaceuticals, inc. v. eli lilly and company and wyeth v. diana levine

10 - COMMENTS (273-277) - VOL1 ISSUE2 (DO NOT DELETE) 7/9/2010 1:00 PM CITE AS: 1 HASTINGS. SCI. AND TECH. L.J. 269 ARIAD PHARMACEUTICALS, INC. V. ELI LILLY AND COMPANY —- F.3d ——, 2009 WL 877642, C.A.Fed. (Mass.), April 03, 2009 (NO. 2008-1248) STATEMENT OF THE FACTS Defendant-Appellant Eli Lilly and Company (“Lilly”) appeals the district court’s ruling that the patent a

Microsoft word - dysartrirapporten.doc

Rikstäckande nätverk för barn- och ungdomshabiliteringen i Sverige. Grundad 1994 2006-2007 Föreningen Sveriges Habiliteringschefer har som uppgift att verka för en utveckling av habiliteringsverksamheten för barn och ungdomar utifrån de övergripande mål som beskrivs i hälso- och sjukvårdslagen samt lagen om särskilt stöd och service till vissa funktionshindrade. Föreningen ska


Caring for the Critically Ill Patient Effect of Prolonged MethylprednisoloneTherapy in Unresolving AcuteRespiratory Distress SyndromeG. Umberto Meduri, MD; A. Stacey Headley, MD; Emmel Golden, MD; Stephanie J. Carson, RN;Reba A. Umberger, RN; Tiffany Kelso, PharmD; Elizabeth A. Tolley, PhD Context.— No pharmacological therapeutic protocol has been found effective in modifying the clinical


[Downloaded free from http://www.ijdvl.com on Monday, April 13, 2009] Review Article Narrow band UVB phototherapy in dermatologySunil Dogra, Amrinder Jit KanwarDepartment of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology, Postgraduate Institute of Medical Education & Research, Chandigarh, India. Address for correspondence: Dr. A. J. Kanwar, Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Leprology,

Address line one

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Abbott to Present Positive Phase 2 Results from Multiple Interferon-Free Studies of Combination Regimens for the Treatment of Hepatitis C ABBOTT PARK Ill., Apr. 4, 2012 – Abbott will present clinical trial results from two different interferon-free, Phase 2 studies for the treatment of hepatitis C (HCV) at the Contacts: International Liver Congress™ 2012

01 dvd thr complications information sheet 2006 final

RISKS AND COMPLICATIONS TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENT RISKS AND COMPLICATIONS - TOTAL HIP REPLACEMENT INTRODCUTION (1) ANAESTHETIC AND MEDICAL: (2) BLOOD TRANSFUSION: (3) INFECTION: 1. Superficial Wound Infection 2. Deep Infection (4) WOUND AND LEG PROBLEMS: 1. Wound Haematoma: 2. Tender Scar and Trochanteric Bursitis: 3. Leg Swelling: 4. Groin Aches: 6. Leg Leng

Microsoft word - 102608 icaac 2008 phase 2 data release.doc

Paratek Reports Positive Phase 2 Clinical Data on its New Antibiotic PTK 0796 in Late Breaker Presentation at the 48th Annual Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy BOSTON, Oct. 26 /PRNewswire/ -- Paratek Pharmaceuticals, Inc. today announced positive Phase 2 data for the Company’s lead antibiotic, PTK 0796, a first-in-class aminomethylcycline (AMC).


Dermatologic Therapy S K I N & A L L E R G Y N E W S • A p r i l 2 0 0 7 Imiquimod Useful Before, After Cancer Surgery Pretreatment can shrink a BCC lesion, and use after matol. Surg. 2005;31:1399-403). A total of20 patients who each had two nevi excised surgery may improve scarring and prevent recurrence. were instructed to apply topi




WHAT EVERYONE SHOULD KNOW BEFORE HAVING LASIK SURGERY Let us help answer some of the most commonly asked questions ISN’T ALL LASIK THE SAME? No, there are about 140 variations on the Lasik procedure, based upon the equipment used. When the military approved Lasik for astronauts in 2007, they chose iLasik. This represents a specific combination of all-laser equipment, n


Extrait du bulletin de liaison "Le Défi n°16, décembre 2003, LHFB. MALADIE DE HUNTINGTON : RECHERCHE FONDAMENTALE ET MODELES ANIMAUX Raphael Hourez, Laboratoire de Neurophysiologie, ULB-Erasme, rahourez@ulb.ac.be et David Blum, Laboratoire de Neurochirurgie Expérimentale/IRIBHM, ULB-Erasme, dablum@ulb.ac.be Partie 1 : Mécanismes de toxicité de la Huntingtine mutée Du g


EMPRESA SOCIAL DEL ESTADO HOSPITAL SAN JOSE MUNICIPIO DE BELEN DE UMBRIA - RISARALDA TAB TRASTORNO AFECTIVO BIPOLAR Se conoce como TAB a la presencia cíclica de severos irritabilidad, incapacidad para el disfrute, sensación de episodios de depresión (entendida como una disminución tristeza o vacío, baja autoestima en algunos casos, ideas de de la energía vital, desint


Uitspraak van de Huurcommissie Verzoek Wet op het overleg huurders verhuurder (WOHV) Woonruimte 73 woningen in de . te . Zaaknummer WOHV 005 Datum zitting 21 december 2012 Verzoeker Naam: Verzonden op 16 januari 2013 Vertegenwoordigd door: Heer ., voorzitter bestuur en heer . Wederpartij Naam: Vertegenwoordigd door: Heer ., bedrijfsjurist, heer . en heer .


opmærksom på: Behandling af ADHD og andre kroniske tilstande skal altid varetages af en professionel behandler. Kroniske og alvorlige tilstande egner sig aldrig til selv-behandling. Vær kritisk i valget af behandler og vælg en, der er veluddannet, og som du har tillid til. En klassisk homøopatisk behandling er baseret på velfun-derede behandlingsprincipper, og det er dem, der henvis

A holistic approach to tmj

A Holistic Approach to TMJ Utilizing Advanced Therapeutic Massage Techniques Nutritional Therapy, and Emotional Release Processes Understanding that TMJ (temporo-mandibular joint) pain and associated problems make it difficult if not impossible to identify the exact nature of the cause of the problem. We have approached TMJ with the attitude that we cannot fix everyone, but can contribut

Microsoft word - 6.sem.re.eks,v07_net.doc

6. semester Re-eksamen/Sygeeksamen (med svar) vinter 2006/2007 TEMA A. Infektionssygdomme På en vagt indlægges bl.a. følgende 3 patienter: Patient A, en 25-årig mand med intravenøst stofmisbrug i 7 år, henvises af egen læge på grund af feber, træthed, tør hoste og tiltagende åndenød gennem 4-6 uger. Objektivt er patienten vågen, klar og relevant, men lettere akut påvirket.

89246 haarweg eg

EG-Sicherheitsdatenblatt Handelsname: Haarweg fl. Produkt-Nr.: 89246 Stand: 07.12.2007 1. Stoff/Zubereitungs- und Firmenbezeichnung Angaben zum Produkt Handelsname: Angaben zum Hersteller / Lieferant Adresse: Notruf-Telefon: 2. Zusammensetzung/Angaben zu Bestandteilen Chemische Charakterisierung: Wässrige Lösung von Alkalien, Hilfsstoffen, Emulgatoren, Fa

Microsoft word - contents.htm

TABLE OF CONTENTS OF Why are Artists 1. Art is What People Call Art / 2. Cultural Inferiority and Superiority Color the Economy of the Arts / 2. ‘Art is Sacred' / 4. ‘Art is Authentic' / 5. ‘Art is Superfluous and Remote' / 6. ‘Art Goes Against the Rules and so Adds to Cognition’ (Goodman) / 7. ‘Artists Resemble Magicians’ (A personal view) / 8. The Mythology of the Arts Inf

Hertfordshire county council

Hertfordshire County Council (the “Council”) GENERAL CONDITIONS OF PURCHASE applicable to all purchase orders (the order) placed with the Council’s suppliers (the Contractors”) Variation Neither the Council nor the Contractor shall be bound by any waiver, variation or addition to these conditions unless that variation, waiver or addition shall have been agreed and

Howick college

HOWICK COLLEGE AWARDS FOR SERVICE AND LEADERSHIP – 2012 Bronze Award for Service to Ingham House Bronze Award for Service to MacDonald House Second Council Bronze Award for Service to Bell House Junior Committee Bronze Award for Service to Ingham House Bronze Award for Service to Bell House Junior Committee Bronze Award for Service to Ingham House Bronze Award for Service to Mine

Protocol for outpatient treatment and prophylaxis of h1n1 influenza

REGION 4 PUBLIC HEALTH H1N1 Incident Management Protocol for Outpatient Treatment and Prophylaxis of H1N1 Influenza Table of Contents: A. Policy B. Procedure C. Criteria for Treatment D. Criteria for Prophylaxis E. Case Definitions F. Antiviral Treatment G. Antiviral Prophylaxis H. Special Considerations: Infants and Pregnant Women I. Dosing tables Appendix A: Pharmacy Memorand


Evidence Summary: Using SSRI Antidepressants and Other Newer Antidepressants to Treat Depression in Young People: What are the issues and what is the evidence? headspace is funded by the Australian Government under the Promoting Better Mental Health – Youth Mental Health Initiative Section A: Evidence Summary: Using SSRI Antidepressants and Other Newer Antidepressants to Treat

Pv 3530 amp

CIALIS® (tadalafil) DESCRIPTION CIALIS (tadalafil), an oral treatment for erectile dysfunction, is a selective inhibitor of cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP)-specific phosphodiesterase type 5 (PDE5). Tadalafil has the empirical formula C22H19N3O4 representing a molecular weight of 389.41. The structural formula is: The chemical designation is pyrazino[1′,2′:1,6]pyrido[3,4-b]ind


Tamoxifen Therapy for Breast Cancer and Endometrial Cancer Risk Leslie Bernstein, Dennis Deapen, James R. Cerhan, Stephen M. Schwartz,Jonathan Liff, Erin McGann-Maloney, Jeffrey A. Perlman, Leslie Ford cancer risk was at least as great as that of a 60-year-old woman Background: Tamoxifen is effective in treating breast cancer, to receive either tamoxifen (20 mg/day for 5 years) or plac


locations with no electric power technological processes and laboratories long term field measurement Loggers are designed for record of voltage signal 0-5V (optionally 0- 10V) or current signal 0-20mA. Values are stored to a non volatile electronic memory. Data transfer to the personal computer for further analysis is performed via serial interface RS232, USB or Ethernet by means of a prope

Examview - chapter4review.tst

Name: ________________________ Class: ___________________ Date: __________ Chapter 4 Review Short Answer Scenario 4-6 Read the following brief article about aspirin and alcohol. Aspirin may enhance impairment by alcohol Aspirin, a long time antidote for the side effects of drinking, may actually enhance alcohol’s effect, researchers at the Bronx Veterans’ Affairs Medical Center

Fi i-123 hippuran juni 06

Fachinformation Name des Präparates Hippurat-lod-123 Heider Injektionslösung Zusammensetzung Wirkstoff: Hilfstoffe: Natri citras, Natri phosphates, Aqua q.s. ad solutionem Galenische Form und Wirkstoffmenge pro Einheit Sterile, klare, wässrige Lösung. Wirkstoffmenge: 18,5 – 370 MBq Indikation • Untersuchungen der Nierenfunktion mittels Gammakamera Quantit


Síndrome Confusional Agudo (Delirium)"Guía práctica de diagnóstico y tratamiento" SINDROME CONFUSIONAL (DELIRIUM) “Guía práctica de diagnóstico y tratamiento” Mª Isabel Ruiz, Unidad de Psiquiatría de EnlaceValentín Mateos, Servicio de NeurologíaHéctor Suárez, Servicio de Medicina Interna IIPaz Villaverde, Servicio de Medicina Interna IHOSPITAL UNIVERSITARIO


PRACTICE LEAFET HIGH STREET MEDICAL CENTRE GOLBORNE Dr. A B Anis & Dr. Mrs. Y F Anis Our practice is one of the practices at Golborne Health Centre in Kidglove House. It is a two partner practice with Drs. A. B. Anis and Mrs. Y. F. Anis. Our aim is to provide patients with readily available medical care of the highest standard for the whole family whilst upholding the traditional fr

Health sciences authority

SINGAPORE, 4 OCTOBER 2001 HEALTH SCIENCES AUTHORITY PRESS RELEASE HSA INVESTIGATES COUNTERFEIT VIAGRA The Health Sciences Authority (HSA) through our Centre for PharmaceuticalAdministration (CPA) commenced an investigation on 23 July 2001 upon the receipt ofinformation from Pfizer Pte Ltd (Pfizer) that counterfeit Viagra was supposedly availableat Redhill market, Bukit Merah a


Übersicht ausgeschriebener Rabattverträge der AOK Baden-Württemberg zu patentfreien Wirkstoffen Stand: 01.06.2013 Wirkstoff(e) Anwendungsgebiet (Auszug) Vertragspartner Laufzeit Zuzahlungsverzicht Acarbose Diabetes Mellitus 06/2013 - 05/2015 HzV; Facharzt-Vert. (§ 73 c SGB V) Aciclovir Virale Infektionen (Herpes) 10/2012 - 09/2014 HzV; Facharzt-Vert. (§ 73 c SGB


respiratory function, emphysema, pulmonary fibrosis, chronic obstructive Acetylsalicylic acid / paracetamol / codeine phosphate hemihydrate pulmonary disease, bronchorrhea, severe tuberculosis, chest trauma (codeine depresses respiration and interferes with the compensatory mechanisms Read all this leaflet carefully because it contains information important to triggered by ventilation de

New menu autumn & winter 201

Breakfast Daily Specials Savoury Croissant - Ham & cheese Chiswick, W4 Café Bar Toasted Bagel - Jam or Marmalade £2.25 Quiche of the Day Autumn & Winter Menu Add any regular hot drink for an extra £1.25 Salads are available upon request £6.00 Pastries Toasted Bagel served with cream cheese or hummus Cucumber, tomato, red onion & olives (v)


Generic pill manufacturers win Prozac fight IP column published in The Lawyers Weekly May 30, 1997 Eli Lilly may be feeling depressed and anxious about its anti-depression and anti-anxiety drug PROZAC. If drug companies have therapists, Eli Lilly’s is probably advising it: stay calm, breathe deeply, and try to think positive thoughts. Eli Lilly’s action alleging that three generic dru


ALERGIA A LOS MEDICAMENTOS DEFINICIÓN La alergia a medicamentos es una reacción producida por la toma de un producto, que no responde a los efectos farmacológicos del mismo, que es impredecible y que se reproduce con pequeñas cantidades del mismo. Es una reacción adversa por medicamentos que se encuadra dentro de las mismas pero con características bien definidas y diferentes a otra

The minor tranquilizers, including xanax, valium, buspar, ati.

The Minor Tranquilizers, Including Xanax, Valium, BuSpar, Ativan, an. WARNING! When trying to withdraw from many psychiatric drugs, patients can develop serious and even life-threatening emotional and physical reactions. In short, it is dangerous not only to start taking psychiatric drugs but also can be hazardous to stop taking them. Therefore, withdrawal from psychiatric drugs


The Fires Within Inflammation is the body's first defense against infection, but when it goes awry, it can lead to heart attacks, colon cancer, Alzheimer's and a host of other diseases By CHRISTINE GORMAN AND ALICE PARK Feb. 23, 2004 What does a stubbed toe or a splinter in a finger have to do with your risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, suffering a heart attack or succumbing

Microsoft word - head flicking.doc

Head-Flicking/Shaking Now this is a difficult one. Something, the most likely candidate being a neuro-toxin, causes damage to the trigeminal nerve. This is a major facial nerve which goes from behind the eye down the face and branches out to the nostrils and mouth areas. Once it is damaged, increased blood supply, such as on exercise, triggers ‘electrical’ sensations down the nerve,

Are your hormones out of balance

Are Your Hormones Out of Balance? By Jackie Harvey While drug companies, politicians, doctors and health gurus argue what is in the best interest of women’s health, women themselves are rarely given a voice in the hormonal health debate, an arena that sees women the casualties of exploitation and victims of political agendas. Women’s hormonal chal enges are big business in the healthcar

Orientações angiograf cateterism

Hospital Estadual Bauru Av. Eng. Luís Edmundo C. Coube, 1-100 CEP: 17033-360 - Bauru/SP Fone: (14) 3103-7777 ORIENTAÇÕES OBRIGATÓRIAS PARA REALIZAÇÃO DE CATETERISMO CARDÍACO ANGIOGRAFIA VASCULAR PERIFÉRICA E ANGIOPLASTIA 1) Jejum de no mínimo 4 horas. Se o exame for realizado no período da tarde, o paciente deverá tomar o café da manhã entre 07 e 08 horas. Hidratar-s

110429 himj 41-2.indd

Social media in health – what are the safety concerns for health consumers? Annie Y.S. Lau, Elia Gabarron, Luis Fernandez-Luque and Manuel Armayones Abstract Recent literature has discussed the unintended consequences of clinical information technologies (IT) on patient safety, yet there has been little discussion about the safety concerns in the area of consumer health IT . This

Microsoft word - david matchar - cv

CURRICULUM VITAE DAVID BRUCE MATCHAR, MD, FACP, FAHA Appointments: Inaugural Director and Professor, Program in Health Services and Systems Research, Duke-NUS Graduate Medical School, Singapore Professor, Department of Internal Medicine (General Internal Medicine) Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC Director, Duke Center of Clinical Health Policy Research North Carolina License

Microsoft word - changzhou lithium batteries lid.doc

This specification Polymer applies to the Lithium Polymer Rechargeable Button Battery serial LIRXXXX. 2. Type and Model z Type: Lithium Polymer rechargeable button battery. z Model: Lithium Polymer rechargeable button battery serial LIRXXXX 3. Produce Introduce Polymer LBA Lithium Polymer battery, depending on “ better technology, better management” concept and leading technique equi

Sportsystems meet organisation

City of Cambridge Winter Open Meet Session - 5 EVENT 17 Womens MD 200m Backstroke 09 Yrs Age Group - Full Results Place 10 Yrs Age Group - Full Results Place 11 Yrs Age Group - Full Results Place 12 Yrs Age Group - Full Results Place 13 Yrs Age Group - Full Results Place 14 Yrs Age Group - Full Results Place 15 Yrs Age Group - Full Results Place 16 Yrs Age Group - Full

Microsoft word - house leadership letter v.2.1 final.doc

The Honorable John Boehner Speaker of the House of Representatives The Honorable Eric Cantor Majority Leader, House of Representatives The Honorable Nancy Pelosi Minority Leader, House of Representatives February 22, 2011 Dear Speaker Boehner, Majority Leader Cantor, and Minority Leader Pelosi: It is shocking to imagine that in the next major global humanitarian crisis – the next Haiti, Tsunami,

Microsoft word - document

Study Blasts TV Drug Ads MONDAY, Jan. 29 (HealthDay News) -- In strong criticism of the pharmaceutical industry's marketing practices, new research claims that televised ads for prescription drugs are riddled with emotional appeals and lack helpful information on the disease itself. "The ads really use emotion instead of information to promote drugs," said the study's lead author,


102-101 Klahanie Drive, Port Moody, BC, V3H 0C3, CanadaTel 604 461-PAWS | www.healingpawsvet.ca | doc@healingpawsvet.caSummer is here! It’s time for all of us and our fur kids to get out and enjoy the beautiful lakes, rivers and ocean we have here in BC. If you have a fur fish, it is really important to remember to keep them clean and dry after swimming. During the summer months at Healing


Achieving Medication Reconciliation for Heart Failure Patients Through the Use of a System to Catch Physician Dictation ErrorsMarianne Morrissey BSN, RNVictoria Abud BSN, RNRochelle Bakker BSN, RN Spectrum Health Heart Failure Quality ProgramIdentify greatest opportunities for improvement Medication Reconciliation Discharge Summary Discrepancies  Discharge Summary Including Pa

Microsoft word - ff treament of bleeding disorders.doc

HEMOPET/HEMOLIFE 11330 Markon Drive, Garden Grove, California 92841 TREATMENT OF BLEEDING DISORDERS VON WILLEBRAND’S DISEASE (VWD) For short-term control of bleeding or prophylaxis for dogs at risk to bleed from vWD (vonWillebrands disease):1. For elective procedures, assess bleeding potential first with a toenail or mucosal bleeding time. Normal2. Use L-thyroxine therapy at 0.1 m

Microsoft word - confused and aggressive patients.doc

Guideline: Care of Confused and Aggressive Patients (Some of these features are present in terminal agitation, see the Integrated Confusion is common in patients with advanced cancer. Up to 20% of hospitalised cancer patients have organic mental disorders. More than 75% of terminally ill cancer patients become confused at some stage. Aggression may be a feature of confusion in any patient, howe


JESS DRASKAU PETERSSON LONDON 2012 OLYMPIC MARATHON INFORMATION PACK THURSDAY PACKING CHECKLIST Vest and shorts Socks and white compression sleaves Track suit Racing shoes Trainers Friday lunchFriday dinnerSaturday breakfastSaturday lunchSaturday dinnerSunday breakfastPowder enough for 13 drinks3 normal gels3 caffeine gelshair bandsbottles for 12 drinksRecovery drink / barsHat


Sorry mensen, maar het is niet meer volledig in te halen. Vandaar een “beknopte” versie. Op donderdag 3 maart hebben we een avond van de NL-club. Deze keer thuis bij Mw. BettyBausch, zij is samen met haar zus Lies de auteur van het boek ‘Bewogen stilte,oorlogsherinneringen van twee zussen’ waarin zij verhalen over hun oorlogsverleden enreizen naar Israel. Het is een indrukwekkende avond.


WISSEN AKTUELL Kombinationstherapie: Bei wem, wann und womit? «Zielwerte erreichen bei Hypertonie – Neue Datenlage und Kon- nie-Experte zu bedenken. Mangelnde Compliance war zuvor auch zepte»: An der dritten Ausgabe der Swiss-Medicine-Arena® vom von den Teilnehmern der Swiss-Medicine-Arena in der vor Ort 17. Juni 2011 diskutierten Prof. Dr. med. Paul Erne, Chefarzt durchgef�

Microsoft word - psoriasis_neu22.02.doc

Psoriasis (Schuppenflechte) Psoriasis ist eine chronische, entzündliche Hautkrankheit, bei der das Immunsystem eine wichtige Rolle spielt. Sie kommt weltweit bei rund 2% der Bevölkerung vor und äussert sich meist durch chronisch-wiederkehrende, verdickte, gerötete und mehr oder weniger stark schuppende Hautveränderungen. Diese finden sich einzeln oder zahlreich irgendwo, oft symmetrisc

Inflammatory and suppurative diseases of lungs

Inflammatory and suppurative diseases of lungs Pneumonia Definition: To the pathologist, pneumonia is an infection of the alveoli, distal airways, and interstitium of the lung that is manifested by increased weight of the lungs, replacement ofthe normal lung’s sponginess by consolidation, and alveoli filled with white blood cells, redblood cells, and fibrin. To the clinician, pneumoni

Microsoft word - non-surgical.docx

Non-Surgical/Medical Abortions: Ru-486/Mifeprex Abortion Pill, Methotrexate Injection Non-surgical / medical abortion or abortion by pill is a relatively new method of termination of pregnancy for early pregnancies (below 7-9 weeks of pregnancy from the first day of the last menstrual period, confirmed by ultrasound dating). Even prior to RU-486 or Mifeprex , our very experienced, New


STANDORTE Praxisklinik Bergedorf Alte Holstenstraße 16 | 21031 Hamburg DARMKREBS- Bitte nehmen Sie keine feste Nahrung zu sich. Erlaubt sind Tel: +49 40 – 7 25 75 230 / 134 / 130 | Fax: 7 25 75 135Kaffee oder Tee ohne Milch, außerdem sollten Sie reichlich kohlensäurefreies Mineralwasser trinken. Bethesda Krankenhaus Bergedorf VORSORGE Ca. eine Stunde bevor Sie zu sic


Halászatfejlesztés 33 - Fisheries & Aquaculture Development (2011) 33:170-177 ISBN:978-963-7120-31-2 © HAKI 2011 Új módszer az indukált csukaszaporítás során nyert ikra termékenyülésének növelésére Szabó Tamás Szent István Egyetem, Halgazdálkodási Tanszék, Gödöllő Az indukált csukaszaporítás hatékonyságát nagymértékben csökkenti a kinyert ik

Microsoft word - justice md. imman ali.doc

Justice Md. Imman Ali Do children have rights? The answer is too obvious. As citizens of the country they have all the rights as any other adult citizen, subject to embargos imposed by specific laws requiring attainment of majority. Article 27 of the Constitution provides, ‘All citizens are equal before law and are entitled to equal protection of law.’ Article 31 provides, ‘To

Microsoft word - tenyearsarticlepp.doc


A u s i e i t u n gs ve rf a h r e n

Impuls Begegnung Orientierung Pflanzenheilkunde (Phytotherapie) (aus Natürliches Heilen, Methodenüberblick 1, Dr. phil. Peter Gilgen) Inhaltsverzeichnis: Einleitung Die wissenschaftliche Erforschung Wunderwerk Natur Von der alten Kräuterkunde zur modernen Phytotherapie Anwendungen und Zubereitungen Wirkportraits einiger Heilpflanzen Einleitung Die Nutzung pflanzlicher Heilm

Proposed outline of short discussion on the benefits of the pbs to the australian community

The Benefits of the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme to the Australian Community and the Impact of Increased Copayments The Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) has served the Australian community well. Increased growth in the cost of the PBS over the last decade is due to a number of factors. These include the listing of new, more expensive medicines on the PBS; the growth in the numbers of p


SICHERHEITSDATENBLATT gemäß 1907/2006/EG, Artikel 31 Seite 1/8 Bremsentod Wasserbasis 1. Stoff/Zubereitungs- und Firmenbezeichnung Handelsname Bezeichnung des Stoffes Beabsichtigter Gebrauch / beabsichtige Nutzung: Hersteller / Lieferant Cit Fabrik chemisch technische Produkte GmbH Kärntnerstraße 415 b 8054 Graz Österreich Tel: Notfallauskunft


Psychiatrists, Children and Drug Industry’s Role - New York Times May 10, 2007 Psychiatrists, Children and Drug Industry’s Role By GARDINER HARRIS, BENEDICT CAREY and JANET ROBERTS When Anya Bailey developed an eating disorder after her 12th birthday, her mother took her to a psychiatrist at the University of Minnesota who prescribed a powerful antipsychotic drug called Rispe


Pieter J. Wijngaarden1Ã, Frank van den Bosch2, Michael J. Jeger31Laboratory of Genetics, Wageningen University, Arboretumlaan 4, NL-6703 BD Wageningen, The Netherlands2Biomathematics Unit, Rothamsted Research, Harpenden, Hertfordshire AL5 2JQ, UK3Department of Agricultural Sciences, Imperial College London, Wye Campus, Wye, Ashford, Kent TN25 5AH, UKPopulations of pathogenic organisms often e

Fd05 - hsl mathematical software library

1 SUMMARY This function supplies real-valued machine constants relating to the floating-point storage and arithmetic of A nonzero floating-point number is stored in the form ± m β , where β is known as the base (or radix) of thearithmetic, m is the mantissa (or significand or fraction) and e is the exponent (or characteristic). The mantissa isusually normalized so that any floating

Higland school district

HIGHLAND SCHOOL DISTRICT Minutes of the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education—Open Session April 14, 2010 Call to Order – The regular meeting of the Highland School District Board of Education was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Board President Lori Olson-Pink. Roll Call by Clerk – Members present: Greg Biba, Jim Drury, Tom Johanning, J.J. Linscheid, Lori Olson-Pink, L

Is there a place for medical treatment in the social policy toward drug dependence?

IS DRUG ADDICTION A TREATABLE MEDICAL ILLNESS? A Comparison With Other Chronic Illnesses 1 The Treatment Research Institute, 2 The Penn-VA Center for Studies of Addiction at the University of Pennsylvania, 3 The Brown University Center for Alcohol and Addiction Studies, 4 The Center for Addiction and Substance Abuse at Columbia University and 5Brown University Reprint Requests to A. Tho

Hartford aftercare instructions final

AFTERCARE INSTRUCTIONS You have just had a safe and simple pregnancy termination. Even though we expect no complications, it is very important for you to take care of yourself. After your follow-up appointment, you may return to your normal activities. Until then, please follow the suggestions and restrictions that follow. Please keep these instructions so that you can refer to them if

Mass administration of the antimalarial drug mefloquine to guantnamo detainees: a critical analysis

Tropical Medicine and International Healthvolume 17 no 10 pp 1281–1288 october 2012Mass administration of the antimalarial drug mefloquine toGuanta´namo detainees: a critical analysisDepartment of Preventive Medicine, Bayne-Jones Army Community Hospital, Ft. Polk, LA, USARecently, evidence has emerged from an unusual form of mass drug administration practised amongdetainees held at US Naval

Microsoft word - h22.doc

Therapy for mothers and prevention for neonatesPerinatal (vertical) HIV infection has become rare since the introduction of antiret-roviral transmission prophylaxis and elective cesarean section. While the verticalHIV transmission rate ranged from 15 to 20 % in the United States and Europe atthe beginning of the nineties, it now amounts to only a few percent (Connor 1994,European Collaborative St

Huittisten kaupungin asuntopoliittinen strategia

Huittisten kaupunki Asuntopolitiikan linjat 2010 Sisällysluettelo 1. Johdanto 2. Aravalainoitettu vuokra-asuminen Huittisissa 2.1. käyttö- ja luovutusrajoitukset 2.2. vuokra-asuntokannan rakenne 2.3. vuokra-asuntojen vuokrataso 3.1. Asuntorahasto 3.2. kunnat valitsevat kohteet 3.3. Arava- ja korkotukilainoituksen määrä Huittisissa 3.4. Seutukunnallinen yhteistyö 4. Huittist


Could Coffee Really be GOOD for You? My understanding of coffee's virtues was greatly enhanced by my interview withauthor of The Warrior Diet and Unlocking the Muscle Gene , who has researched coffee extensively. Ori explained how coffee, when consumed in the right way, can be used effectively as part of your overall health and fitness plan. Although organic coffee as a whole food may be th

The legal services authorities act, 1987


Microsoft word - litliste ab vt 29 .03.07.doc

Klinik f. Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie des Universitätsklinikums Hamburg Eppendorf PUBLIKATIONEN DISSERTATIONEN DIPLOMARBEITEN THEMENBEREICHE Angststörungen Zwangsstörungen Zwangsspektrumsstörungen Depressionen Dissoziative Störungen Persönlichkeit / Persönlichkeitsstörungen Schizophrenie Sucht Psychosomatik Behandlungsstrategien (weitere Publikationen hierzu si

Microsoft word - 1d-thc.doc

Design VerificationHumaDrug C3 Specificity, sensitivity and agreement .2 HumaDrug CANNABINOIDS (THC) has been designed as a rapid 1-step test for the qualitative detection ofcannabinoids (THC) in human urine. The test is based on a competitive immunochromatographic technique,featuring immobilized drug and dye-labeled anti-THC antibodies. If cannabinoids are


ASU Herberger Institute Season Subscriptions Ticket Form Please specify the number of tickets next to the preferred date and time below. Subscription enrol ment requires a minimum purchase of four event tickets per person. Information Colin Higgins: The Best Big Love by Charles L. Mee Little Whorehouse in Texas Last Name Emerging Artists I (Workshop $8) (Smith

Microsoft word - minutes - june 2013

Hunt Club Park Community Association Meeting Minutes June 26, 2013 ATTENDEES *Carole submitted a written proxy to Yasmin Latif for any decision being made/voted on. DESCRIPTION DISCUSSION RESPONSIBLE Meeting was called Approval of the Approved by Dale Olm, 2nd by Karen Michaud Approval of the Approved by Karen Michaud, 2nd by Yasmin Latif DART Team Direct

Afb flyer

Hawai`i Department of Agriculture Apiary Program Cause: Paenibacillus larvae , a spore-forming bacterium. Effect: American foulbrood (AFB) is one of the most widespread and the most destructive of the honey bee brood diseases. At first, the population of an infected colony is not no-ticeably decreased and only a few dead larvae or pupae may be present. The disease may develop slowly, wea


Send Your Gifts to the Oldest Inhabited Areas of Our World The In-Kind Gifts Program of Helping Hand for Relief & Development (HHRD), By the Grace of Allah SWT and kind support by patrons like you, has been saving lives and enhancing lives of hundreds & thousands since 2008. Severe drought of late July 2011 was followed by December 20th, 2011, heaviest rains in 57 years, resultin


Ting Zhang,1,2 Yuan Li,1 Jian-Ping Lai,1 Steven D. Douglas,1 David S. Metzger,3 Charles P. O’Brien,3 and Wen-Zhe Ho1 Alcohol consumption accelerates liver damage and diminishes the anti– hepatitis C virus (HCV) effect of interferon alfa (IFN- ␣ ) in patients with HCV infection. It is unknown, however, whether alcohol enhances HCV replication and promotes HCV disease progres- sion. The avail

Unfortunately, some of our citizens who have been influenced so much so by the ideology of “free market system” and are unaware about the complex ideas that capitalism espouses either in its classical or water-down version

National Security: The Quest for Stability Sustainable Development (Part I: Faith Intolerance) All citizens of Ethiopia are entitled to protection from human-made harms of anykind, which by extension compels the EPRDF lead government to have a vigorousnational security policy. For the Ethiopian government, as much as it is for any otherlegitimate government in the world, the peaceful e

(microsoft word - drogas terap\352uticas.doc)

Comentários O ácido valpróico (Depakene, Epilenil) é um anticonvulsivante também usado em distúrbios bipolares e na profilaxia da enxaqueca. Sua dosagem é útil para monitorização dos níveis terapêuticos e toxicidade. Cerca de 90% da droga liga-se à albumina, com pico plasmático em 1 a 8 horas e meia-vida de 6 a 16 horas. Estado de equilíbrio ocorre após 3 dias de uso do medi


Insulinoma How to Recognize It and Emergency Treatment Insulinomic ferrets may just act a little tired, lethargic. Their back legs may wobble. They may seem "out of it" and stare at nothing. They may feel nauseous. Some let you know by pawing at their mouths. More severe symptoms include seizures or comas, which are life threatening, of course. If an Insulinomic ferret is comatose

Microsoft word - 2006-10-01 - for such a time as this - revd philip bradford.doc

'For such a time as this' Sermon preached on Sunday 1st October 2006, 17th Sunday after Pentecost Readings: Esther 7.1-10; 9.20-22 A few years ago a Jewish historian, Deborah Lipstadt, was sued for libel by the English author David Irving for calling him a holocaust denier and right wing extremist. To the surprise of many she successfully defended herself and the trial judge determined t


Executive Office of Health and Human Services Information for Parents about Influenza and Schools Is influenza still a concern in Massachusetts? Yes. Influenza, is also called “flu.” Flu, including the pandemic H1N1 kind, is expected to spread in Massachusetts this fall and winter. Flu is a cause of serious illness in thousands of people every year. It can be prevented with a va

Traci a

Traci A. Wilgus, Ph.D. Phone: (614) 366-8526 Fax: (614) 366-9389 Education: Bachelor of Science, Microbiology The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Doctor of Philosophy, Molecular Virology, Immunology & Medical Genetics The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH Dissertation Title: Inflammation in ultraviolet light B-induced carcinogenesis, wound healing and fibrosis in adult and f

Wellbutrin sr

NDA 18-644/S-039 NDA 18-644/S-040 NDA 20-358/S-046 NDA 20-358/S-047 Page 56 (see CLINICAL TRIALS under CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY). Based on these limited data, it is unknown whether or not the dose of WELLBUTRIN SR needed for maintenance treatment is identical to the dose needed to achieve an initial response. Patients should be periodically reassessed to determine the need for maintenance treatme

E-circus pre kick-off meeting

e-Circus internal meeting : Monday 8th May 2006 10:30 - 12:30 Present: Sarah, Scott, Steve, Megan, Rafal, Kerstin Purpose of meeting: review progress with: scenarios, refugee workshop plans. Receive report from Steve. Items covered • scenarios (cultural issues; fleshing of scenarios) • refugee workshop • report from Steve • I Power I National Anti-Bullying Conf.


FACT SHEET — Osteoporosis What is Osteoporosis? Osteoporosis is a disease that weakens bones, resulting in an increased loss of bone massand bone strength, which in turn makes them more susceptible to sudden and unexpectedfractures. Often the disease progresses without any symptoms or pain and is notdiscovered until weakened bones cause painful fractures. Facts and Figures Accord

Hevosen metabolinen oireyhtymÄ

HEVOSEN METABOLINEN OIREYHTYMÄ (Equine metabolic syndrome, EMS, vanha nimitys: equine peripheral cushing’s syndrome) Yleistä Metabolisen oireyhtyän määritelmä on esitelty vuonna 2002. Metabolinen oireyhtymä: o Insuliiniresistenssi. Insuliinin verensokeria laskeva vaikutus kudoksissa on heikentynyt. Jolloin vereninsuliinipitoisuus on korkea (hypeinsulinemia) Laitumeen liittyv


Green Web Bulletin # 1 Blueberry Spraying: A Chemical Horror Story Lowbush blueberry spraying is a major and growing problem for people living in areas where blueberries are being produced. Five eastern Canadian provinces produce lowbush blueberries. In Nova Scotia, a 1988 Situation Report estimated there were about 26,000 acres in production and over 1,000 growers. The Report notes tha

Microsoft word - de omgeving maart 2007.doc

Maart 2007 , Jaargang 4, Nummer 1 Een publicatie van Familieraad Mentrum voor ‘relaties van bij Mentrum in zorg zijnde cliënten’. Beste Lezer, Familiedag 14 april 2007 over rehabilitatie, laten we zeggen: herstel! Inhoudsopgave: “herstelvisie”. Wat betekent dit voor Familieraad Mentrum Maart 2007 Jaargang 4 Nummer 1 FAMILIERAAD: EVEN VOORSTELLEN

Ez card catalog

Generic Prescription Medications & OTC Drugs $7 or Less Antibiotics Mental Health Cholesterol Diabetes Health Card Arthritis & Pain Skin Conditions Gastrointestinal Health Service Listing Heart Health & Blood Pressure Diabetes Vitamins & Nutritional Health Routine health & wellness for you and your family Fungal I

Microsoft word - foriginals_060518.doc

Lilly controls my Forigi nals In the projects series called Psych|OS, the Austrian artist duo UBE R MOR GE N .C O M (liz vl x/Ha ns Ber nhard ) is working on the subtle membrane that connects the digital and the biological: a mix that UBERMORGEN.COM, an identity that lives and works on the Net, experienced on their own bodies. One of the best-known exponents of the net.art scene, UBERMORG


As post-modern pilferers, we knew immediately this one was just too good to pass over. And so it has proved as we researched the features of the alchemical tradition, spanning at least 2500 years as a complex network of schools and philosophical systems appearing in Egypt, India, China, ancient Greece, early Islamic and medieval and early modern Europe, and the following 22 points will readily dis

Rheumatology np questionnaire revised 11-2004.pdf

THE CONSULTANT GROUP, P.C. RHEUMATOLOGY NEW PATIENT QUESTIONNAIRE NAME:____________________________________________________BIRTHDATE: ___ RACE: __ ____SEX:M F___ RIGHT HANDED( )LEFT HANDED( ) NAME OF PHYSICIAN WHO REFERRED YOU:_______________________________________ ADDRESS:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

D01gcf 1.6

Note: before using this routine, please read the Users’ Note for your implementation to check the interpretation of bold italicised terms andother implementation-dependent details. D01GCF calculates an approximation to a definite integral in up to 20 dimensions, using the Korobov–Conroy number theoretic method. SUBROUTINE D01GCF(NDIM, FUNCTN, REGION, NPTS, VK, NRAND, ITRANS, RES,This routin

Sindrome dolorosa miofascial (pg 94-110)

Rev. Med. (São Paulo), 80(ed. esp. pt.1):94-110, 2001. Edição Especial Síndrome Dolorosa Miofascial Myofascial Pain Syndrome Lin Tchia Yeng*, Helena Hideko Seguchi Kaziyama**, Manoel Jacobsen Teixeira*** Lin, T.Y., Kaziyama, H.H.S., Teixeira, M.J. Síndrome dolorosa miofascial. Rev. Med. (São Paulo), 80(ed. esp. pt.1):94-110, 2001. RESUMO : A síndrome dolorosa mio

Microsoft word - intramural projects completed_edited_final.doc

HIHT UNIVERSITY NAME OF THE PROJECT PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR Year 2008 Effect of Fluoxetines (SSRI) on Urogenital System of Albino rats Effect of Vigabatrin on central nervous system of albino rats Effect of dolichos biflorus on blood sugar and lipid profile levels in streptozotocin induced diabetic albino rats The influence of the 2:1 yogic breathing technique on essential hype

Model disciplinary procedures relating to misconduct all employees other than the headteacher

SUPPORTING STUDENTS WITH MEDICAL NEEDS AND ADMINISTERING FIRST AID Parents/Carers must have prime responsibility for their son/daughter’s health. They: • must provide the Academy with information about their son/daughter’s medical condition - parents should give details (where appropriate) in conjunction with the student’s GP or paediatrician • are responsible for suppl

Microsoft word - dse consent form - supine bike.doc

You have been booked to have a Combined DOBUTAMINE and SUPINE BIKE EXERCISE STRESS ECHO at Hearts West, Subiaco Purpose of the test Dobutamine stress echocardiography (DSE) is used to measure how your heart responds to stress, under medically supervised conditions. The test gives us very important information, and is usually performed for suspected coronary artery disease.


The AccuSign ® MET test uses solid-phase immunoassay technol- ogy for the qualitative detection of methamphetamine in humanurine. The test is based on the principle of the highly specificimmunochemical reactions between antigens and antibodies whichare used for the analysis of specific substances in biological fluids. The test relies on the competition between the drug conjugates andthe drug

Microsoft word - revised about the house august 2007 email version.doc

A Free Monthly Newsletter From Bob Schacke, Home Inspection Experts 847-638-4663 Email: hie5@comcast.net - Coffee Travels To America- -You Impact Your Child’s View Of School - - Responsibilities of The Coast Guard – August Events - Voice Mail Turns Into Text- - Unusual English Conversions - & Much More! In War And Peace, The Coast Guard Stands St

Herb risk list sample.xls

Risk assessment based on single dose of a 1:5 dried plant tincture (unless otherwise stated). A = 5ml, B = 2.5ml recommended single dose 0=no known risk 1=low risk 2=moderate risk 3=severe riskAconitum napellus (Monkshood) Schedule III - external only 1.3%Acorus calamus (Sweet Flag)Aesculus hippocastanum (Horse Chestnut)Agrimonia eupatoria (Agrimony)Agropyron repens (Couch Grass)Alchemilla arvens

Managing your

PATIENT & FAMILY EDUCATION / NYU Medical Center Coumadin® (Warfarin) Managing Your Coumadin® (Warfarin) A Patient’s Guide PATIENT & FAMILY EDUCATION / NYU Medical Center Coumadin® (Warfarin) A Message To You The goal of anticoagulation therapy with Coumadin® ( Warfarin) is to decrease the clotting ability of your blood so that blo

What happened to my gut

What Happened To My Gut? (A Story About What CAN Happen To Your Bunny If You Don’t Feed It Right) By Sharon Hollars, DVM Nutrition is one of the main keys to keeping rabbits healthy. The first article, “I Know Bunnies Like Carrots, But What Should My Bunny REALLY Eat?” discusses what you SHOULD be feeding your bunny. This article covers some of the more common things that ca

Consent to dermaplane and/or chemical acid peel procedure for cosmetic purposes

Consent to Dermaplane and/or Chemical Acid Peel and/or Microdermabrasion Procedure for Cosmetic Purposes 1. I hereby request and authorize Patricia Giordano to treat me for the purpose of attempting to 2. The effect and nature of the treatment to be given has been explained to me. I acknowledge that the goal of the treatment is to induce improvements in my skin, but individual results ma


Journal of Paediatric Respirology and Critical CareEvidence based management of acute bronchiolitis Sou-Chi SIT Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Princess Margaret Hospital, Hong Kong Bronchiolitis is a common acute lower respiratory tractroutine use of salbutamol is not recommended judgingdisease affecting infants. It is associated with viralinfection and respiratory sync


This article was downloaded by: [University of Maastricht]On: 03 December 2013, At: 02:37Publisher: RoutledgeInforma Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: MortimerHouse, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Memory Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Let's use those tests! Evaluations of crime-


Guðbjörg Pálsdóttir, gpsara@landspitali.isLyKILLINN AÐ ÁRANGURSRÍKRI MEÐFERÐ FóTASÁRA„Hvað er best að setja á fótasár?“ Þetta er spurning sem algengt er að menn velti fyrir sér í glímunni við langvinn fótasár. Vissulega þarf að vanda vel til umbúða á fótasár. Það er hins vegar breytilegt hvað hentar best hverju sinni og margt fleira en umbúðir sem ber a


AN INTRODUCTION TO HERBAL MEDICINE ©David Winston, Herbalist, AHG HERBS - PANACEA'S OR POISONS? Certain herbs have become popular over the last twenty years, but herbal medicine is stillpoorly understood by the public, medical practitioners and the media. After a brief honeymoon whereherbs have been portrayed as "wonder drugs", we are now seeing article after article on the da


Currículum vitae Javier Angulo Frutos TITULACION ACADEMICA Licenciado en CC. Biológicas Especialidad de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (1986 - 1991) Doctor en CC. Biológicas por el Dpto. de Bioquímica de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Octubre, 1996) ACTIVIDAD INVESTIGADORA Becario predoctoral en el Departamento de Farma


The Journal of Pain, Vol 8, No 5 (May), 2007: pp 373-378 Available online at www.sciencedirect.com Pain in Persons With Dementia: Complex, Common, andChallengingJoseph Shega, Linda Emanuel, Lisa Vargish, Stacie K. Levine, Heide Bursch, Keela Herr,Jordan F. Karp, and Debra K. Weiner Editor’s Note: This article is one in a series of “Case Her vital signs are normal, but she lost 7 poun


00031 FLUVASTATIN SODIUM 40 MG CA 4.37319 2013-12-01 9999-12-3100120 DIGOXIN 50 MCG/ML SOLUTION 0.67339 2013-03-01 9999-12-3100132 DIGOXIN 125 MCG TABLET 1.48425 2013-11-01 9999-12-3100133 DIGOXIN 250 MCG TABLET 1.48425 2013-11-01 9999-12-3100161 ASPIR-LOW EC 81 MG TABLET 0.00900 2014-01-01 9999-12-3100223 VITAMIN D 1,000 UNIT TABLET 0.02445 2013-07-01 9999-12-3100295 WOMANS LAXATIVE TABLET

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PINELLAS COUNTY MOMCARE PROVIDERS As of December, 2013 (Health Insurance for Pregnant Women – A Special Medicaid Program) * Practices may see you before your Medicaid case is approved without collecting funds from you - they may go backwards and bill Medicaid when you get your ID number. **Healthy Start Care Coordinator on site. Drs. Hugo Perez & Jose Calderon (


Outcomes after Transplantation of Cord Blood or Bone Marrow from Unrelated Donors in Adults with LeukemiaMary J. Laughlin, M.D., Mary Eapen, M.B., B.S., Pablo Rubinstein, M.D., John E. Wagner, M.D., Mei-Jei Zhang, Ph.D., Richard E. Champlin, M.D., Cladd Stevens, M.D., Juliet N. Barker, M.D., Robert P. Gale, M.D., Ph.D., Hillard M. Lazarus, M.D., David I. Marks, M.D., Ph.D., Jon J. van Rood, M.

033-chem-remko 153.155

Comenius University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Department of Pharmaceutical Chemistry, Bratislava, SlovakiaWithin this project I used computer facilities of SARA Amsterdam for doing Theoretical study of structure, pKa, lipophilicity, solubility, absorption and polarsurface area of some centrally acting antihypertensives Theoretical study of structure and properties of biologically active glycosam

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Lieferbare homöopathische Hanosan-Einzelmittel mit Angabe von tiefster lieferbarer Potenz sowie Arzneimittelbildern Homöopathischer Stoff tiefste HAB- Alternativ-Bezeichnung Deutsche Bezeichnung Arzneimittelbild / Wirkung gemäß Potenz Vorschrift homöopathischer Monographie Abmagerung und Entwicklungsstörungen bei Kindern sowie durch chronische Entzünd

Helping young people see that they do not have to follow the leader when it comes to treating others according to stereotypes

6.2: Helping young people see that they do not have to follow the leader when it comes to treating others according to stereotypes In 2000, the UK-based Leeds Animation Workshop (LAW) took on what they subsequently described as ‘one of the most difficult projects we have ever produced’. They aimed to make an animated video covering issues of gender-based violence among adolescents


A Comprehensive Team Approach to the Management of Introduction. The treatment of children with Prader-Willi syndrome Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) is (PWS) represents a new challenge in the field of pediatric endocrinology. characterized by infantile hypotonia; The handicaps and problems of affected children are manifold, more so short stature; small hands and feet; increased th

010302 a comparison of risperidone and haloperidol

The Ne w E n g l a nd Jo u r n a l o f Me d ic i ne A COMPARISON OF RISPERIDONE AND HALOPERIDOL FOR THE PREVENTION OF RELAPSE IN PATIENTS WITH SCHIZOPHRENIA JOHN G. CSERNANSKY, M.D., RAMY MAHMOUD, M.D., M.P.H., AND RONALD BRENNER, M.D., ABSTRACT Background lifetime prevalence of 0.7 percent in the Unit-of maintenance treatment in patients with psychoticed Sta

Government announces largest health care fraud settlement in u.s. history; glaxosmithkline, llc, enters corporate integrity agreement with novel provisions

July 2012 Government Announces Largest Health Care Fraud Settlement in U.S. History; GlaxoSmithKline, LLC, Enters Corporate Integrity Agreement With Novel Provisions Yesterday, the U.S. Department of Justice announced that GlaxoSmithKline, LLC (“GSK”), would pay $3 billion in criminal and civil penalties to resolve multiple investigations into the company’s sales, marketing and

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DuPont™ Krovar® I DF herbicide TABLE OF CONTENTS ACTIVE INGREDIENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1STORAGE AND DISPOSAL . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8PRECAUTIONARY STATEMENTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1NOTICE TO BUYER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9First Aid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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New Zealand Smoking Monitor (NZSM) Questionnaire 2011/12 Screeners (S1-S5): S1) Can I just check, in the last (#) , have you taken part in a telephone survey conducted by the Ministry of Health around smoking and quitting. The study is called the New Zealand Smoking Monitor. # = add scripting to automatically update the script on the 1st of each month eg. 1 July = ‘month’,

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HISPANISTA - Vol X nº 36 - enero – febrero – marzo de 2009 Revista electrónica de los Hispanistas de Brasil - Fundada en abril de 2000 ISSN 1676-9058 ( español) ISSN 1676-904X (portugués) LOS ELEMENTOS DE LA TRAGEDIA GRIEGA EN BODAS DE SANGRE DE Federico García Lorca (1898 – 1936), miembro de la Generación del 27 y uno de los artistas más consagrados en la historia de la cultur

In vitro effects of 2-methoxyestradiol on cell numbers, morphology, cell cycle progression, and apoptosis induction in oesophageal carcinoma cells

Cell Biochem Funct 2009; 27: 205–210. Published online 2 April 2009 in Wiley InterScience(www.interscience.wiley.com) DOI: 10.1002/cbf.1557In vitro effects of 2-methoxyestradiol on cell numbers, morphology,cell cycle progression, and apoptosis induction in oesophagealcarcinoma cellsVeneesha Thaver 1,2, Mona-Liza Lottering 2, Dirk van Papendorp 2 and Annie Joubert 2*1Department of Physiology,

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ALTERAÇÕES NAS DIRETRIZES INTERNACIONAIS DE RESSUSCITAÇÃO Sílvia Regina Rios Vieira Janete Braunner Cristiano Augusto Franke Em Novembro de 2005 foram publicadas simultaneamente as diretrizes de ressuscitação do conselho Europeu de Ressuscitação (ERC) e da Associação Americana do Coração (AHA). Estas diretrizes foram embasadas no consenso do Comitê Internacional de

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APMI Price Reductions - Effective August 1st 2011 Reimbursement Price Wholesaler (PTW) Non Proprietary Drug Drug Description 1 August 2011 1 August 2011 Manufacturers Name 37652 Omeprazole (Actavis) Gastro-Resistant Caps. 40 mg. 1437581 Omeprazole (Bentley) Caps. 40 mg. 14€13.91 Ivax (Teva) Pharmaceuticals Ireland36241 Romep Gastro-resistant Caps. 40 mg. 1437650 Omep


FINISHING CULL DAIRY COWS FOR BEEF PRODUCTION Project No. 7278 English Beef and Lamb Executive (EBLEX) HCC (Meat Promotion Wales) QMS (Quality Meat Scotland) Conducted by The Animal Science Research Group (ASRG) Department of Agriculture Earley Gate, University of Reading READING RG6 6AJ, United Kingdom. Report Authors D. T. Juniper, P.C. Aikman, C. G

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Utah State Bar – Health Law Section – 2013 Spring Conference 1. Recent Stark & Anti-Kickback Cases 2. Note 3. Healthcare Reform Legislation • Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, Pub. L. o. 111 – 148 • Health Care and Education Affordability Reconciliation Act 0f 2010, 4. Health Care Reform Legislation (Cont.) • Section 6402(f) — New AKS intent Standard — “With re

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Koningin Vasthi door Ahasveros verstoten 1 Het volgende gebeurde in de dagen van Ahasveros -- hij is de Ahasveros dieregeerde van India af tot Ethiopië toe over honderdzevenentwintig gewesten. 2 In die dagen, toen koning Ahasveros op zijn koninklijke troon zat die in de burcht3 in het derde jaar van zijn regering, richtte hij een feestmaal aan voor al zijnoversten en dienaren. De legerov

Sociedade portuguesa de medicina interna - vol.16 | nº 4 | out a dez 2009

Review Articles Intoxicação por ingestão de cogumelos Mushroom poisoning Abstract A diversidade de síndromes de intoxicação por ingestão de co- The diversity of toxicity syndromes caused by mushroom inges- gumelos implica, por um lado, uma abordagem ao diagnóstico tion entails, on one hand, a many-sided and flexible approach multifacetada e flexível, que pode benefici


List of slang terms for drugs A-bomb: combination of marijuana with heroinAtom Bomb: see A-bombAcapulco Gold: marijuanaAcid: LSDAdam: MDA, MDE, MDMA, MMDAAlley juice: nonbeverage isopropyl and methyl alcoholAmytal: amobarbitalAngel Dust: PCPBabtists Communion: flunitrazepam (Rohypnol)Base: cocaine free baseBash: HashBarbs: barbituratesBennies: amphetamines/speedBeverage: alcoholBhang: marijuana

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F10 : AN ALTERNATIVE LOCALISED THERAPY WITH EXTENDED CLINICAL APPLICATION Le Roux FE, BVSc hons (Pret), Pfizer Animal Health, 102 Rivonia Road Sandton 2146, ABSTRACT: F10 is a complete spectrum virucidal, bactericidal, fungicidal and sporicidal, but aldehyde free compound of six main synergistic active ingredients with long term stability characteristics. It drew veterinary attent

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Hjärups byalag är en ideell förening för att tillvarata Hjärupsbornas intressen Kommunstyrelsen Staffanstorps Kommun 245 80 Staffanstorp Hjärups Byalags synpunkter på ”förslag till fördjupad översiktsplan Hjärup-06 reviderad upplaga 2007-06-12” Inledning I den reviderade upplagan av FÖP-en (2007-06-02) kan vi med tillfredsställelse konstatera att flera av de synpunkter som Byala


Extended Use Microbial Challenge and Disinfection Study of the CLAVE® Connector Introduction ICU Medical, Inc . of San Clemente, California has beenfunnel unit, and the filter membrane was then incubated inmanufacturing and marketing the CLAVE Connector sinceSCDB for seven days or 168 hours at 32-35°C. Any microbial1993. New standards in IV therapy are being directed towardscon

Microsoft word - campermed sheet

AUTHORIZATION FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATIONS Our Camp infirmary is well stocked with medications most commonly used/needed (as listed on stockmedication sheet, other side). If you choose to send a prescription or non-prescription (over thecounter) drug to camp with your child, for EACH medication you need to complete this form andhave it signed by the prescribing physician. NO DRUG WIL

Microsoft word - the hipoc charter.doc

Hydrogen Industry Panel on Codes Statement of Charter, Purpose & Objectives Article I. Background The global economy is engaged in a transition to hydrogen and other alternative fuel sources for automotive, distributed generation and other applications. The storage, dispensing, use and handling of hydrogen in and around fixed facilities differ in many ways from gasoline, di

Ibs and fluoride

IBS and Fluoride Testimonial from Len Harley, Banbury, Oxfordshire About 12 years ago I experienced a total cure of my IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) an intractable, mystery disease that now affects up to one third of Britons. Good news you might think? The problem is that a garden accident led to my discovering the cause as Fluoride! (I have proof that it was the cause). Recent


BAKGRUNN Nasjonalt Kompetansesenter for Søvnsykdommer (SOVno) ble etablert i september 2004, og er lokalisert til Psykiatrisk Klinikk på Haukeland Universitetssykehus. Det er Helsedepartementet som fatter vedtak om etablering av Nasjonale kompetansesentra. SOVno skal sikre nasjonal kompetanseoppbygging og kompetansespredning innenfor søvn. Viktige oppgaver er (se for øvrig http://www.dep.no/


2013 Express Scripts National Preferred Preventive Drug List by Therapy Class Prescription Drugs: You Make the Choices, We Make it Easy Preventive Prescription Drugs: A Good Choice Prescription drugs that can help keep you from developing a health condition are called preventive prescription drugs . They can help you maintain your quality of life and avoidexpensive treatment, helping

Kalibreringsattest for

Environmental declaration Page 1 of 2 _________________________________________________________________________________ Product name: Product application: Transport regulations: With battery supply: ADR, UN 3091 class 9 (lithium battery inequipment) With mains supply: Producer: Kamstrup A/SIndustrivej 28, StillingDK-8660 SkanderborgDenmark Environmental policy: Product


Economically Coordinated Job Shop Scheduling and Decision Point Bidding - An Example for Economic Coordination in Manufacturing and Logistics - Wolfram Conen Abstract Furthermore, agents may represent parts of the nec-essary organizational infrastructure (namely the mani-We discuss the application of economic coordinationfested parts of the coordination mechanism). We pri-mechanisms

Microsoft word - whattobringguideandhaitian-creole1 (1).doc

A Guide on what to bring, Haitian-Creole, etc Where Staying: Bellevue Guesthouse (John and Merline Engle’s home) Rue Borno Prolonge #32B, Mariaman, Haiti Email: john@haitipartners.org Haiti cell phone: 3461-3067 US cell phone: 202-236-6532 (works in Haiti) What to Bring Clothing (cotton is most ideal because of the hot temperature):  A shirt for every day you’re in H


2014 OVERNIGHT CAMPER APPLICATION FORM Please return to: 15203 Yonge St., Aurora, ON, L4G 1L8 Tel: (905) 841-1314 or (416) 969-8133 Fax: (905) 841-8889 Email: director@hiddenbay.ca www.hiddenbay.ca Please circle Busing Options for all camp sessions Name (first):_______________(last)________________ To Camp: Aurora Barrie Parry Sound Other Date of Birth: ____________Age: _____

Microsoft word - emnebeskrivelse gkd2-2009-1.doc

EMNEBESKRIVELSE GODKJENNINGSKURS FOR BRUK AV DIAGNOSTISKE MEDIKAMENTER 2 Kurskode:GKD2-2009-1 Semester: Deltidskurs uavhengig av semester Studiepoeng:15 Godkjenningskursene i diagnostiske medikamenter skal gi autoriserte optikere nødvendig kunnskap og ferdigheter til å praktisere med diagnostiske medikamenter på en sikker og hensiktsmessig måte til pasientens beste. Kursene ha


SUMMER INSTITUTE STUDENT INFORMATION SHEET Sunday, July 17 – Thursday, July 21, 2011 Application deadline for ALL applications is Friday, June 3, 2011 ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA  Applicant must have a minimum 2.25 GPA.  Applicant must have taken the ACT/SAT test at least once and submit their scores.  Applicant must submit at least 1 letter of recommendation


Oversatt og bearbeidet av Atle Vinje EricsonJeg takker så mye for at dere har invitert meg til å være her i dag, Geir (Fredriksen) har brukt mye tid på å få meg til å skrive et resymé av hva jeg skal snakke om og sende til ham. Jeg har ikke sendt noe, årsaken til det er at jeg aldri vet hva jeg skal snakke om – før jeg reiser meg og starter – så jeg kan ikke gi et sammendrag av noe


Treatment of head louse infestation with 4% dimeticone lotion: randomised controlled equivalence trial Ian F Burgess, Christine M Brown and Peter N Lee 2005;330;1423-; originally published online 10 Jun 2005; BMJ doi:10.1136/bmj.38497.506481.8F Updated information and services can be found at: References This article cites 10 articles, 1 of which can be accessed free at: 5 onl

Health record form

HEALTH RECORD FORM Student’s Name _________________________________________ Northern Illinois University, Lorado Taft Campus (815) 732-2111, extension 120 School________ _________________________________________ My child will attend the Lorado Taft Field Campus from _______________________to___________________________ Date of Birth ______________ Age______ Weight _______ Male____ Female


Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts > HOSPIRA ISSUES A VOLUNTARY N. Page 1 of 2Home Safety Recalls, Market Withdrawals, & Safety Alerts Recall -- Firm Press Release FDA posts press releases and other notices of recalls and market withdrawals from the firms involved as a service to consumers, the media, and other interested parties. FDA does not endorse eith

Microsoft word - 2012latin

INDEX FOR 2012 HERBALPEDIA Acer palmatum —Maple, Japanese Acer pensylvanicum - Moosewood Acer rubrum —Maple, Red Abelmoschus moschatus —Ambrette seed Acer saccharinum —Maple, Silver Abies alba —Fir, Silver Acer spicatum —Maple, Mountain Abies balsamea —Fir, Balsam Acer tataricum —Maple, Tatarian Abies cephalonica —Fir, Greek


Student Memorandum of Understanding Local Anesthesia Certification: Clinical Training Dates: October 11-12, 2013 Hiwassee College ensures all participants in the RDH Local Anesthesia Certification Course understand: 1. Students agree to participate as a recipient of local anesthesia as part of this clinical training. You will give and receive injections throughout the 2 day clinica


PARTNERSHIP FOR EDUCATION AND RESEARCH ABOUT RESPONSIBLE LIVING INSTITUTO BRASILEIRO DE DEFESA DO CONSUMIDOR MAPEO EDUCACIÓN Y CONSUMO SUSTENTABLE: propuesta de São Paulo, Brasil 1 APROXIMACIÓN CONCEPTUAL AL CONSUMO SUSTENTABLE “Sin una producción más limpia y un consumo más responsable, es imposible avanzar en dirección a una economia de bajo carbono, en direcc

Microsoft word - indian judiciary.doc

Indian Judiciary JURISDICTION OF THE SUPREME COURT The Supreme Court has original, appellate and advisory jurisdiction. Its exclusive original jurisdiction extends to any dispute between the Government of India and one or more States or between the Government of India and any State or States on one side and one or more States on the other or between two or more States, if and insofar as t

Zaaknummer 2009 t 2

COMPENSATIECOMMISSIE Zaaknummer Compensatiecommissie 2012CC161 Zaaknummer Klachtencommissie 2012T698 datum uitspraak 01/03/2013 De Compensatiecommissie voor seksueel misbruik in de R.-K. Kerk van de Stichting Beheer & Toezicht i.z. Seksueel Misbruik in de R.-K. Kerk in Nederland (hierna ook te noemen: de Compensatiecommissie) geeft op grond van de Compensatieregeling R.-K. Kerk

Integrative health analysis

HEALTH UNLIMITED--BEYOND THE BASICS INTEGRATIVE HEALTH ANALYSIS Name : _____________________________________ Date : _________________________ Address: _______________________________________________________________________ City: ________________________________________ State: ________ Zip: ________________ Date of Birth : _________ Age : _______ Email: ______________________


Table of Contents Letter of Introduction ………………………………………………Page 2 Daily Schedules ……………………………………………………Page 3 Infants, Creepers, Toddlers Clothing and Personal Belongings .……………………………….Page 5 Arrival and Departure Procedures Transportation Procedures Emergencies and Hazardous Weather Health and M

Die folgende frage bezieht sich auf normales alltagsleben in der letzten zeit

Patient: ________________________________________ Operation am: __________________________________ Stationäre Aufnahme am: _________________________ Hinweise für Patienten vor Operationen im Klinikum Zschopau Was ist vor einer Operation zu beachten ? □ Bis 14 Tage vor einer OP sollte auf Impfungen verzichtet werden. □ Es sollte kein Infekt der Atemwege, kein Fieber sow

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REZA FARID HOSSEYNI, MD, DTCT, FAAAAI 55 Nastran Ave. Nasteran 8 Mashhad, Iran rfaridh@yahoo.com Home: 0098 511 761 15 80 Cell: 0098 915 111 13 80 Fax: 0098 511 761 06 81 Intrested Research : HTLV-1 , Allergic disease Adjunct Professor of Allergy Health Promotion Sciences Adjunct Professor of Immunology College of Medicine . The University Of Arizona Mel and Enid Zuckerman College of Public

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STATUS OF MISSION AGREEMENT (SOMA) ON THE ESTABLISHMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF THE HDC ACEH MONITORING MISSION (HAMM) In accordance with the cessation of hostilities (COH) agreement, the Government of the Republic of Indonesia (hereinafter referred to as the GOI) and the Free Aceh Movement (hereinafter referred to as the GAM) have requested the Henry Dunant Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue

Microsoft word - biblical herbs as alternatives to pharmaceuticals.doc

Biblical Herbs as Alternatives to Pharmaceuticals ??? James Duke, PhD No one really knows whether these are as good (or as bad) as the pharmaceuticals until they have been clinically compared. The herbal alternatives need to be clinically compared, especially since nearly 25% of North Americans cannot afford the pharmaceutical prescription and/or the doctor to prescribe them. I recommend we suppo

Interpretation du genotype

September 2013- Version n°23 ANRS - AC 11: RESISTANCE GROUP GENOTYPE INTERPRETATION: NUCLEOSIDE AND NUCLEOTIDE REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE INHIBITORS Mutations associated with resistance Mutations associated with « possible resistance » • T215Y/F • T215A/C/D/E/G/H/I/L/N/S/V [1, 2, 3, 4] • At least 3 mutations among: M41L, D67N, K70R, L210W, T215A/C/D/E/G/H/I/L/N

Chemwatch msds msds for house of kolor slow reducer ru-312



Wassertabletten, auch bekannt als Diuretika (den Urin befördernd), waren die ersten Medikamente zur Behandlung des Bluthochdrucks. Bis in die heutige Zeit sind entwässernde Mittel nicht aus der Therapie wegzudenken, da sie, mit Sinn und Verstand eingesetzt, eine sehr gute Wirkung zei-gen und die mit Abstand preisgünstigste Therapie darstellen. Wassertabletten — Dr. med. Klaus


2013 Patient Medical History Date of Birth: _____________________ Emergency Contact/Phone:________________________ Name: ___________________________ Pharmacy:____________________________________ Family Physician: _________________________ Referring Doctor: _______________________________ Do you wear? Glasses Contact Lenses (What type?) _______________________ □ No Glasses or Con


Peter H Andersen Department of Dermatology Marselisborg Hospital P.P Orumsgade 11 DK-8000 Ärhus C. Title: Treatment of recurrent herpes labialis (cold sores) using trans-cutaneous electrical nerve stimulation Purpose: To investigate if recurrent attacks of herpes labialis may be prevented or the severity diminished using trans-cutanneous electrical nerve stimulation (TCNS)

Guidelines on the use of clopidogrel

ACUTE CORONARY SYNDROMES MANAGEMENT GUIDELINES (Including ST Elevation MI, Non ST Elevation MI, Unstable Angina) July 2006 Trust-wide Guidelines for Calderdale Royal Hospital and Huddersfield Royal Infirmary These guidelines are based on ACC/AHA and ESC guidelines, NICE recommendations, the NSF and previous CCU guidelines from Huddersfield Royal Infirmary and Calderdale

Hakomi simplyfied

HAKOMI SIMPLIFIED 2004: A NEW VIEW OF RON KURTZ'S MINDFULNESS-BASED PSYCHOTHERAPY by RANDALL KELLER It is the ability to keep finding solutions that is important; any one solution is temporary. There are no permanently right answers. The capacity to keep changing, to find what works now, is what keeps any organism alive. (Margaret Wheatley, A Simpler Way ) Since its inception in


Revista HISTEDBR On-line Artigo LA EDUCACION: ESTRATEGIA DE RESISTENCIA Y RECONSTRUCCIÓN ORGANIZACIONAL CAMPESINA COOPERATIVA.1 Doctor en Educaçao pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas Profesor do Departamento de Educaçao da Universidad De La Frontera, Temuco, Chile . RESUMO: El Articulo Analiza la funcion de los Procesos Educacionales en la Resistencia y Reorganizac

A0710 1.1

Sinead Boyce, Trinity College, Dublin, IrelandKeith F Tipton, Trinity College, Dublin, IrelandEnzyme classification and nomenclature is a system that allows the unambiguousidentification of enzymes in terms of the reactions they catalyse. This relies on a numericalsystem to class enzymes in groups according to the types of reaction catalysed andsystematic naming that describes the chem


Chapter 4 Mental disorders among the elderly population in Israel Perla Werner In Israel, as in other countries, the proportion of elderly persons in the population is growing. According to estimates of the Central Bureau of Statistics, the proportion of the population aged 65 and over will rise from 10% in 2005 to 12.3% in 2025 (1). This increase will be accompanied by a sharp rise in


Instructions for EGD Prep Robert W. Herring, Jr., M.D. Patient Name: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Time: _________330 Wallace Road Suite 103Nashville, TN 37211(615) 832-5530 WE CANNOT GUARANTEE THE AMOUNT OF TIME YOU WILL BE IN OUR FACILITY. PLEASE ASSUME IT WILL BE MOST OF THE DAY. Please bring a list of


The Right to be Unhappy My high school English teacher was an alcoholic chain-smoker with a posh British accent who nursed a thinly-concealed disdain for his students and their parents. Naturally, he was my favourite teacher. Under his haughty gaze, I read Thomas More’s book Utopia , then the two 20th century dystopias - Huxley’s Brave New World and Orwell’s 1984 . Like many people

Uso racional de antibioticos

NORMA USO RACIONAL DE ANTIBIÓTICOS NORMA USO RACIONAL DE ANTIBIÓTICOS NORMA USO RACIONAL DE ANTIBIÓTICOS INTRODUCCIÓN: Desde que los antibióticos son utilizados, hemos asistido a un aumento sostenido de la resistencia microbiana, condición que en la comunidad demora una veintena de años en alcanzar porcentajes significativos, pero en los estab


NO-FAULT COMPENSATION FOR CLINICAL TRIALS AND/OR HEALTHY VOLUNTEER STUDIES DEFINITIONS INSURED The Institution or company sponsoring or performing the Clinical Trials, whose name is indicated in the Policy and in the Certificate of Insurance. If the Insured named in the Policy and in the Certificate of Insurance only sponsors such trial, but the said trial is performed by othe

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