Syllabus for Bio200B Winter 2005: Biomolecules and energetics John Wagner Kate Heston
The textbook we will use in this class is Principles of Biochemistry with a Human Focus by Garret and Grisham. 2002, Harcourt Publishers.
Some reading will also be assigned in the book that you used in the first quarter, The Cell a Molecular Approach (Third ed.) by Cooper and Hausman. 2004, ASM Press. Required reading (Garret and Grisham) Introduction/ Chapt. 1 & Amino acids pp.68-81 Graphics exercise exploring structure of hemoglobin. pp. 85-87, bonds/primary pp. 100-111 structure and protein evolution. Protein shape: Chapter 5 secondary, tertiary Fibrin clot quartenary structure formation. and folding. available Proteins in action: α- pp. 127-131 Keratin and Hemoglobin. Proteins in action: pp. 398-411 Hemoglobin Fibrin clot allostery and analysis by malfunction. SDS-PAGE Enzymes: pp.320-342 phosphodiesterase and Viagra. Enzyme complexes: pp. 723-734 DNA replication Bioinformatic studies of globin sequences Metabolism: Chapt. 3 & Energetics and Chapt. 15 Glycolysis February dehydrogenase purification and concentration determination Metabolism: The Chapt. 16 TCA cycle set #2 available Metabolism-electron Chapt. 16 transport chain LDH: measurement of specific activity Metabolism- pp. 519--544 oxidative C&H pp. 408- @8:30AM phosphorylation 415 & 422- set #2 DUE Photosynthesis pp. 552-570 C&H pp. 415- 417 & 422- 426 Prokaryotic gene pp. 761-774 transcription: the lac operon Take home final due Thursday March 17 at 8:30 AM Course goals and your responsibilities:
The world of biomolecules is a fascinating beehive of activity, interaction andchange. Scientists have made great strides in developing approaches to look intothis world and attempt to comprehend its order, logic and flow yet much remainsto challenge to our imagination. My goal is for each of you to become conversant
the language of biomolecules through an introduction to biomolecularcomposition, form and function, with a particular focus on proteins.
I will work hard to facilitate the process of learning for us all, but remind you thatyour ability to glimpse into and understand this world is primarily in your ownhands. I urge you to engage the course material by:
1. Always attending class and coming on time.
2. Spending at least three hours of time out of class for each in class hour.
3. Staying on top of the material and with the class.
-Try to glance through the required reading, particularly the figures beforeclass. -Take your own notes. Review them after class. Aim to identify what wasunclear to you. Be honest. One sign of a great scientist is the ability toidentify and articulate what is not clear. Believe me, this takes practice. -Use the textbook and reading to clarify and enrich your understanding bykeeping up with the reading. Note that for exams, you will only beresponsible for material that was covered in class.
4. Using the available resources. People learn best in many different ways. Useyour faculty, the BQC, the GLG, and your fellow students by working together. Try different strategies. Try them again and refine them to identify what worksbest for you. The lecture portion of the class will be graded as follows: Problem Set 1. We can be reached at:
I will try to answer all e-mails in the evenings. If questions necessitate a moreinvolved answer, I may want set up a meeting with you.
Dr Mathew Leese: Publications, Patents & Conferences - 1997-2012 Publications Steroidomimetic tetrahydroisoquinolines for the design of new microtubule disruptors. Leese, M. P.; Jourdan, F.; Dohle, W.; Kimberley, M. R.; Thomas, M. P.; Bai, R.; Hamel, E.; Ferrandis, E.; Potter, B. V. L. ACS MedChemLett 2012 , 3, 5-9. Structure-Activity Relationships of C-17-substituted estrat
Dr. Giuseppe CAUTELA Specialista in Gastroenterologia ed Endoscopia Digestiva Istruzioni per la preparazione dei pazienti che si sottopongono a Endoscopia del COLON con capsula Alimenti a basso residuo Proibito: Consentito: • Pane (nero, di farina intera, focaccia di granturco, • Riso perlato, tagliatelle, pasta, maccheroni e • Patate con la buccia, riso integ