Model disciplinary procedures relating to misconduct all employees other than the headteacher
SUPPORTING STUDENTS WITH MEDICAL NEEDS AND ADMINISTERING FIRST AID Parents/Carers must have prime responsibility for their son/daughter’s health. They:
• must provide the Academy with information about their son/daughter’s medical
condition - parents should give details (where appropriate) in conjunction with the student’s GP or paediatrician
• are responsible for supplying information about medicines that their son/daughter
needs to take at the Academy, and for letting the Academy know of any changes to the prescription or the support needed
• should authorise and supply appropriate pain killers for their son/daughter’s use if
he/she suffers regularly from acute pain such as migraine. (refer to “Medication” for procedure)
The Academy is responsible for:
• ensuring that students with medical needs receive proper care and support at the
• implementing the Governing Body’s policy and for developing detailed procedures,
• agreeing arrangements with the student (where he/she has the capacity) or otherwise
the parent, who should have access to records and other information about their son/daughter
• ensuring staff volunteering to help students with medical needs receive proper support
• making sure that medicines are stored safely
• day-to-day decisions about administering medication
• making sure that all parents are aware of the Academy’s policy and procedures for
• agreeing with the parents of a student, with medical needs, exactly what support the
Teachers who have students with medical needs in their group should:
• understand the nature of the condition, and when and where the student may need
extra attention, making use of information provided by the student’s parents and health professionals
All staff have to: • be aware of the likelihood of an emergency arising and what action to take if one occurs
• be familiar with normal precautions for avoiding infection and must follow basic hygiene
• know who is responsible for carrying out emergency procedures in the event of an
• ensure parents are made aware of the need to notify the Academy of student’s medical
needs, by the Academy publishing the following text in the Student Support Services (SSS) user guide for parents
Policies for Governors – Curriculum & Standards.
First Aid arrangements The Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 (Appendix 4) contain no requirement that first aid provision in a school take students into account, only employees and visitors. Nevertheless, schools have a clear moral and civil law duty to make reasonable provision for pupils. In practice, therefore, “visitors to the school” are defined to include students. Common to all schools we have designated first aiders. (?? and ?? are currently our official first aiders.) In the event of an injury occurring to a member of staff or visitors to the Academy, the SSS should be informed and a designated first aider sent for, as soon as possible. Colleagues should, of course, use their common sense and avoid interrupting the first-aider’s other duties for very minor incidents. In the event of an injury to a pupil requiring treatment, the SSS staff will ensure that parents are notified. The main task of the trained first-aider is to take charge of the situation, in the event of a serious injury or illness, and to decide whether an ambulance should be summoned. An ambulance should only be summoned by the designated first-aiders, or SSS staff, and not by other members of staff, unless instructed to do so by the Principal. While it is not essential that a responsible adult accompanies a student, who is taken by ambulance to hospital, it is highly desirable if at all possible. This person would normally be a parent but on no account should provision of urgently needed medical treatment be delayed pending the arrival at the Academy of parents etc. Meanwhile the Academy’s first aiders are responsible for administering emergency first aid and making an injured party as comfortable as possible. Concern is sometimes expressed about the legal position of first-aiders, if they should cause injury to a casualty. An employer is vicariously liable for the negligent actions of employees who are acting within the scope of their employment. Cover against any award of damages in such circumstances is provided by the employer’s liability insurance. Staff can be reassured in this respect, whether they are trained first- aiders or not, provided that they endeavour to act in the best interests of the employer. First Aid Boxes Responsibility for maintaining the contents of first aid boxes is with the staff in the SSS. In the event of an emergency all staff should know that first aid boxes are to be found in the following locations: FIRST AID BOXES Responsible Person Location N.B The designated member of staff is not responsible for the box but rather acts as a point of reference for its use. Medication
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If your son/daughter suffers from a particular condition e.g. Asthma, which requires medication, please inform SSS at the earliest opportunity. It will be necessary for you to complete a protocol giving full details of the medical condition. You will also need to provide SSS with a supply of the prescribed medication for emergencies. This must be supplied in the original container with the dispensing chemist label attached. Non-prescription medication can only be held by the Academy for half a term. All medication will be disposed of after this period. If your son/daughter requires ‘over the counter’ medication for longer than half a term, you will need to obtain a prescription and follow the above procedure” Not only are parents made aware of the fact that over the counter drugs are kept for a maximum of half a term through the above mentioned leaflet but they also receive a letter (Appendix 1). Academy Staff Giving Medication
There is no legal duty which requires Harris Academy South Norwood staff to administer medication; this is a voluntary role. Members of staff who agree to accept responsibility for administering prescribed medication to a student must have proper training and guidance. Short–Term Medical Needs Medication should only be brought to the Academy when it is absolutely essential. Most students will need to take medication at the Academy at some time in their Academy life. Usually this will be for a short period only. To allow students to do this will minimise the time they need to be absent from Academy. Non-Prescription Medication
Academy staff must not give non-prescribed medication to students Long-Term Medical Needs
The Academy must have sufficient information about the medical condition of any student with long-term medical needs. For students who attend hospital appointments on a regular basis, special arrangements may also be necessary. The Academy draws up a written health care plan for such students. Administering Medication No student should be given medication without his or her parent’s written consent. If in doubt about any of the procedures the member of staff will check with the parents or a health professional before taking further action. Intimate or Invasive Treatment Some Academy staff are understandably reluctant to volunteer to administer intimate or invasive treatment because of the nature of the treatment, or fears of accusations of abuse. Parents must respect such concerns and must not be allowed to put any pressure
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on staff to assist in treatment unless they are entirely willing. The Primary Care Trust (PCT) will have a ‘named professional’ to whom the Academy can refer for advice. Where possible, the arrangement should be made for two adults, one the same gender as the student, to be present for the administration of intimate or invasive treatment, this minimises the potential for accusations of abuse. Staff should protect the dignity of the student as far as possible, even in emergencies. Self-Management It is good practice to allow students who can be trusted to do so to manage their own medication and staff may only need to supervise this. Students should know where their own medication is stored and who holds the key. A few medicines, such as asthma inhalers, are readily available to students and must not be locked away. Where the Academy locks away medication that a student might need in an emergency, all staff should know where to obtain keys to the medicine cabinet. Refusing Medication If students refuse to take medication, Academy staff should not force them to do so. The Academy should inform the son/daughter’s parents as a matter of urgency. Drawing Up a Health Care Plan for a Student With Medical Needs (Appendix 2) The main purpose of an Individual Health Care Plan for a student with medical needs is to identify the level of support that is needed at the Academy. A written agreement with parents clarifies for staff, parents and the student the help that the Academy can provide and receive. The Academy agrees with parents how often they should jointly review the Health Care Plan. The Health Care Plan should contain different levels of detail according to the needs of the individual student. The Student information centre will provide a list of all students in the Academy with medical needs. The list with photographs of the relevant students is placed on the notice board in the staff workroom. The Academy has a Controlled Drug Cabinet stored within a locked cupboard in Medical room It is bolted to the floor and wall within the cupboard and kept locked at all times. Two members of staff must sign to say when a student has taken any medication which is classified as a controlled drug e.g. ritilin. A Controlled Drugs Register is kept detailing the records of medication in and medication out and half-termly audit is done on this register. The SSS have a recording procedure which keeps individual records so that students’ names are not shown. Codes are used so that data protection is recognised. This information is kept on student files for 6 years after they have left the Academy. Policy Created by C English Next Review June 2010 by C English
Policies for Governors – Curriculum& Standards.
Appendix 1
Date ………… Dear Parent Re: Storing of Medication …………………. Tutor Group ………… Following new guidelines for Academies, medication that has not been prescribed by a Doctor can no longer be kept for more than half a term. If your son/daughter requires ‘over the counter’ medication for longer than half a term, you will need to obtain a prescription and provide medication in the original container with the dispensing chemist label attached. All medication we currently have in store will be destroyed on (insert date). Yours sincerely (Insert name and role) Student Information Centre cc
Policies for Governors – Curriculum& Standards.
Appendix 2
Date ………… ……… …………. …………… Dear …………. Re: Storing of Medication …………………. Tutor Group ………… To enable us to update our records, please could you complete the enclosed Healthcare Plan and return to us as soon as possible. Yours sincerely (Insert name and role) Student Information Centre cc
Policies for Governors – Curriculum& Standards.
Appendix 2 Healthcare Plan for a Student with Medical Needs Student’s Name . CONTACT INFORMATION Family contact 1 Family contact 2 Name . Name
Relationship . Relationship . Clinic/Hospital contact Name . Name
Describe condition and give details of student’s individual symptoms: . . .
Policies for Governors – Curriculum& Standards.
Daily care requirements: (e.g before sport/at lunchtime) . . . . . Describe what constitutes an emergency for the student, and the action to take if this occurs: . . . . . Follow up care: . . . . . . Form copied to: . . .
Policies for Governors – Curriculum& Standards.
Appendix 3 Allergy and Anaphylaxis Protocol Name: Date
It is thought probable that <first name> may suffer an anaphylactic reaction if <he/she>
eats or comes into contact with <substance>.
If this occurs <first name> is likely to need medical attention and in an extreme
situation, his/her condition may be life threatening. However, medical advice is that attention to diet, in particular the exclusion of <substance> together with the availability of his/her emergency medication, are all that is necessary.
<first name>’s medication must be available at all times.
<first name> also suffers from Asthma and may therefore need occasional access to
his/her other medication Ventolin Inhaler.
The arrangements set out below are intended to assist <first name>, parents and the
Academy in achieving the least possible disruption to his/her education, but also to make appropriate provision for his/her medical requirements.
The Principal will arrange for the Teachers and other Staff in the Academy to be briefed
about <first name>’s condition and about the other arrangements contained in this document.
The Academy Staff will take all reasonable steps to ensure that <first name> does not
eat any food items unless they have been prepared/approved by his parents.
<first name>’s parents will remind him/her regularly of the need to refuse any food
items, which might be offered to him/her by other students.
In particular <first name>’s parents will provide:
If there are any proposals which mean that <first name> may leave the Academy site,
prior discussions will be held between the Academy and <first name>’s parents in
Policies for Governors – Curriculum& Standards.
order to agree appropriate provision and safe handling of his/her medication and <first name>.
Whenever the planned curriculum involves food science, food technology or contact
with foods, suitable alternative measures will be taken, if possible in consultation with his/her parents.
3. MEDICATION The Academy will hold, under secure conditions, appropriate medication, clearly
marked with <first name>’s name, for use by designated Academy Staff or qualified personnel. All medication shall show an expiry date.
<first name>’s medication EPIPEN and INHALER will be kept in a labelled container in
a secure cupboard in SIC. The medication will be available, if needed, to designated Staff at any time <first name> is on Academy premises.
<first name>’s parents accept responsibility for maintaining appropriate, up to date
In the event of <first name> showing any physical symptoms for which there is no
obvious alternative explanation, <first name>’s condition will be immediately reported to the SIC/Duty Principal.
On receipt of such a report, the person in charge, if agreeing that his condition is a
Instruct a staff member to contact in direct order of priority:
This is Harris Academy South Norwood, South Norwood Hill, London, SE25 6AD Telephone: TBA. We have a student who has had a severe allergic reaction. The epipen has been given. We need a paramedic team urgently. The student’s name is <first name> <SURNAME> and his/her DOB is <DOB>. 2) CONTACTPARENTS ON THE NUMBERS LISTED BELOW:
And then his/her: Other emergency names and contact No’s
Whilst 1 and 2 are being carried out the SIC/Duty Principal and designated staff will
assess <first name>’s condition and administer the appropriate medication in line with the perceived symptoms, following closely the instructions given to the Staff during the training session.
Policies for Governors – Curriculum& Standards.
<first name> may display some of the following symptoms itchiness, irritated,
distressed, tickly, itchy throat or mouth and vomiting.
Wheeziness, pale, drowsy, having difficulty breathing, swelling of face or lips, blue lips, losing consciousness.
<first name> will be given the epipen adrenaline auto-injection into the outer side of the thigh, midway between knee and hip.
Count to ten while the needle is in place
Get someone to note the time of administration
Put the epipen back in the empty container provided. This is then given to the ambulance staff to take to hospital.
If there is no improvement in 5 minutes or if there is deterioration in his/her condition, a
second epipen dose will be given. If necessary the Ventolin inhaler may be given to help ease <first name>’s breathing. Closely monitor his condition.
The administration of this medication is safe for <first name> and even if it is given
through a misdiagnosis it will do him/her no harm.
On the arrival of the paramedic team, SIC/Duty Principal will appraise them of:
All medication will be handed to the medical person.
After the incident a debriefing session will take place with all members of staff involved.
The Academy will advise the parents of any medication used and the parents will
Volunteers from the Academy Staff will be asked to administer the medication in the unlikely event of <first name> having an allergic reaction.
A qualified RGN has explained in detail the symptoms of anaphylactic reaction and the stages and procedures for the administration of medication. Parents must attend this session.
Further advise is available to the Academy Staff at any point in the future where they feel the need for further assistance.
The medical instructions will be repeated annually or more frequently as necessary because of staff changes.
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The Academy provides indemnity for any member of Staff who agrees to administer medication to a student in Academy given the agreement of the Student’s parent and the Academy.
This protocol needs to be adapted specifically to each student.
The parents need to provide a clear container, labelled with the students’ name
An empty lidded container for the used epipens to be put in
The speech to say to the Ambulance control
This is Harris Academy South Norwood, Wide Way, Mitcham, Surrey, CR4 1BP Telephone: 0208 8623 1000, we have a son/daughter who has had a severe allergic reaction. The epipen has been given. We need a paramedic team urgently. The student’s name is <first name> <SURNAME> and his/her DOB is <DOB>.
On the back of the above speech, the emergency contact numbers of the parents and the other emergency contacts. Also students Medic Alert number and the Medic Alert Telephone Number (if appropriate)
The Academy can either have one box with both epipens in or 2 separate boxes, depending on where the medication is being kept,
INDEMNITY The Academy fully indemnifies its Staff against claims for alleged negligence, provided they are acting within the scope of their employment, having been provided with adequate instruction, and are following their guidelines. For the purposes of indemnity, the administration of medicines falls within this definition and hence the member of staff can be reassured about the protection their employer provides. The indemnity would cover the consequences that might arise where an incorrect dose is inadvertently given or where the administration is overlooked. In practice indemnity means the Academy and not the employee would meet the cost of damages should a claim for alleged negligence be successful. It is very rare for staff to be sued for negligence and instead the action will usually be between the parent and the employer. AGREEMENT AND CONCLUSION
A copy of these notes will be held by the Academy and the parents.
A copy will be sent by the parent to Academy Nurses and GP for information.
Any necessary revisions will be subject of further discussions between the Academy and the parents. Any changes in routine will be noted and circulated.
Policies for Governors – Curriculum& Standards.
AGREED and SIGNED On behalf of Harris Academy South Norwood:
On behalf of Parents: FATHER
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Put specific allergy in, e.g., peanuts, wasp stings, other food allergies, etc.
Add the particular food that the student is allergic to
Add any other allergy the student is allergic to, e.g., latex, penicillin, etc.
Add names of other medical conditions, e.g., asthma, eczema etc.
Specify the other medication for the student’s other conditions, e.g., ventolin inhaler, emollient creams, etc.
Specify all medication in use for the student’s allergic reaction, e.g., piriton syrup, ventolin inhaler, epipens, etc.
Put in the areas and the place, where the medication is to be kept in College, e.g., third drawer of the filing cabinet, in the Student Information Centre
This needs to be deleted, if the student is not on a Ventolin inhaler
This may need to be deleted, if the student is not on a Ventolin inhaler
Insert the details of any other allergies or medical conditions or delete if not acceptable
The Medic Alert (or similar company) details
There should be a minimum of 4 volunteers
Policies for Governors – Curriculum& Standards.
Appendix 4 First Aid in Schools: Points of Law Schools, like any other business, have a duty to ensure that there is adequate first aid provision for employees who become ill, or who are injured, at work. (First Aid Regulations 1981) The Approved Code of Practice (ACOP) was issued in 1981. • If there are 150 or more employees, a suitable, trained first aider must be appointed;
• In schools with fewer employees a person must be appointed to take charge of any
situation relating to an ill or injured employee;
• Primary and secondary schools are considered low risk, and unless there are more
than 150 employees, do not have to appoint a ‘designated first aider’, but an ‘appointed person’ is required to be appointed; and
• the school must inform the staff of the arrangements made for first aid. There is no specific legislation for first aid cover for those on the premises who are not at work e.g. pupils, but a note in ACOP says that employers who regularly have such persons on the premises ‘may wish to make some provision for them’. This is now seen to be standard practice in schools. Who is a ‘designated first aider’? Someone holding a current first aid certificate from an organisation approved by the Health and Safety Executive (HSE) Who is an ‘appointed person’? Someone appointed to do first aid duties who may not have a detailed knowledge of first aid, and who would not be expected to do any more than ‘take charge’ in a situation requiring first aid e.g. calling for an ambulance. First Aid Boxes Schools should have a first aid box, and all staff should know where it is kept. It should contain a “sufficient quantity” of first aid material and nothing else. (ACOP) ACOP includes a list of recommended items to be in the box. The number depends on the number of employees. Minimum for 51- 100 employees Guidance card .
Individually wrapped sterile adhesive dressings . 40 Sterile eye pads, with attachment
Sterile coverings for serious wounds (where applicable) . 6 Safety pins .
Medium size sterile unmedicated dressings . 10 Large sterile unmedicated dressings
Extra Large sterile unmedicated dressings
Policies for Governors – Curriculum & Standards. Version 2 (June 2008)
The summary of product characteristics (SPC) for bupropion ( Zyban ®) has been updated sincepublication of the accompanying Bulletin. The initial dosage regimen has been modified and new safetyprecautions have been added to the SPC. It is important to consult the current SPC for full prescribinginformation. (The rINN has also been changed from amfebutamone to bupropion.) WeMeReC Bulletin Pr
CACCN NEWSLETTER Inside this issue: Message from the President A Little of That Down East Feeling Well, it is hard to believe that the long hot days of summer have come and gone. All that remains are the flowers as little reminders of the beautiful summer evenings that we will be missing. The fall colors are in full bloom outlining the streets of Scarborough. Today we saw sno