"O" - Medical Pdf Articles:

Actos de habla en editoriales del periódico "la nación" de costa rica

ACTOS DE HABLA EN EDITORIALES DEL PERIÓDICO LA NACIÓN … ACTOS DE HABLA EN EDITORIALES DEL PERIÓDICO LA NACIÓN DE COSTA RICA Adrián Vergara Heidke Este trabajo presenta el análisis de los actos de habla utilizados en los edito-riales del periódico costarricense La Nación , a propósito de uno los mayores escándalos políticos por supuestos actos de corrupción ocurrido

Preliminary programme iscb2010 - febr 28

Preliminary programme (February 28, 2010) Monday September 6th 08.00-09.00 Registration and coffee in the exhibition area 09.00-09.15 Welcome and introduction Dr. P.I. Johansson and Dr. J Stensballe 09.15-10.15 Session 1: Critical bleeding – overview of concepts Physiology of massive bleeding (15 min) Damage Control Resuscitation (15 min) 10.15-11.45 Sess

Instruções de cuidados - pacientes em quimioterapia

Instruções de cuidados para animais que estão em tratamento quimioterápico Seu animal de estimação recebeu hoje um agente quimioterápico para ajudá-lo a lutar contra um câncer no corpo dele/dela. As drogas que utilizamos atuam através de mecanismos diferentes, mas a maioria deles tem um padrão especial que as permitem de atacar células que se dividem rapidamente no corpo. Por


CARE OF PANDEMIC INFLUENZA PATIENTS IN THE HOME A. Care of pandemic influenza patients in the Persons who have not been exposed patient with influenza from other household to pandemic influenza and who are not Most patients with pandemic influenza will be essential for patient care or support should able to remain at home during the course of not enter the home while pe

Microsoft word - owhn e-bulletin spring final.doc

OWHN E-Bulletin Tobacco Use in Lesbian, Bisexual and Trans Women Communities By Michèle Clarke, Health Promoter, LGBT Program, Sherbourne Health Centre1 CONTENTS 1. Tobacco as an LGBTTQ Health Disparity 3. The Rainbow Tobacco Intervention Project (RTIP) 4. Key Findings in RTIP’s “Toronto Rainbow Tobacco Survey” 5. Tobacco Use in LGBTTQ Female Youth 6. Resources

Microsoft word - medteach-_short comm_.rtf

Non-directive, self-instructive media in the field of behavioural toxicology and addiction Wim Westera and Raymond J. M. Niesink SUMMARY This paper presents the design of the self-instructive multimedia program “Behavioural Toxicological Research”. This computer program offers professionals in health care, nutrition, clinical psychology and treatment of drug addicts a basic unders

Microsoft word - 2009 02 comunicado contract

Opensoft lança Contract - Gestão Integrada de Software Para Advogados e Solicitadores Agiliza Elaboração e Gestão de Contratos Lisboa, 10 de Fevereiro de 2009 – A Opensoft, empresa portuguesa especializada em consultoria, desenvolvimento e implementação de soluções tecnológicas, acaba de lançar o Contract – Gestão Integrada de Actos e Contratos, o novo software para advog

Microsoft word - 700049-2-007o.doc

Examen VWO Dit examen bestaat uit 41 vragen. Voor dit examen zijn maximaal 48 punten te behalen. Voor elk vraagnummer staat hoeveel punten met een goed antwoord behaald kunnen worden. Geef niet meer antwoorden (zinnen, redenen, voorbeelden e.d.) dan er worden gevraagd. Als er bijvoorbeeld één zin wordt gevraagd en je antwoordt met meer dan één zin, dan wordt alleen de eerste zin in de beoo

Prescription medication chart

Administration of Medicines Policy Aim: To ensure safe storage and administration of medication to pupils and staff by the nurses, house Storage All medications are kept in a locked cupboard in a room not normally accessible to pupils. In the Medical Centre medicines that require refrigeration are kept in a locked medicine fridge. In the boarding houses medicines that require refrige

Microsoft word - ocim health history adult.doc

Patient Information (please complete in ink) Name: Mr/Mrs/Ms___________________________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________ Home Phone: _____________________ Work Phone: _____________________ Cell Phone: ____________________ Occupation: _____________________________ Employer: _____________________________________________ Who can we thank


Effect of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy on Healing of Diabetic Foot Ulcers Arife Polat Duzgun, MD,1 Hakan Ziya Satır, MD,2 Omer Ozozan, MD,1 Barıs Saylam, MD,1 Bahadır Kulah, MD, MS, FACS,3 and Faruk Coskun, MD4 Hyperbaric oxygen therapy can be used as an adjunct to standard wound care in the treatment ofdiabetic patients with foot ulcers. We undertook a prospective, randomized investigation


drugs1.html <TITLE>CIV401 - Electronic Commerce - Server Side Process-document.orderform.tPropecia.value = total;other = document.orderform.tMinoxidil.value;document.orderform.total.value = 1*total + 1*other;document.orderform.tMinoxidil.value = total;other = document.orderform.tPropecia.value;document.orderform.total.value = 1*total + 1*other;<TD>&nbsp;</TD><TD&

Sample new patient questionnaire

Patient Information Patient Name: _________________________________________________________ Date: Last First MI Male Female Married Single Child Other Social Security #: ________________________________ Birth Date: Phone (Home): ________________ (Work): ________________ Ext:______ Cellular:_____________ Address: ____________________________________________________________________________


Usage Statistics for ospreysailuk - March 2009 Graphical statistics for ospreysailing.org.ukSummary Period: March 2009Generated 01-Apr-2009 02:02 BST[Daily Statistics] [Hourly Statistics] [URLs] [Entry] [Exit] [Sites] [Referrers] [Search] [Agents] [Countries]3481 2.08% 2387 3.47% 279 3.24% 125 4.94% 117906 3.03%6338 3.78% 2766 4.02% 366 4.25% 183 7.24% 147634 3.79%5994 3.58% 2773 4.03% 4


PARROT MINIKIT Smart TM Parrot MINIKIT Smart Get more out of your Smartphone The Parrot MINIKIT Smart is a Bluetooth hands-free kit featuring a Smartphone holder. It can be attached to the windshield or dashboard, enabling you to access the navigation and Smartphone features while keeping your hands on the wheel at all times. You can use the MINIKIT Smart


HONDURAS UPDATER from the desk of Sr. Doris Regan, OP Dear Friends, bought their gift according tothe money they had saved!28, a coup d’etat on June 28th and our HIVClinic was destroyed by fire on August 21st. fire but are still in the midst of the coup d’e-tat and the political crisis that lingers with-Doris May Regan Kindergarten’s school yearand laughed and laughed

Microsoft word - ltn-065-26.doc

Batteries Industriestrasse Büdingen ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Technical Notice Safety data sheet lithium batteries 1. Identification 1.1 Product Name: Sonnenschein Lithium Inorganic Lithium Battery 1.2 Company: 1.3 Emer

Appendix a patient information sheet

The EMPiRE trial: AntiEpileptic drug Monitoring in PREgnancy study Participant Information Sheet You are invited to participate in the study You are invited to take part in the EMPIRE study. Through this study we plan to find the AED monitoring method that is best and safe for seizure control in pregnancy. The study is entirely voluntary – you do not have to take part, nor do


Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry: Thirty-thre. pagina 1 van 12------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Return to article page To print: Select File and then Print from your browser's menu. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This story was printed from FindArticles.com, located

Microsoft word - mann1.doc

9th Annual Conference of the International FES SocietyA Pilot Study to investigate the effects of Functional ElectricalStimulation on gait in Parkinson’s Disease Mann GE 1, Finn SM 1, Taylor PN 1 1 Department of Medical Physics & Biomedical Engineering, Salisbury District Hospital, Salisbury,Wiltshire SP2 8BJ. Abstract 1 Introduction Parkinson’s Disease (PD) is a progressive

Microsoft word - c35221 pharmacuetical product manufacturing.rtf

Pharmaceutical Product Manufacturing in Indonesia Copyright & Disclaimer This product has been supplied by PT. Dataindo Inti Swakarsa ('DIS-IBISWorld') solely for use by its authorised licensees strictly in accordance with their license agreements with DIS-IBISWorld. DIS-IBISWorld makes no representation to any other person with regard to the completeness or accuracy of the data or in


Honsberg Instruments GmbH Tenter Weg 2-8 ● 42897 Remscheid ● Germany Fon +49 (0) 2191 - 9672 - 0 ● Fax - 40 www.honsberg.com ● info@honsberg.com Produktinformation Sensors and Instrumentation Radio Temperature Battery life depending on parameter settings, usually > 1 year Radio frequency Transmitter / Switch Vibration resistance Ingress protection IP 67


Reported Speech - statements These classnotes are not designed to be studied, but to be used for reference (to solve doubts), so a lot of information is repeated for easy access to all the relevant information in each section. Pay special attention to the words in colour , which signal changes in reported speech. ===============================================================================

Website alpha drug list 06-08-04.xls

PICA Drug List - Alphabetial Listing Key: MAND. MAIL = the indicated medication must be ordered through CFI Mail Order. STP = the indicated medication is subject to the Step Therapy Program:use 1st line agents (or generics) first FER = the indicated medication is indicated for the treatment of infertility. SPBM = the indicated medication is only available through CuraScript after on

Solution oriented hypnotic analgesia

Solution Oriented Hypnotic Analgesia in Naltrexone Treatment for Heroin Addiction Abstract I have been using Solution Oriented Hypnosis and Solution Oriented Counselling for anumber of years. During that time, I have counselled several hundred Heroin addicts whowere undergoing Rapid Opiate Detoxification (ROD) with the drug Naltrexone. Heroinaddicts suffer from acute and chronic pain. Nal


Die Breitbandwirkung von Kolloidalem Gold Die Geschichte vom Kolloidalen Gold Das Gold gehört zur Gruppe der Edelmetallen, die als reines Metall in der Natur vorkommt.und stammt ursprünglich von dem lateinischen Wort Aurum ab, dass so viel bedeutet wie: das Helle oder das Gläserne! Gold ist das 74ste Element, auf einer Liste, der am häufigsten vorkommenden Elemente auf der Erde, es

Microsoft word - 595 spd nov09.doc

SCHEDULE OF MEDICAL BENEFITS BENEFITS Retail & Mail Order Drug Benefit Home Health Care Benefit Hospice Benefit Second Surgical Opinion Benefit Wellness Expense Benefit Physician’s Office Visit Benefit Inpatient Mental/Nerv/Substance Outpatient Ment/Nerv/Substance Calendar Year Deductible (PPO and non-PPO deductibles will be applied toward eac

Microsoft word - rogaine entry forms 2008.doc

2008 LEWIS AND CLARK CUP - ROGAINE ORIENTEERING LOUISVILLE WHEN: Saturday, October 11, 2008 WHERE: Bernheim Arboretum and Research Forest State Highway 245 Clermont, KY 40110 WHAT: A rogaining competition is a race between teams traveling on foot and limited by time. Competitors use maps, magnetic compasses and navigational skills to travel from a starting point pass

Product list - rx products

1893 SW 3rd Street Rx Products Pompano Beach, FL 33069 Tel: 954‐979‐6440 Fax: 954‐979‐6390 contact@osmopharmusa.com www.osmopharmusa.com COLOMBIA COMBINATIONS Acetaminophen + Codeine Phosphate Brompheniramine Maleate + Pseudoephedrine HydrochlorideCetirizine Dihydrochloride + Pseudoephedrine Sulfate/SO4Cetirizine Dihydrochloride + Pseudoephedrine Sulf

Microsoft word - commission-sanctioned thresholds - approved 1-24-13 docx _2_.doc

Approved by Commission, 3/23/06, 5/18/06, 1/25/07, 2/21/08, 6/19/08, 5/21/09, 6/18/09, 3/25/10, 6/16/11, 8/11/11, 1/26/12, 3/20/12, 1/24/13 DIRECTIVE ON COMMISSION-SANCTIONED THRESHOLDS [3A:205.2(H)] THERAPEUTIC MEDICATIONS (1) A finding by the Primary Laboratory of a prohibited drug, chemical or other substance in a test specimen of a horse is prima facie evidence that the pro


the bulletin As an independent organisation, the Broadcasting Standards Commissionconsiders the portrayal of violence, sexual conduct and matters of taste anddecency in television and radio programmes and advertisements. It also providesredress for people who believe they have been unfairly treated or subjected tounwarranted infringement of privacy. Complaints about standards and fairne

Microsoft word - travel news.doc

TRAVEL NEWS Swine Flu information supplied courtesy of Globe Medical (www.globemedical.com.au) in Adelaide, which provides a comprehensive service for travellers whether outbound, inbound or just passing through. IMPORTANT INFORMATION ON SWINE FLU What do I know about human influenza and pandemics? Influenza viruses are grouped into three types known as A, B and C. Serotype


Doctors in Veterinary, Human Medicine Team to Give Burned Horse a Second Chance American Paint Horse Was Victim of Animal Abuse COLUMBUS, Ohio – The unlikely pairing of an equine veterinarian and a burn surgeon is providing a second chance at a normal life for a horse that was doused in flammable liquid and set on fire late last summer. The Ohio State University doctors and their teams


Digitized Bodies - Virtual Spectacles ProjectBy Jennifer Leonard"We don't know what to make of ourselves," starts Mark Dery in his EscapeVelocity: Cyberculture at the End of the Century, "precisely because we are, morethan ever before, able to remake ourselves."Exploring notions, like Dery's, of the human body in this digital era is curator NinaCzegledy, with the interdisciplinar


Manuel Bernardo Barbosa - mbb@di.uminho.pt3. Specification and validation of CANopen using PROMELA and Spin4. Analysis of the Conformance Testing approachManuel Bernardo Barbosa - mbb@di.uminho.ptCANopen - Formal Specification and Validation - Conformance Testing• CANopen is a communication protocol designed for distributed controlin industrial environments: system integration. • Typica

Microsoft word - medical recommendation revised 10-9-07.doc

To Parent(s)/Guardian(s): Complete this section and give this form (FORM 2) and a copy of your completed CAMPER HEALTH HISTORY FORM (FORM 1) to your child’s health-care provider for review. Developed and reviewed by: American Camp Association, Dates wil attend camp: from ______________to_____________ American Academy of Pediatrics Council on School Health, & Camp


Birth Plan for (Your Name): ______________________________________________________________________________ My baby’s father’s name is: ___________________________________________________________________________ My other support person wil be: ______________________________________________________________________ You may write your own birth philosophy, whatever you want. Here is an exampl

Rancho bernardo advanced imaging

Offices: Mission Viejo, Ladera Ranch and Laguna Woods PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS for GLUCOPHAGE ® (METFORMIN) and IODINATED CONTRAST MATERIAL Name: _______________________________________ DOB: __________________ You are having a procedure today that may include the injection of iodinated contrast material (x-ray dye). Additionally, you have indicated that you are currently taking the med


CENTRAL NEW JERSEY AFFILIATE SPRING 2005 VOL. 7 NO. 1 OBSESSIVE COMPULSIVE FOUNDATION Every Meeting is a Learning Experience WHY AM I OR MY CHILD ON THIS MEDICATION FOR MY OCD? by, Rachel Strohl, Psy.M. starts patients on Zoloft or Paxil. If theterly meeting on December 13, 2004. Dr. Branch, as a school psychiatrist in sever-al local school districts, and has privateThrou

Pediculosis, head lice, head lice infestation

WISCONSIN DIVISION OF PUBLIC HEALTH Department of Health and Family Services Pediculosis (head lice infestation) What is pediculosis (head lice)? Pediculosis is an infestation of head lice on the hair of the head. The lice feed onhuman blood which can cause severe local itching. Who gets pediculosis? Anyone may become infested with head lice, regardless of age, sex, race, orstand


Caring Touch Spa INTAKE FORM Rate your level of stress (5=highest, 1=lowest) 5 4 3 2 1 Do you exercise? Y N If yes, how often? How many 8 oz. glasses of water do you consume daily? Do you smoke? Y N Please list any surgeries (cosmetic included): Are you currently suffering from or being treated for an infection / virus / cold / flu? Are you pregnant or lactating? Y N Are you currently t


Ambulatory Care Clerkship Goals and Objectives COURSE GOALS: Teach the student the rationale of prescribing medication in an ambulatory care setting;Familiarize the student with laboratory tests and diagnostic procedures used in themonitoring of drug therapy;Teach the student both the physical and laboratory parameters for evaluating effectivemedication use in ambulatory patients,Reinforc

Neoeap - minutes 9 feb 2009

9th February 2009, at The Bridge Inn, WetherbyIn attendance: Dave Barham, Gary Laird (left at lunchtime), Ian Kirby, Jacqui Toase, Janice Wetherill, Andy Rangecroft, Dave Armstrong, Taff Bowles, Arron Cox, Ken Hutson, Dave Hepworth, Pete Flynn, Bill Haylock (left early), Dave AddisonApologies from: Adge Last, John Watson, Ken Round, Helen Plimmer, Dave Etheridge, Lyn Taylor, Dave Griffiths, Pipp

Bandliste 1977-2010

9 7 Plamp, Twelve Oaks, Im Bode Bänd, Country Ramblers, Krokus, Tea, Toni Vescoli + Alexis Korner, Shivananda, Roy Bailey, Black Cat Bone Blues Band, Westward, Infrasteff, Soul Set. 1979 8 Asphalt Blues Company, Blues Shouters, Che & Ray, Circus, Country Ramblers, George Tempest, Infrasteff, Joker, Krokus, Magog, Miller Kane, Point, Rockvereinigung Winterthur, Shivananda, Skibbereen, Spa

Microsoft word - medications.doc

YOUR MEDICATIONS It is important that you take all your medications. Whilst it is not possible to provide an exhaustive explanation of the use of all of the medications provided, the following is a brief description of the medications that may have been prescribed to you, and of some of their benefits and potential side effects. 1. Amoxicillin 875mg and clavulanate 125mg c


Antimicrobial susceptibility of Enterococcusfaecalis isolated from canals of root filled teethwith periapical lesionsE. T. Pinheiro1, B. P. F. A. Gomes1, D. B. Drucker2, A. A. Zaia1, C. C. R. Ferraz1 &F. J. Souza-Filho11Department of Endodontic, Piracicaba Dental School, State University of Campinas, UNICAMP, Piracicaba, Brazil; and2Department of Oral Microbiology, University Dental Hospital

Microsoft word - eis finalfinal commentfrom mary.doc

John Forren U.S. EPA (3EA30) 1650 Arch Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 Dear Mr. Forren: I want to thank you and the members of the EIS steering committee for the opportunity to comment on the Draft Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement on Mountaintop Mining/Valley Fills in Appalachia, and for extending the review period until January 6, 2004. My comments are based on more than a decade of


MRI Arthrograms Diagnostic Radiology (Outpatient) Welcome: We would like to welcome you to OSF St Joseph Medical Center Diagnostic Radiology Department. You have been scheduled to have an MRI Arthrogram. This is a diagnostic test using fluoroscopy (a form of x-ray). The information contained in this pamphlet will help you understand the test that has been scheduled. Wh

21565 a. fraternali et_al


Order of magnitude reasoning in qualitative differential equations

Computer Science Department TECHNICAL REPORT Order of Magnitude Reasoning in Qualitative Differential Equations Ernest Davisf Technical Report #31 2 August 1987 o o Qj r-( l-i 0) H- fD Qj < l-h f" fD Ml cn l-( O (T> 3 ' O o i-h n ^ f-( en 3 O (tiQ M 3 D (D tfl n- iQ C C 0) (-â– (D H- rt n- r+ 1-3 wl I u>| O 3 cn < to O NEW YORK UNIVERSITY -eparfment of Computer Science Couran

Jcm part 10

UML data models from an ORM perspective: Part 10 by Dr. Terry Halpin Director of Database Strategy, Visio Corporation This paper first appeared in the August 1999 issue of the Journal of Conceptual Modeling , published byInConcept. This paper is the tenth in a series of articles examining data modeling in the Unified Modeling Language (UML) from the perspective of Object Role Modeling


CERERE DE SUBSCRIERE DE ACTIUNI stabilita prin Hotararea AGEA a SC INTERNATIONAL CAVIAR CORPORATION SA din : 15.12.2008 adresa: str. Tabara Militara nr.3, Calan, jud. Hunedoara, CUI:2141715, Cod Registrul Comertului: J20/258/1991 Cererea de subscriere nr. Subsemnatul ____________________________________, cod numeric personal________________________________ posesor al BI/CI/Pasaport ser

Consenso osteoporose.p65

Consenso brasileiro de osteoporose 2002(*)Aarão Mendes Pinto Neto(1), Alberto Soares(2), Almir Antonio Urbanetz(3), Antonio Carlos de Araújo e Sou-za(4), Antonio Eugênio Mota Ferrari(5), Beatriz Amaral(6), Caio Moreira(7), César Eduardo Fernandes(8), Cristia-no Augusto de Freitas Zerbini(9), Edmundo Baracat(10), Edson Cerqueira de Freitas(11), Eduardo de Souza Mei-relles(12), Francisco Ban


Anmeldung und Anamnesebogen zur Behandlung in der Praxis Dr. Dr. Gerhard Leilich & PD Dr. Dan Brüllmann, Weißliliengasse 31, 55116 Mainz, Tel. 06131-224818, Fax 06131-2280901, E-Mail: info@oralchirurgie-weissliliengasse.de Bitte vor der ersten Behandlung in unserer Praxis oder bei Änderungen der Angaben ausfüllen. Zutreffendes bitte ankreuzen. Frau/Frl./Herr ___________________

Loratadin al 10 mg

BIJSLUITER: INFORMATIE VOOR DE GEBRUIK(ST)ER Loratadine EG 10 mg tabletten Lees de hele bijsluiter zorgvuldig door, want deze bevat belangrijke informatie voor u. Dit geneesmiddel kan zonder voorschrift verkregen worden. Desondanks moet u Loratadine EG 10 mg tabletten zorgvuldig innemen om een goed resultaat te bereiken. - Bewaar deze bijsluiter. Het kan nodig zijn om deze n


Algumas reflexões em torno de nio Carlos Gomes Some Ideas on Antonio Carlos Gomes Antônio Carlos Gomes foi o compositor mais importante daAmérica Latina no século XIX e ainda pode ser considerado, jun-to com Villa-Lobos, o compositor brasileiro de maior expressãointernacional. Entretanto, sua obra nunca foi devidamente analisa-da e avaliada, particularmente pela inexistência de docu


Rang & Dale's Pharmacology Table Of Contents: General principles How drugs act: cellular aspects---excitation, contraction and secretion Chemical mediators Chemical mediators and the autonomic nervous system Other peripheral mediators: 5-hydroxytryptamine and purines Local hormones, inflammation and immune reactions Anti-inflammatory and immunosuppres ant drugs Drugs a

Microsoft word - raccomandazioni_chirurgia_2008.doc

NORME A CUI ATTTENERSI SCRUPOLOSAMENTE DOPO QUALSIASI INTERVENTO DI CHIRURGIA ORALE Al fine di permettere una buona guarigione dei tessuti operati minimizzando i disagi. 1. mentre permane l’effetto dell’anestesia è possibile bere ma è vietato mangiare e/o fumare. 2. applicare borsa del ghiaccio esternamente in corrispondenza della parte operata solo nelle ore immediatamen


Tetrahedron Letters 46 (2005) 5559–5562Muneo Shoji,a Kaoru Shiohara,a Masato Oikawa,a Ryuichi Sakaib and Makoto Sasakia,*aGraduate School of Life Sciences, Tohoku University, Tsutsumidori-amamiya, Aoba-ku, Sendai 981-8555, JapanbSchool of Fisheries Science, Kitasato University, Sanriku-cho, Iwate 022-0100, JapanReceived 4 April 2005; revised 6 June 2005; accepted 8 June 2005Abstract—Syn


Case report: Management of heterotopic ossification associated with myocutaneous flap reconstruction of a sacral pressure ulcer Colin W. McInnes1, Richard A.K. Reynolds2, Jugpal S. Arneja3 1Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC2Department of Orthopedics, Children’s Hospital of Michigan, Detroit, MI3Division of Plastic Surgery, British Columbi

Nur 154 - spring 2009

Spring 2014 (Last Revised (12/10/13) CAROLINAS COLLEGE OF HEALTH SCIENCES SCHOOL OF NURSING COURSE SYLLABUS Credit Hours: Placement: Course Description: NUR 154, Maternal/Neonatal Health, is a theory and lab/clinical course designed to prepare the student for the role of the Associate Degree Nurse in the provision and management of holistic care for the matern

We can dispense ibuprofen/acetaminophen to a student on an as-needed basis

PHONE NUMBER FOR EMERGENCY PHONE TREE (for school wide emergency only) Phone #: _____________________________________ DISPENSING IBUPROFEN/ACETAMINOPEN PERMISSION FORM (This section is NOT OPTIONAL) Please check one of the choices, sign and date We can dispense ibuprofen/acetaminophen to a student on an as-needed basis. Please check the following instructions according to

Microsoft word - swine flu qa250409 _2_.doc

Swine Influenza (swine flu) is a respiratory disease of pigs caused by type A influenza viruses that causes regular outbreaks in pigs. People do not normally get swine flu, Q2) How common and serious is swine flu infection in general? Like seasonal flu, swine flu in humans can vary in severity from mild to severe. Between 2005 until Jan 2009, 12 human cases of swine flu were detected in the U.

Ökolog sommerakademie 2010 in viktorsberg

ÖKOLOG SOMMERAKADEMIE 2010 IN VIKTORSBERG Dramatechnik Erzählerbericht Die Geschichte, um die es geht, handelt von Gerechtigkeit und fehlender Gerechtigkeit. Sie handelt von einem indianischen Stamm und von reichen westlichen Pharmakonzernen, das sind große Firmen, die mit Medikamenten, Nahrungsmittelzusätzen, Heilmitteln und Schönheitsprodukten ihr Geld verdienen. Die Geschichte

Mobbb priorities committee minutes - january 2012

THIS MEETING WAS QUORATE Milton Keynes, Oxfordshire, Berkshire East, Berkshire West & Buckinghamshire (MOBB) Priorities Committee Minutes of meeting held on Wednesday 25 January 2012, Jubilee House, Oxford Business Park South, Oxford, OX4 2LH Present: Committee Members Head of Medicines Management, NHS Bucks Associate Medical Director, Bucks Hosp NHS Trust


Importer & Wholesaler – www.martineswines.com 285 Bel Marin Keys Blvd., Ste Q -Novato, CA 94949 – Tel: (415) 883-0400 – Fax: (415) 883-0648 -- email: sales@mwines.com HARVEST 2006 PREVIEW By Martine Saunier A relatively cold and wet winter, followed by a late spring with no frost… a blooming season on schedule… it seems that no one had to worry! July was scorching, the

Patient information form – gastroscoopies (egd)

PATIENT INFORMATION FORM – GASTROSCOPIES (EGD) DATE OF PROCEDURE : ________________________________________________ Please arrive 30 minutes before your scheduled time Preparation for a procedure is very important. Proper preparation will reduce the risks of the procedure and will assist in obtaining proper results. PLEASE NOTE: YOU MAY REQUIRE SEDATION DURING YOUR PROCED

Microsoft word - leereport.doc

SLOWING THE AGING PROCESS WITH NATURAL PROGESTERONE Aging is as inevitable as death and taxes, but prevention of premature aging is a goal towhich we all should (and can) aspire. In this regard, the role of natural progesterone shouldbe re-examined. In women, progesterone and estrogen are produced primarily by the ovaryduring normal menstrual cycles. Progesterone maintains the secretory endometri


Inventory Listing for "Drowsy". Click on the "Buy Now" link to purchase an item. • FJJ FASHION CAR DRIVER SAFE DEVICE ANTI DOZE NAP ZAPPER DROWSY ALARM CL-0029 ($0.06• Original Drowsy doll. Mattel 1964' Clean & Talking. ($150.00) - • FLL 2014 NEW CAR DRIVER SAFE DEVICE ANTI DOZE NAP ZAPPER DROWSY ALARM CL-0029 ($0.74) - • 1984 MATTEL TALKING DROWSY DOLL CLASSIC CO


Le tariffe di roaming sono i prezzi che voi pagate Non importa da quale paese telefonate: con Orange come clienti di Orange quando vi trovate all’estero pagate per tutte le reti del a stessa zona la stessa e utilizzate il vostro telefonino. Ad esempio per vantaggiosa tariffa. Pertanto non dovrete più preoccu-conversazioni locali con il partner commerciale parvi, all’interno di una z

Hands on 1 s5

� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ����� �� ��������� ������ �� ���������� �� ��������� ������� POLYMYALGIA RHEUMATICA Gillian Hosie , MB, ChB, FRCP(Glas), DA General Practi


March 2011 | In this Issue. Annual Third Party/Practice Management Seminar - Registration is OPEN Oregon Health Plan Pharmacy Announcement eRx Incentive Program Reminder - Avoiding the Adjustment Medicare Carrier Advisory Committee Update Excerpts From The Noridian Hot Topic Q & A Session What's the Buzz on the OOPA ON-Line Member Forum? Annual Third Party/Practice Management

Aspapel notícia premsa

ASPAPEL presenta en Sevilla un estudio para fomentar la sociedad del reciclaje en la universidad, realizado por encargo del MARM La universidad recicla ya más de 5 kilos de papel y cartón por estudiante El reciclaje de papel y cartón, claro caso de éxito: en España reciclamos ya el 72% del papel y cartón que consumimos. La sociedad del reciclaje y el bioconsumo calan e

C:\documents and settings\sandy garland\local settings\temporary internet files\content.ie5\ih3w9sre\letter re-5309 bank-apr05.

Mr. Taavi SiitamCity of Ottawa,Planning and Growth Management Department110 Laurier Avenue West, 4th floorOttawa, ON K1J 1P1580-2424 ext.27788Facsimile: 580-2576Taavi.Siitam@ottawa.caRE: REZONING APPLICATION FOR 5309 BANK STREET FILE: D02-02-04-007 In 2003 and subsequently, the Ottawa Field Naturalists presented reasons to CorporateServices Committee why the subject lands should remain as City p


Fungal colonisation in digital silicone rubber prostheses M. E. L. LEOW*, A. K. KOUR*'****, T. J. J. INGLIS**'***, G. KUMARASINGHE*** and R. W. H. PHO*'**** *Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, The National University of Singapore, Singapore **Department of Microbiology, The National University of Singapore, Singapore ***Department of Laboratory Medicine, National University Hospital, Sin

Microsoft word - rosengarten paper for reframing the social

Reframing the social dimensions of HIV: the case of PrEP Marsha Rosengarten, Centre for the Study of Invention and Social Process, Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London. The question that I’m to address in the next 10 mins or so is: how do I see the relationship between biomedical prevention (ART for prevention) and social research? To do this I’m going to focu

Microsoft word - benign paroxysmal positional vertigo.doc

Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo Overview Benign paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV) is one of the most common causes of vertigo, the symptom that describes the feeling of intense spinning of the head. BPPV describes the situation where the spinning sensation lasts only a few minutes and often stops by itself. There may be recurrent episod

The physician’s role in post-discharge emergency care

Triamcinolone Acetonide (KenalogTM TriesenceTM TrivarisTM): Recommendations Anne M. Menke, R.N., Ph.D. OMIC Risk Manager PURPOSE OF RISK MANAGEMENT RECOMMENDATIONS OMIC regularly analyzes its claims experience to determine loss prevention measures that our insured ophthalmologists can take to reduce the likelihood of professional liability lawsuits. OMIC policyholders are not requir


Physicians of Aesthetic Medicine Last Name: __________________________________ First Name: ______________________________ Address: _____________________________________________________________________________ City: __________________________________ State: ____________ Zip Code: __________________ Date of Birth: _________________________________ Sex:  Female  Male Telephone: Hom


“La Organización Mundial de la Salud ha declarado la emergencia pública internacional para gripe porcina dadoslos riesgos de una pandemia.”Cabe destacar que en el país no hay casos confirmados. La gripe porcina o influenza porcina es una enfermedad infecciosa causada por un virus perteneciente a la familiaOrthomyxoviridae y que afecta fundamentalmente a poblaciones porcinas. Estas cepas v

Microsoft word - vaginal estrogens.doc

Vaginal Estrogens The research shows us that sometimes vaginal estrogen is not only safe, even with a history of breast cancer, but it is necessary for optimal vaginal health, especially for sexually active women whose vaginal function will deteriorate significantly without estrogen. When the ovaries fail to function either due to age or after breast cancer chemotherapy, vaginal estrogen can


September MIMS Monthly Medicine Update NEW PRODUCTS Priligy (dapoxetine hydrochloride) Zaltrap (aflibercept (rch)) is a Erivedge (vismodegib) is a low severe chronic neutropenia (SCN); and in endothelial growth factor (VEGF) receptor (1 and 2) extracellular domains fused to HIV therapy. Zarzio is contraindicated in ejaculatory latency time (IELT) of less than patients with kn

I det här inlägget kommer jag att förhålla mig till och resonera kring en del av de många intressanta frågor som ställs i p.

Anna G. Jónasdóttir Centrum för feministiska samhällsstudier Samhällsvetenskapliga institutionen Örebro universitet SE-701 82 Örebro E-postadress: Feminism, vetenskap och föränderliga kunskapsintressen Presenterat på den nordiska konferensen Kvinnorörelser – inspiration, intervention och irritation , 10-12 juni 2004, i arbetsgruppen: ”Kön och vetenskapssamhället”

Microsoft word - smart numero quarantasei.doc

LAZIO NEWS- NON AFFRETTIAMO L’ACCORPAMENTO DELLE ASL: COSI’ HA DICHIARATO LUCHERINI AL TERMINE COMMISSIONE SANITA’- Carlo Lucherini vicepresidente del Consiglio regionale, al termine della riunione della Commissione Sanita ha dichiarato che una contrazione del numero delle Asl e una riorganizzazione territoriale ci puo' anche essere, ma in questa fase delicata in cui c'e' da far


Rev. Salud Anim. Vol. 32 No. 1 (2010): 54-56 Comunicación corta EVALUACIÓN DEL ALBENDAZOL Y PRAZIQUANTEL CONTRA Thysanosoma actinioides (CESTODA: ANOPLOCEPHALIDAE), EN OVINOS J. Olivares Orozco*, J.G. Rodríguez Diego**, Iris Aline Escobedo Olivares del Castillo*, J.C. Camacho Cisneros*, H.A. Herrera Gutiérrez*, D. Montiel Salero*, A. Fierro Álvarez*, D. Ruiz Juárez*

Déclenchement artificiel du travail - diaporama

DECLENCHEMENT ARTIFICIEL DU TRAVAIL A PARTIR DE 37 SEMAINES D’AMENORRHEE (SA) Recommandations professionnelles Avril 2008 DECLENCHEMENT ARTIFICIEL DU TRAVAIL A PARTIR DE 37 SA Ces recommandations professionnelles sur le thème du « déclenchement artificiel du travail àpartir de 37 semaines d’aménorrhée » ont été élaborées par la Haute Autorité de Santé à la


Ley No. 659 del 17 de julio de 1944 sobre Actos del Estado Civil que dicta disposiciones sobre los registros y las actas de defunción. EL CONGRESO NACIONAL En Nombre de la República HA DADO LA SIGUIENTE LEY SOBRE ACTOS DEL ESTADO CIVIL. NUMERO 659. TITULO I De las oficinas y de los Oficiales del Estado Civil. Art. 1.- En el Distrito de Santo Domingo, en cada Común y en los Di

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Rabbi Akiva 1, PO Box 2707 91026 Jerusalem, Israel daniel.decker@eshetil.co.il; www.jerusalem-eternal-tours.com Conference & Tour Of Israel - April 17 to April 29, 2013 14 Day Holy Land Experience: Day 1 - Tuesday, April 16: The Journey Begins Board your flight and head to Israel. Day 2 - Wednesday, April 17: Arrival Arrive in Israel, be greeted and assisted by a Jer

Gherkin issue

Asked by Hi All, I have been stuck with Gherkin, pls solve this C:\CalabashFW\Calabash_NT14>calabash-android run NT14.a pk C:/CalabashFW/Ruby187/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/calabash-android-0.4.20/lib/calabas h-android/env.rb:127: warning: don't put space before argument parentheses *** WARNING: You must use ANSICON 1.31 or higher (https://github.com/adoxa/ansic on/) to get coloured output on Window


Appendix A: LiterAture seArch strAtegy OVerVieW Interface BIOSIS Previews <1985 to 2009 Week 21>;Ovid MEDLINE(R) In-Process & Other Non-Indexed Citations <4 May 2009>; Ovid MEDLINE(R) <1950 to April Week 4 2009> * Note: Subject headings have been customized for each database. Monthly search updates began June 2009 and ran to [DATE]. English syntAx guide At


Activity Report 1999 ABSTRACTS: J.Pfeifer, H. Rabl, S. Uranüs, L. Kronberger. Endoskopische Fibrinklebung bei der akuten , isolierten Anorektalblutung. 40. Jahrestagung, Österr. Ges. für Chirurgie, Linz, 3.-5- Juni, ACA Vol. 31, Suppl. 153 J. Pfeifer, S. Uranüs, H.Rabl, L. Kronberger. Intussuszeption – eine andere Indikation für die zirkuläre transanale Staplerresektion. 40. Jahre

Microsoft word - ii_5 febr04.doc

Danish Research Centre for Organic Farming Status Report 2003 and Application for Continuation in 2004 For research projects financed by grants from The Directorate for Food, Fisheries and Agro Business under the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries 1. Research Research in organic farming 2000-2005 (DARCOF II) 2. Project title and number Use of antimi




Énoncé de position sur la publicité s'adressant directement aux consommateurs La position de la Coalition canadienne des organismes de bienfaisance en santé (CCOBS) est la suivante : la publicité s’adressant directement aux consommateurs pour faire état des propriétés attribuées à un produit ne devrait pas être autorisée au Canada. Les annonces publicitaires sur les médic

Microsoft word - prediabetes-scoping-rev-reportv6.doc

Evidence Summary: Pre-Diabetes To the Champlain Diabetes Strategy Advisory Committee Prepared by the CIHR-funded Knowledge to Action research group: Sara Khangura, Jeremy Grimshaw, David Moher Background Is it clinically beneficial to screen patients for pre-diabetes? • “The term ‘prediabetes’ is a practical and convenient term for impaired fasting glucose (IFG)


Three Probable Cases of Parthenogenesis in Lizards (Agamidae, Chamaeleontidae, Gekkonidae) Museum of Comparative Zoology and Biological Laboratories, Harvard University, Cambridge (Massachusetts 02138, USA). 13 April 1970. Neither parthenogenesis nor triploidy has previously been reported in the infraorder Iguania, comprising the families Iguanidae, Agamidae, and Chamaeleontidae. Duri

June 2005

Singing Soothes: Music Concerts for the Management of Agitation in Older Adults with Dementia Kathleen A. Clarkson, BSc; Keri-Leigh Cassidy, MD; Gail A. Eskes, PhD ABSTRACT Background Nonpharmacological strategies for managing the behavioural and psychological symptoms of dementia are important adjuncts to medications, and evidence to support the use of nonpharmacological options is needed


How to Take Your Bioidentical Hormones Depending on the hormone, some can be taken by mouth on an empty stomach, some can be injected, some can be taken as trans-dermal (through the skin) creams, or sublingual (under the tongue) drops or “troches” – little compounded tablet-like pills that dissolve under your tongue, or between your cheek and gum. If you are getting a blood draw to che


Bold type has been used for major references. adenosylhomomethionine 9 abietadiene 271, 273 adenosylmethionine 9 abietic acid 271, 273, 275 adonirubin 419 , 421 acacetin 405 agmatine 59-61, 434 acetic acid 165, 168 , 169 ajugose 142, 149 alanine 13 , 53, 62 β-alanine 34 , 203 acetoin 165 , 167 substituted 51 , 52 alanylhistidine 76 alanylmeth

Relaciones interproximales

La extracción dentaria en la celulitis facial odontogénica Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo de los pacientes ingresados en el Hospital "Héroes del Baire" con el diagnóstico de celulitis facial odontogénica, con el objetivo de caracterizar la celulitis facial en nuestro medio, así como el nivel de conocimiento de los estomatólogos y la población tiene de esta. Se obtuvi


ORTHOPAEDIC ASSOCIATES 8854 W EMERALD, STE 140 BOISE, ID 83704 NEW PATIENTS - You have been asked to fill out our patient information sheet. The accuracy of this information is very important. Please print clearly. Please give your given name, with initial as it appears on your insurance card. If you go by a different name, please let us know by putting it in () by your name card.

Press release form

Eisai London Research Laboratories Licenses OriGene’s FlagArrayTM for Genome-Wide Functional Analyses Rockville, MD August 1, 2005 – OriGene Technologies Inc. today announced that Eisai London Research Laboratories has licensed OriGene’s FlagArray platform for high-throughput drug target discovery. "We are pleased to formalize our relationship with OriGene,” said Yukio N


DRUG SENSITIVITY IN THE WIDER COLLIE FAMILY – THE FACTS Known or Potential Problem Dugs More than twenty drugs are known, suspected, or have the potential of causingproblems with dogs carrying the mutant form of the Multi-drug Resistance Gene, a list which is still being extended . These drugs, listed below in alphabetical order,used in the treatment of a wide spectrum of ailments i

Ley 10/1990

Subdirección General de Atención al Ciudadano y Asistencia a las Víctimas del Terrorismo LEY 10/1990 TÍTULO IX DE LA LEY 10/1990, DE 15 DE OCTUBRE, DEL DEPORTE (en su redacción dada por el artículo 115 de la Ley 53/2002, de 30 de diciembre) PREVENCIÓN DE LA VIOLENCIA EN LOS ESPECTÁCULOS DEPORTIVOS Artículo 60 1. Se crea la Comisión Nacional contra la Violencia en los Espec


Odyssey High School Biology Vocabulary Vocabulary Word Definition physical, or nonliving, factor that shapes an ecosystemphysical, or nonliving, part of an ecosystemthe closeness of a measurement to the actual valuelacking a body cavitytraits that develop as a result of an organism's experiences in the worldthe energy needed to start a reaction by exciting a stable molecule and makin

Microsoft word - paroxetine10t-sie

Drug Information Sheet("Kusuri-no-Shiori") The information on this sheet is based on approvals granted by the Japanese regulatory authority. Approval details may vary by country. Medicines have adverse effects (risks) as wel as efficacies (benefits). It is important to minimize adverse effects and maximize efficacy. To obtain a better therapeutic response, patients should understand

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DITROPAN XL Flash E-Mail Impactful Openers 1. Overactive bladder dysfunction is estimated to affect over 33 million patients in the United States. In your practice, how many patients do you see weekly that suffer from symptoms of urgency, frequency and/ -or urge urinary incontinence? 2. Doctor, last time I was here, you explained to me that efficacy and tolerability are the most imp

Microsoft word - schadstoff-glossar.doc

Schadstoff-Glossar S chadstoffanalytik+ B aubiologe 53489 Sinzig/Rhein Schadstoff-Glossar In diesem Glossar sind Kurzinformationen zu Innenraum-Schadstoffen zusammengefasst. Aldehyde - Überwiegend leichtflüchtige Kohlenwasserstoffe wie z.B. Formaldehyd, Acetaldehyd, Hexanal; Vorkommen in Pressspan (→Formaldehyd); als Abbauprodukt von Naturölen (Leitkomponente: Hexanal);

See spot run: obesity doesn't have to be permanent

SEE SPOT RUN: OBESITY DOESN’T HAVE system uses both visual cues and palpation of specific TO BE PERMANENT areas (the ribcage, waist, and dorsal spinous processes) to estimate subcutaneous and abdominal fat Debra L. Zoran, DVM, PhD, Diplomate ACVIM accumulation relative to superficial muscles. This technique is highly precise (repeatable), but not Texas A&M University, College S


Review Article © Schattauer 2010 Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit bone healing: A review Washington State University, Department of Veterinary Clinical Sciences, Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Pullman, Wash- Keywords stems from prostaglandin inhibition and is crine and autocrine activity, have since been shown to regulate constitutive and in-Non-steroidal anti-inf


January/February 2007 The magazine for Canadian camp professionals. Dealing with is for frontline treatment only. It treats therebound reactions can happen as quickly asimmediate life-threatening effects of ana-10 to 15 minutes after the initial injection, Anaphylaxis phylaxis, but not the underlying problem,additional Epipens and oral antihistaminesBesides Epipens, the newest sys


Reference Guide for Pharmacy Technician Exam-Second Edition MANAN SHROFF Reference Guide for Pharmacy Technician Exam-Second EditionThis reference guide is not intended as a substitute for the advice of a physician. Students or readers mustconsult their physicians about any existing problem. Do not use any information in this reference guide forany kind of self treatment. Do not administer a

Una famiglia contadina racconta-3-dicembre 1968-2

Una famiglia contadina racconta Testimonianze San Marino, dicembre 1968 Ghisleri - Avevamo parlato l’altra sera dell’atrio d’ingresso del palazzo padronale; avevate detto che erano stati creati apposta questi ambienti; vogliamo riprendere l’argomento? Fanzani - Adesso magari ci mettono dentro l’automobile, ma una volta, quando ero ragazzo, li usavano. C’era il port


COMPARATIVE INFORMATION FROM SECTORAL BANK EMPLOYEE UNIONS . QUESTIONNAIRE FOR COLLECTING COMPARATIVE INFORMATION FROM SECTORAL TRADE UNIONS Ι. SECTOR'S FEATURES. 1. What kind of companies does the financial sector in your country include (i.e banks, insurance companies, stock exchange bureaus etc. ). Please mention the main sub-sectors and if possible the number of


Louisiana Office of Financial Institutions ADOPTION OF THE NMLS ONLINE LICENSING SYSTEM  Pursuant to Act 220 of the 2012 Regular Session of the Louisiana Legislature the license renewal dates and renewal process have changed.  Effective July 1, 2012 all licensees are required to use the NMLS online licensing system to file new applications, make amendments, renew their

Akaza h, miyanaga n, takashima n, naito s, hirao y, tsukamoto t, fujioka t, mori m, kim wj, song jm, pantuck aj

Akaza H, Miyanaga N, Takashima N, Naito S, Hirao Y, Tsukamoto T, Fujioka T, Mori M, Kim WJ, Song JM, Pantuck AJ. Comparisons of percent equol producers between prostate cancer patients and controls: case-controlled studies of isoflavones in Japanese, Korean and American residents. Jpn J Clin Oncol 34: 86-89, 2004. Akiyama Y, Maesawa C, Wada K, Fujisawa K, Itabashi T, Noda Y, Honda T, Sato N, I


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Abbreviated prescribing information

PRESCRIBING INFORMATION Please refer to full Summary of Product Characteristics before prescribing Periostat® 20mg Film-coated Tablets Presentation: Film-coated tablets, each containing doxycycline hyclate equivalent to 20mg doxycycline in blister packs of 56 tablets. Indications: For patients with adult periodontitis. Periostat is indicated as an adjunct to supra- gingival and s

Ocean stars trust newsletter 4 may 2006

AYUBOWANG HELLO VANAKKAM REGISTERED CHARITY: 1110022 NEWSLETTER 3: June 06 Dear Friends, Firstly we would like to say a BIG thank you, to you all for your ongoing support of the Ocean Stars Trust (OST). The generosity of our donors has enabled us to substantially improve the lives of hundreds of people through its involvement in over 2

01. artlista

F L O R A N I Ö R K E L L J U N G A — • — Floran i Örkelljunga Floran i Perstorp Syftet med artlistan är i huvudsak två. För det första är det en sammanställning av alla växtfynd som gjorts inom Örkelljunga kommun, totalt 1276 (+6) taxa. För det andra ska den stimulera till att rap-portera nya fynd. Artlistan omfattar alla kända fynd av kärlväxter, såväl publi


INDEX OF CONTRIBUTIONS INDEX OF CONTRIBUTIONS LECTURES Roger Sheldon Enzymatic Conversions under Non-Natural Conditions Willem P.C. Stemmer Molecular Breeding of Enzymes, Pathways and Organisms Friedrich Lottspeich Proteomics - A Powerful Tool for Functional Analysis Dick B. Janssen Engineered Biocatalysts for the Production of Chiral Epoxides and Alcohols Donald Hilvert C

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