
A. Care of pandemic influenza patients in the
Persons who have not been exposed
patient with influenza from other household to pandemic influenza and who are not
Most patients with pandemic influenza will be essential for patient care or support should
able to remain at home during the course of not enter the home while persons are
their illness and can be cared for by other actively ill with pandemic influenza.
family members or others who live in the performed after handling soiled laundry. household. Anyone residing in a household home, they should avoid close contact with the Tissues used by the ill patient should be with an influenza patient during the incubation period and illness is at risk for developing influenza. A key objective in this setting is to pandemic influenza patient should limit contact limit transmission of pandemic influenza with the patient to the extent possible; consider within and outside the home. When care is designating one person as the primary care emphasized (e.g., segregating the ill patient, closely for the development of influenza hand hygiene). Infection within the household symptoms and contact a telephone hotline or may be minimized if a primary caregiver is medical care provider if symptoms occur. designated; ideally someone who does not Infection control measures in the
have an underlying condition that places them at increased risk of severe influenza disease. Although no studies have assessed the use of masks at home to decrease the spread of carefully follow recommendations for hand infection, use of surgical or procedure masks hygiene (i.e., hand washing with soap and water or use of an alcohol-based hand rub) after contact with an influenza patient or the Management of influenza patients
use of masks at home to decrease the spread influenza from non-ill persons living in the of infection, use of surgical or procedure masks surfaces in the home should be followed. interactions may be of benefit. The wearing of during the period when they are most likely to Courtesy of Michael Newton: Noble County be infectious to others (i.e., 5 days after onset home is necessary (e.g., for medical care), the Soiled dishes and eating utensils should patient should follow cough etiquette (i.e., cover sneezing) and wear procedure or surgical Separation of eating utensils for use by a masks if available. Consider communicating patient with influenza is not necessary. Management of other persons in the
separate soiled linen and laundry used by a 4. How can an influenza pandemic be
zanamivir) are approved by the U.S. Food and avoided?
A: It is nearly impossible to avoid another and/or prevention of influenza. However, only Keeping Healthy
influenza pandemic. Instead, plans must be oseltamivir appears to be effective against developed to be as prepared as possible when a the H5N1 influenza virus strains currently People Healthy
circulating in Asia. Supplies of antiviral 5. Are we prepared for an influenza
Influenza Pandemic Q & A
1. What is influenza pandemic?
A: Plans for responding to the next influenza 8. Are there enough resources available to
A: An influenza pandemic is a global outbreak of pandemic are being developed at the state, handle an influenza pandemic?
disease that occurs when a new influenza federal, and even international levels. These plans A: An influenza pandemic would require a large- virus appears or “emerges” in the human scale response, both in terms of personnel population, causes serious illness, and then determine how to make best use of available and material resources. A great deal of work is spreads easily from person to person worldwide. resources to protect people from infection, to care for patients, and to limit the spread of those resources, and to identify where and how of illness, death, social disruption, and economic 6. Is there a vaccine available?
9. What quarantine/isolation orders will be
2. How is an influenza pandemic different
A: A vaccine probably would not be available in issued during an influenza pandemic?
from a normal influenza outbreak?
the early stages of a pandemic, or would be A: The severity of the pandemic would determine A: Seasonal outbreaks of influenza are caused by available in very limited amounts. When a new issued. However, the State Health Commissioner already in existence among people, whereas being developed, scientists around the world work together to select the virus strain that action if it is deemed to be necessary. Local will offer the best protection against that virus, Health Officers also have similar authority circulated among people or that have not circulated among people for a long time. Also, strain to develop a vaccine. Once a potential 10. How can people protect themselves?
A: The same steps that individuals can take to during what is considered the “normal” influenza identified, it usually takes at least six months protect themselves from seasonal outbreaks of before a vaccine will be widely available. If influenza will also be critical during a pandemic. 3. When will the next influenza pandemic
a pandemic occurs, it is expected that the U.S. thorough hand washing and various “respiratory A: It is impossible to predict when the next groups to make recommendations to guide the hygiene” practices such as covering your pandemic will occur, but many scientists believe mouth when you sneeze or cough. It will also be it is only a matter of time. The last pandemic was 7. Can antiviral medications be useful during
a pandemic?A: Four influenza antiviral dications
work or school while ill and to seek medical caused about 34,000 deaths in the United States. (amantadine, rimantadine, oseltamivir, and

Source: http://old.huntington.in.us/county/health/HC%20Care%20of%20pandemic%20influenza%20patients%20in%20the%20home%20Flyer.pdf


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DANIELE DELLA SANTA (1), MARCO BIZZETI (2)Nel cane l’ipokaliemia è una rara complicazione della terapia diuretica con furose-mide. In medicina umana circa il 10% dei pazienti in terapia con diuretici d’ansa ed il20-30% di quelli in terapia con diuretici tiazidici, sviluppa ipokaliemia. Tale incidenzarisulta superiore per i tiazidici (nonostante l’escrezione frazionata del potassio legata

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