"U" - Medical Pdf Articles:


Bulletin d’information du Centre Régional de Pharmacovigilance de Limoges N°53, octobre 2008 Le Centre a pour mission de répondre à vos Les effets indésirables graves ou nouveaux doivent être déclarés au Centre régional de pharmacovigilance (décret du 13 mars 1995). E-mail : pharmacovigilance@chu-limoges.fr¨ Le mois d’octobre a été riche en événements du dom


Bulgarian Chemistry and Industry, 74, No 4 ( 2003 ) 118–119 CONTENTS FOR VOLUME 74 G. VISSOKOV: Nanoscience and nanotechnology research directions in chemical industries . 1H.-J. BART, D. KAMENSKI: Modelling the kinetics of the reactive solvent extraction of zinc withZH. BALGARANOVA, L. PHILLIPOV: Stabilisation of aniline by addition of hydrazine .19G. N. VASSILEV: Synthesis, chemical


European Journal of Neurology 2004, 11: 483–488Pergolide mesylate can improve sexual dysfunction in patientswith Parkinson’s disease: the results of an open,prospective, 6-month follow-upM. Pohankaa, P. Kanˇovsky´b, M. Baresˇb, J. Pulkra´bekb and I. RektorbaDepartment of Sexology, Teaching Hospital, Brno Bohunice; and bFirst Department of Neurology, Masaryk University, St Anne Hospital,


REVISTA CIENCIACTUAL ISSN 2248-468X Cienciactual Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud Universidad de San Buenaventura, Seccional Cartagena Número 2, Vol. 1, Cartagena de Indias D.T. y C. Enero/Junio, 2012. Créditos Institucionales. Secretario General: Vicerrector Académico: Vicerrector Administrativo y Financiero: Director: Co-Editor:

Microsoft word - retosigmoidoscopia.doc

Retosigmoidoscopia CONSENTIMENTO INFORMADO Por este instrumento particular o(a) paciente________________________________________ou seu responsável,Sr.(a)_______________________________________, declara, para todos os fins legais, especialmente do disposto no artigo 39, VI, da Lei 8.078/90 que dá plena autorização ao (à) médico(a) assistente, Dr.(a)_________________________________


Network Terms and Conditions 1. Interpretation 1.1 In this Agreement the following terms and expressions shall have the meanings ascribed to them as stated below: “the Bank” means Ulster Bank Limited, of 11-16 Donegall Square East, Belfast, BT1 5UB. “Account” shall mean any account which the Customer has with the Bank and which it wishes to avail of the service in res

Interstitial cystitis or painful bladder syndrome

This fact sheet has been produced by the Female Urology Special Advisory Group (SAG) of the Urological Society of Australia and New Zealand Interstitial cystitis or Painful Bladder Syndrome Painful bladder conditions are common and interstitial cystitis (IC) is one of the causes. People with IC suffer pain when the bladder is full and/or have to urinate frequently. The cause is unkno

Microsoft word - documento

Advertencias válidas para todas las tipologías de estudiantes Estudiantes extranjeros residentes al extranjero En el caso de doble ciudadanía, una de las cuales italianas, prevalece ésta última (ley 31 de mayo de 1995, n. 218 de reforma del sistema italiano de derecho internacional privado, art. 19 párrafo 2). Son equiparados a los comunitarios: 1. los ciudadanos de NORVEGIA, ISLANDA y LIE


PRESS CLIPPINGS- 7 AUGUST, 2012 The following is a compilation of gender related stories from leading media: The New York Times, Financial Times, BBC, Al Jazeera English, The Wall Street Journal, The Guardian, Times of India, China Daily, El País (Spain), El Mundo (Spain), Clarín (Argentina) NOTIMEX (Mexican News Agency), O Globo (Brazil), Le Monde (France) and Le Figaro (France). The New

Microsoft word - muga, stephanie.doc

Stephanie J. Muga Dept. of Biology & Geology, Chemistry & Physics EDUCATION HISTORY Dates EMPLOYMENT HISTORY Dates USCA, Dept. of Biology. & Geology, Chemistry -Instructor MUSC, Dept. of Pharmacology, Charleston, SC USC School of Medicine, Dept. of Path, Micro. USC School of Medicine, Dept. of Dev. Biol. Univ. of Texas-Austin, Dept. of Human Ecology HONORS AN

Bayer files notice supporting baytril stance

Agriculture Division John B. Payne Senior Vice President To: Colleagues in the Veterinary Sciences and Food Animal IndustriesAs many of you already know, our animal fluoroquinolone product, Baytril ®(enrofloxacin) is a vital antimicrobial that eliminates serious bacterial infections in manyanimals – both companion and food-producing. Baytril received FDA approval for poultry in 1996.

Crazy about coumadin

Note: The following is not medical advice. The author is a biochemist, not a physician, and the sole intent of this fact sheet is EDUCATION. It is not meant to take the place of medical advice, nor should anyone reading this material stop taking drugs prescribed by their physician. In fact, the best use of this material is in discussion with your physician , as part of a health partnership desi

Annex 2 twg 2 report.doc

The National Strategic Framework for HIV/AIDS Activities in Uganda: 2000/1 – 2005/6 Mid-Term Review Report THEME 2: CARE AND TREATMENT TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP December 2003 1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY We conducted a review of the progress in care and treatment as part of the ongoing Mid-Term Review of the National Strategic Framework (NSF). The specific objectives fo

Microsoft word - royce, melanie bio 12-2-09 vs

Program Director/Principal Investigator (Last, First, Middle): Willman, Cheryl L. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH Melanie E. Royce, MD, PhD Co-Director, Protocol Review and Monitoring System eRA COMMONS USER NAME (credential, e.g., agency login) mroyce Member, Women’s Cancers Research Program UNM Associate Professor of Medicine EDUCATION/TRAINING (Begin with baccalaureate or other initi

Cv calvarese

INFORMAZIONI PERSONALI ISTRUZIONE E FORMAZIONE Università degli Studi di Torino, Facoltà di Psicologia, indirizzo di Psicologia Clinica e di Psicologia e Psicopatologia del ’età evolutiva Psicologia Clinica, Psicologia Cognitiva, Psicologia di Comunità, Psicologia Generale, Neuropsicologia Clinica, Psicologia Dinamica. • Eventuale qualifica/titolo conseguito Laurea in Psi

Algemeen deelnemerscontract ufc 2002

NOC-NSF Dopinglijst 1 januari 2006 Het gebruik van elk geneesmiddel moet worden beperkt tot medische indicaties. I. Stoffen en methoden verboden binnen wedstrijdverband en buiten wedstrijdverband Verboden stoffen S1. Anabole middelen S2. Hormonen en verwante stoffen S3. Bèta-2 agonisten S4. Middelen met een anti-oestrogene werking S5. Diuretica en andere maskerende middelen Verboden methoden M1.


The Association of Retired UPEI Employees Minutes of the Annual General Meeting, November 30, 2012 Don and Marian MacDougall Hall Room #329 Members Present John Burka, Betty Campbell, Roy Campbell, Father Charlie Cheverie, Bob Curtis, Satadal Dasgupta, Shirley Dillon, Susan Dohoo, Lawson Drake, Eugene Gallant, Lila Garrett, Edward Hanus, Susan Heaney, Ron Irving, Baird Judson, Robert Ma

Microsoft word - readings for liz howard - final.rtf

488 F.3d 1377, *; 2007 U.S. App. LEXIS 11886, **; PFIZER, INC., Plaintiff-Appellee, v. APOTEX, INC. (formerly known as Tor- Pharm, Inc.) Defendant-Appellant. 2006-1261 UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FEDERAL CIRCUIT 488 F.3d 1377; 2007 U.S. App. LEXIS 11886; 82 U.S.P.Q.2D (BNA) 1852 May 21, 2007, Decided May 21, 2007, Filed PRIOR HISTORY: [**1] Appealed from

17.ppp vol 3 n.1 - alves & lopes

Alves, V. P. & Lopes, C. Idosos, Inserção social e envelhecimento saudável no contexto da Educação a Distância Idosos, Inserção Social e Envelhecimento Saudável no Contexto da Educação a Distância nas UnATIS: Um Relato de Experiência Elders, Social Insertion and Healthy Aging in the Distance Learning Context within the UnATIS: An Experience Report . Instituições e soc


Nutrition411.qxd:Layout 1 4/2/09 10:29 AM Page 8Vitamin D Deficiency: Shining New Lighton the Sun NutrientNancy Col ins, PhD, RD, LD/N, FAPWCA; and Nancy Spaulding-Albright, MMS, RD, LD/N, CNSD During the past two decades, research on vitamin D has in- screens when outdoors. Sunscreens with a sun protec-creased exponentially. Healthcare practitioners havetion factor (SPF) of 15 block 99% of

Peak performance supplements for muscle building

Peak Performance Supplements for Muscle Building Everyone would like to have a great body, one that is strong, muscular and full of energy. The new book by Earl Mindell, Ph.D. titled Peak Performance Bible promises to help you look great, feel great and perform better by using specific nutritional supplements and herbs. Although the book touches upon some of the widespread health benefits of the t

Powerpoint presentation

Unsafe Use of Intravenous Haloperidol Pervasive in Hospitalized Elderly University of Colorado Hospital and University of Colorado Denver at Anschutz Medical Campus, Aurora, Colorado Background Limitations Delirium is present in 11-24% of elderly patients on hospital 556 patients received IV haloperidol during the study period. admission while another 6-56% will develop it during the


Normative Perspectives for Ethical and Socially Responsible Marketing The online version of this article can be found at:http://jmk.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/26/2/154 can be found at: Journal of Macromarketing Additional services and information for Citations (this article cites 62 articles hosted on the SAGE Journals Online and HighWire Press platforms): Normative P

Microsoft word - 10-17-2012minutes-approved.docx

October 17, 2012 11:30-1:00 p.m. Committee on the Status of Women (CSW) (UCT 1726) Attendees: Amy Franklin, Susan Guerrero, Ana Neumann, Janet Peri, Joan Hernandez-McClain, Jing Wang, Allegra Johnson, Mandy Kaplon, Jenna Taylor, Maria Hillman, Michele Stanton, Jennifer Smith, Sylvia Magallan, Kathy Rodgers, Samoan Johnson and Sandra Dugan. Absences: Karen Kaplan, Hope Moser,


Pharmacognosy Reviews PHCOG REV. Vol 1, Issue 1, Jan-May, 2007 An official Publication of Phcog.Net PHCOG REV.: Review Article Male Sexual Dysfunction and Methods used in Assessing Medicinal Plants with Aphrodisiac Potentials Yakubu, M. T.*, Akanji, M. A and Oladiji, A. T Medicinal Plants Research Laboratory, University of Ilorin, Ilorin, Nigeria *Corresponding auth

Microsoft word - afge_lu2663_120408.doc

U.S. Department of Labor Office of Labor-Management Standards Kansas City Resident Investigative Office Two Pershing Square Building 2300 Main Street, Suite 1000 Kansas City, MO 64108 (816)502-0290 Fax: (816)502-0288 December 4, 2008 Ms. Allegra Oliver, President Government Employees AFGE AFL-CIO Local 2663 4801 Linwood Blvd Kansas City, MO 64128 Dear Ms. Oliver: This office has recently


Revista Chilena de Ultrasonografía. Volumen 12 ⁄ Nº 2 ⁄ 2009 Hematocervix y sinequia cervical: Caso clínico Drs. Nelson Rodríguez T(1), Eduardo Carmona I(2), Arturo Espinoza N(3). 1. Médico Ginecólogo Staff, Clínica Indisa (ACOG), Santiago de Chile. 2. Médico Ginecólogo Clínica Alemana, M. SOCHOG, Santiago de Chile. 3. Médico Anatomopatólogo Laboratorio CITOLAB


TEMA 1. ANEMIA. CONCEPTO Y EVALUACION 1.1. Concepto. Se define la anemia por la disminución de la masa eritrocitaria. En la práctica' clínica, la anemia viene definidapor la disminución de¡ volumen de hematíes medido mediante el número de hematíes en el hemograma, elhematocrito y mejor aún, la concentración de hemoglobina. En el enfermo anémico se produce un aumento del 2-3 DPG


Amenorrhea: Evaluation and Treatment TARANNUM MASTER-HUNTER, M.D., University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, Michigan DIANA L. HEIMAN, M.D., University of Connecticut School of Medicine, Hartford, Connecticut A thorough history and physical examination as well as laboratory testing can help narrow the differential diagnosis of amenorrhea. In patients with primary amenorrhea, the


Mental Retardation in Children Ages 6 to 16Mental retardation (MR) is a life long condition that affects 6 million American and 560,000Canadian children under the age of 14. This review discusses the definition of MR, anapproach to investigation, common comorbidities, and a general approach to management. Semin Pediatr Neurol 13:262-270 © 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. KEYWORDS men

Microsoft word - 2013-14 medical form-3.doc

UCUCC YOUTH PROGRAM HEALTH FORM A completed and signed health form must be on file for all youth program participants. This form is to be completed by the parent/guardian. Please notify Margaret Irribarra if any of this information should change or need to be updated. Youth’s Name Gender: F / M / Gender Neutral / Transgender Birth date____________ Height_____ Weight Parent’s/Guardi


July 2012 - Quitline Week One Declare Your Independence: Freedom from Tobacco! This July, the State of Maryland Employee Workplace Wellness Initiative is focusing on quitting smoking and eating healthy. Information on upcoming wellness efforts directed at improving the health of Maryland’s state workforce is available at Commemorate this 4th of July by declaring your freedom from

Keppra ipp

INFORMACION PARA PRESCRIBIR AMPLIA KEPPRA® 1. NOMBRE COMERCIAL KEPPRA ® 2. NOMBRE GENERICO Levetiracetam 3. FORMA FARMACEUTICA Y FORMULACION Tabletas y Solución Fórmula: Cada tableta contiene: Solución oral Cada 100 ml contienen: Solución concentrada para infusión intravenosa Cada vial con 5 mL contiene: Levetiracetam 500 mg Vehiculo c.b.p. 5 mL 4. I


Flexible Spending Accounts: What’s Eligible? The IRS defines eligible health care expenses as amounts paid for the diagnosis, cure, mitigation or treatment of a disease, and for treatments affecting any part or function of the body. The expenses must be primarily to alleviate a physical or mental condition or illness. This list is not meant to be all-inclusive. Eligible Expenses DE


This formulary is not inclusive nor does it guarantee coverage. It is an abbreviated list of Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee approved drugs that may be prescribed for Navitus members. This document is subject to change. The most updated version of this document as well as a complete formulary listing is available at www.navitus.com or upon request. Drugs will be dispensed generically wh

Acordo de cooperaÇÃo

NOTA EXPLICATIVA DO PROTOCOLO DE COOPERAÇÃO 2013-2014 No passado dia 8 de novembro foi assinado o Protocolo de Cooperação de 2013-2014, celebrado entre o Ministério da Solidariedade e da Segurança Social e a União das Mutualidades Portuguesas (UMP), a Confederação Nacional das Instituições/Misericórdias de Solidariedade (CNIS) e a União das Misericórdias Portuguesas (UM). Consid

Versement des cotisations en lieu unique

PARIS, le 05/02/2004 DIRECTION DE LA REGLEMENTATION DU RECOUVREMENT ET DU SERVICE DIRRES LETTRE CIRCULAIRE N° 2004-043 OBJET : Versement des cotisations en Lieu Unique. Liste des entreprises admises au bénéfice de la procédure de Versement des cotisations en un Lieu Unique à compter du 1er janvier 2004. TEXTE A ANNOTER : Lettre circulaire n°2003-126 du 25/07/


Articles Medical therapy to facilitate urinary stone passage: a meta-analysis John M Hollingsworth, Mary A M Rogers, Samuel R Kaufman, Timothy J Bradford, Sanjay Saint, John T Wei, Brent K Hollenbeck Summary Background Medical therapies to ease urinary-stone passage have been reported, but are not generally used. If eff ective, Lancet 2006; 368: 1171–79 such therapies would incr

Microsoft word - respiratory protocol test .doc

Anaphylaxis 1. True or False: All patients with anaphylaxis will have respiratory symptoms. 2. Which medicine should be given first to a patient who is actively experiencing anaphylaxis? a. Prednisone PO b. Normal saline bolus IV c. Epinephrine IM d. Diphenhydramine IV/PO 3. Which preparation/administration of epinephrine is correct for a patient experiencing anaphylaxis? a.

A los efectos de clasificar los distintos documentos que se suscriben para reglar las relaciones de la universidad con terceros llamaremos:

INSTRUCTIVO PARA LA VINCULACIÓN CON TERCEROS 1.- OBJETO El presente instructivo brinda información clara y sencil a para la vinculación de la UNLP conterceros, con la finalidad de cumplimentar los requisitos legales que regulan la materia a losefectos de salvaguardar las responsabilidades que, en materia civil, económica y/o penal, sepueden derivar de los compromisos asumidos. Asimismo,

Pii: s0378-8741(00)00394-9

Journal of Ethnopharmacology 75 (2001) 141 – 164Should we be concerned about herbal remedies Department of Biology , Washington Uni 6 ersity , Box 1137, St . Louis , MO 63130-4899, USA Received 24 November 2000; received in revised form 5 December 2000; accepted 5 December 2000 Abstract During the latter part of this century the practice of herbalism has become mainstream throughou

Abstracts june 2.cdr

The UPMANILA The Perspectives of Pharmacy, Medical and Nursing Students Towards Interdisciplinary Approach in Medication Management Sherilyn E. Cabarles, Ruffa C.D. Castro, Lynette Bernardine Kawi, Roderick L. Salenga The objective of the study was to determine the understanding by pharmacy, medical, and nursing students of Interdisciplinary Approach in medication management. Pharm

Sindromemoebius dani corrigido 20.04

INTERVENÇÃO FISIOTERAPÊUTICA EM PACIENTE APRESENTANDO SEQÜELA DE LEUCOMALACIA PERIVENTRICULAR E SÍNDROME DE MOEBIUS - ESTUDO DE CASO * Acadêmica do 9º período de Fisioterapia ** Docente Supervisora de Estágio em Fisioterapia na área de Pediatria Faculdade União das Américas - Uniamérica, Foz do Iguaçu, Paraná A Síndrome de Moebius é caracterizada por paralesia cong

Microsoft word - 2011_mar_vieriu_craita_en.doc

ABSTRACT Keywords: bee products, antibiotics apitherapy, sulfonamides, heavy metal contamination, imunoenzymatic assay (ELISA), RIA CHARM II assay, TETRASENSOR, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry The doctoral thesis “ Quantitative correlation of heavy metals and antibiotics in melliferous flora, honey and bee product, established

Erectile dysfunction clinic

Erectile Dysfunction Clinic Delivering the best in care UHB is a no smoking Trust To see all of our current patient information leaflets please visit www.uhb.nhs.uk/patient-information-leaflets.htmErectile Dysfunction (ED) is the persistent inability to get or maintain an erection that is sufficient for successful sexual intercourse. ED effects approximately half of all men between


Maca is a hardy perennial plant cultivated in the Andean Mountains. Ingredients: It is rich in sugars, protein, starches, and essential minerals,especially iodine and iron. In Peruvian herbal medicine, Maca isused as an immunostimulant for anemia, tuberculosis, menstrualdisorders, menopause symptoms, stomach cancer, sterility, andother reproductive and sexual disorders as well as

Sintesi normativa

Sede legale: via Valverde n.42 - 37122 Verona - tel. 045/8075511 Fax 045/8075640 U.O.C. SERVIZIO FARMACEUTICO TERRITORIALE Oggetto: PT AIFA Ranolazina – PT AIFA Dronedarone – PT AIFA Incretine/inibitori DDP-4 – Nuovi farmaci antidiabetici in commercio – Sospensione di rosiglitazone – Modifiche alla nota 74 – Proroga sospensione nota 78 – Proroga procedure per l’attestazion

Coc-english - 19-july 2012

Checklist for Screening Clients Who Want to Initiate Combined Oral Contraceptives (COC) Assessing Medical Eligibility for COC Research findings have established that combined oral contraceptives (COCs) are safe and effective for use by most women, including those who are at risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and those living with or at risk of HIV infection. However, for s


Automatic computation of CHA2DS2-VASc score:Information extraction from clinical textsCyril Grouin, MSc1, Louise Del´eger, PhD1, Arnaud Rosier, MD2,3,4,Lynda Temal, PhD2,3, Olivier Dameron, PhD2,3, Pascal Van Hille, MSc2,3,Anita Burgun, MD, PhD2,3, Pierre Zweigenbaum, PhD13 Universit´e de Rennes 1, U936, F-35000 Rennes, Francel’Institut Catholique Lillois, Facult´e Libre de M´edecine,


La planificación familiar contribuye a mejorar la calidad de vida de los seres humanos, evitando los embarazos no deseados, permitiendo a las parejas programar su descendencia. Los jóvenes pueden dedicar su tiempo y su esfuerzo a su capaci tación y aprendizaje. Los padres con menor número de hijos tienen una mejor capacidad de proveer alimento, ropa, salud, vivienda y educación a sus niño

911 911.920

Preston A. Marx1,2*, Phillip G. Alcabes3 and Ernest Drucker41Aaron Diamond AIDS Research Center,The Rockefeller University, New York, NY 10016, USA2Tulane Regional Primate Research Center and School of Public Health andTropical Medicine,Tulane University Health Sciences Center, Covington, LA 70433, USA3Hunter Col ege School of Health Sciences, City University of New York, NewYork, NY 10010, US


Systematisk insulinregulering – Lantus… Systematisk insulinregulering - Lantus… Af Ulla Thorup Nielsen – – september 2011 Det kræver systematik, at finde frem til en god dosering af insulinen. Herunder er en beskrivelse af den overordnede systematik, som jeg brugte til grundregulering af Lantus insulinen. Det handler grundlæggende om at se mønstre i blodsukkermålingern


For personal use only. Not to be reproduced without permission of the editor (permissions@pharmj.org.uk) How stable are medicines moved fromoriginal packs into compliance aids?In this article, Claire Church and Jane Smith have compiled a table based on information received from manufacturers about the possible stability of their medicines after removal from their packaging and placemen


Take a Glimpse At How Generic Medications Can Save You Money! Brand HMG-CoA Reductase Inhibitors (statins) vs. Generic UtilizationAs the administrator of your client's prescription benefit plan, Benecard Services, Inc. continually looks for ways to address the needs of your client and assist the healthcare operations of its plan under the HIPAA Privacy Rule. As part of these specialized ser

Biopsia prostatica def

Servizio Sanitario Nazionale – Regione Veneto - ASL 13 STRUTTURA COMPLESSA UNITÀ OPERATIVA DI UROLOGIA OSPEDALE DI DOLO MODULO DI CONSENSO INFORMATO AGOBIOPSIA PROSTATICA TRANSRETTALE Definizione - La biopsia prostatica è una procedura indispensabile qualora vi sia un sospetto di patologia prostatica, in seguito al riscontro di un’esplorazione rettale dubbia o di


Título: VARIANTE DIDÁCTICA DEL EXPERIMENTO DOCENTE EN LAS CIENCIAS NATURALES EXPERIMENTALES SUSTENTADO EN UN MODELO DIDÁCTICO INTEGRADOR PARA LA FORMACIÓN DE PROFESORES GENERALES INTEGRALES. Dr. C. Rolando Márquez Lizaso Profesor asistente de la facultad de Formación de Profesores Generales Integrales de Secundaria Básica del Instituto Superior Pedagógico "José Martí" d

Formulary publish dec 2013_ss.xls

3,4-DIAMINOPYRIDINE tabletsABACAVIR oral solutionABACAVIR tabletsABACAVIR WITH LAMIVUDINE film coated tabletsABACAVIR WITH ZIDOVUDINE AND LAMIVUDINE tabletsABATACEPT powder for concentrate for solution for infusionABIRATERONE ACETATE tabletsABRAXANE powder for suspension for infusionABSTRAL sublingual tabletsACARBOSE tabletsACENCOUMAROL tabletsAcetarsol suppositoryACETAZOLAMIDE modified release ca


USO DE MEDICAMENTOS DURANTE EL EMBARAZO Y situaciones hacen necesario el empleo de medicamentos, ya sea EFECTOS TERATOGENICO para mantener la salud de la madre o para inducir efectos GABRIELA ESTEFANIA SANCHEZ YAYA favorables en el desarrollo fetal. Frecuentemente existe el temor y/o dudas por las embarazadas, e incluso por parte del personal de salud, con respecto al empleo de fár

Microsoft word - judaism 2013.doc

INTRODUCTION My name is Fronya and I welcome you to the Rev. Abraham Levy Center. For those people who do not know me, I have an MA in Religious Studies. When I was studying, I was trained to suspend my own belief and accept each religion without any bias. So although I do belong to this congregation, today I am presenting Judaism as I was taught. I shall start by giving a talk on the religio


”Begäran om förhandsavgörande – Offentlig upphandling – Direktiv 2004/18/EG – Principen om likabehandling – Selektivt förfarande – Meddelande om upphandling – Begäran om att det sista offentliggjorda årsbokslutet ska bifogas ansökningshandlingarna – Detta årsbokslut saknas i vissa anbudssökandes ansökningshandlingar – Möjlighet för den upphandlande myndigheten att

Microsoft word - art. 8 embriogenesis.doc

Ra Ximhai Revista de Sociedad, Cultura y Desarrollo Ra Ximhai Universidad Autónoma Indígena de México ISSN: 1665-0441 México EMBRIOGÉNESIS SOMÁTICA EN (Anthurium andraeanum Lind.) VARIEDAD ‘LAMBADA’ Nydia del Rivero Bautista, Daniel Agramonte Peñalver, Raúl Barbón Rodríguez, Wilder Camacho Chiu, Raúl Collado López, Felipe Jiménez Terry, Marta Pérez Peralta y Od

Microsoft word - ucmtf post itma 2011 press release

French Machinery : ITMA 2011 above all expectations ITMA 2011 in Barcelona was clearly a great edition of the machinery and technology exhibition. “It was very spectacular to see so much interest for our machines and services and many significantprojects from the textile producers worldwide” says Bruno Ameline, the Chairman of UCMTF, theFrench Textile Machinery Manufacturers’ Associ


urol.colomb. Vol XX, No. 1: pp. 93-94, 2011 Tolterodine and Tamsulosin for Treatment of Men With Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms and Overactive Bladder (JAMA 2006; 296 (19): 2319-2328) Andrés Felipe Gutiérrez Rojas1, Mauricio Plata Salazar2 M.D., Residente II año de Urología, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana1 M.D., Urólogo, Fundación Santa Fe de Bogotá, maurcioplata@gmail.

Amiodarone supplants lidocaine in acls and cpr protocols

A m i o d a ro n e S u p p l a n t sL i d o c a i n e i n A C L S a n dC P R P ro t o c o l sKEYWORDS Amiodarone  Ventricular tachyarrhythmias  Cardiac surgeryAmiodarone is an antiarrhythmic medication used to treat and prevent certain types ofserious, life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias. Amiodarone gained slow acceptanceoutside the specialized field of cardiac antiarrhythmic surgery bec

Microsoft word - pall care prl 7-31-11.doc

PALLIATIVE CARE k PAIN (P-A-I-N) (Mnemonic for evaluation) For End of life P hysical (Issues and Orders to cover) 1) Discuss & clarify with patient &/o family &/o DPOA-HC I interpersonal/social problems N on-acceptance/spiritual distress b) advance directives (hospitalizations?, antibiotics?) P hysical c) anticipated sx=s of dying &

Microsoft word - 1.penrith paper a. szczepanskioutdoor education.rtf

Outdoor Education - Authentic Learning in the Context of Landscape Literary education and sensory experience. Perspective of Where, What, Why, How and When of learning environments. Inter-disciplinary context and the outdoor and Anders Szczepanski, ass visiting prof Outdoor Education, Director The distinctive nature and potential of outdoor education from a teacher perspective

Microsoft word - recycling education curriculum

Facts About Consumption and Waste Aluminum • Recycling aluminum uses less than 5 percent of the energy used to make the original product. • Recycling one aluminum beverage can saves enough energy to run a 100-watt bulb for 20 hours, a computer for three hours, or a TV for two hours . • Recycling 10 tons of aluminum prevents the same amount of greenhouse gas emissio

Microsoft word - exam mid-year 08 sq 2009.docx

QUESTION PAPER Faculty of Social and Health Science Department of Nursing NURS6021 NURSING PRACTICE – MEDICAL END OF COURSE EXAMINATION – November, 2009 Group: Mid-year 08 - Class Number - 5045 Weighting – 70% of Total Grade Time Allowed: 2 ½ Hours Write your student ID number on every page of the answer Write in ink only This paper con

Microsoft word - 086_en.doc

TO UEFA MEMBER ASSOCIATIONS TO CLUBS PARTICIPATING IN UEFA COMPETITIONS For the attention of the President and the General Secretary 2011 List of Prohibited Substances In accordance with paragraph 4.01 of the 2010 UEFA Anti-Doping Regulations, the 2011 WADA Prohibited List applies to all UEFA competitions, with effect from 1 January 2011 . For this purpose, we enclose the new list of p


Nootropics , also referred to as smart drugs , memory enhancers , neuro enhancers , cognitive enhancers , and intelligence enhancers , are andthat purportedly improve mental functions such as and concentratiThe word nootropic was coined in 1972 by theDr.derived from thewords νους nous , or "mind," and τρέπειν trepein meaning "to bend/turn". Nootropics ar

Microsoft word - cessation of a seizure disorder.doc

CESSATION OF A SEIZURE DISORDER: Correction of the Atlas Subluxation Complex Robert J. Goodman, D.C., John S. Mosby Jr., D.C., M.D. ABSTRACT Observations of one patient presenting with a seizure disorder are reported. Relief of symptoms is noted subsequent to correction of the misalignment of the occipito-atlanto-axial complex. The authors suggest a relationship between the misaligned skull and

Agostini_martinez_journal ca cm ca

Tax Credits Response to Tax Enforcement: Evidence from a Quasi-Experiment in Abstract Diesel in Chile receives a different tax treatment depending on its use. If diesel is used in industrial activities the diesel taxes paid can be fully used as a credit against VAT, but if it is used in freight or public transportation (basically trucks and buses) only a fraction of diesel taxes paid ca

Microsoft word - pregnancy discomforts.doc

• Calcium and magnesium imbalance, sodium deficiency • Pressure from enlarged uterus on leg nerves, slower circulation Self-help • Magnesium supplementation (especial y in the 2nd trimester), Mag Phos cel salts • Regular, appropriate exercise routine (calf flexing, foot circles) • Avoid tea, coffee and chocolate, which interfere with calcium absorption Back Pain • Posture


Insertion and Removal of Intrauterine Devices BRETT ANDREW JOHNSON, M.D., Methodist Charlton Medical Center, Dallas, Texas The intrauterine device (IUD) is an effective contraceptive for many women. The copper-releas- ing IUD can be used for 10 years before replacement and is a good choice for women who cannot, or choose not to, use hormone-releasing contraceptives. However, some women


HIGHLIGHTS OF PRESCRIBING INFORMATION effects to glucocorticoid treatment with lower systemic These highlights do not include all the information effects, such as UCERIS. Taper patients slowly from needed to use UCERIS safely and effectively. See full systemic corticosteroids if transferring to UCERIS. prescribing information for UCERIS. Immunosuppression: Potential worsening

Case 5 cuvelier - drug induced perforation of the small intestine.pages

DRUG INDUCED ULCERATION AND PERFORATION OF THE SMALL INTESTINE Claude Cuvelier, MD, PhD Academic Department of Pathology, Ghent University, This case is the strangest drug induced ulcer with perforation of the small intestinal wall that I have ever seen! The patient had taken his drug (Motilium) just like the nurse had told him to do, but as he was confused he did not remove th

Microsoft word - erah et al

African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 2 (10), pp. 384-389, October 2003 Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/AJB ISSN 1684–5315 © 2003 Academic Journals Plasmodium falciparum malaria resistance to chloroquine in five communities in Southern Nigeria Patrick O Erah*, Gertrude Arienmughare and Augustine O Okhamafe Pharmacotherapy Group, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universi


Dec. 12, 2012 — A NEW STUDY OF THE BATTERIES COMMONLY USED IN HYBRID AND ELECTRIC-ONLY CARS HAS REVEALED AN UNEXPECTED FACTOR THAT COULD LIMIT THE PERFORMANCE OF BATTERIES CURRENTLY ON THE ROAD. Researchers led by Ohio State University engineers examined used car batteries and discovered that over time lithium accumulates beyond the battery electrodes -- in the "current coll

M.sc. ii drug chemistry

Revised Syllabus for M. Sc. (Part – II) Semester III CH-361 : - Chemistry of Heterocycles and Biologically active Compounds- CH-362 :- Advance Analytical methods. CH-363: - Drug Development (Immunology and Microbiology) CH-364:- Stereo chemical Principles and applications. SemesterIV CH-461 - Synthetic Methods in Organic Chemistry. CH-462:- Chemotherapy. CH-463 : - Drug Design Pr

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Spécialisation en pharmacie – l’urgence de reconnaître – la pertinence de hiérarchiser ! Congrès de l’Association des étudiants en pharmacie de l’Université de Montréal, Montréal, QC Spécialisation en pharmacie – avons-nous tous les morceaux ? Congrès annuel de l’Association des pharmaciens des établissements de santé du Québec, Québec, QC Prestations complétées

سمينارهاي ملي به زبان لاتين 1386

١٣٨۶ لﺎﺳ رد ﻲﻤﻠﻋ ﺖﺌﻴه يﺎﻀﻋا ﻦﻴﺗﻻ نﺎﺑز ﻪﺑ ﻲﻠﻣ يﺎهرﺎﻨﻴﻤﺳ رد ﻩﺪﺷ ﻪﺋارا تﻻﺎﻘﻣ نﺎﮔﺪﻨﺴﻳﻮﻧ/ﻩﺪﻨﺴﻳﻮﻧ مﺎﻧ يراﺰﮔﺮﺑ ﺦﻳرﺎﺗ ﻩﺪﻜﺸﻧاد Kamal Shanazari , Farhad Djanaty , A Multi Hybrid Genetic Algorithm For the First Joint Congress Purific


Anti-spam Symantec Antispam™ for SMTP Multi-layered protection to control spam in the enterprise Spam poses a significant threat to enterprise messaging by tying up bandwidth, consuming mail KEY POINTS storage space, and negatively impacting end-user productivity. Because of spammer innovation, anysingle line of defense is subject to defeat. Taking a multi-layered approach, by combi

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Patient Information CIALIS® (See-AL-iss) (tadalafil) tablets Read the Patient Information about CIALIS before you start taking it and again each time you get a refill. There may be new information. You may also find it helpful to share this information with your partner. This leaflet does not take the place of talking with your doctor. You and your doctor should talk about CIALIS w

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CCN VOGELZANG CBN CCN VOGELZANG CBN VOGELZANG VOGELZANG COMPTE BANCAIRE - 210-0062146-21 C.C.N. VOGELZANG C.B.N. - BANKREKENING : Réaménagement du Bois de la Cambre – Enquête publique Dans le cadre de l’enquête publique organisée suite à la demande pour l’obtention du permis d’urbanisme et d’environnement pour le réaménagement du Bois de la Cambre, la CCN Vo


Side Effects of Anti-HIV Medications — Lipodystrophy A Service of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Lipodystrophy What is lipodystrophy? Terms Used in This Fact Sheet: Lipodystrophy, also called fat redistribution, is a Baseline: an initial measurement made before starting disturbance in the way your body produces, uses, and therapy and used as


Vincent Cavaillès Signalisation hormonale environnement et cancer Linares A, Dalenc F, Balaguer P, Boulle N, Cavailles V. 2011. Manipulating protein acetylation in breast cancer: a promising approach in combination with hormonal therapies? J Biomed Biotechnol 2011: 856985 Chambon M, Orsetti B, Berthe ML, Bascoul-Mollevi C, Rodriguez C, Duong V, Gleizes M, Thenot S, Bibeau F, Theillet

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UNIVERSIDAD DE CHILE Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Bioética Ética de la Investigación Biomédica y Psicosocial Estudio de Caso: “Evaluación piloto de dos (2) regímenes antirretrovirales en un entorno de escasos recursos” Sede: Instituto Tecnológico de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana Alumno: César Lara Álvarez (celara@abello.dic.uchile.cl) Coordinador Local


FLOMAX – IMPORTANT - BE AWARE! Information compiled by Charles (Chuck) Maack – Prostate Cancer Advocate Wichita, Kansas Chapter, Us TOO, Intl., Inc. Prostate Cancer Education and Support Network Many men dealing with prostate cancer or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) - and in this case continence/incontinence issues - are prescribed the alpha blocker Flomax (tamsulosin hydrochlor


Extracorporeal treatment of intoxicationsAnne-Corne´lie J.M. de PontThe purpose of this article is to provide the critical careAlthough intoxication is a common problem in adult andclinician with a comprehensive review of the indications forpediatric medicine, serious morbidity is unusual. In 2004,extracorporeal elimination of toxic substances, toonly 3% of all toxic exposures reported to t

Copyright notice

ISO/TC 154 N381 DRAFT ISO/CD 22208-1 Processes, data elements and documents in commerce, industry and administration — Rules for the operation of EDI/EC registration authorities — Part 1: Scheme code registration system THIS DOCUMENT IS A DRAFT. IT IS THEREFORE SUBJECT TO CHANGE AND MAY NOT BE REFERRED TO AS AN ISO PUBLICATION UNTIL PUBLISHED AS SUCH Copyright notice This ISO co

Curriculumvitae ruggieri

CURRICULUM VITAE Dott. Lucio Ruggieri Dati anagrafici Nato a Tortoreto - Teramo il 21 Marzo 1951, residente in Teramo Via Mattatoio Vecchio Titolo di studio Diploma di Laurea in Medicina e Chirurgia del 1981 col massimo dei voti e lode, conseguita presso l’Università degli Studi “G. D’Annunzio” di Chieti. Iscritto all’Ordine dei Medici della Provincia di Teramo d

Here comes the sunstorm; electric grid is vulnerable to a big solar blow; officials spar over what to do - print document - pro

Here Comes the Sunstorm; Electric Grid Is Vulnerable to a Big Solar Blo. http://search.proquest.com/docprintview/1013601092/fulltext/13751D6. Here Comes the Sunstorm; Electric Grid Is Vulnerable to a Big SolarBlow; Officials Spar Over What to DoRyan, Tracy. Wall Street Journal (Online) [New York, N.Y] 15 May 2012: n/a. http://ad4tq3gq5x.search.serialssolutions.com/?ctx_ver=Z39.88-2004&am


N 1 5 M IC Serafino del Falco d'Oro EXO n var EX1 CAGCIB N 2 12 F Aamukasteen Ester Estelar EXO n 24 EX1 N 3 9 M Fizgeralt Narnia Wizard PER w 62 EX1 CAC N 4 3 M GIC Love-Affair von La'Noitan PER a EX1 CACS NOM BIS N 5 2 M SP Moondreamer's Heart of Gold PER d KM NOM BIS N 6 12 F Tuitui Heaven On Earth PER e EX1 N 7 11 F Twice-As-Nice Irma, JW PER f EX1 NOM BIS N 8 11 F Sinihuiskan Vivianna


Cette fiche d’information, rédigée par l’Association Française d’Urologie, est destinée aux patients ainsi qu’aux usagers du système de santé. CYSTITE INTERSTITIELLE Cette pathologie inflammatoire de la vessie au mécanisme encore mal connu se différencie totalement de la cystite infectieuse traditionnelle. Mise en évidence en 1915, individualisée alors sous le nom d’ulcéra


NIVERSITÉ POPULAIRE DE CAEN, SÉMINAIRE BIOÉTHIQUE PAR ANTOINE SPIRE – 3 FÉVRIER 2011 – THÉÂTRE DU ROND POINT, PARIS FACE À LA MORT MONSTRUEUSE : SOINS PALLIATIFS ET EUTHANASIE Alors que la population vieil it et que près de 75% des morts surviennent en institution (hôpital, hospice, maison de retraite), le débat sur les conditions de la fin de vie pour améliorer les droits d

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- Parasitose externe due à Sarcoptes Scabiei- Affection cutanée caractérisée par un prurit à prédominance nocturne avec des sillonsvisibles sous la peau et des microvésicules transformées en petites croûtelles, prédominant surles doigts, les mains, le tronc, les membres et les organes génitaux externes. - Gales profuses, très contagieuses: forme hyperkératosique et forme dissémin


ABSTRACT of the STUDY OF THE HORMONAL FACTORS INVOLVED IN THE MECHANISM OF FORCED MOLTING IN HENS BRED IN INDUSTRIAL SYSTEM by PHD student Cristina DASCĂLU (IONESCU) This thesis aims to identify and describe the physiological and hormonal mechanisms involved in the onset and development of the forced molt phenomenon in hens bred in industrial system, hypothesising differenc

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