For reprint orders, please contact:reprints@futuremedicine.comLawrence Shih-Hsin
Vita Genomics, Inc., centered in Taiwan and China, aims to be a premier genomics-based
biotechnological and biopharmaceutical company in the Asia–Pacific region. The company
Ellson Che
focuses on conducting pharmacogenomics research, in vitro diagnosis product
†Author for correspondence1Vita Genomics, Inc.,
development and specialty contract research services in both genomics and
pharmacogenomics fields. We are now initiating a drug rescue program designed to
resurrect drugs that have failed in the previous clinical trials owing to low efficacies. This
program applies pharmacogenomics approaches using biomarkers to screen subsets of
Tel.: +886 289 769 123;E-mail: ellson.chen@
patients who may respond better or avoid adverse responses to the test drugs.
Vita Genomics, Inc. has envisioned itself as an important player in the healthcare industry offering advanced molecular diagnostic products and services, revolutionizing the drug-development process and providing pharmacogenomic solutions.
As a pharmacogenomics service provider, Vita
metabolic reactions. The technology is generally
Genomics, Inc. offers streamlined and customized
applicable both to drugs with well-characterized
pharmacogenomics contract services and solu-
effects and those that require subjective eval-
tions for pharmaceutical and biotechnological
genomics research are prepared to be ready for
We focus on conducting clinical research, diag-
nostic product development and specialty con-
tract research organization (CRO) services with alaboratory certified by ISO 17025:2005. We also
establish good manufacture practice (GMP)-
Since the sequencing of the human genome in
compliant manufacturing, state-of-the-art tech-
the 1990s, the association of genetic poly-
nology and cost-effective and speedy solutions to
morphisms and susceptibility to disease are
fulfill all the requirements of our global clients in
establishing a new paradigm for the understand-
the genomics and pharmacogenomics fields.
ing of genetic risk factors. Many complex dis-
Pharmacogenomics holds promise in improv-
ing drug safety and efficacy. In 2003, the
environmental elements and genetic factors
US FDA issued a draft guideline on pharmaco-
(Figure 1). Genetic variations of intense interest
genomics data submission, encouraging drug
include those that cause disease susceptibility or
developers to include genomic data in clinical tri-
are correlated with efficacy of certain drugs for
als. In addition, they published the draft of
certain patients. Association studies on personal
drug–diagnostics codevelopment in 2005, as well
genetic information with various genomic tools
as the draft guidance on pharmacogenetic tests
are the key to providing comprehensive solu-
and genetic tests for heritable markers in 2006.
tions that lead to the ultimate goals of medicine:
Vita Genomics has expertise in using genom-
prediction, prevention and protection.
ics and bioinformatics tools to select appropriate
Pharmacogenomics thus plays an increasingly
patient groups for clinical trials or in Phase IV
important role in current development of new
market clinical analysis, and has built strategic
therapeutic agents in 21st century medicine.
alliances with prominent partners. The com-
pany has also established strong collaborations
efficacy and safety by finding the adequate treat-
Keywords: contract research
with research institutions and major medical
organizations throughout Taiwan and China.
Our proprietary technologies have allowed us
to select patients prior to drug treatment who
research on polymorphisms of drug-metabolizing
may suffer from adverse drug reactions (ADR),
enzymes in Asian populations, and the critical
insufficient efficacy/potency and negative
correlations between polymorphic subgroups and
10.2217/14622416.8.6.669 2007 Future Medicine Ltd ISSN 1462-2416
Pharmacogenomics (2007) 8(6), 669–673
COMPANY PROFILE – Shih-Hsin Wu, Su & Chen
Figure 1. General concept scheme of personalized medicine.
certain drugs. The results have shown that specific
conducted genetic mapping studies to investigate
predisposing genotypes in Asian populations may
locally prevalent diseases including liver hepatitis
be different from those in ethnic groups elsewhere
(hepatitis B and C viruses, fibrosis/cirrhosis and
in the world. For example, responsiveness and
hepatocellular carcinoma study), immune diseases
safety of methylphenidate (Ritalin®) can be
(asthma and allergy), metabolic disorders (diabe-
assessed by cytochrome P450 2D6 poly-
tes and diabetic nephropathy), cancer (liver can-
morphisms; and of azathioprine, by thiopurine
cer, non-small-cell lung cancer), familial
S-methyltransferase (TPMT) polymorphisms.
hypercholesterolemia (FH) and CNS disorders
Recently we have initiated a drug rescue pro-
gram to identify genotype association with drugs
Pediatric asthma and diabetic nephropathy
that are effective or have severe side effects only
are common diseases with a high prevalence
for a subset of patients by concomitant develop-
worldwide. We carried out genetic mapping by
ment of genetic tests to stratify patient sub-
whole-genome screening and a candidate gene
populations. This is especially useful for drugs
approach to identify susceptibility genes that are
that have failed in trials due to low efficacy or
candidates for both prognostic markers and
strong side effects. Stratifying the etiology of dis-
drug targets. We have performed not only func-
ease in groups of patients based on genetic differ-
tional genomics studies, but also pathway analy-
ences sets the stage for the development of
sis to find genes correlated to the diseases.
Furthermore, pharmacogenetic studies for iden-
leading advantages with years of devotion in
tifying responsive genotypes of asthma drugs
developing advanced genomics technologies.
such as β2-agonist and leucotriene antagonistare ongoing.
FH has been identified as a major risk factor
Working together with experienced physicians in
for coronary vascular disease, which is associated
with mutations in a number of genes, including
Pharmacogenomics (2007) 8(6)
the low-density lipoprotein receptor (LDLR),
pipelines are integrative and robust from start to
apolipoprotein B (APOB) and the recently
end. Our work flow starts with clinical sample
reported proprotein convertase sutilisin/kexin 9
collection and an archiving system, followed by a
(PCSK9). Genetic testing for these hypercholes-
genotyping core and functional genomic core.
terolemia-associated mutations helps diagnose
Data generated from both patient demography
FH at any age, allowing early intervention to
and genomic researches are streamed into an
prevent or delay the development of cardio-
integrated database processed by our bioinfor-
vascular disease. Due to high genetic heterogene-
maticians and statisticians. Genomic association
ity of autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia
studies have been conducted on many collabora-
(ADH), mutation screening requires sequencing
of these genes. The direct sequencing process is
These technologies sustain Vita Genomics’
cumbersome and inefficient for diagnostic pur-
development of innovative and intellectual prop-
poses. We designed the oligonucleotide-based
erty-protected products that are moving through
microarray, called FHChip, which covers the
clinical trials and field testing. Some of our
coding and promoter regions of three FH-related
research is further developed into diagnostic or
genes (LDLR, APOB and PCSK9).
prognostic kits that are commercially available in
The FHChip provides base calling with accu-
racy greater than 99.98% and reproducibility
For example, one of our products, INFor, is
reaching 99.99%, which is comparable with the
an in vitro diagnostic test to predict the efficacy
conventional sequencing method. To facilitate
of interferon (IFN)/ribavirin combination
data analysis and to generate diagnostic reports
from these arrays, we have also developed a web-
patients. Therapy for CHC patients using IFN
based informatics platform that allows for data
has a response rate of approximately 50%, and
submission and generation of reports. It auto-
the treatment is expensive and the process pain-
matically lines up array results, helps users to
ful. Together with viral load and virus types,
locate each mutation and amino acid change
patient SNP profiles provide high accuracy in
predicting the treatment outcome. Therefore,
this test is very useful for CHC patients, physi-
Viral hepatitis has higher prevalence in Taiwan
cians and healthcare systems to make a proper
and Southeast Asia than in any other regions in
decision prior to treatment. Benefits include
the world. Hepatitis develops in patients for years
the ability to tailor therapeutic protocols to
in silence. Treatments for chronic hepatitis, type
reach maximal efficacy of IFN/ribavirin combi-
B and type C, are often ineffective and expensive.
nation therapy, including adjusting treatment
The consequences of chronic hepatitis left
untreated are devastating, with high morbidity
Another genomic test, SmaPhile, can be used
and mortality such as liver fibrosis, cirrhosis and
to help predict the possibility of early onset
cancer. Gene-expression profiles on liver tissues
childhood asthma, that is, aged between 3 and
with various stages of fibrosis are compared with
5 years. We have identified a handful of genes
microarray tool followed by pathway and pro-
related to asthma and allergic asthma, including
teomic analysis. Liver cancer is not only the lead-
a group that dominantly contributes to disease
ing cause of death in Taiwan, but has been found
symptoms. The test gives parents an early warn-
to be genetically heterogeneous and, therefore,
ing of susceptibility to asthma, cueing possible
cancer patients tend to show different response
preventive action. These genes are also possible
rates and tolerance to different therapies. Early
candidates for drug targets to develop new
detection assays for heHCC and cirrhosis are
We offer pharmacogenomics CRO services. We
Vita Genomics has successfully implemented six
continue to enlist pharmaceutical partners who
technology platforms, including high-through-
can benefit by identifying patients for drug
put sequencing, short tandem repeat geno-
responsiveness prior to treatment; partners who
typing, SNP genotyping, clinical genomics,
functional genomics and bioinformatics to
pharmacogenomics; and partners who want to
become one of the top leaders among Asia bio-
expand pharmacogenomics studies into DNA-
tech companies (Figure 2). Our genomic research
based molecular diagnostic products.
COMPANY PROFILE – Shih-Hsin Wu, Su & Chen
Figure 2. Integrated genomic solutions in Vita Genomics, Inc.
In 2005, Affymetrix, Inc. and Vita Genomics
assays we have developed to predict drug effi-
announced collaboration on in vitro diagnostic
cacy prior to treatment and to assess risks and
product development using microarray tech-
nology. The resulting microarray-based in vitro
We have built a strong bioinformatics team
diagnostic products can provide clinicians with
to manage high-throughput analyses of large
better diagnostic methods and more efficient
data sets. Bioinformatics is an integrated disci-
pline that merges biology and computational
technology. Our bioinformatics core laboratory
As part of the Powered by Affymetrix™ pro-
facilitates the biological research processes by
gram, Vita Genomics incorporates Affymetrix-
providing proper tools and solutions for data
patented arrays into the molecular diagnostic
processing and statistical model building. Highlights
• The results from the international HapMap project opened the gate to genetically differentiate patients in order to assess disease
susceptibility and drug efficacy. Furthermore, the US FDA has recently issued guidelines to encourage the use of genomics data for drug development. Toward this goal, we offer pharmacogenomics contract research organization services to drug companies interested in stratifying patients to optimize responses in clinical trials.
• We have identified potential high-risk genetic components for early-onset asthma. An account was published by Wang JY,
Lin CG, Bey MS et al. in the Journal ofHumanGenetics.
• We have studied genetic polymorphisms that influence the efficacy of interferon (IFN)/ribavirin combination therapy for chronic
hepatitis C (CHC) patients. Results were published by Hwang Y, Chen EY, Gu ZJ et al. in Pharmacogenomics. A diagnostic test was developed to benefit chronic HCV patients eligible for IFN therapy.
• Using an Affymetrix platform, Vita Genomics has developed a resequencing chip to identify genetic polymorphisms for familial
hypercholesterolemia patients. Results were published by Charng MJ, Chiou KR, Chang HM et al. in the European Journal of Clinical Investigation.
• We have initiated a drug rescue program designed to resurrect drugs that have failed previous Phase III clinical trials. New trials
focus on identified subsets of patients who can respond better to the tested drugs.
Pharmacogenomics (2007) 8(6)
Bioinformatics tools are incorporated into an
and therapeutic efficiency. In addition, Vita
analysis pipeline, and also integrate databases
Genomics can act as a conduit between west-
ern enterprises and the burgeoning China mar-
researchers and for outside customers.
ket, with half of our employees operating froma wholly owned subsidiary, GeneCore, in
Shanghai, China. Committed to be the pro-
Understanding the relation of genetic poly-
vider of future solutions, in health manage-
morphisms to diseases is critical for clinical
ment, Vita Genomics ensures the worldwide
diagnosis and proper treatment. We are primed
applicability of its efforts and products by
to continue to capitalize on the use of genomic
maintaining the high standards of FDA guide-
information, which promises to revolutionize
lines in collecting samples and conducting
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