Microsoft word - raineycv2010.doc

P.O. Box 173460 • Montana State University • Bozeman, MT 59717 (406) 994-2670 • ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Dissertation: Evaluating alternative approaches to identifying wildlife corridors M.A. Biology: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology University of California, Los Angeles Thesis: Mimicry in competitive relationships: Examples, theory, and tests B.S. Biology: Ecology, Evolution, & Behavior Study Abroad: University of Århus, Denmark Doctoral Student: Landscape Biodiversity Lab, Ecology, MSU Advisor: Dr. Andrew Hansen • Modeling/analysis: evaluating and developing methods of predicting wildlife corridors Research Specialist: Integrative Genomics, Princeton University Supervisor: Dr. Ethan Perlstein, Lewis-Sigler Institute Fellow • Laboratory studies: mechanism of action of disease-relevant, small-molecule drugs in the Masters Student: Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, UCLA Advisor: Dr. Gregory Grether • Literature synthesis: role of mimicry in competitive relationships • Field studies: testing competitive mimicry hypotheses in coral reef fishes, Research Assistant: Brackenridge Field Laboratory, UT Austin Supervisor: Dr. Lawrence Gilbert • Field study: effects of invasive fire ants on native ant communities and use of parasitic Research Assistant: Section of Integrative Biology, UT Austin Supervisor: Dr. Kathrin Stanger-Hall • Field and laboratory studies: North American firefly flash signal evolution Teaching Assistant: Montana State University • Molecular and Cellular Biology (lab course) Teacher-Naturalist: Flat Rock Brook Nature Center, Englewood, NJ • On-site and outreach environmental education for school groups and public • Development of high school environmental awareness outreach programs Teaching Assistant: UCLA • Introduction to Ecology and Behavior • Evolution, Ecology, and Biodiversity (lab course) • Marine Biology Quarter: Moorea, French Polynesia (field course) Spring 2006 • Conservation Biology Rainey, M. M., Korostyshevsky, D., Lee, S., & Perlstein, E. O. 2010. The antidepressant sertraline targets intracellular vesiculogenic membranes in yeast. Genetics 185: 1221-1233. Rainey, M. M. 2009. Evidence of a geographically variable competitive mimicry relationship in coral reef fishes. Journal of Zoology 279: 78-85. Rainey, M. M. & Grether, G. F. 2007. Competitive mimicry: synthesis of a neglected class of mimetic relationships. Ecology 88(10): 2440-2448. • Best Presentation, Montana Space Grant Consortium Student Research Symposium 2010 • Montana Space Grant Consortium Graduate Fellowship • Honorable Mention, NSF Pre-doctoral Fellowship Program • Recognition of Excellence as teaching assistant, UCLA EEB • Quality of Graduate Education Fellowship, UCLA EEB • Neely Scholar, University of Texas Integrative Biology • Distinguished College Scholar, University of Texas Natural Sciences • Dean’s Scholars Honors Program, University of Texas Natural Sciences 2000–2004 • National Merit Scholar • Evaluating methods of predicting wildlife corridors using GPS data from migrating elk 2010 Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA • Evaluating methods of predicting wildlife corridors in a changing climate Montana Space Grant Consortium Student Research Symposium, Bozeman, MT • Competitive mimicry in a coral reef fish Public presentation, Flat Rock Brook Nature Center, Englewood, NJ • Competitive mimicry: approaches to modeling • Phylogenetic relationships of 20 North American firefly species (poster) University of Texas Undergraduate Research Poster Session (with D. Blair & L. Reinhard) • Ecological Society of America member • International Association for Landscape Ecology member • Montana Society for Conservation Biology member • Population Connection workshop trainer • Field methods: basic mapping techniques, population size estimation, taxon-specific collection methods, quantitative behavioral observation, certified scientific diver • Lab methods: molecular phylogenetic techniques, yeast genetics techniques • Computing skills (descending order): ArcGIS, R, MARK, SAS, Python, MS Access, RSI ENVI • Landscape connectivity: science and practice of identifying and protecting key wildlife linkages, especially best practices for spatially explicit connectivity modeling • Managing the matrix: understanding how native species function in human-modified landscapes and using that knowledge to innovate management and land use planning • Threshold effects of land use change on habitat suitability and connectivity • Use of landscape genetics to evaluate habitat suitability and measure connectivity


Microsoft word - wsi conference report 8-25.doc

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