Elianne Riska

M.A., 1969: Political Science, University of Helsinki, Finland
Postgraduate studies, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, 1969-
Ph.D. in Sociology, 1974, State University of New York at Stony Brook (Stony Brook
University), New York, USA.
Occupational history
Assistant and Associate Professor, Department of Sociology and College of Human
Medicine, Michigan State University, East Lansing, Michigan, U.S.A., 1974-1981.
Researcher, Research Institute for Social Security, the Social Insurance Institution of Finland, 1981-1985. Von Willebrand-Fahlbeck Professor of Sociology and Statistics, Department of Sociology, Åbo Akademi University, Finland, 1985-2004. Academy Professor, Academy of Finland, 1.8.1997-31.7.2002 Professor of Sociology, Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki, 1.5.2004- Vice-Rector and Head of Research, Swedish School of Social Science, University of Helsinki, 2010-2014. Publications: 171 publications in scientific journals or scientific anthologies
Selected publications related to gender and health
1. E. Riska. The sociology of health and medicine in Scandinavia. Salute e Societa 2012:9:2: 39-54. (Special tenth year anniversary issue on “Sociology and sociology of health: A round trip”) 2. E. Riska. Medicalization of men’s health: Type A man and Viagra man. In Emerging Diseases: Structure, Controversy and Changes in the Scientific Constitution of Disease Patterns, eds. Martin Döring & Regine Kollek. Bielefeld: Transcript forthcoming 2012. 3. E. Riska. Aging men: Endorsing and resisting medicalization. In: Aging Men: Masculinities and Modern Medicine, eds. Antje Kampf, Barbara Marshall and Alan Petersen. Forthcoming Routledge, 2012. 4. E. Riska: Coronary heart disease: Gendered public health discourses. In Handbook of Gender and Healthcare, edited by Ellen Kuhlmann and Ellen Annandale. Basingstoke: Palgrave, UK, 2010, pp. 158-171. (2nd edition, 2012, pp. 178-191). 5. E. Riska: Gender and medicalization and biomedicalization theories. In Biomedicalization Studies: Technoscience and Transformations of Health, and Illness in Biomedicine in the US, eds Adele. E. Clarke, Janet Shim, Laura Mamo, Jennifer Fosket, and Jennifer Fishman. Durham, NC: Duke University Press, 2010, pp. 147-170. 6. E. Riska: Men’s mental health. In Men’s Health: Body, Identity and Social Context, eds. Alex Broom & Philip Tovey. Chichester: JohnWiley-Blackwell, 2009, pp. 145-162. 7. E. Annandale & E. Riska: Editors of special monograph issue of Current Sociology volume 57, No. 2, Monograph 1, March 2009 titled New connections: Towards a gender-inclusive approach to women’s and men’s health. 8. E. Riska & T. Heikell: How ads for psychotropics construct an enhanced gendered self. Advances in Gender Research 2008: 12: 275-289. 9. E. Riska and T. Heikell: Gender and images of heart disease in Scandinavian drug advertising. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2007: 35: 585-590. 10. E. Riska: Masculinity and Men’s Health: Coronary Heart Disease in Medical and Public Discourse. Lanham: Rowman & Littlefield, 2004. 11. E. Riska: Gendering the medicalization thesis. Advances in Gender Research: Gender Perspectives on Health and Medicine, eds. Marcia Segal and Vasilikie Demos. London: Elsevier 2003: vol. 7, pp. 59-87. 12. E. Ettorre & E. Riska: Gendered Moods: Psychotropics and Society. London: Routledge, 1995. Selected publications related to the profession of medicine
1. E. Riska: Hälsoprofessioner: teoretiska perspektiv och forskningstrender. Socialvetenskaplig tidskrift, 2011:18:4: 268-282. 2. E. Riska and A. Novelskaite. Professionalism and medical work in a Post-Soviet society: Between four logics. Anthropology of East European Review 2011:9(1): 82-93. 3. E. Riska: Gender and medical careers. Maturitas, 2011:68: 264-267 4. E. Riska: Women in the medical profession: International trends. In Handbook of Gender and Healthcare, edited by Ellen Kuhlmann and Ellen Annandale. Basingstoke: Palgrave, UK, 2010, pp. 389-404,( 2nd edition, 2012, pp. 423-438). 5. E. Riska: Health professions and occupations. In New Blackwell Companion to Medical Sociology, edited by William C. Cockerham. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell 2010, 337-354. 6. E. Riska: Gender and medical education. In Handbook of the Sociology of Medical Education, eds. Caragh Brosnan and Bryan Turner. London: Routledge , 2009, pp. 89-105. 7. E. Riska and A. Novelskaite: Professionals in transition: Physicians’ careers, migration and gender in Lithuania. In Rethinking Professional Governance: International Directions in Healthcare, eds. Ellen Kuhlmann and Mike Saks. Bristol: Policy Press, 2008, pp. 217-230. 8. E. Riska: The feminization thesis: Discourses on gender and medicine. NORA 2008, 16 (1): 3-18. 9. E. Riska & A. Novelskaite: Gendered careers in post-Soviet society: Views on professional qualifications in surgery and pediatrics. Gender Issues 2008:25(4): 229-245. 10. E. Riska: Health professions and occupations. In The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, ed. George Ritzer. Blackwell: Malden, Mass, 2007, vol. 5: 2075-78. 11. E. Riska: The work of pathologists: visualisation of disease and control of uncertainty. In: Constructions of Health and Illness: A European Perspective, eds. Ian Shaw and Kaisa Kauppinen. Aldershot: Ashgate 2004, pp. 4-15. 12. E. Riska: Medical Careers and Feminist Agendas: American, Scandinavian and Russian Women Physicians. New York: Aldine de Gruyter, 2001. 13. E. Riska: Towards gender balance: But will women physicians have an impact on medicine? Social Science and Medicine 2001: 52: 179-187. 14. E. Riska & K. Wegar: The medical profession in the Nordic countries: Medical uncertainty and gender-based work. In Health Professions and the State in Europe, eds. T. Johnson, G. Larkin and M. Saks. London: Routledge, 1995, pp. 200-212. 15. E. Riska: The medical profession in the Nordic countries. In: The Changing Character of the Medical Profession: An International Perspective, eds. Frederic Hafferty & John McKinlay. Oxford University Press. New York 1993, pp. 150-161. 16. E. Riska & K. Wegar (eds.) Gender, Work and Medicine: Women and the Medical Division of Labour. London: Sage 1993. Recent publications in Finnish journals or books
1. T. Heikell & E.Riska: Prozac generationen: Marknadsföring och medikaliseringsdebatten. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti 2005: 42: 168-177. 2. E. Riska: Naiset ja terveydenhuolto: sosiologisia näkökulmia. In Tiede, tieto ja sukupuoli, eds. Liisa Husu & Kristina Rolin. Helsinki: Gaudeamus 2005, 132-149. 3. E. Riska: Lääkärikunnan naisistuminen. Suomen lääkärilehti 2006:12: 1361. 4. E. Riska: Prozac och medikaliseringsdebatten. Sphinx: Yearbook 2005-2006 of the Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters. Helsingfors: Multiprint, 2006, pp. 29-35. 5. E. Riska: Miesten terveys. Suomen lääkärilehti 2006:61:46: 4841 6. E. Riska: Hälsosociologins diskurs och konstruktionen av hälsofrågor i offentligheten. Sosiaalilääketieteellinen Aikakauslehti 2007:44: (1): 3-7. 7. E. Riska: Medikalisaatio: Peter Conrad. In: Yhteiskunta ja terveys. Klassisia teoreettisia näkökulmia, toim. Ulla Ashorn, Lea Henriksson, Juhani Lehto & Paula Nieminen. Gaudeamus: Helsinki, 2010, pp. 204-214. 8. E. Riska: Sukupuoli. In: Sosiaaliepidemiologia, toim. Mikko Laaksonen & Karri Silventoinen. Gaudeamus, Helsinki, 2011, pp. 60-72.



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