Sdb smile-cam (englisch)

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Version Number. 0 - 08/04/2010
Trade Name: Smile Cam
Intern. Meas. Rev.5 dated 21/05/07
Use of this product should be undertaken exclusively by qualified experts in the field (dental technicians).
Users must clean medical aids several times with warm water (approx. 42°C) and tooth paste and then
disinfect before sending to the ordering physician.
1. Identification of the substance /mixture
- Two-part, methyl methacrylate-based resin to be and of the company / undertaking
used in the manufacture of dental prostheses. 2. Hazards identification
May cause sensitization by skin contact. 3. Composition/information on ingredients
4. First aid measures
- Take off immediately all contaminated clothing. - Medical attention must be sought if symptoms result from contact of the product with skin or eyes or - Take the affected person into the fresh air and sit him quietly. In all cases of doubt, or when symptoms - If product gets into the eye, keep eyelid open and rinse immediately with large quantities of water, for at least 5 minutes. Subsequently consult an - After contact with skin, wash immediately with plenty of water and soap. In case of skin irritation, - Immediately get medical attention. Do not induce 5. Fire-fighting measures
- Foam. Extinguishing powder. Carbon dioxide. 5.2 Extinguishing media which must not be - High power water jet. used for safety reasons: 6. Accidental release measures
- Siphon up the product using pumps. The equipment - Do not empty into drains or the aquatic - Absorb with liquid-binding material (e.g. sand, diatomaceous earth, acid- or universal binding agents). SMILE CAM - Pressing Dental s.r.l. Via Edoardo Collamarini 5/d 47041 Dogana - Republic San Marino Emergency phone number from Italy: 0549-909948 Fax. 0549-909958, From abroad: **378-909948 Fax **378-909958 Safety Data Sheet Date of Compilation 08/04/2010 7. Handling and storage
discharge. In case of fire, cool off the damaged 8. Exposure controls / personal protection
Exposure limits for ingredient substances - No danger, as long as TLV limit is not exceeded. Do not breathe dust. Observe usual professional 9. Physical and chemical properties
- Disc / powder, white colour in various shades - Dust explosions usually caused by organic products 10. Stability and reactivity
- None, when used as prescribed; thermal decay produces fumes mainly consisting of methacrylate which are irritating to eyes and respiratory system. 11. Toxicological information
- Animal experiments have shown that the material can promote tumours (the data listed above refer to dibenzoyl peroxide components) = Evidence exists - The micro-particles contained in the product may cause irritation to skin, eyes and membranes in dogs. 12. Ecological information
- Do not empty into drains or the aquatic environment. Do not allow to enter into soil / subsoil. SMILE CAM - Pressing Dental s.r.l. Via Edoardo Collamarini 5/d 47041 Dogana - Republic San Marino Emergency phone number from Italy: 0549-909948 Fax. 0549-909958, From abroad: **378-909948 Fax **378-909958 Safety Data Sheet Date of Compilation 08/04/2010 13. Disposal considerations
Can be burnt together with household waste in compliance with official regulations in contact with approved waste disposal companies and with 14. Transport information
Not a hazardous material with respect to 15. Regulatory information
Contains benzoyl peroxide: May produce an allergic reaction (no labelling required due to low 16. Other information
Restricted to professional users. Wear suitable protective clothing and gloves. Do not breathe dust. In case
of open handling equipment with built-in suction must be used. Users must clean medical aids several times
with warm water (approx. 42°C) and tooth paste and then disinfect before sending to the ordering physician.
17. Notes:
The information in this data sheet is based on the full extent of our knowledge at the time of the latest
revision. Users are to check the suitability and completeness of this information in respect of each use of the
product. The data sheet is not intended to guarantee any particular characteristics of the product. As use of
the product is not under our direct control, it is the responsibility of the user to observe applicable hygiene
and safety laws at his/her own risk. No liability can be accepted for improper use.
SMILE CAM - Pressing Dental s.r.l. Via Edoardo Collamarini 5/d 47041 Dogana - Republic San Marino Emergency phone number from Italy: 0549-909948 Fax. 0549-909958, From abroad: **378-909948 Fax **378-909958 Safety Data Sheet Date of Compilation 08/04/2010


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