Omar A. Fadhli, M.D. FELLOW AMERICAN ACADEMY OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY PHONE: (407) 343-9006 FAX: (407) 343-0999
LOCATIONS: * 400 Celebration Place, Suite 340
∗Please make sure you read instructions and answer all questions.∗
You have been scheduled for Videonystagmography (VNG) testing on _________________________________, at_____________AM The VNG/ENG test is designed to give your physician information regarding The source of your dizziness/vertigo/imbalance. The test requires one hour of Your time for completion. Please arrive 10 minutes early for your appointment. If you arrive more than fifteen (15) minutes late we will reschedule your appointment. The test has three main parts: (1) Tracking (following a light with your eyes); (2) Sitting and laying in different head and body positions; and (3) “Irrigating” each ear with warm and cool air. Throughout the test you will be wearing infrared goggles that will record your eye movements. Portions of the test may induce a sensation of vertigo, but this effect is brief and temporary. There is no pain or needle sticks from this test. We recommend that you have someone drive you to and from your appointment in case you experience dizziness from this test. Pre-Test Instructions : Note: Following these instructions is imperative to obtain an accurate and reliable Test result. Failure to comply with these instructions may result in rescheduling Your appointment. 1. No alcoholic beverages or any liquid containing alcohol for one day prior To testing. 2. No caffeine, including beverages and medications that include caffeine (for example diet pills), one day prior to testing. 3. Please do not use any form of tobacco on the day of your test. 4. Do not eat for four hours prior to the test. If you must eat for health reasons, Please eat lightly. 5. Your face should be thoroughly washed and clean of make-up of any kind (Including foundations, all eye makeup, contacts, powder, etc). 6. Dress comfortable. These they are examples of medicines that you should not take 24 hours before the exam:
Every medicine for the Pain, including: Codeine (Tylenol, Tylenol P.M., etc.) Aspirin (something with aspirin in it), Codeine (something with codeine in it) Ibuprofen (Excedrin, Midol, Motrin, etc.) Naproxen (Treacherous) or Darvocet. Nothing recetado for migraine. Every medicine Anti Anxiety, including: Valium/Diazepam, Ativan/Lorazepam, Pamelor/Nortriptyline, Compazine, Xanax, Prozac, and Zoloft. All medicine Anti-Sickness including:
Antivert/Meclizine, the Valium, Phenergan, Dramamine, and Scopolamine
Every tablet of Diets including: All medicine of Dream, including: All medicine of Allergy, including:
If you cannot discontinue the medicines for the depression or the anxiety, by please call our office al (407)-343-9006 and to speak with the Nurse. You will not have the results of the VNG/ENG immediately. A follow – up appointment will be made for you to discuss the results with your physician. Omar A. Fadhli, M.D. FELLOW AMERICAN ACADEMY OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY PHONE: (407) 343-9006 FAX: (407) 343-0999
LOCATIONS: * 400 Celebration Place, Suite 340
* 720 West Oak Street, Suite 101 OTOLARYNGOLOGY – HEAD & NECK SURGERY – EAR & SINUS SURGERY – FACIAL PLASTIC & SKIN CANCER SURGERY – THYROID SURGERY * PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU ANSWER ALL THE QUESTIONS BELOW *. Name: ________________________ Age: ___ Date: _________Family Doctor: ____________
Circle Yes or No and fill in the blank spaces.
Do you have any discharge from your ears?
Have you had any MRI/CT of the brain or neck? (If yes we will need the
Do you have any history of anemia, low thyroid, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, lyme,
Low B-12 vitamin, Syphilis, cardiovascular disease or neurological disease?
Is your dizziness associated with light-headedness or swimming sensation in the
Is your dizziness associated with objects spinning or turning around you?
Is your dizziness associated with the sensation that you are turning or spinning
Inwardly, with the outside objects or remaining stationary?
Describe what you feel during your episode of dizziness / imbalance ______________________________ When did the dizziness / imbalance first occur? ________________________________________________
How many days per week do you become dizzy / imbalance?
When was the last attack? _________________________________________________________________ Do you know of any possible cause of your dizziness? __________________________________________ Do you know of anything that will stop your dizziness or make it better?
Do you know what makes your dizziness worse? _______________________________________________ How long does an attack last? Seconds Minutes Hours Days
Circle any of the following that makes your dizziness worse or precipitate an attack? Fatigue, Excretion, Hunger, Menstrual Period, Stress, Emotional Upset, Alcohol Omar A. Fadhli, M.D. FELLOW AMERICAN ACADEMY OF OTOLARYNGOLOGY PHONE: (407) 343-9006 FAX: (407) 343-0999
LOCATIONS: * 400 Celebration Place, Suite 340
2. Do you get low pitch noise in your ears?
3. Do you get fullness or stuffiness in your ears?
4. Do you get episodes of dizziness lasting for hours or days?
VN 1. Did you have any upper respiratory infection prior to the start of your dizziness?
2. Did the dizziness last for hours or days the first week it occurred?
3. Is the dizziness slowly improving after the first week?
4. Is the dizziness worse with moving and better when staying still?
M.A.D 1. Do you get severe headaches or migraines?
2. Do you get headaches before, during or after the episode of dizziness?
4. Do you have any warning that an attack is about to start?
BPPV 1. Is your dizziness triggered by turning your head to the right or left?
2. Is your dizziness triggered by looking up or down?
3. Once your dizziness is triggered, does it usually get’s better after a few
CV 1. Do you have any back of the neck or shoulder pain / muscle spasms?
2. Do you have any cervical spine abnormalities or arthritis?
CNSV 1. Have you ever been diagnosed with stroke,CVA,ITA,multiple sclerosis’s
2. Do you have a tendency to fall or have you ever injured your head?
3. Do you use a cane, walker or wheelchair?
4. Do you ever completely lose consciences or blackout?
5. Do you have one sided numbness, weakness, or paralysis of the face, arms or legs?
6. Do you experience double vision or blindness?
7. Do you always have poor hand and eye coordination?
Documento descargado de el 04/08/2009. Copia para uso personal, se prohíbe la transmisión de este documento por cualquier medio o formato. Benefits of a Home-Based Pulmonary Rehabilitation Program for Patients With Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Vanessa Regiane Resqueti,a Amaia Gorostiza,b Juan B. Gladis,b Elena López de Santa María,b Pere Casan Clarà