Charmm force field parameterization of rosiglitazone
CHARMM Force Field Parameterizationof Rosiglitazone
ANDERS HANSSON, PAULO C. T. SOUZA, RODRIGO L. SILVEIRA,LEANDRO MARTI´NEZ, MUNIR S. SKAFInstitute of Chemistry, State University of Campinas—UNICAMP, C.P. 6154,Campinas, SP 13084-862, Brazil
Received 10 December 2009; accepted 1 February 2010Published online 10 June 2010 in Wiley Online Library ( DOI 10.1002/qua.22638
ABSTRACT: We develop a CHARMM-based interaction potential for rosiglitazone, awell-known selective ligand to the c isoform of the peroxisome proliferator-activatedreceptor (PPARc) and widely marketed antidiabetic drug of the thiazolidinedione (TZD)class. We derive partial atomic charges and dihedral torsion potentials for sevenrotations in the molecule, for which there are no analogs available in CHARMM. Thepotential model is validated by performing a series of molecular dynamics simulationsof rosiglitazone in neat water and of a fully solvated rosiglitazone-PPARc complex. Thestructural and dynamical behavior of the complex is analyzed in comparison withavailable experimental data. The potential parameters derived here are readilytransferable to a variety of pharmaceutically important TZD compounds. V
Periodicals, Inc. Int J Quantum Chem 111: 1346–1354, 2011
Key words: rosiglitazone; TZD; CHARMM parameterization; nuclear receptors;PPARc; molecular dynamics
differentiation and proliferation [2]. PPARc is also
involved in inflammatory and immune responses
and is highly expressed in various types of cancer
he nuclear receptor superfamily comprises a
and associated with type II diabetes [3]. PPARc
group of roughly 48 proteins responsible for
forms heterodimers with the retinoid X receptor
regulation of gene transcriptional activity by
(RXR), which is the necessary partner for DNA
means of hormone binding [1]. The c isoform of
binding and transcription. RXR, activated by its
natural ligand 9-cis retinoic acid, serves as hetero-
(PPARc) is a key receptor in the regulation of cell
dimeric partner for many nuclear receptors [1]. The more promiscuous PPARc accommodates
Correspondence to: M. S. Skaf; e-mail:
various types of ligands, mostly agonists.
Contract grant sponsors: Brazilian Agencies Fapesp, CNPq.
Additional Supporting Information may be found in the
ligands and to determine the crystal structure of
International Journal of Quantum Chemistry, Vol 111, 1346–1354 (2011)
FIGURE 1. Chemical structure of rosiglitazone. The arc-shaped arrows indicate the torsion (T) of the eight bonds forwhich full revolution is possible.
receptors are quite advanced. However, the
dynamic interactions of receptor, DNA response
elements, and ligands remain poorly understood.
dynamics (MD), admit studies of association and
dissociation processes [4–10], as well as the
molecular mechanisms involved in receptor acti-
vation which give insight in ligand selectivity [11,
12]. The force fields primarily derived for molecu-
lar mechanics of macromolecules, such proteins,
saccharides, lipids, and nucleic acids, do not pro-
vide parameters for specific chemical compounds,such as the thiazolidinediones (TZD), a well-
where the sums extend to all bond stretchings,
known group of PPARc agonists, of which rosigli-
Urey-Bradley terms, angle bendings, dihedral tor-
tazone among others have been clinically studied
sions, improper dihedrals, and nonbonded van
and produced by the pharmaceutical industry
der Waals and Coulombic interactions. There are
potential parameters developed for a great variety
The TZDs appear in two enantiomeric forms
of biomolecules [17–20]. The transferability of pa-
(R)-(þ) and (S)-(À), due to the stereogenic center
rameters between molecules is the basic principle
at atom C5 of the thiazolidine ring (Fig. 1). Higher
of these force fields, so parameters from similar
antidiabetic activity have been predicted for the
molecules should be used whenever possible.
(S)-(À) enantiomer of rosiglitazone [14], which
However, for markedly flexible molecules, the
also is the observed form in the available crystal-
sampling over different conformational states
lized PPARc structures in the Protein Data Bank
dependent critically on torsion (dihedral angle)
(PDB) [15]. Therefore, a complete set of parame-
potentials, so obtaining accurate torsional parame-
ters for the two enantiomers of rosiglitazone are
ters derived from quantum mechanical potential
derived here for future studies, especially the
energy surface (PES) scans of a given particular
interactions the (S)-(À) enantiomer with nuclear
receptors. The particular parameterization chosen
In this work, we propose a complete set of
for these simulations is based on the CHARMM
CHARMM compatible force field parameters for
force field for biomolecular systems [16]. The
rosiglitazone. Our main goal is to generate a force
potential energy function is expressed by Eq. (1)
field for this molecule which is suitable for
interactions between the drug and its known tar-
For the self-consistent field (SCF) procedure,
get receptor and other proteins. Partial point
the default combination of the EDIIS and the
CDIIS algorithms, with no damping or Fermi
atom types assigned, and similar bond lengths,
broadening, is used. The convergence criteria (in
atomic units) are 1.0 Â 10À6 for the energy, 1.0 Â
improper dihedral parameters for atom combina-
10À6 for the maximum of density matrix, and
tions not included in CHARMM are adopted.
1.0 Â 10À8 for the root mean square (RMS) of den-
Finally, novel torsional parameters for seven dihe-
sity matrix. The geometry is relaxed with the
dral rotations are derived based on CHARMM
implemented version of the Berny geometry opti-
procedures. The newly parameterized model for
mization algorithm and the convergence criteria
rosiglitazone is tested by performing molecular
(in atomic units) are 1.5 Â 10À5 for maximum
dynamics (MD) simulations of this molecule in
force, 1.0 Â 10À5 for RMS force, 6.0 Â 10À5 for
aqueous solutions and bound to the ligand bind-
maximum displacement, and 4.0 Â 10À5 for RMS
ing domain (LBD) of PPARc. We examine the
displacement. All four criteria were simultane-
simulated structure and dynamics of the rosiglta-
zone-LBD complex in comparison with available
Stationary points for RHF/6-31G(d) as well as
experimental data and find that the proposed
with the more accurate 6-311G(d,p) basis set
model is very-well behaved as far as these prop-
using both RHF and density functional theory
DFT/B3LYP methods are obtained to evaluate the
Because all TZDs share the same molecular
minimum of the first method. The partial point
backbone, the torsion potentials derived here are
charge calculation is, however, based on the
readily transferred to a series of pharmaceutically
RHF/6-31G(d) geometry for consistency with
important compounds used in the treatment of
CHARMM. Net atomic charges are derived to fit
type II diabetes, such as pioglitazone, troglitazone,
the RHF/6-31G(d) electrostatic potential of the
rivoglitazone, and ciglitazone, to name few. There
are two specific features in the molecular structure
selected according to the employed Merz-Singh-
of the TZDs for which adequate CHARMM param-
Kollman approach [26, 27] in 10 layers and
eters were so far unavailable. One of them is the
17 grid point per unit area resulting in 95,155
five-member heterocyclic aromatic ring containing
points (the default is four layers and one point
S1 and N3 atoms for which there are neither
per unit area, giving 1,850 points for rosiglita-
CHARMM partial charges nor parameters for the
zone.) The charges are also constrained to repro-
T1 torsion (Fig. 1). On the other end of the mole-
duce the molecular dipole moment. The atoms
cule, there is an unusual pyridine ring containing a
are classified in atom types of the CHARMM22
all-atom force field for proteins [17, 18] (release
CHARMM, which greatly affects the potential bar-
c35b2), based on the derived charges and the local
chemical environment. Unavailable parametersare adopted primarily from similar groups of theall-atom force field for proteins CHARMM22(release
CHARMM32 for esters [28, 29] (of the samerelease).
The force field parameters are developed at the
The flexibility of the ligand is an important fac-
restricted Hartree-Fock (RHF) ab initio level of
tor for their binding modes in the active site of
theory with the 6-31G(d) basis set in consistency
the LBD and influence the ligand dissociation
with the CHARMM parameterization of the c35b2
mechanism [4–7, 10]. The structure of rosiglita-
release. All ab initio calculations are performed
zone admits full revolution around eight bonds,
with the Gaussian03 package revision E.01 [22],
as depicted in Fig. 1. The dihedral angle parame-
whereas classical force field potential energies are
ters required for describing the torsional barriers
computed with the NAMD package [23], which is
are not included in the current releases of
also used for the evaluative MD simulations. The
CHARMM. Therefore, all torsional rotations,
acid dissociation constant (pKa) of rosiglitazone is
excluding the rotation of the CH3 group, are para-
meterized. To avoid interference with the existing
dihedral parameters and to obtain unique set of
dihedral angle parameters for the seven rotating
hydration shell around the protein is at least 15 A
bonds, a few atom type aliases are introduced.
thick and the entire system is enclosed in ortho-
To calculate the rotational energy profiles, the
rhombic box with periodic boundary conditions.
quadruples C4-C5-C6-C7, C5-C6-C7-C8, C9-C10-
Langevin dynamics is employed to simulate the
isothermal-isobaric ensemble at 300 K and 1.0
C14-C15-N16-C17, and C15-N16-C17-N18 define
atm. The velocity Verlet algorithm is used for
the dihedral torsions T1–T7, respectively. The
time integration with a time step of 2.0 fs. Full
energy profiles are obtained from rotational scans
Coulomb forces are computed with the particle
at 20 degree steps with a RHF/6-31G(d) geometry
mesh Ewald algorithm [32], whereas van der
relaxation where only the regarded rotational
angle is fixed. These energy profiles correspond
switching cutoff. The systems are initially relaxed
to the total quantum mechanical potential energy,
with the default conjugate gradient and line
which in some cases differ substantially from the
search algorithm (CG) of NAMD2.7. We used the
dihedral torsion potential energy, despite the
relaxed geometry, mainly due to the constant
parameters for the protein and counterions.
point charge model. The missing classical dihe-
The following protocols are used for equilibrat-
ing the two systems. Rosiglitazone in water: (1)
300 steps of CG, keeping all atoms of rosiglita-
zone fixed; (2) 600 steps of CG, without any
restraint; (3) 1,000 ps of MD without any restraint. The ligand–receptor complex in solvent: (1) 2,000
is obtained for each dihedral torsion by least-
steps of CG, with all atoms of the protein fixed;
square fitting this expression to the difference
(2) 200 ps of MD with all atoms of the protein
between the quantum and the molecular mechan-
fixed; (3) 500 steps of CG, with the Ca atoms
ics energy profiles. Since dihedral angle parame-
fixed; (4) 200 ps of MD with the Ca fixed; (5) 400
ters are unknown for seven rotational barriers, the
ps of MD without any restraint. Finally, 6 ns MD
fitting procedure was conveniently done repeat-
simulations were performed starting from the
edly, in a self-consistent manner, until conver-
equilibrated structures. The trajectories of first
gence of all torsion potentials. The potential
1 ns of these simulations were discarded. This
energy of the molecular mechanics force field is
protocol was repeated 20 times for the ligand–
calculated with the NAMD2.7 package [23] via
receptor complex; thus, 20 independent 5 ns MD
simulations were obtained for data analysis.
terms with multiplicity n 6 are considered and,as far as possible, phase angles d are multiples of180, consistent with CHARMM. The obtainedparameters for the dihedral angles defined by the
aforementioned quadruples describe solely thetotal dihedral angle potential for each bond rota-
First the neutral state of (S)-(À)-rosiglitazone in
tion. Hence, the other force constants of the
neat water is considered. The structure is relaxed
involved dihedral angles are kept as zero.
(in atomic units) to a maximum force of 1.0 Â
Finally, MD simulations are performed to eval-
10À6, RMS force of 1.0 Â 10À7, maximum dis-
uate the developed parameters. Both rosiglitazone
placement of 1.9 Â 10À5, and RMS displacement
solvated in a box containing 1,828 water mole-
of 0.3 Â 10À5. This geometry has total energy of
cules at ambient conditions and rosiglitazone
À1478.1721 atomic units, which has converged to
bound to the LBD of PPARc (fully hydrated) are
0.37 Â 10À8, and its dipole moment is 3.014 D. On
studied. The structure of the ligand–receptor
the basis of this configuration, we estimated the
complex, based on the ligand binding domain
acid dissociation constants for rosiglitazone to
of the PDB structure 1FM6, chain D [31], is fully
6.9 (base part) and 6.5 (acid part), as described
solvated by 18,000 water molecules, 28 Naþ
above. The values are consistent with the litera-
and 23 ClÀ ions, reaching a concentration of
ture [34]. At physiological pH around 7.4 [35], the
$0.15 mol/L to obtain a neutral system. Struc-
unprotonated, neutral form of rosiglitazone (sin-
tural (crystallographic) water molecules within a
glet state) predominates. Therefore, parameters
TABLE IAtom names, CHARMM atom types, and partial atomic charges derived in this work.
a CHARMM22 all-atom force field for proteins. b À0.16 is used for the force field.
are derived for neutral rosiglitazone. Table I lists
PES (black dots), the molecular mechanics PES
the calculated Merz-Singh-Kollman partial atomic
excluding the dihedral potential for the T3 torsion
charges for the ground state geometry. Despite
(crosses), the quantum and classical PES differ-
the differentiated hydrogen charges of the CH3
ence (plus signs) and the adjusted dihedral poten-
groups, the average 0.09 is adopted for all methyl
tial (solid line). For comparison, the full molecular
hydrogens, yielding À0.16 for the methyl carbons.
mechanics PES, now including the parameterized
The ground state geometry at RHF and B3LYP
torsional potential, is shown by empty circles. The
level using the 6-311G(d,p) basis set confirm
agreement between the quantum and the full clas-
above calculated molecular conformation.
sical force filed PESs is excellent. In the remainder
The atoms are classified in atom types of the
panels, only the quantum and classical PESs dif-
CHARMM22 all-atom force field for proteins
ferences (plus signs) and the adjusted potentials
(release c35b2) based on the derived charges and
(lines) are shown. As mentioned in ‘‘Parameter-
the local chemical environment (Table I). Bond,
ization and Computational Details,’’ we have
angle, and dihedral parameters (excluding T1–T7
applied the CHARMM restriction of using the
dihedral angles discussed below), as well as
first six terms in the fitting function [cf., Eq. (2)],
Urey-Bradley distances and Lennard-Jones energy
which limits quality of the fit. Moreover, the
and distance parameters, which could be obtained
adjustments of the torsion parameters have been
by group analogy from the CHARMM force field,
carried out in a self-consistent way due to the
are provided as Supporting Information.
mutual dependence between the distinct rota-
The calculated dihedral angle PES for the tor-
tions. The complete set of fitted parameters thus
sions T1–T7 and the corresponding fitting func-
tions [Eq. (2)] are depicted in Fig. 2. The top panel
The first test for the force field is performed
(T3) also shows the ab initio quantum mechanical
by examining the behavior of rosiglitazone in an
FIGURE 2. Torsion energies of the bonds C5-C6 (T1), C6-C7 (T2), C10-O13 (T3), O13-C14 (T4), C14-C15 (T5), C15-N16 (T6), and N16-C17 (T7). The black dots represent the ab initio PES, whereas the crosses (x) indicate the forcefield PES without the considered dihedral angle. The difference between them is shown by plus signs (þ) and theadjusted potential energy of the dihedral angle is depicted by a solid line. For comparison, the circles show the totalforce field, including the parameterized dihedral angle.
aqueous environment. The average geometry of
gives a root mean square deviation (RMSD) of
the molecule in water closely replicates the ab
initio relaxed geometry after the initial relaxation
maintained during the simulation, so no addi-
of the system. Structural aligning of the geome-
tional improper dihedral angles are therefore
tries, where all atoms are taken into account,
TABLE IIDihedral parameters for seven torsional rotations.
FIGURE 3. (a) Average structure of the PPARc-
rosiglitazone complex from simulations (light gray)
superimposed to the crystallographic structure (dark
gray). (b) Average structures of rosiglitazone for
individual 5 ns simulations (light gray) and the crystalstructure (black), with the LBDs structurally aligned.
The available experimental data of rosiglita-
the behavior of the ligand and its target nuclear
zone regarding its dynamical behavior is limited
receptor protein PPARc in the ligand–receptor
to the crystallographic Debye-Waller or tempera-
complex. In all currently reported structures in
ture B-factors. A comparison between the crystal-
PDB containing rosiglitazone (PDB IDs: 1FM6,
lographic and simulated B-factors is presented in
Fig. 4, showing very good agreement, apart from
bounded to the LBD pocket of PPARc. One of the
an overall multiplicative factor, which is common
highest resolution structures of the ligand-LBD
in this type of comparison because the crystallo-
complex is the 1FM6 structure, with a resolution
graphic B-factors depend on the structure resolu-
˚ . Therefore, our evaluative simulations of
tion. The mobility of the different structural
rosiglitazone interacting with the PPARc LBD
elements of the LBD derived from diffraction data
are well-reproduced by the motions of rosiglita-
The average structure of the rosiglitazone-LBD
zone obtained from the MD simulations with the
complex over 20 independent 5 ns simulations
[Fig. 3(a)]. The RMSD between the average simu-lated and crystal structures of rosiglitazone itself isonly $0.35 A
˚ . The average structure of rosiglitazone
obtained from each 5 ns simulation and the crystalstructure are visualized in Fig. 3(b), after alignmentof the LBDs, indicating that the PPARc LBDremains very stable and structurally well-correlatedwith the crystallographic structure in the presenceof the parameterized ligand. In addition, the aver-age conformation and position of rosiglitazoneinside the ligand binding pocket (i.e., the ligandbinding mode), preserve the crystal conformationand the crystalline ligand-LBD contacts. Theseresults indicate that the ligand–protein and ligand
FIGURE 4. Temperature B-factors obtained from
intramolecular interactions are well accounted for
the present simulations (A) and available from
by the proposed interaction potential.
crystallography experiments (PDB ID: 1FM6) (B).
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