Bioline 2006 parts catalogue.xls

Cat No:
Product Name
Pack Size
DNA Polymerases
Regular TAQ, with a two-dye reaction buffe Regular TAQ, with a two-dye reaction buffe Regular TAQ, with a two-dye reaction buffe High Specificity suited to GC-Rich templates High Specificity suited to GC-Rich templates (original version) long-range, difficult templates (original version) long-range, difficult templates Ready-to-use 2x Reaction Buffers (A-L) for all primer-template combination Other Enzymes
Polymerase Mixes
Heat-Activated, Ready-to-go pre-mix with red dye Heat-Activated, Ready-to-go pre-mix with red dye Long-range, difficult templates, Ready-to-go pre-mix Long-range, difficult templates, Ready-to-go pre-mix Short-range, difficult templates, Ready-to-go pre-mix Short-range, difficult templates, Ready-to-go pre-mix High Fidelity Heat-Activated, Ready-to-go pre-mix High Fidelity Heat-Activated, Ready-to-go pre-mix Ready-to-go pre-mix with red and yellow dye Ready-to-go pre-mix with red and yellow dye MOLECULAR WEIGHT MARKERS
DNA Markers
Quantitative, ranging from 100 to 1,000bp Quantitative, ranging from 100 to 1,000bp Quantitative, ranging from 10,090 to 48,500bp Quantitative, ranging from 10,090 to 48,500bp Quantitative, ranging from 100bp to 2000bp Quantitative, ranging from 100bp to 2000bp Quantitative, ranging from 500bp to 5000bp Quantitative, ranging from 500bp to 5000bp Molecular weight DNA marker from 2kb to 80kb Molecular weight DNA marker from 2kb to 80kb Molecular weight DNA marker from 5kb to 150kb Molecular weight DNA marker from 5kb to 150kb DHPLC Markers
Loading Buffers, DNA
Loading Buffers, RNA
Maintains denatured RNA during electrophoresi Maintains denatured RNA during electrophoresis (suitable for northern blo NUCLEOTIDES
Set of ready-to-use molecular grade dNTP solutions Set of ready-to-use molecular grade dNTP solutions Set of ready-to-use molecular grade dNTP solutions Set of ready-to-go molecular grade NTP solutions 5 Hydroxymethyl 2'-Deoxycytidine 5'- Triphosphat CLONING
Cloning Reagents
Carry out site-directed mutagenesis in virtually any double-stranded plasmid of up to Obtain full-length 3' cDNA sequence from a known partial cDNA sequenc Cat No:
Product Name
Pack Size
Antibiotic Solutions
Protein Tools
Affinity Sorbents
One step purification of blood coagulation factors and lipoprotein lipase One step purification of blood coagulation factors and lipoprotein lipase One step purification of blood coagulation factors and lipoprotein lipase One step purification of GST-tagged recombinant protein One step purification of GST-tagged recombinant protein One step purification of GST-tagged recombinant protein One step purification of His-tagged recombinant protein One step purification of His-tagged recombinant protein One step purification of His-tagged recombinant protein Metal Chelating Cellulose - Ni Pre-Charged One step purification of His-tagged recombinant protein Metal Chelating Cellulose - Ni Pre-Charged One step purification of His-tagged recombinant protein Metal Chelating Cellulose - Ni Pre-Charged One step purification of His-tagged recombinant protein REAGENTS FOR MOLECULAR BIOLOGY
PCR Clean-Up
Aid nucleic acid recovery during salt/alcohol precipitation Buffer and Additives
Improves the performance on any thermostable DNA polymerase Improves the performance on any thermostable DNA polymerase Signal normalization in quantitative RT-PCR Genomic DNA
For southern blotting, library construction and as a control templat For southern blotting, library construction and as a control templat For southern blotting, library construction and as a control templat RNA ANALYSIS
Reliable preparation of cDNA templates for amplications Reliable preparation of cDNA templates for amplications Synthesis of RNA in-vitro from DNA sequences containing T Buffer designed for agarose gel electrophoresis Ready-to-use reagent for isolation of total RNA from cells and tissue Ready-to-use reagent for isolation of total RNA from cells and tissue DNA Analysis
Universal kit. High Sensititivity and reproducibilit Universal kit. High Sensititivity and reproducibilit Universal kit. High Sensititivity and reproducibilit Universal Kit. Used when prevention of carry-over contamination require Universal Kit. Used when prevention of carry-over contamination require Universal Kit. Used when prevention of carry-over contamination require


Paparella: Volume I: Basic Sciences and Related Principles Section 8: General Medical Principles Chapter 37: Endocrinology Robert H. Maisel, David S. Cross Since the work of Claude Bernard, it has been axiomatic that the internal environmentis maintained in a constant state (Cannon's principle of homeostasis). Throughout the internaland external stresses of normal life, disease, or in

Production Scientifique de Françoise Benoit-Vical Publications internationales & Revues *: auteur correspondant F. Ariey, B. Witkowski, C. Amaratunga, J. Beghain, A.-C. Langlois, N. Khim, S. Kim, V. Duru, C. Bouchier, L. Ma, P. Lim, R. Leang, S. Duong, S. Sreng, S. Suon, C. M. Chuor, D. Mey Bout, S. Ménard, W. O. Rogers, B. Genton, T. Fandeur, O. Miotto, P. Ringwald, J. Le Br

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