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Leading Expert Has Answers on Crohn’s Disease
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David T. Rubin M.D., Assistant Professor of Medicine at the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine and leading authority in Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis is working with to help people understand the disease and how to best manage it. Below, read Dr. Rubin’s answers to some commonly asked questions about Crohn’s disease. Dr. Rubin’s travel tips for patients with This is not a substitute for professional medical advice. For the most accurate personal medical care, including decisions about medications and other treatment options, you should always consult Related Links
What is Crohn’s disease?
What causes Crohn’s disease?
Are there any triggers for people who are already living with the disease?
Is the disease hereditary?
How do I treat Crohn’s disease?
Do I need to take my medication if I feel healthy?

How can I limit the impact of Crohn’s disease on my daily life with diet and lifestyle
Does diet impact Crohn’s?
How does stress impact my disease?
How do I explain my condition and special needs to co-workers and teachers?
Can I still travel with Crohn’s disease?
Where can I find additional information on living with Crohn’s disease?
Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of
America (CCFA)
What is Crohn’s disease?
Crohn’s disease is an autoimmune condition of the intestinal tract. While the exact cause of Crohn’s disease is unknown, it is believed that Crohn’s disease occurs due to a loss of control of the immune system of our intestinal tract, which consists of all the organs involved in digestion from the mouth to Travel Security Administration (TSA)
What causes Crohn’s disease?
In healthy individuals, the intestine routinely becomes mildly inflamed when exposed to food and bacteria, as a response to these agents and to
allow your body to absorb nutrients, but not become infected. In the healthy person, the inflammation response is then turned off and the bowel or
intestinal tract returns to its resting state.
In people who are susceptible to Crohn’s disease, it is believed that some element of the environment triggers an immune response that loses
control. One way to think about this is that the immune system of the gut has become “overactive” and has either lost the “off switch” or is
alternatively stuck in the “on” position. Another possible explanation is that the body has lost the ability to distinguish between “self” and the
environment. There are theories about Crohn’s disease that suggest it is caused by infections or that there is a specific organism that is at the heart
of most patients’ disease. However, it is believed that while infections may trigger the onset of the disease in some people, it is likely more
complicated than that.
Are there any triggers for people who are already living with the disease?

A strong environmental “trigger” of Crohn’s disease is smoking. People with Crohn’s disease who smoke cigarettes and tobacco have more flares
than those who do not smoke. In addition, it is known that people with Crohn’s disease who smoke have a more aggressive disease that is more
difficult to treat and much more likely to return after surgery. It is, therefore, extremely important that people who have Crohn’s disease and
smoke enroll in smoking cessation programs. It is also important that people with Crohn’s disease who do not smoke never start. People with
Crohn’s disease should also avoid anti-inflammatory medicines like ibuprofen or prolonged use of aspirin, which may also trigger a relapse of the
Is the disease hereditary?

About 10 to 15 percent of people with Crohn’s disease also have a family member with Crohn’s disease or another inflammatory bowel condition.
Crohn’s disease is known as a complex genetic disorder, because there are multiple genes that contribute to the disease expression, and interact
with the environment to produce the disease. Those who have a greater genetic component to their disease may develop the disease at an earlier
age, while those who have less of a genetic component may develop the disease after a more intense or prolonged environmental exposure.
How do I treat Crohn’s disease?

There are a variety of therapies which help treat and manage Crohn’s disease. It is best to consult with your own physician about the best
treatments for your individual needs.
In general, the treatment of Crohn’s disease is defined with specific goals; the first goal being remission and is defined by the absence of
symptoms that wake you from sleep, the absence of blood in your stool, the return to normal nutritional and laboratory values, and being removed
from corticosteroids. Remission means that the patient is feeling healthy and well.
The second goal is known as maintenance, meaning the absence of flares of the disease. It is extremely important that once the diagnosis of
Crohn’s disease is confirmed, an adequate maintenance plan is put into effect. This should involve safe and effective therapies that people are
willing to take and stay on.
Do I need to take my medication if I feel healthy?

A way to encourage patient adherence to therapy is through scheduling regular visits with a gastroenterologist and by educating patients about the
importance of maintenance therapy.
There is scientific evidence that those who do not take their therapies are more likely to require surgery, more likely to have flares of their disease
and even more likely to end up in the hospital.1
In addition, it is believed that when the disease is under poor control, it becomes harder to get it under control later. This is probably due to the
progression of the inflammation to involve more tissue and potentially cause complications of infections or even bowel obstructions.
It is extremely important to have a very open and ongoing dialogue with your physician about which therapies work and whether you are willing
and able to take them. This even includes a discussion about whether you can afford your medications.
How can I limit the impact of Crohn’s disease on my daily life with diet and lifestyle choices?

I cannot stress how important it is that people with Crohn’s disease do not smoke cigarettes. Eliminating that factor from your life may have a
more positive impact on disease control and your overall health than any medications that we can provide. In addition, I highly recommend
regularly scheduled visits with your doctor even when you are feeling well. These so-called “healthy visits” offer an opportunity for you to review
your disease state, to discuss advances in the field, to emphasize and remind you about adherence to therapy, and to update your doctor about your
needs and hopes for the future of your disease management.
In addition, it is extremely important to plan ahead and understand the limits that the disease may have on you. If you are not feeling well and you
have an important social event coming up, or a trip planned, you should talk to your doctor early rather than waiting for the disease to
1 Kane SV, Cohen RD, Aikens JE, Hanauer SB. Prevalence of nonadherence with maintenance mesalamine in quiescent ulcerative colitis. Am J Gastroenterol 96 (10): 2929-33, 2001. spontaneously remit. Such “wishful thinking” often leads to more complications and we know that, when we intervene early when there are signs
of the disease acting up, it can result in much better outcomes.
Does diet impact Crohn’s?

Although it makes perfect sense that foods can cause more symptoms when your Crohn’s disease is active, and certainly each individual is aware
of specific foods that may make them feel worse, we do not have evidence that any foods drive the inflammation of Crohn’s disease or, for that
matter, control the inflammation of Crohn’s disease. Nonetheless, understanding whether you are lactose intolerant, or whether you have other
problems with specific foods, is important so that you can avoid them and keep yourself healthy. A general rule that applies to all chronic diseases
and healthy living is moderation. This should include your choice of diet, your exercise, getting healthy sleep, and avoiding stress.
How does stress impact my disease?

Although there is no confirmatory evidence that stress drives Crohn’s disease flares, I certainly appreciate that many of the people I treat believe
that stress does aggravate their disease and obviously when people are stressed they have poor sleep and eating habits which may contribute to
additional gastrointestinal symptoms. Taking control of your life and eliminating the avoidable stressors is very important.
How do I explain my condition and special needs to co-workers and teachers?

It can be very difficult to explain this disease to others and to anticipate their response. In the ideal situation, a co-worker or teacher would know
what Crohn’s disease is and be willing to accommodate your need for more frequent trips to the bathroom when the disease is more active. They
should also understand your need for healthy visits to the doctor and when you are not feeling well, more urgent visits to the doctor.
However, most people have heard of Crohn’s disease but are often confused or have misperceptions of this disease. Therefore, I highly
recommend using simple brochures and informational tools to educate your employer or your teacher about the disease. I recognize that some
people have fear of employment discrimination. However, the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA) protects people and will allow you to be absent
from work for scheduled medical visits or treatments.

Can I still travel with Crohn’s disease?

Our goal for managing Crohn’s disease is that you should be able to do anything that you want in your life. This includes travel. However, when
you travel there are some precautions that are worth taking.
• First, discuss your trip and plans with your doctor. If you are traveling somewhere travelers diarrhea is endemic and common (like Mexico), then you should plan to take preventative measures against traveler’s diarrhea. We believe that people who are in remission from Crohn’s disease and have an infection when traveling, are more likely to have a flare and have more problems. • You should plan to have enough of your medications with you so that you will be able to take your maintenance therapy during your trip and have extra medications with you, in case you drop or lose a dose. You should have your rescue medications available and plan to have symptomatic therapy with you. • You should always carry your medications in your carry-on luggage rather than checked bags, in the event the luggage is lost. These days, unfortunately, you will want to ensure that all of your prescription medications clearly have your name on them and will probably need a letter from your doctor outlining a need for your medications to ensure that the Transportation Security Administration will allow you to carry the medicines on the airplane. • If you have been or are on steroids, it would be very helpful to discuss with your doctor the possibility that you may need to take an extra dose or adjust it when traveling long distances. This is especially true if you travel to a different time zone, in which case, you may need to adjust the timing of your dosages to account for jet lag.
Discussions with your doctor can be most helpful in these circumstances.

Where can I find additional information on living with Crohn’s disease?

For more information on Crohn’s disease, you can explore, which provides timely information about managing the
disease in all areas of life and includes the stories of individuals living and thriving with Crohn’s disease and the doctors who treat them.
In addition, I highly recommend the Crohn’s and Colitis Foundation of America Web site.


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