
Professional Experience
Environmental Law & Policy Center, Chicago, Illinois
Environmental Business Specialist, January 1999-May 2001
 Developed speaker series addressing sustainable design issues for the design and construction
 Conducted research for clients, including the City of Chicago, to assist in the formulation of  Advised large commercial real estate, architectural and interior design businesses on options for the installation of environmentally-sustainable products and practices  Wrote grant proposals and reports which resulted in the acquisition of funds to support  Created and implemented educational programs for the National Recycled Paper Coalition Searle Pharmaceuticals, Skokie, Illinois
Associate Product Manager, U.S. Female Healthcare Unit, May 1997-December 1998
 Launched new product, Flagyl ER, to market in April 1998
 Developed the strategic and tactical marketing plan, represented the team in coordinating cross-functional activities, including marketing research, promotion, manufacturing, and R&D  Responsibilities included managing multi-million dollar budget and agency relations  Developed promotional campaign for Flagyl 375, including sales representative motivational campaign, which was well-received by customers and resulted in an increase in market share and sales MBA Rotational Program, June 1995-May 1997 Planning and Business Development Associate, U.S. Female Healthcare Business Unit, June  Coordinated the development of women’s wellness disease management program to leverage Searle’s presence and sales within managed care organizations  Conducted research and analysis to determine appropriate resources to optimize opportunities for female healthcare products Strategic Planning Associate, Corporate Strategic Planning, June 1995-June 1996  Assisted in the development of a pro-forma balanced scorecard to use for discussions with senior management and Monsanto Operating Committee  Briefed the chairman and upper management on the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers’ meetings so that appropriate action could be taken regarding federal policy issues impacting the company Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing, St. Paul, Minnesota
Senior Marketing Analyst, 1993-1995
 Provided market research and planning to divisional clients, using various marketing tools,
including new product evaluation, market share and segment analysis, industry trend analysis and customer satisfaction studies for high impact products. Developed actionable recommendations and communicated results  Developed and co-chaired Environmental Marketing Symposium to identify and leverage business opportunities across the corporation involving environmental issues  Identified market opportunities and created marketing plans for selling to the federal government Education
The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan (MBA/MPP)
Joint Masters of Business Administration and Public Policy, Graduation with Distinction, 1993
 Concentration in Marketing and Strategic Planning, including regulatory issues
 Consultant for Strategic Planning and Environmental Marketing Project for Honeywell, Inc.
The University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, Bachelor of Arts, 1988
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, 1984-1986
 Vice-President, Hawthorne Scholastic Academy PTA, Chicago, Illinois  Alumni Board Member, Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan

Source: http://www.i4es.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/08/KLewisResume.pdf


VICTORIAN BRITAIN When we describe Great Britain in the Victorian period, words like stability,progress, prosperity, reform, and Imperialism come to mind. The British had grounds forsome satisfaction because evidence of great economic growth and technical progressseemed to abound. Despite the continued existence of widespread poverty, teeming,miserable slums and poor working conditions in many i

Meine kunst

„Bohnes Kunst“ Etwas über die eigene Kunst zu sagen ist immer schwierig, dennoch versuche ich es einmal. Als Autodidakt bin ich keiner “künstlerischen Strömung“ unterworfen und meine Bilder entstehen aus meiner Freude und Dankbarkeit heraus, das überhaupt machen zu können. Drei „F“s sind mir in diesem Zusammenhang wichtig, stehen sie doch für: Farbe – Form –Freude Farbe Wenn

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