Grand Ledge St. Johns 517-853-8951 517-853-8951 989-224-4880 Physician & Surgeon of the Foot & Ankle What is Plantar Fibromatosis?
Plantar Fibromatosis is a fibrotic tissue disorder or wound healing disorder, which is non-cancerous and is characterized
by the presence of excess collagen or fibrotic tissue. The most common symptoms of plantat fibromatosis are firm
nodular masses that can be felt just under the skin on the bottom of the foot and pain when standing or walking. Unlike
the related condition Peyronie’s disease, plantar fibromatosis nodules are not known to resolve their own. Studies
indicate that plantar fibromatosis is diagnosed most often in the middle-aged and elderly population, although it can
affect people of all ages. It has been found that the incidence may be as high as 25% in the middle-aged and elderly
population and that the condition affects men approixmately 10 times more often than women**. Caucasians of
northern Europe descents tend to be affected more than other ethnicities.
Plantar Fibromatosis is a fibrotic tissue disorder of the plantar fascia that consists of excess collagen or fibrotic tissue.
The excess collagen is commonly referred to as a fibroma. It is most commonly located in the arch of the foot in a tissue
layer called the plantar aponeurosis. The two most common symptoms of plantar fibromatosis are firm nodules that can
be felt just under the skin and pain that can be constant or increase when standing or walking. Plantar fibromas often
increase in size and density over time but not indefinitely.
An exact cause of plantar fibromatosis is unknown; however, there are some potential causes that most doctors agree
Trauma to the plantar fascia is thought to be a primary cuase of plantar fibromatosis. The trauma may be form a
puncture through the bottom of the foot or from repetitive impact from activities such as running or climbing. It is also
thought that thickening and tightening of the plantar fascia caused by plantar fasciitis may lead to tears in the tissues,
Many patients may be genetically predisposed to fibrotic tissue disorders such as plantar fibromatosis. People of
northern European descent appear to have a higher incidence of fibrotic diseases, while they rarely affect Asians.
People with plantar fibromatosis may also have parent or a close relative with the condition. The condition is also
associated with Peyronie’s disease and Dupuytren’s disease. About 5% of patients with Dupuytren’s disease also have
plantar fibromatosis, and 3% of patients with Dupuytren’s disease will have Peyronie’s disease.
Medicatons often used for treating high blood pressure that belong to the drug class known as beta adrenergic
blocking agents (beta-blockers) have been reported to cause fibrotic tissue disorders. Anti-seizure medications such as
phenytoin and certain supplements such as glucosamine/chondroitin and large doses of supplemental vitamin C may
also promote the production of excess collagen.
Other Conditions
A higher rate of plantar fibromatosis has been found among patients with conditions such as chronic liver disease,
diabetes, and seizure disorders**. While these conditions may not be a direct cause of the condition, it may indicate the
impact these conditions or medications used to treat them have on wound healing. Long-term alchohol abuse has also
Many different treatments for plantar fibromatosis have been used and can be divided into two major categories,
Invasive treatments include:
Corticosteroid injections into the fibroma
Surgery-Surgery is currently the most common treatment for plantar fibromatosis. There are two
common procedures. One involves the removal of the fibroma only which results in a high recurrence
rate and the second involves the complete removal of the plantar fascia which has a long recovery time
and can lead to other podiatric problems.
Grand Ledge St. Johns 517-853-8951 517-853-8951 989-224-4880 Physician & Surgeon of the Foot & Ankle Non-Invasive treatment options include:
Most doctors agree that a non-invasive approach to treating plantar fibromatosis should be considered first given the
high rate of recurrence from surgery. Invasive treatments and surgery are usually reserved for the most severe causes.
What to Expect from Transdermal Verapamil 15% Gel
It is important to understand that there are no “quick fix” treatments for plantar fibromatosis. This is because remodeling
tissue is a slow process. Patients should expect to use Transdermal Verapamil 15% Gel for 6 to 12 months to complete
their treatment. Patients who are experiencing pain or discomfort typically see this as the first symptom to be
significantly improved, usually within 90 days. Once the fibroma has been remodeled, recurrence is unusual.
Transdermal Verapamill 15% Gel is not a life long treatment and it is not necessary to use the medication periodically
as a maintenance or preventative treatment.
What Happens If I Am Not Getting Better?
As with any medication, Transdermal Verapamil 15% Gel will not help everyone; however, PDLabs wants to make
every effor tto maximize the results patients receive. Patients that are not responding tend to fall into one of two
categories. First are patients that do not improve at all and patients that have responded but seem to have reached a
plateau and no longer improving. All patients are started on a twice a day regimen since this is effective for the
majority of patients. If you are not responding at this dose, a PDLabs pharmacist will contact your doctor to discuss
alternative doses that have proven effective in other patients that might be appropriate for you.
Side effeccts for patients treating plantar fibromatosis have been very rare. Due to the highly tolerant nature of the
skin on the plantar surface of the foot, the skin irritation see nin Peyronie’s disease patients has not been seen in plantar
fibromatosis patients. Since verpamil is a medication used to reduce blood pressure when it is taken orally, patients
should report any dizziness, sudden rapid heart beat, or unusual irregular or rapid heart beat to PDlabs and/or their
Get The Most From Transdermal Verapamil 15% Gel
Using Transdermal Verapamil 15% Gel Correctly
To get the most from Transdermal Verapamil 15% Gel it is critical that you use it correctly. In order to maintain a
steady level of the collagenase enzyme that is responsible for remodeling the fibroma, the medication must be applied
very consistently. Patients that skip doses or days of application, typically see very slow or no improvement in their
condition. Transdermal Verapamil 15% Gel should be applied twice a day, approximately 12 hours apart. Remember
to allow a few days to get your perscription refilled so that you do not run out of medication. extrablatt Mitteilungen der Rheinischen Gesellschaft für Soziale Psychiatrie Liebe Kolleginnen Vergessene Kinder? und Kollegen, der nebenstehende Beitrag von Prof. Kinder psychisch kranker Eltern Borg-Laufs von der Hochschule Nieder-rhein behandelt ein Thema, das unserem von Michael Borg-Laufs Eindruck nach aus Angst vor
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