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If you score 80% or better on the test, a certificate of completion will be mailed to you. If you score less that 80%, a copy of your test will be returned to you via mail or email so that you can see the subject areas in need of improvement. We suggest that you review your returned test and re-study those sections on pertaining to those content areas where you need improvement. When you reach a score of 80%, you will receive a certificate of completion. Medication: Learning Objectives
Describe the epidemiology of medication use and medication-related problems in Identify the etiology of drug-related problems. Describe risk factors for and consequences of medication iatrogenesis. Describe parameters for a comprehensive medication assessment in older adults. Describe medication-related assessment for abrupt changes in patients’ conditions. Identify high risk medications in older adults. Identify common drug-disease interactions in older adults. Implement nursing care strategies for prevention and treatment related to Describe expected outcomes from institutions of preventive strategies for Medication Post-Test Questions
Older Americans consume what fraction of the total number of prescription medications written? A common, unintended adverse drug effect in older adults is: “The prescription, administration, or use of more medications than is clinically indicated in a given individual” is the definition of: “The process of comparing a patient’s medication orders to all of the medications that the person has been taking” is the definition of: Approximately what percent of adverse drug events in older adults is preventable? A risk factor for medication iatrogenesis in older adults is: a. Self medication for age-related symptoms Consequences of medication nonadherence in older adults include increased morbidity and mortality. Which drug would you avoid due to its potential anticholinergic side effects in older adults? a. Atenolol Ms. C., a 78 year old female with hypertension and atrial fibrillation, has a heart rate of 48, dehydration, anorexia. She has been on Hydrochlorothiazide 25 mg daily and Digoxin 0.25 mg daily for over a year. Her last labs (complete blood count, chemistry panel, and digoxin level) were normal six months ago. Her orthostatic vital signs and urine are currently normal. Which of the following would you suggest to the primary care provider? Repeat orthostatic vital signs and check electrolytes and digoxin level Which of the following class of antidepressants would you use as a last choice in elderly patients due to their potential anticholinergic side effects? Mr. R., an 84 year old male with COPD and early Alzheimer’s dementia is admitted to the hospital for COPD exacerbation due to medication non adherence. He forgot to use his inhalers for the last several days. Mr. R, now stable on Prednisone PO, is about to be discharged back to his home where he lives alone. His daughter agrees to help him with his medications. You suggest to the patient and daughter: Hiring a home attendant to administer the medications Hiring a registered nurse to administer the medications Developing a method to keep track of the medications Continue medication administration as per pre-hospitalization method Criteria for determining inappropriate medication use in older adults is: Which of the following diabetic medications would you not use in the older adult population due to its long half-life? One of the first things you need to assess in a delirious patient is: According to Beer’s Criteria, which of the following pain medications would you avoid in older adults? Herbal remedies are part of medication assessment. A realistic plan for follow-up on medication use after an acute care hospital stay of an older adult with newly diagnosed diabetes is: Assume patient will adhere to all medication instructions Have a family member move in to give all medications Hire a live-in home attendant to give all medications Home care referral for a registered nurse assessment and follow-up
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