Microsoft word - cv margioris full dec 2010 english.doc

Curriculum Vitae
Andrew N. Margioris, MD
Professor, School of Medicine, University of Crete, Greece
Chief, Laboratory of Clinical Chemistry – Biochemistry
University Hospital of Heraklion, Crete, Greece

Work address: School of Medicine, University of Crete, Voutes, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Phone: 00 30 2810 394588 and 00 30 2810 394570. Fax: 00 30 2810 394581. e-mail:
Academic record: Medical School, University of Athens, Greece, 1965 - 1971.
Postgraduate Doctorate in Biochemistry, University of Athens, 1973 - 1975. Instructor in
Biochemistry, University of Athens, 1973-1978. Intern in Medicine, Brooklyn Hospital, NY,
1976 - 1977. Resident in Pediatrics, Bellevue, NYU, NYC, 1977 - 1978. Resident in
Medicine, Kings County-Downstate Medical Center, SUNY, 1978 - 1980. Teaching
Assistant in Medicine, Bellevue, NYU, NYC, 1980 - 1981, Research fellow in
Endocrinology, Mt Sinai School of Medicine, CUNY, NYC, 1981 -1983. Clinical fellow in
Endocrinology, Mt Sinai School of Medicine, CUNY, NYC 1983 - 1985. Instructor in
Medicine, Mt Sinai School of Medicine, 1985 - 1986. Research Investigator, National
Institutes of Health (NIH), NICHD, 1985 - 1988. Adjunct Scientist, DEB, NICHD, NIH,
Bethesda, MD, 1986 - 1991. Senior Research Associate, Pathophysiology Div,
USAMRIID, Ft Detrick, MD, 1989 - 1991. Associate Professor, Clinical Chemistry,
University of Crete, School of Medicine, Greece 1989 - 1998. Chief, Clinical Chemistry -
Biochemistry Laboratory, University Hospital, of Heraklion, Crete, 1989 - now. Professor
of Clinical Chemistry, School of Medicine, University of Crete, Greece, 1998 - now.
Publications sited in Pub Med (National Library of Medicine) = 116 as of December

116. Arranz A, Venihaki M, Mol B, Androulidaki A, Dermitzaki E, Rassouli O, Ripoll J,
Stathopoulos EN, Gomariz RP, Margioris AN, Tsatsanis C. The impact of stress on tumor
growth: peripheral CRF mediates tumor-promoting effects of stress. Mol Cancer. 2010;9:261
115. Tsatsanis C, Margioris AN, Kontoyiannis DP. Association between H1N1 infection
severity and obesity-adiponectin as a potential etiologic factor. J Infect Dis. 2010;202(3):459-
114. Dretakis OE, Margioris AN, Tsatsanis C, Dretakis KE, Malliaraki N, Steriopoulos K.
Elderly patients with trochanteric hip fracture have lower serum Vitamin D levels compared
to patients with cervical hip fracture. Arch Gerontol Geriatr. 2011;52(1):e15-8
113. Androulidaki A, Iliopoulos D, Arranz A, Doxaki C, Schworer S, Zacharioudaki V,
Margioris AN, Tsichlis PN, Tsatsanis C. The kinase Akt1 controls macrophage response to
lipopolysaccharide by regulating microRNAs. Immunity. 2009;31:220-231
112. Androulidaki A, Dermitzaki E, Venihaki M, Karagianni E, Rassouli O, Andreakou E,
Stournaras C, Margioris AN, Tsatsanis C. Corticotropin Releasing Factor promotes breast
cancer cell motility and invasiveness. Mol Cancer. 2009;8:30-35.
111. Zacharioudaki V, Androulidaki A, Arranz A, Vrentzos G, Margioris AN, Tsatsanis C.
Adiponectin promotes endotoxin tolerance in macrophages by inducing IRAK-M expression.
J Immunol. 2009;182:6444-6451
110. Margioris AN. Fatty acids and postprandial inflammation. Curr Opin Clin Nutr Metab
Care. 2009;12:129-137.
109. Charalampopoulos I, Margioris AN, Gravanis A. Neurosteroid dehydroepiandrosterone
exerts anti-apoptotic effects by membrane-mediated, integrated genomic and non-genomic
pro-survival signaling pathways. J Neurochem. 2008;107:1457-1469.
108. Charalampopoulos I, Remboutsika E, Margioris AN, Gravanis A. Neurosteroids as
modulators of neurogenesis and neuronal survival. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 2008;19:300-
307. 107. Arranz A, Androulidaki A, Zacharioudaki V, Martinez C, Margioris AN, Gomariz RP, Tsatsanis C. Vasoactive intestinal peptide suppresses toll-like receptor 4 expression in macrophages via Akt1 reducing their responsiveness to lipopolysaccharide. MOL IMMUNOL. 2008;45:2970-2980. 106. Tsatsanis C, Vaporidi K, Zacharioudaki V, Androulidaki A, Sykulev Y, Margioris AN, Tsichlis PN. Tpl2 and ERK transduce antiproliferative T cell receptor signals and inhibit transformation of chronically stimulated T cells. PROC NATL ACAD SCI U S A. 2008;105:2987-2992. 105. Tsatsanis C, Dermitzaki E, Venihaki M, Chatzaki E, Minas V, Gravanis A, Margioris AN. The corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) family of peptides as local modulators of adrenal function. CELL MOL LIFE SCI. 2007; 64:1638-1655. 104. Alexandrakis MG, Sfiridaki A, Miyakis S, Pappa C, Kandidaki E, Alegakis A, Margioris AN Relationship between serum levels of vascular endothelial growth factor, hepatocyte growth factor and matrix metalloproteinase-9 with biochemical markers of bone disease in multiple myeloma. CLIN CHIM ACTA. 2007;379:31-35. 103. Dermitzaki E, Tsatsanis C, Minas V, Chatzaki E, Charalampopoulos I, Venihaki M, Androulidaki A, Lambropoulou M, Spiess J, Michalodimitrakis E, Gravanis A, Margioris AN. Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and the urocortins differentially regulate catecholamine secretion in human and rat adrenals, in a CRF receptor type-specific manner. ENDOCRINOLOGY. 2007;148:1524-1538. 102. Charalampopoulos I, Alexaki VI, Tsatsanis C, Minas V, Dermitzaki E, Lasaridis I, Vardouli L, Stournaras C, Margioris AN, Castanas E, Gravanis A. Neurosteroids as endogenous inhibitors of neuronal cell apoptosis in aging. ANN N Y ACAD SCI. 2006;1088:139-152. 101. Tsatsanis C, Zacharioudaki V, Androulidaki A, Dermitzaki E, Charalampopoulos I, Minas V, Gravanis A, Margioris AN. Peripheral factors in the metabolic syndrome: the pivotal role of adiponectin. ANN N Y ACAD SCI. 2006;1083:185-195. 100. Tsatsanis C, Androulidaki A, Dermitzaki E, Gravanis A, Margioris AN. Corticotropin Releasing Factor receptor 1 (CRF1) and CRF2 Agonists exert an anti-inflammatory effect during the early phase of inflammation suppressing LPS-induced TNF-a release from macrophages via induction of COX-2 and PGE2. J CELL PHYSIOL. 2007;210:774-783. 99. Charalampopoulos I, Androulidaki A, Minas V, Chatzaki E, Tsatsanis C, Notas G, Xidakis C, Kolios G, Kouroumalis E, Margioris AN, Gravanis A. Neuropeptide urocortin and its receptors are expressed in rat kupffer cells. NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY. 2006;84:49-57. 98. Gravanis A, Makrigiannakis A, Chatzaki E, Zoumakis E, Tsatsanis C, Margioris AN. Stress neuropeptides in the human endometrium: Paracrine effects on cell differentiation and apoptosis. HORMONES. 2002;1:139-148. 97. Dermitzaki I, Tsatsanis C, Alexaki VI, Castanas E, Margioris AN. Roles of Protein Kinase A (PKA) and PKC on Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone (CRH)-Induced Elevation of Cytosolic Calcium from Extra-and Intra-cellular Sources. HORMONES. 2004;3:252-258. 96. Alexaki VI, Dermitzaki E, Charalampopoulos I, Kampa M, Nifli AP, Gravanis A, Margioris AN, Castanas E. Neuronal differentiation of PC12 cells abolishes the expression of membrane androgen receptors. EXP CELL RES, 2006;312:2745-2756. 95. Tsatsanis C, Androulidaki A, Venihaki M, Margioris AN. Signalling networks regulating cyclooxygenase-2. INT J BIOCHEM CELL BIOL, 2006;38:1654-1661. 94. Tsatsanis C, Androulidaki A, Alissafi T, Charalampopoulos I, Dermitzaki E, Roger T, Gravanis A, Margioris AN. Corticotropin-releasing factor and the urocortins induce the expression of TLR4 in macrophages via activation of the transcription factors PU.1 and AP-1. J IMMUNOL, 2006;176:1869-1877. 93. Charalampopoulos I, Alexaki VI, Lazaridis I, Dermitzaki E, Avlonitis N, Tsatsanis C, Calogeropoulou T, Margioris AN, Castanas E, Gravanis A. G protein-associated, specific membrane binding sites mediate the neuroprotective effect of dehydroepiandrosterone. FASEB J. 2006;20:577-579. 92. Sfiridaki A, Miyakis S, Tsirakis G, Alegakis A, Passam AM, Kandidaki E, Margioris AN, Alexandrakis MG. Systemic levels of interleukin-6 and matrix metalloproteinase-9 in patients with multiple myeloma may be useful as prognostic indexes of bone disease. CLIN CHEM LAB MED, 2005;43(9):934-938. Comment in: CLIN CHEM LAB MED, 2006;44(2):232; author reply 233. 91. Tsatsanis C, Zacharioudaki V, Androulidaki A, Dermitzaki E, Charalampopoulos I, Minas V, Gravanis A, Margioris AN. Adiponectin induces TNF-alpha and IL-6 in macrophages and promotes tolerance to itself and other pro-inflammatory stimuli. BIOCH BIOPH RES CO, 2005;335:1254-1263. 90. Tsatsanis C, Androulidaki A, Dermitzaki E, Charalampopoulos I, Spiess J, Gravanis A, Margioris AN. Urocortin 1 and Urocortin 2 induce macrophage apoptosis via CRFR2. FEBS LETT, 2005;579:4259-4264. 89. Gravanis A and Margioris AN. The corticotropin-releasing family of neuropeptides in inflammation: potential therapeutic applications. CURR MED CHEM, 2005;12:1503-1512 88. Charalampopoulos I, Dermitzaki E, Vardouli L, Tsatsanis C, Stournaras C, Margioris AΝ, Gravanis A. Dehydroepiandrosterone sulphate and allopregnanolone directly stimulate catecholamine production via induction of tyrosine hydroxylase and secretion by affecting actin polymerization. ENDOCRINOLOGY, 2005;146:3309-3318 87. Dermitzaki E, Tsatsanis C, Charalampopoulos I, Androulidaki A, Alexaki VI, Castanas E, Gravanis A, Margioris AN. Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Activates Protein Kinase C in an isoenzyme-specific manner. BIOCHEM BIOPH RES CO, 2005;327:828-836. 86. Christoforidou AV, Papadaki HA, Margioris AN, Eliopoulos GD, Tsatsanis C. Expression of the Tpl2/Cot oncogene in human T-cell neoplasias. MOL CANCER RES, 2004;3:34 85. Papadaki HA, Tsatsanis C, Christoforidou A, Malliaraki N, Psyllaki M, Pontikoglou C, Miliaki M, Margioris AN, Eliopoulos GD. Alendronate reduces serum TNFalpha and IL-1beta, increases neutrophil counts, and improves bone mineral density and bone metabolism indices in patients with chronic idiopathic neutropenia (CIN) -associated osteopenia / osteoporosis. J BONE MINER METAB, 2004;22:577-587. 84. Vrentzos G, Papadakis JA, Malliaraki N, Zacharis EA, Katsogridakis K, Margioris AN, Vardas PE, Ganotakis ES Association of serum total homocysteine with the extent of ischemic heart disease in a Mediterranean cohort. ANGIOLOGY, 2004:5;517-524 83. Tzanakakis GN, Margioris AN, Tsatsakis AM, Vezeridis MP. The metastatic potential of human pancreatic cell lines in the liver of nude mice correlates well with cathepsin B activity. INT J GASTROINTEST CANCER, 2003;34:27-38. 82. Vrentzos GE, Papadakis JA, Malliaraki N, Zacharis EA, Mazokopakis E, Margioris AN, Ganotakis ES, Kafatos A. Diet, serum homocysteine levels and ischaemic heart disease in a Mediterranean population. BRIT J NUTR, 2004;91:1013-1019. 81. Charalampopoulos I, Tsatsanis C, Dermitzaki E, Alexaki I, Castanas E, Margioris AN, Gravanis A. Dehydroepiandrosterone and allopregnanolone protect sympathoadrenal cells against apoptosis, via Bcl-2 antiapoptotic proteins. P NATL ACAD SCI USA, 2004; 101:8209-8214. 80. Papakitsou EF, Margioris AN, Dretakis KE, Trovas G, Zoras U, Lyritis G, Dretakis EK, Stergiopoulos K. Body mass index (BMI) and parameters of bone formation and resorption in postmenopausal women. MATURITAS, 2004;47:185-93. 79. Vrentzos GE, Papadakis JA, Vardakis KE, Maliaraki N, Stilianou K, Arvanitis A, Sratigis S, Alivanis P, Margioris AN, Ganotakis ES. Intravenous administration of vitamin B12 in the treatment of hyperhomocysteinemia associated with end-stage renal disease. J NEPHROL, 2003;16:535-539. 78. Maraki S, Margioris AN, Orfanoudaki E, Tselentis Y, Koumantakis E, Kontoyiannis DP, Rovithi M, Samonis G. Effects of doxycycline, metronidazole and their combination on Candida species colonization of the human oropharynx, intestinal lumen and vagina. J CHEMOTHERAPY, 2003;15:369-373. 77. Malliaraki N, Mpliamplias D, Kampa M, Perakis K, Margioris AN, Castanas E. Total and corrected antioxidant capacity in hemodialyzed patients. BMC NEPHROL 2003;4:4 76. Makrigiannakis A, Zoumakis E, Kalantaridou S, Mitsiades N, Margioris AΝ, Chrousos GP, Gravanis A. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and immunotolerance of the fetus. BIOCHEM PHARMACOL, 2003;65:917-921. 75. Chatzaki E, Kouimtzoglou E, Margioris AN, Gravanis A. Transforming growth factor beta1 exerts an autocrine regulatory effect on human endometrial stromal cell apoptosis, involving the FasL and Bcl-2 apoptotic pathways. MOL HUM REPROD, 2003;9:91-95. 74. Chatzaki E, Charalampopoulos I, Leontidis C, Mouzas IA, Tzardi M, Tsatsanis C, Margioris AN#, Gravanis A#. Urocortin in human gastric mucosa: relationship to inflammatory activity. J CLIN ENDOCR METAB, 2003;88:478-83. (# both authors contributed equally to this work). 73. Nikitovic D, Zacharis EA, Manios EG, Malliaraki NE, Kanoupakis EM, Sfiridaki KI, Skalidis EI, Margioris AN, Vardas PE. Plasma Levels of Nitrites/Nitrates in Patients with Chronic Atrial Fibrillation are Increased after Electrical Restoration of Sinus Rhythm. J INTERV CARD ELECTR, 2002;7:171-176. 72. Agelaki S, Tsatsanis C, Gravanis A, Margioris AN. Corticotropin-releasing hormone augments proinflammatory cytokine production from macrophages in vitro and in lipopolysaccharide-induced endotoxin shock in mice. INFECT IMMUN, 2002;70:6068-6074. 71. Alexandrakis MG, Passam FH, Malliaraki N, Katachanakis C, Kyriakou DS, Margioris AN. Evaluation of bone disease in multiple myeloma: a correlation between biochemical markers of bone metabolism and other clinical parameters in untreated multiple myeloma patients. CLIN CHIM ACTA, 2002;325:51-57. 70. Samonis G, Maraki S, Anatoliotakis N, Anatoliotaki M, Apostolakou H, Margioris AN, Tselentis Y, Kontoyiannis DP. Effects of erythromycin, clarithromycin, roxithromycin and azithromycin on murine gut colonization by Candida albicans. MED MYCOL, 2002;40:139-42. 69. Chatzaki E, Margioris A, Gravanis A. Expression and regulation of Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone Binding Protein (CRH-BP) in rat adrenal cells. J NEUROCHEM, 2002;80:81-90 68. Dermitzaki E, Tsatsanis C, Gravanis A, Margioris AΝ. Corticotropin-releasing hormone induces apoptosis in PC12 cells through Fas Ligand and p38MAPK kinase. J BIOL CHEM, 2002;277:12280-12287 67. Koutroubakis IE, Malliaraki N, Vardas E, Ganotakis E, Margioris AN, Manousos ON, Kouroumalis EA. Increased levels of lipoprotein (a) in Crohn's disease: a relation to thrombosis? EUR J GASTROEN HEPAT, 2001;13:1415-1419. 66. Makrigiannakis A, Zoumakis E, Kalantaridou S, Coutifaris, Margioris AΝ, C, K. Rice, Gravanis A, Chrousos G. Corticotropin-releasing Hormone (CRH) Promotes Blastocyst Implantation and Early Maternal Tolerance. NAT IMMUNOL, 2001;2:1018-1024. 65. Chatzaki E, Makrigiannakis A, Margioris AΝ, Kouimtzoglou E, Gravanis A. The Fas/FasL apoptotic pathway is involved in kappa-opioid induced apoptosis in human endometrial stromal cells: MOL HUM REPROD, 2001;7:867-874 64. Zoumakis E, Chatzaki E, Charalampopoulos I, Margioris AN, Angelakis E, Koumantakis E, Gravanis A. Cycle and age-related changes in corticotropin-releasing hormone levels in human endometrium and ovaries. GYNECOL ENDOCRINOL, 2001;15:98-102. 63. Gravanis A, Makrigiannakis A, Zoumakis E, Margioris AN. Endometrial and myometrial corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH): its regulation and possible roles. PEPTIDES, 2001;22(5):785-793. 62. Dermitzaki E, Gravanis A, Venihaki M, Stournaras C, Margioris AΝ. Opioids suppress basal and nicotine-induced catecholamine secretion via a stabilizing effect on actin filaments. ENDOCRINOLOGY, 2001;142:2022-2031. 61. Chatzaki E, Margioris AN, Makrigiannakis A, Castanas E, Georgoulias V, Gravanis A. Kappa opioids and TGFbeta1 interact in human endometrial cells. MOL HUM REPROD, 2000;6:602-609 60. Zoumakis E, Margioris AN, Stournaras C, Dermitzaki E, Angelakis E, Makrigiannakis A, Koumantakis E, Gravanis A Corticotrophin-releasing hormone (CRH) interacts with inflammatory prostaglandins and interleukins and affects the decidualization of human endometrial stroma. MOL HUM REPROD, 2000;6:344-351. 59. DermitzaKi E, Chatzaki E, Gravanis A, Margioris AN. Opioids transiently prevent activation of apoptotic mechanisms following short periods of serum deprivation. J NEUROCHEM, 2000; 74:960-969. 58. Makrigiannakis A, Margioris AΝ, Zoumakis E, Stournaras C, Gravanis A. The transcription of corticotropin-releasing hormone in human endometrial cells is regulated by cytokines. NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY, 1999;70:451-459. 57. Makrigiannakis A, Margioris AN, Chatzaki E, Zoumakis E, Chrousos GP, Gravanis A. The decidualizing effect of progesterone may involve direct transcriptional activation of corticotrophin-releasing hormone from human endometrial stromal cells. MOL HUM REPROD, 1999;9:789-796. 56. Gravanis A, Stournaras C, Margioris AN. Paracrinology of endometrial neuropeptides: corticotropin-releasing hormone and opioids. SEMIN REPROD MED, 1999;17:29-38. 55. Papadaki HA, Margioris AN, Miliaki M, Steriopoulos C, Valatas W, Eliopoulos GD. Chronic idiopathic neutropenia of adults is associated with decreased bone mineral density and alterations in bone turnover biochemical markers. EUR J HAEMATOL, 1999;62:311-316. 54. Kampa M, Margioris AN, Hatzoglou A, Dermitzaki E, Denizot A, Henry JF, Oliver C, Gravanis A, Castanas E. Kappa(1)-opioid binding sites are the dominant opioid binding sites in surgical specimens of human pheochromocytomas and in a human pheochromocytoma (KAT45) cell line. EUR J PHARMACO, 1999;364:255-262. 53. Thomakos N, Maraki S, Liakakos T, Macheras A, Kanavaki S, Marinis E, Sehas M, Margioris AN, Samonis G Effect of cefamandole, cefuroxime and cefoxitin on yeast fecal flora of surgical patients. CHEMOTHERAPY, 1998;44:324-327. 52. Venihaki M, Ain KB, Gravanis A, Margioris AN. KAT45, a noradrenergic human pheochromocytoma cell line producing corticotropin-releasing hormone. ENDOCRINOLOGY, 1998;139:713-722. 51. Venihaki M, Gravanis A, and Margioris AN. KAT45 human pheochromocytoma cell line, a new model for the in vitro study of neuro-immuno-hormonal interactions. Neuroimmunomodulation, ANN NY ACAD SCI, 1998;840:425-433. 50. Zoumakis E, Makrigiannakis A, Margioris AN, Stournaras C, Gravanis A. Endometrial Corticotropin-releasing hormone – Its potential autocrine and paracrine actions. UTERUS: ENDOMETRIUM AND MYOMETRIUM, 1997;828:84-95. 49. Samonis G, Bafaloukos D, Margioris AN, Katsarma G, Toloudis P, Bacoyannis C, Karvounis N, Georgoulias V, Kosmidis P. First-line chemotherapy of advanced breast cancer with a combination of mitoxantrone, methotrexate, and vincristine (MIMO). ONCOLOGY-BASEL, 1997;54:371-375. 48. Makrigiannakis A, Psychoyos A, Zoumakis E, Margioris AN, Stournaras C, Gravanis A. Endometrial corticotropin-releasing hormone: expression, regulation and physiological implications. ANN NY ACAD SCI, 1997;816:116-128 47. Koukouritaki S, Margioris AΝ, Gravanis A, Stournaras C. Dexamethasone induces rapid actin assembly in human endometrial cells without affecting its synthesis. J CELL BIOCHEM, 1997;65:492-500. 46. Zoumakis E, Margioris AN, Makrigiannakis A, Stournaras C, Gravanis A. Human endometrium as a neuroendocrine tissue: expression, regulation and biological roles of endometrial CRH and opioid peptides. J ENDOCRINOL INVEST, 1997;20:158-167. 45. Venihaki M, Gravanis A, Margioris AN. Comparative study between normal rat chromaffin and PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells: production and effects of corticotropin-releasing hormone. ENDOCRINOLOGY, 1997;138:698-704. 44. Markogiannakis E, Georgoulias V, Margioris AN, Zoumakis E, Stournaras C, Gravanis A. Estrogen and glucocorticoids induce the expression of erbB2/neu oncogene in human endometrial adenocarcinoma cells. LIFE SCI, 1997;61:1083-1095. 43. Stratakis CA, Mitsiades NS, Chrousos GP, Margioris AN. Dopamine affects the in vitro basal secretion of rat placenta opioids in an opioid and dopamine receptor type-specific manner. EUR J PHARMACOL, 1996;315:-53-58. 42. Makrigiannakis A, Zoumakis E, Margioris AN, Stournaras C, Chrousos G, Gravanis A. Regulation of the promoter of human corticotropin-releasing hormone gene in transfected human endometrial cells. NEUROENDOCRINOLOGY, 1996;64:85-93. 41. Koukouritaki E, Theodoropoulos P, Margioris AN, Gravanis A, Stournaras C. Dexamethasone alters rapidly actin polymerization dynamics in human endometrial cells: evidence for non-genomic actions involving cAMP turnover. J CELL BIOCHEM, 1996;62:251-261 40. Magiakou MA, Mastorakos G, Rabin D, Margioris AN, Dubbert B, Calogero AE, Tsigos C, Munson PJ, Chrousos GP. The maternal hypothalamic pituitary-adrenal axis in the third trimester human pregnancy. CLIN ENDOCRINOL, 1996;44:4119-428. 39. Karl M, Saviolakis GA, Gravanis A, Chrousos GP, Margioris AN. The PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cell line expresses the prodynorphin gene and secretes the 8 Kdalton dynorphin product. REGUL PEPTIDES, 1996;61:99-104. 38. Zoumakis E, Makrigiannakis A, Margioris AN, Stournaras C, Gravanis A. Interaction between endometrial corticotropin-releasing hormone and steroid hormones. FRONT BIOSCI, 1996;1:7-16 37. Hatzoglou A, Margioris AN, Bakogeorgou E, Gravanis A, Castanas E. Identification, characterization and localization of corticotropin-releasing hormone receptors in human placenta. LIFE SCI, 1996;59:1871-1879. 36. Venihaki M, Gravanis A, Margioris AN. Kappa opioids exert a strong antiproliferative effect on PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells. PEPTIDES, 1996 ;17:413-419. 35. Venihaki M, Gravanis A, Margioris AN. Opioids inhibit dopamine secretion from PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells in a naloxone-reversible manner. LIFE SCI, 1996;58:75-82. 34. Margioris AN, Venihaki M, Stournaras C, Gravanis, A. PC12 cells as a model to study the effects of opioids on normal and tumoral adrenal chromaffin cells. ANN NY ACAD SCI, 1995;771:166-173. 33. Hatzoglou A, Gravanis A, Margioris AN, Zoumakis M, Castanas E. Identification and characterization of opioid binding sites present in the Ishikawa human endometrial adenocarcinoma cell line. J CLIN ENDOCR METAB, 1995;80:418-423. 32. Makrigiannakis A, Zoumakis E, Margioris AN, Theodoropoulos P, Stournaras C, Gravanis A. The Corticotropin-Releasing Hormone in normal and tumoral epithelial cells of human endometrium. J CLIN ENDOCR METAB, 1995;80:185-189. 31. Makrigiannakis A, Margioris AN, LeGoascoqne C, Zoumakis M, Nikas G, Psychoyos A, Stournaras C, Gravanis, A. Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) is expressed at the implantation sites of early pregnant rat uterus. LIFE SCI, 1995;57:1869-1875. 30. Samonis G, Margioris AN, Toloudis P, Dassiou H, Anastassiadou S, Maraki S, Tselentis Y. Murine yeast gut flora affected by tetracycline, metronidazole, and norfloxacin. CHEMOTHERAPY, 1994;6:408-411. 29. Antonakis N, Georgoulias V, Margioris AN, Stournaras C, Gravanis A. In vitro differential effects of the antiglucocorticoid RU486 on the release of lymphokines from mitogen-activated normal human lymphocytes. J STEROID BIOCHEM, 1994;51:67-72 1994. 28. Gravanis A, Makrigiannakis A, Stournaras C, and Margioris AΝ. Interaction between steroid hormones and endometrial opioids. ANN NY ACAD SCI, 1994;734:245-256. 27. Samonis G, Margioris AΝ, Bafaloukos D, Razis DV. A prospective randomized study of aminoglutethimide (AG) versus medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) versus AG+MPA in generalized breast cancer. ONCOLOGY, 1994;51:411-415. 26. Theodoropoulos PA, Gravanis A, Tsapara A, Margioris AN, Papadogiorgaki E, Galanopoulos V, Stournaras C. Cytochalasin B may shorten actin filaments by a mechanism independent of barbed end capping. BIOCHEM PHARMACOL, 1994;47:1875-1881. 25. Margioris AN. Opioids in neural and nonneural tissues. Trends Endocrinol Metab. 1993;4:163-168. 24. Makrigiannakis A, Margioris AN, Markogiannakis M, Stournaras C, Gravanis A. Steroid hormones regulate the release of immunoreactive beta-endorphin from the Ishikawa endometrial cell line. J CLIN ENDOCR METAB, 1992;75:584-589. 23. Margioris AN, Markogiannakis M, Makrigiannakis A, Gravanis A. The PC12 rat pheochromocytoma cells synthesize dynorphin. Its secretion is modulated by nicotine and nerve growth factor. ENDOCRINOLOGY, 1992;131:703-709 1992. 22. Vamvakopoulos NC, Mayol V, Margioris AN, Chrousos GP. Lack of dexamethasone modulation of mRNAs involved in the glucocorticoid signal transduction pathway in two cell systems. STEROIDS, 1992;57:282-287. 21. Margioris AN, Brockmann G, Kalogeras T.K, Fjellestad-Paulsen A, Stratakis CA, Vamvakopoulos N, Chrousos GP. Effect of hypertonic saline infusion on the levels of immunoreactive dynorphin in extracted human plasma. J CLIN ENDOCR METAB, 1990;71:298-304. 20. Vamvakopoulos NC, Karl M, Mayol V, Gomez T, Stratakis CA, Margioris AN, Chrousos GP. Structural analysis of the regulatory region of the human corticotropin releasing hormone gene. FEBS LETT, 1990;267:1-5. 19. Margioris AN, Brockmann G, Bohler C.L.H Jr, Grino M, Vamvakopoulos N, Chrousos GP. Expression and localization of growth hormone-releasing hormone mRNA in rat placenta: in vitro secretion and regulation of its peptide products. ENDOCRINOLOGY, 1990;126:151-158. 18. Margioris AN, Koukoulis G, Grino M, Chrousos GP. In vitro perifused rat testes secrete beta-endorphin and dynorphin: their effect on testosterone secretion. BIOL REPROD, 1989;40: 776-784. 17. Calogero AE, Bernandini R, Margioris AN, Bagdy G, Gallucci WT, Munson PJ, Tamarkin L, Tomai T, Brady L, Gold PW, Chrousos GP. Effects of serotonergic agonists and antagonists on corticotropin-releasing hormone secretion by explanded rat hypothalami. PEPTIDES, 1989;10:189-210. 16. 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Chapters and reports outside PuBMed

Margioris AN, Tsatsanis C. ACTH action on the Adrenal (2006). In: Adrenal Physiology and
diseases, GP Chrousos (Ed), EndoText ( Leslie De Groot (Chief Editor),
Charalampopoulos I, Tsatsanis C, Alexaki I, Avlonitis N, Polakis E, Calogeropoulou T,
Castanas E, Margioris AN, and Gravanis A. Neurosteroids and new synthetic analogs protect
sympathoadrenal cells against apoptosis, regulating multiple prosurvival factors. Review of
Clinical Pharmacology and Pharmacokinetics, International Edition, 2004;18:55-58.
Gravanis A. Margioris AN. Endometrial stress neuropeptides: paracrine effects on cell
proliferation and apoptosis. In “Cell Molecular Biology of endometrial cancer” H. Kuramoto
(ed), Springer-Verlag (publs), 2003.
Tsakiri S, Chrousos GP, Margioris AN. Molecular development of the hypothalamus-pituitary
- adrenal (HPA) axis. In: Developmental Endocrinology, From Research To Clinical Practice,
Erica A. Eugster and Ora Hirsch Pesckovitz (eds) Humana Press, 2002:359-380
PHYSIOLOGY AND DISEASES, GP Chrousos (Ed), EndoText ( Leslie De
Groot (Chief Editor), 2002 (on-line textbook)
Margioris AN, Dermitzaki E, Venihaki M, Gravanis A. Interleukin (IL)-1 family of cytokines and
corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) in the adrenal gland. In: Adrenal Disorders. Margioris
AN & Chrousos GP, (eds). Humana Press, 2001:131-142.
Chrousos GP and Margioris AN. Adrenocorticosteroids & adrenocortical antagonists. In: The
Appleton-Lange Textbook of “Basic and Clinical Pharmacology” Katzung Editor McGraw-Hill
Publishers, Boston 8th Edition 2001: 660-679
Margioris AN, Chrousos GP. Adrenal Disorders. In: Systemic Diseases. Part II. Handbook of
Clinical Neurology. Vol 70 (Rev. Ser. 26), Vinken PJ, and Bruyn GW (Ser. Eds), Goetz CG
and Aminoff MJ ((Vol Eds). Elsevier Science, 1998.
Gravanis A and Margioris AN. Pharmacology of glucocorticoids: an overview. In: Adrenal
Disorders. Margioris AN & Chrousos GP, (eds). Humana Press, 2001:59-70.
Chrousos GP and Margioris AN. Adrenocorticosteroids & adrenocortical antagonists. In: The
Appleton-Lange Textbook of “Basic and Clinical Pharmacology” Katzung Editor McGraw-Hill
Publishers, Boston 8th Edition 2001: 660-679
Gravanis A, Zoumakis E, Makrigiannakis A, Stournaras C, Margioris AN. Molecular
Pharmacology of Endometrial Neuropeptides: Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and
Opioid peptides. In “Forum on Bioactive Peptides”, 1997;1-15.
Gravanis A, Zoumakis E, Makrigiannakis A, Stournaras C, Margioris AN. Molecular
Pharmacology of Endometrial Neuropeptides: Corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) and
Opioid peptides. In “Forum on Bioactive Peptides”, 1997;1-15.
Makrigiannakis A, Margioris AN, Stournaras C, Gravanis A. Opioid peptides in the female reproductive system: physiological implications. In: Biomedical Reviews, 1995;4:71-83. Makrigiannakis A, Margioris AN, Stournaras C, Gravanis A. Opioid peptides in the female reproductive system: physiological implications. In: Biomedical Reviews, 1995;4:71-83. Gravanis A, Stournaras C, Margioris AN. Human endometrial corticotropin -releasing hormone and proopiomelanocortin peptides: potential physiological role(s) in early pregnancy. In: Molecular and Cellular Aspects of Peri-implantation Processes. S.K.Dey (ed), Springer Verlang, New York, 1995;275-287. Margioris AN, Gravanis A, Chrousos GP. Glucocorticoids and Mineralocorticoids. In: Human Pharmacology: Molecular to Clinical. Second Edition. Brody TM, Larner J, Minneman, New (eds), Mosby, St Louis, 1994;473-481. Gravanis A, Margioris AN, and Robel P. Recepteurs hormonaux, facteurs de croissance et endometre. In: Reproduction Humaine et Hormones, 1994;7:285-289. Stournaras C, Margioris AN, Gravanis A. Interaction of heat shock protein HSP90 with the cytoskeleton: potential implications in intracellular transport systems. Biomed Rev, 1994;3:27-37 Stournaras C, Margioris AΝ, Gravanis A. Interaction of heat shock protein (hsp90) in the cytoskeleton: potential implications in intracellular transport. In: Biomedical Reviews 1994;3:27-37. Gravanis A, Margioris AN, and Robel P. Recepteurs hormonaux, facteurs de croissance et endometre. In: Reproduction Humaine et Hormones, 1994;7:285-289. Stournaras C, Margioris AΝ, Gravanis A. Interaction of heat shock protein (hsp90) in the cytoskeleton: potential implications in intracellular transport. In: Biomedical Reviews 1994;3:27-37. Stournaras C, Margioris AN, Gravanis A. Interaction of heat shock protein HSP90 with the cytoskeleton: potential implications in intracellular transport systems. Biomed Rev, 1994;3:27-37 Margioris AN. Opioids in neural and non-neural tissues. TRENDS ENDOCRIN MET, 1993;4:163-168 (IF:9; citations=8). Margioris AN. Corticotropin releasing hormone and the placenta and fetal membranes. In: Molecular Aspects of Placental and Fetal Membrane Autocoids, Brennecke S and Rice G (eds), CRC Press 1993;12:277-301. Margioris AN, Stratakis CA, and Chrousos GP. Glucocorticoids and other adrenal steroids. In: Human Pharmacology: Molecular to Clinical, Wingard LB, Brody TM, Larner J, Schwatz A (eds), Mosby Yearbook, St Louis, 1991;464-493. Stratakis CA, Karl M, Hurley D, Accile D, Vamvakopoulos NC, Margioris AN, Rorer E, Constantine K, Taylor SI, Chrousos GP. A point mutation in the hormone binding domain of the glucocorticoid receptor in familial glucocorticoid resistance. In: Serono Symposia Publications, Horizons in Endocrinology Vol II, Maggi M, Greenen V (eds), Raven Press, New York, 1991;76:3-8. Margioris AN, Chrousos GP. Cushing's Syndrome: Diagnostic Evaluation. In: Endocrine Hypertension, Comprehensive Endocrinology Series. E. Biglieri (ed). Raven Press, New York, 1990;99-111. Margioris AN, Brockmann G, Gomez MT, Chrousos GP. Paracrine effects of placental corticotropin-releasing hormone. In: ACTH, Cushing's Syndrome and other Hypercotisolemic States, Ludecke DK, Chrousos GP, Tolis G. (eds), Raven Press, New York, 1990;189-192. Coutifaris C, Ringler GE, Reed K, Margioris AN, Chrousos GP, Straus JF III. The placenta and stress: Effects of adenyl cyclase activators and of glucocorticoids on the endocrine function of trophoblastic cells in culture. In: Neuroendocrine Regulation of Reproduction, SSC Yen, WW Vale (eds), Serono Symposia USA, Norwell, Mass, 1990;95-103. Margioris AN. Corticotropin-releasing hormone may have a paracrine effect on placental pro-opiomelanocortin-derived peptides. In: Bioinformatics, Hatase O, Wang JH (eds). Elsevier Science Publicers, Amsterdam, 1989;429-432. Chrousos GP, Udelsman R, Gold PW, Margioris AN, Oldfield EH, Schurmeyer TH, Schulte J, Doppman J, and Loriaux DL. Corticotropin Releasing Factor: Physiological and clinical implications. In: Neuroendocrine Perspectives, Muller EE, Macleod RM (eds), Spinger-Verlag, 1989;49-83. Bernardini R, Rabin D, Calogero AE, Margioris AN, Grino M, Gold PW, Pavlov EP, Chrousos GP. The Hypothalamic – pituitary - adrenal axis in aging. In: Psychoneuroendocrinology of Aging: Basic and Clinical Aspects, Fidia Research Series vol 16, G.Valenti (ed), Springer Verlang, Padova, 1988;75-81. Shaha C, Margioris AN, Liotta AS, Boitani C, Gerendai I, Mather J, Chen CL, Bardin CW. The presence and possible function of pro-opiomelanocortin-derived peptides in testis and ovary. In: Opioid Peptides in the Periphery, Isidori A, Mazzetti M (eds), Elsevier Science Publishers, 1984;53-59. Chen CLC, Margioris AN, Liotta AS, Morris PL, Boitani C, Mather JP, Krieger DT, Bardin CW. Pro-opiomelanocortin-derived peptides of Leydig cell origin may be modulators of testicular function. In: Gonadal Proteins and Peptides and their Biological Significance, Sairam MR, Atkinson LE (editors), World Science Publishers Co, 1984;339-352. Krieger DT, Margioris AN, Liotta AS, Shaha C, Gerendai I, Pintar J, Bardin CW. Pro-opiomelanocortin-derived peptides in rodent male reproductive tract. In: Opioid Modulation of Endocrine Function, Delitala G, Motta M, Serio M (eds), Raven Press, New York, 1984;223-235.


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