RAIN project (Wright et al., 1993), the European EXMANand NITREX projects (Wright & Rasmussen, 1998) the
Gårdsjøn roof project in Sweden (Hultberg & Skeffington,1998), and the whole watershed manipulations in the US at
the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (Norton & Fernandez,1999) and the Fernow Experimental Forest in West Virginia
Over the years, the whole-ecosystem approach has proved
particularly valuable and unique as a tool for investigating
On the bookshelf above my head I can see the book Biogeo-
complex cause-effect relationships in ecosystem internal
chemistry of a forested ecosystem (Likens et al., 1977). It is in a
processes in natural environments (Beier & Rasmussen, 1994).
pretty bad shape, worn out after intensive use for many
Despite the complexity and spatial/temporal variability of
years. The book describes the ecosystem studies in Hubbard
ecosystem processes, field-scale manipulation experiments
coupled with process, species, community and ecosystem level
this was the first practical example and pioneer of a true
studies have become an important tool for generating
multidisciplinary ‘whole-ecosystem’ approach to study and
knowledge about ecosystem processes and responses. Further-
understand ecosystem processes and functioning. Investigating
more, ecosystem manipulation experiments are unique for
the effects of external impact factors on the ecosystem by
validating and testing dynamic model predictions. If a
conducting a full-scale manipulation experiment and sub-
model is applied to the untreated control situation at the site
sequently follow the consequences at various scales – it has
and subsequently used to predict the effects of the applied
been a strong inspiration to me ever since. In this issue
manipulations, the model output can be evaluated by com-
of New Phytologist, a range of research studies addressing
parison with the measured responses in the treatment (Ferrier,
ecosystem-level studies are showcased, and critical reviews
1998; Beier et al., 2003). This provides much stronger con-
cover FACE (Free Air CO Enrichment) experiments to
fidence in the model’s ability to predict effects of environ-
study elevated CO and effects of elevated CO and clima-
mental changes compared to a ‘standard’ situation where the
tic change on overall ecosystem functioning (Norby & Luo,
dynamic behaviour of the model can only be evaluated from
pp. 281–293), phenology (Badeck et al. pp. 295–309) and
below-ground processes (Pendall et al. pp. 311–322). Ecosystem experiments and climate change
Climate change is another large-scale threat to the environment,
‘The few examples of combinations of CO and
and one that has gained increasing scientific and politicalattention over the past two decades. Climate change is
warming point in all directions and results are not
particularly complex compared with other previous regional
predictable based on the individual effects’
and global environmental changes because it involvessimultaneous increases in atmospheric CO and temperature
(IPCC, 2001), coupled with altered precipitation (Weltzin &Tissue, 2003). Together these are among the most importantfactors directly involved in regulating biological and chemicalprocesses and can cause a whole cascade of effects from theindividual organism all the way up to the ecosystem scale. In
The ecosystem approach
order to understand and predict the potential effect of this com-
Hubbard Brook is still going strong, but it is no longer
plexity of changes a large number of research projects have
alone. Many ecosystem studies have been conducted since then.
been carried out involving studies of climate driven changes
In particular, this ecosystem approach took a major step
at all ecosystem scales and involving all levels from single
forward during the ‘acid rain’ era, where many ecosystem
process studies in laboratories and controlled environments to
studies including acid and nutrient manipulations were
full-scale ecosystem studies in natural environments. Ultimately,
conducted in Europe and the USA. These experiments
this should provide the necessary background needed to pre-
included large-scale manipulation projects such as the Norwegian
dict long-term ecosystem responses to climate change. New Phytologist (2004) 162: 243 – 251
Because of the complexity and costs for large-scale ecosystem
production and net primary productivity (NPP) in the eco-
studies, the majority of these have focused on single factors.
system, all combinations of elevated CO with the other
For example, a large number of warming studies were
treatments dampened the increase (Shaw et al., 2002).
carried out by various techniques in the 1990s (synthesisedby Rustad et al., 2001) and a number of large scale CO2
Climate change and ecosystem research – our
enrichment studies have been carried out by the FACE
future challenge
technique, synthesised in this issue by Nowak et al. Thesestudies have together provided an important input to our
The research in this issue suggests a general consensus that
understanding of how biological processes will respond to
a combination of ecosystem-scale experiments and model-
predicted climatic changes (Shaver et al., 2000). The bulk of
ling is needed. At the same time opinions are mixed
these research projects have also underscored the fact that
regarding the relative importance of these elements.
ecosystem responses to changes in climatic and environmental
Dynamic ecosystem models will be useful for integrating
factors are highly variable and complex. Furthermore, it is
our understanding from the individual process studies and
clear that these single or few-factor experiments may not
thereby provide common tools for forecasting future short-
provide a comprehensive understanding of how ecosystems
and long-term changes in ecosystem functioning as claimed
behave when all factors change simultaneously.
by Norby & Luo. On the other hand, this is still a majorchallenge and will only be useful if the general under-standing of how the individual factors interact is good enough. A multifactor world, a multifactor problem
For this, multifactor experiments at the ecosystem scale
Together, the papers in this issue clearly illustrate the value
are crucial both to generate the knowledge needed to
of a mechanistic understanding of how changes in the
build the models and to test and validate the results. A way
various climatic factors will affect specific ecosystem processes.
to optimise the resource use and improve the generality is to
However, they also clearly illustrate the difficulty of obtaining
combine experiments and gradients by conducting the same
a true functional understanding of ecosystem responses based
ecosystem experiments at different or comparable ecosystems
on single factor and single process studies alone. The effects
along climatic gradients. This will contrast or combine the
of CO alone and to a lesser extent warming alone each
short-term effects obtained through experiments at any
show some general and consistent patterns, but the few
particular site with knowledge of long-term differences and
examples of combinations point in all directions and results
stability of the ecosystem processes along the climatic or
are not predictable based on the individual effects. The
environmental gradient. This will further provide insight
complexity and unpredictability becomes even worse
into the route the ecosystem and ecosystem processes will
when we realise that important effects may be driven by
take moving from the present to the future state. This
changes in off-season processes, seasonality and extreme
strategy was used in the European CLIMOOR and
events – as illustrated in the paper by Loik et al. (pp. 331–
VULCAN projects (Beier et al., 2004) and shows how
341) showing how warming affects the freezing tolerance for
variable effects of droughts and warming are among sites
under different climatic conditions (Emmett et al., 2004;
Obviously, the solution to this problem may include two
important elements: multifactor experiments and modelling.
The problem is that multifactor experiments at the
To date, very few ecosystem experiments have been conducted
ecosystem scale are generally extremely resource demand-
involving combinations of all or several climate change
ing, particularly if they are to be continued for sufficient
parameters. The CLIMEX project conducted in Norway in
time to provide information about the longer-term
1995 –1999 (Wright, 1998) was the first full-scale ecosystem
responses. Furthermore, as Norby & Luo state: they will
experiment in which a complete boreal forest catchment was
always be case studies. On the other hand, do we have
exposed to simultaneously elevated CO and temperature,
an alternative? I doubt it. I do not believe that any
and showed changes in N mineralisation processes and N
model alone or any single factor experiment will provide
leaching (Wright et al., 1998).
the answers we need to predict long-term ecosystem
Recently, results from the climate change experiment at
responses to future changes in climatic and environmental
Jasper Ridge, CA, USA have clearly demonstrated how
complex and unpredictable ecosystem responses may be in
There is a crucial need to conduct long-term ecosystem-scale
a multifactor world. The annual grassland was exposed to
multifactor experiments including changes in the main
combinations of elevated CO and temperature, and changes
drivers we know are going to change in the future and to
in precipitation and nitrogen deposition. The results show
do this across ecosystems and climatic zones. This is a
that while all treatments involving increased temperature,
multidisciplinary challenge and each study should involve
precipitation or N deposition (alone or in combination) as
scientists covering all the ecosystem scales from individual
well as CO alone tended to promote the above ground biomass
processes to ecosystem structure and function.
www.newphytologist.org New Phytologist (2004) 162: 243–251 Acknowledgements Likens GE, Bormann FH, Pierce RS, Eaton JS, Fohnson NM. 1977. Biogeochemistry of a forested ecosystem. New York, USA:
A number of the papers in this issue, and discussed here,
stemmed from a workshop, ‘Interactions between CO and
Loik ME, Still CJ, Huxman TE, Harte J. 2004. In situ photosynthetic
warming’, sponsored by the US National Science Founda-
freezing tolerance for plants exposed to a global warming manipulation
tion’s global change network, TERACC (Terrestrial Ecosystem
in the Rocky Mountains, Colorado, USA. New Phytologist162:
Research and Atmospheric and Climatic Changes), the goal
Norby RJ, Luo Y. 2004. Evaluating Ecosystem Responses to Rising
of which is to integrate results and experiences across
Atmospheric CO and Global Warming in a Multi-Factor World.
scientific projects and communities. Such integrated networks
New Phytologist162: 281– 293.
are vital to create interdisciplinary and international colla-
Norton SA, Fernandez IJ, eds.1999. The Bear Brook Watershed in Maine
boration/integration. I am grateful to Richard F. Wright and
(BBWM) – A Paired Watershed Experiment: The First Decade (1987–97).
Lindsey Rustad for valuable comments on the manuscript.
Special Volume (55) of Environ. Monit. Assess. Dordrecht, the Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Nowak RS, Ellsworth DS, Smith SD. 2004. Functional responses Claus Beier
of plants to elevated atmospheric CO – Do photosynthetic and
productivity data from FACE experiments support early predictions?
Plant Research Department, Risoe National Laboratory,
New Phytologist162: 253 – 280. Pendall E, Bridgham S, Hanson PJ, Hungate B, Kicklighter DW, Johnson DW, Law BE, Luo Y, Megonigal JP, Olsrud M, Ryan MG,
(fax +45 46774160; email claus.beier@risoe.dk)
Wan S. 2004. Belowground Process Responses to Elevated CO and
Temperature: A Discussion of Observations, Measurement Methods,
and Models. New Phytologist162: 311– 322. Peñuelas J, Gordon C, Llorens L, Nielsen T, Tietema A, Beier C, Badeck F-W, Bondeau A, Böttcher K, Doktor D, Lucht W, Schaber J, Bruna P, Emmet BA, Estiarte M, Gorissen T. 2004. Non-intrusive Sitch S. 2004. Responses of plant phenology to climate change.
field experiments show different plant responses to warming and drought
New Phytologist162: 295 – 309.
among sites seasons and species in a North-South European gradient.
Beier C, Emmett B, Gundersen P, Tietema A, Penuelas J, Estiarte M, Gordon C, Gorissen A, Llorens L, Roda F, Williams D. 2004. Rustad LE, Campbell JL, Marion GM, Norby RJ, Mitchel MJ, Hartley AE,
Novel approaches to study climate change effects on terrestrial
Cornelissen JHC, Gurevitch J. 2001. A meta-analysis of the response of
ecosystems at the field scale-drought and passive night time warming.
soil respiration, net nitrogen mineralization, and aboveground plant
growth to experimental ecosystem warming. Oecologia126: 543 –562. Beier C, Moldan F, Wright RF. 2003. Terrestrial ecosystem recovery – Shaver GR, Canadell J, Chapin FS, Gurevitch J, Harte J, Henry G,
Modelling the effects of reduced acidic inputs and increased inputs
Ineson P, Jonasson S, Melillo J, Pitelka L, Rustad L. 2000. Global
of sea-salts induced by global change. AMBIO32: 275 –282.
warming and terrestrial ecosystems: a conceptual framework for analysis.
Beier C, Rasmussen L. 1994. Effects of whole-ecosystem manipulations Bioscience50: 871– 882.
on ecosystem internal processes. Trends in Ecology and Evolution9: Shaw MR, Zavaleta ES, Chiariello NR, Cleland EE, Mooney HA, Field CB. 2002. Grassland responses to global environmental changes Emmett BA, Beier C, Estiarte M, Tietema A, Kristensen HL,
suppressed by elevated CO . Science298: 1987–1990. Williams D, Penuelas J, Schmidt IK, Sowerby A. 2004. The response Weltzin JF, Tissue DT. 2003. Resource pulses in arid environments –
of soil processes to climate change: Results from manipulation studies
patterns of rain, patterns of life. New Phytologist157: 167–173.
across an environmental gradient. Ecosystems (In press.)
Wright RF. 1998. Effect of increased CO and temperature on rnoff chem- Ferrier RC. 1998. The DYNAMO project: An introduction. Hydrological
istry at a forested catchment in southern Norway (CLIMEX project).
Earth Systematic Science2: 375 –383. Ecosystems1: 216 –225. Gilliam FS, Adams MB, Yurish BM. 1996. Ecosystem nutrient responses Wright RF, Beier C, Cosby BJ. 1998. Effects of nitrogen deposition
to chronic nitrogen inputs at Fernow Experimental Forest, at the
and climate change on nitrogen runoff at Norwegian boreal forest
Fernow Experimental Forest, West Virginia. Forest Ecology and
catchments: the MERLIN model applied to the RAIN and CLIMEX
Management95: 79 – 91.
projects. Hydrological Earth Systematic Science2: 399 – 414. Hultberg H, Skeffington R, eds.1998. Experimental reversal of acid Wright RF, Lotse E, Semb A. 1993. RAIN project: Results after 8 years rain effects: the Gårdsjön Roof Project. Chinchester, UK: John Wiley
of experimentally reduced acid deposition to a whole catchment.
Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences50: 258 –268. IPCC (2001) Climate Change 2001: The Scientific Basis. Contribution Wright RF, Rasmussen L. 1998. Introduction to the NITREX and
of Working Group I to the Third Assessment Report of the
EXMAN projects. For Ecological Manage101: 1–7.
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (eds. J.T. Houghton et al.). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK and New York, Key words: Ecosystem manipulation, interaction, multifactor, New Phytologist (2004) 162: 243 – 251
The previous demonstration of the NO· production by theenzyme nitrate reductase ( Dean & Harper, 1988; Yamasaki
oxide in plant cells – beyond et al., 1999) was one possibility (García-Mata & Lamattina,
2003). However, recently an unexpected alternative enzy-
matic source of NO· was described. A variant of the P pro-tein of the mitochondrial glycine descarboxylase complex(GDC) was demonstrated to be a pathogen-inducible plant
In the mid 1970s it was reported that plants can emit nitric
NOS (Chandok et al., 2003; Wendehenne et al., 2003).
oxide (NO·) (Klepper, 1979) and nowadays the generation
Additionally, another recent report has shown the presence
of NO· in plant cells is well established (Leshem, 2000;
of an NOS gene (AtNOS1 ) in Arabidopsis. AtNOS1 turned
Lamattina et al., 2003; Neill et al., 2003). In plants, like in
out to be a protein very similar to a group of bacterial
animal systems, the gaseous free radical NO· has been shown
proteins with putative GTP-binding or GTPase domains
to play a role as a signal molecule in diverse important
(Guo et al., 2003). Surprisingly, both the variant P protein
physiological processes (Delledonne et al., 1998; Wendehenne
and the purified AtNOS1 protein did not have sequence
et al., 2001; Lamattina et al., 2003; Neill et al., 2003).
However, the enzymatic source and site of NO· synthesis
However, apart from these cases, there are still other
in plant cells has been the subject of much debate and
potential enzymatic sources of NO· generation in plants that
must be considered (Table 1). The production of NO· by
In the past decade, many plant biologists searched
horseradish peroxidase from hydroxyurea and H O (Huang
intensively for an enzyme similar to any of the isoforms of
et al., 2002) is an example of how plant cells can have
nitric oxide synthase (NOS) identified in mammalian
alternative sources of NO· making use of the widespread
systems (Alderton et al., 2001), in the hope of finding the
and physiologically important enzymes peroxidases (Huang
gene responsible for the ‘plant NOS’. A significant number
et al., 2002). Other enzymatic sources that must be taken
of reports showed the presence of NOS-like activity in
into account are xanthine oxidoreductase and cytochrome
several plant tissues which had some similiarities with mam-
P450 which are present in plants and have been shown to
malian NOS, such as sensitivity to well characterized NOS
generate NO· in animal systems (Boucher et al., 1992a;
inhibitors and cross-reactivity with several antibodies against
Millar et al., 1998; Harrison, 2002; Mansuy & Boucher,
mammalian NOS proteins. But following the publication of
2002). Moreover, it has been proposed that hemeproteins
the Arabidopsis genome, not a single gene or protein with
are good candidates for the enzymatic generation of NO·
sequence similarity to the animal NOSs could be identified
from N-hydroxyarginine (NOHA) (Boucher et al., 1992b).
( The Arabidopsis genome initiative, 2000). Therefore,
Additionally, a plasma membrane-bound enzyme was shown
alternative enzymatic sources of NO· had to be considered.
to catalyze the formation of NO· from nitrite in tobacco
Table 1 Some established and potential enzymatic sources of NO· in plant cells
Crude extracts and cell organelles (NOS-like activity)
Sen & Cheema (1995); Cueto et al. (1996); Ninnemann & Maier (1996); Delledonne et al. (1998); Durner et al. (1998); Ribeiro et al. (1999); Barroso et al. (1999); Modolo et al. (2002)
Variant P protein of the GDC (‘plant iNOS’)
Dean and Harper (1988); Yamasaki et al. (1999)
Millar et al. (1998); Harrison (2002)
Boucher et al. (1992b); Huang et al. (2002)
Boucher et al. (1992a); Mansuy & Boucher (2002)
www.newphytologist.org New Phytologist (2004) 162: 243–251
roots (Stöhr et al., 2001). Taken together, this suggests that
Boucher JL, Genet A, Vadon S, Delaforge M, Mansuy D. 1992b.
in plants the enzymatic NO· production, either constitutive
Formation of nitrogen oxides and citrulline upon oxidation of
or induced by different biotic/abiotic stresses, may be a much
Nw-hydroxy-L-arginine by hemeproteins. Biochemical and
more common event than was initially thought. Biophysical Research Communications184: 1158–1164.
These examples show that the dated concept of one
Chandok MR, Ytterberg AJ, van Wijk KJ, Klessig DF. 2003. The
pathogen-inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) in plants is a
protein–one function is too simplistic as far as NO· genera-
variant of the P protein of the glycine decarboxylase complex. Cell
tion is concerned. To improve our understanding of the
113: 469– 482.
physiological function of NO· in the different plant cell
Cueto M, Hernández-Perera O, Martín R, Bentura ML, Rodrigo J,
compartments, we must realize that plant cells may not
Lamas S, Golvano MP. 1996. Presence of nitric oxide synthase
possess a unique enzymatic source of this versatile molecule
activity in roots and nodules of Lupinus albus. FEBS Letters398:
but multiple generating systems. It appears that in plants
there is a battery of multifunctional enzymes, able to pro-
Dat J, Vandenabeele S, Vranová E, Van Montagu M, Inzé D,
duce NO· catalytically, which are structurally unrelated to
Van Breusegem F. 2000. Dual action of the active oxygen species
mammalian NOS. The burst of publications on ‘plant NOS
during plant stress responses. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences57:
activity’ over recent years, and the special interest in demon-
strating that the origin of NO was due to a unique constitutive
Dean JV, Harper JE. 1988. The conversion of nitrite to nitrogen
oxide (s) by the constitutive NAD (P) H-nitrate reductase enzyme
or inducible mammalian-type NOS, brings into the memory
from soybean. Plant Physiology88: 389–395.
the discovery of the generation in biological systems of
Delledonne M, Xia YJ, Dixon RA, Lamb C. 1998. Nitric oxide
another important free radical, the superoxide anion (O . –)
functions as a signal in plant disease resistance. Nature394:
(McCord & Fridovich, 1968). It was then thought that O . –
radicals were only produced by the mammalian oxidative
Durner J, Wendehenne D, Klessig DF. 1998. Defense gene induc-
enzyme xanthine oxidase. Today it is known that there are
tion in tobacco by nitric oxide, cyclic GMP, and cyclic ADP-ribose.
many proteins and enzymes producing these radicals in many
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, USA95: 10328–
compartments of animal and plant cells, as a consequence of
normal aerobic metabolism, and it is well established that
García-Mata C, Lamattina L. 2003. Abscisic acid, nitric oxide and
the generation of O . – radicals may be induced by different
stomatal closure – is nitrate reductase one of the missing links?
pathological or stress conditions (Bolwell, 1999; Dat et al.,
Trends in Plant Science8: 20–26. Guo F-Q, Okamoto M, Crawford NM. 2003. Identification of a
2000; Halliwell & Gutteridge, 2000; del Río et al., 2003).
plant nitric oxide synthase gene involved in hormonal signaling.
In a similar way, concerning the enzymatic production of
Science302: 100–103.
NO· in plants, perhaps we are just starting to see the tip of
Halliwell B, Gutteridge JMC. 2000. Free Radicals in Biology and Medicine. Oxford University Press: Oxford, UK. Harrison R. 2002. Structure and function of xanthine oxidoreductase: F. Javier Corpas*, Juan B. Barroso and Luis A. del Río
where are we now? Free Radical in Biology and Medicine 33: 774 –797.
Departamento de Bioquímica, Biología Celular y Molecular
Huang J, Sommers EM, Kim-Shapiro DB, King SB. 2002.
de Plantas, Estación Experimental del Zaidín, CSIC, Apdo.
Horseradish peroxidase catalyzed nitric oxide formation from
hydroxyurea. Journal of the American Chemical Society124: Klepper L. 1979. Nitric oxide and nitrogen dioxide (NO ) emissions
from herbicide- treated soybean plants. Atmospheric Environment13: 537–542. References Lamattina L, García-Mata C, Graziano M, Pagnussat G. 2003. Nitric
oxide: the versatility of an extensive signal molecule. Annual Review Alderton WK, Cooper CE, Knowles RG. 2001. Nitric oxide of Plant Biology54: 109–136.
synthases: structure, function and inhibition. Biochemical Leshem YY. 2000. Nitric oxide in plants. Occurrence, function and use. Journal357: 593–615.
Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Kluwer Academic Publishers. Barroso JB, Corpas FJ, Carreras A, Sandalio LM, Valderrama R, Mansuy D, Boucher J-L. 2002. Oxidation of N-hydroxyguanidines by Palma JM, Lupiáñez JA, del Río LA. 1999. Localization of
cytochromes P450 and NO-synthases and formation of nitric oxide.
nitric-oxide synthase in plant peroxisomes. Journal of Biological Drug Metabolism Review34: 593–606. Chemistry274: 36729–36733. McCord JM, Fridovich I. 1968. The reduction of cytochrome c by Bolwell G. 1999. Role of reactive oxygen species and NO in plant
milk xanthine oxidase. Journal of Biological Chemistry243: 5753 –
defence responses. Current Opinion in Plant Biology2: 287–294. Boucher JL, Genet A, Vadon S, Delaforge M, Henry Y, Mansuy D. Millar TM, Stevens CR, Benjamin N, Eisenthal R, Harrison R, 1992a. Cytochrome P450 catalyzes the oxidation of Nw-hydroxy-L- Blake DR. 1998. Xanthine oxidoreductase catalyses the
arginine by NADPH and O to nitric oxide and citrulline.
reduction of nitrates and nitrite to nitric oxide under hypoxic
Biochemistry and Biophysics Research Communications187: 880–886.
conditions. FEBS Letters427: 225–228. New Phytologist (2004) 162: 243 – 251 Modolo LV, Cunha FQ, Braga MR, Salgado I. 2002. Nitric oxide
immunoreactivity in plant embryonic tissue. Biochemical
synthase-mediated phytoalexin accumulation in soybean cotyledons
Archives11: 221–227.
in response to the Diaporthe phaseolorum f. sp. meridionalis elicitor.
Stöhr C, Strube F, Marx G, Ullrich WR, Rockel P. 2001. A plasma Plant Physiology130: 1288–1297.
membrane- bound enzyme of tobacco roots catalyses the formation
Neill SJ, Desikan R, Hancock JT. 2003. Nitric oxide signalling in
of nitric oxide from nitrite. Planta212: 835–841.
plants. New Phytologist159: 11–35. The Arabidopsis Genome Initiative. 2000. Analysis of the genome Ninnemann H, Maier J. 1996. Indications for the occurrence of
sequence of the flowering plant. Nature408: 796 – 815.
nitric oxide synthases in fungi and plants and the involvement in
Wendehenne D, Lamotte O, Pugin A. 2003. Plant iNOS: conquest of
photoconidiation of Neurospora crassa. Photochemistry and
the holy grail. Trends in Plant Science8: 465–468. Photobiology64: 393–398. Wendehenne D, Pugin A, Klessig DF, Durner J. 2001. Nitric oxide: Ribeiro EA Jr., Cunha FQ, Tamashiro WMSC, Martins IS. 1999.
comparative synthesis and signalling in animal and plant cells.
Growth phase-dependent subcellular localization of nitric oxide
Trends in Plant Science6: 177–183.
synthase in maize cells. FEBS Letters445: 283–286. Yamasaki H, Sakihama Y, Takahashi S. 1999. An alternative pathway del Río LA, Corpas FJ, Sandalio LM, Palma JM, Barroso JB. 2003.
for nitric oxide production in plants: new features of an old enzyme.
Plant peroxisomes, reactive oxygen metabolism and nitric oxide.
Trends in Plant Science4: 128–129. IUBMBI Life55: 71–81. Sen S, Cheema IR. 1995. Nitric oxide synthase and calmodulin Key words: nitric oxide, NO·, signalling, nitric oxide synthase, NOS.
mission of Southern Connections is to ensure that scientificgeneralizations and theory genuinely address both hemispheres.
Notwithstanding the common Gondwanan past of their
respective lands, and the resulting biotic affinities, there
are other issues that unite the scientists involved. Many of thesecountries are facing similar issues arising from rapid changes inland use, massive introduction of alien species and declining
IV Southern Connections Conference: Towards a
native biodiversity. Although a wide range of topics in eco-
southern perspective, Cape Town, South Africa,
logy, biogeography and systematics were presented at the IV
January 2004
Southern hemisphere ecologists and biogeographers have tradi-
conferences/sc2004), below we concentrate on some of the
tionally looked northward for stimulus and ideas. Southern
major issues in plant ecology addressed at the meeting.
Cose fromthe recent realization that there was also much to be gained bylooking east and west. This organization has held meetings every3 – 4 yr since 1994, providing a unique interdisciplinary forum
‘Are southern hemisphere ecosystems susceptible to invasion
for whole-organism biologists working in the southern hemi-sphere. One speaker at an earlier meeting commented on how
by Eurasian taxa because northern hemisphere plants
refreshing it was not to begin by virtually apologising forhis subject (terrestrial mammal pollination in Proteaceae)
as he would in a northern hemisphere forum, where suchmechanisms might be viewed as curiosities or, at worst, freakshows. At Southern Connec-tions he could take it for grantedthat many would be conversant with his subject, whichcould then be discussed in more depth. Invasive plants – correlates and consequences
The mood generates a healthy iconoclasm about ‘unifying
schemes’ served up mainly from Europe and North America.
Huge numbers of exotic plant species have been introduced
Widely read texts were derided for presenting ‘laughable’
to southern hemisphere countries. Duane Peltzer (Landcare
generalizations, many of which have to be unlearned by
Research, Lincoln, New Zealand) showed us an extreme case
southern hemisphere ecologists and biogeographers. Thus, a
in New Zealand, where naturalized exotic vascular plants now
www.newphytologist.org New Phytologist (2004) 162: 243–251
outnumber natives. Although by no means all naturalized
southern temperate forests than in their northern counterparts
plants can be classed as invasive, it is therefore no surprise
(Armesto et al., 1996; Willson et al., 1996). This dependence
that the ecology of invasions is a big research topic in the
is even higher on some tropical Pacific islands such as Tonga
and New Caledonia (McConkey & Drake, 2002). Community
Are southern hemisphere ecosystems susceptible to invasion
structure and ecosystem function are therefore likely to be
by Eurasian taxa because northern hemisphere plants are
particularly sensitive to extinctions in these systems.
simply ‘better’? This idea, referred to by Ian Radford (Otago
Alastair Robertson (Massey University, New Zealand)
University, New Zealand) as the ‘biological cringe’, was not
reviewed collapsing plant–bird mutualisms on Pacific
supported by an analysis of 233 invasive plant species in
islands, where human settlement has resulted in dozens of
South Africa, carried out by Lesley Henderson (Agricultural
bird extinctions, including many frugivores (Steadman, 1995).
Research Council, Pretoria, South Africa). She found that exotics
New Zealand has lost 13 frugivorous birds since human
originating from the northern and southern temperate zones
arrival during the last millennium (Worthy & Holdaway,
had identical average rates of expansion in that country.
2002). Although this is not known to have caused the
Peter Williams (Landcare Research, Nelson, New Zealand)
extinction of any plant species to date, a dozen large-seeded
highlighted the importance of propagule pressure and suit-
woody plants now depend on a single vector, the pigeon
ability of the abiotic environment in determining naturaliza-
Hemiphaga novaezelandiae (Clout & Hay, 1989), whose
tion success of plants in Australia and New Zealand. The
populations have dwindled in the face of depredation
current prevalence of Eurasian species in New Zealand’s
by introduced mammals as well as humans. Similarly, the
register of exotic plants therefore reflects the persistent efforts
extinction of four pigeon species (Ducula spp.) in Tonga has
of 19th century colonists to create a “Better Britain” in the
left plants with diaspores larger than c. 28 mm in diameter
Antipodes’, as well as an influx of Eurasian stowaways. Suit-
without any known seed disperser (McConkey & Drake, 2002).
ability of environment was also a good predictor of which
Pollination mutualisms are also vulnerable throughout the
species invade successfully in different parts of South Africa
Pacific region, as a result of recent declines in abundance of im-
(Mathieu Rouget, Kirstenbosch Botanic Gardens, South
portant vertebrate pollinators such as honeyeaters and bats.
Africa). However, the case of Eucalyptus shows that massive
Robertson quantified the effects of local extinction or
propagule pressure and suitable abiotic environments won’t
decline of mutualists on seed dispersal and set of several
turn all exotics into invasives. Dave Richardson (University
plant species in New Zealand. Reproductive success was
of Cape Town, South Africa) showed that despite widespread
consistently poorer in plant populations on mainland New
plantings around the world, most Eucalyptus species scarcely
Zealand than on small islands where conservation pro-
naturalise and very few are aggressive invaders.
grammes have retained dense populations of pollinators
In many cases, invasive plants are most prominent in early
and seed dispersers. Similarly, Anton Pauw (University of Cape
successional communities, eventually giving way to late-
Town, South Africa) made use of spatial and temporal com-
successional natives. However, in those cases where their
parisons to show how orchid pollination in South Africa has
functional traits differ from those of competing native
been impaired by declines in abundance of oil-collecting bees.
pioneers, their influence on ecosystem properties such as soil
Although most previous studies have focused on the
nutrient availability could leave a persistent legacy. Duane
vulnerability of plants to loss of their pollinators or dispersers,
Peltzer and Peter Bellingham (Landcare Research, Lincoln,
Cecilia Smith-Ramirez (Universidad Católica de Chile,
New Zealand) described successions in New Zealand, where
Santiago) reminded us not to overlook the situation of spe-
exotic pioneer shrubs such as Buddleja davidii and Ulex
cialist pollinators. Her analysis of the pollinator assemblage of
europaeus produce more nutrient-rich leaf litter than their
the Chilean rainforest tree Eucryphia cordifolia (currently a
nearest native equivalents such as Coriaria arborea and Kunzea
common species) revealed 15 species of Diptera which have
ericoides. Elizabeth Lindsay and Tanya Mason (University of
not been reported visiting flowers of any other plant.
Wollongong, Australia) presented similar results fromcontrasting the exotic shrub Chrysanthemoides molinifera andnative species such as Banksia integrifolia. Successional trajec-tories are in some cases quite different under exotic and native
‘25% of the Earth’s vegetation is fire-maintained’
shrub canopies, and as many of the species regeneratingbeneath them live for several centuries, the impact on vege-tation composition at landscape level could be appreciable. Mutualism collapse Fire – controlling global vegetation patterns
The proportion of woody plants dependent on vertebrates
Studies of South African and Australian ecosystems have
for pollination and seed dispersal is generally higher in
produced novel perspectives on the role of fire as a driver of
New Phytologist (2004) 162: 243 – 251
plant evolution, and as a control on global vegetation patterns.
such as lignotubers in central Chilean matorral (Montenegro
It has long been recognized that adaptations facilitating
et al., 1983). We know little about prehuman fire regimes in
regeneration after fire are common in some floras. A more
temperate South America, but Mauro González (Universi-
recent suggestion is that flammability can be advantageous
dad Austral de Chile, Valdivia), Donaldo Bran (INTA EEA,
to a given genotype if it promotes the spread of fire to
Bariloche, Argentina) and Tom Veblen (University of Colo-
neighbours lacking sprouting or seeding responses that
rado, Boulder, CO, USA) showed how present vegetation
permit rapid recapture of the site (Bond & Midgley, 1995).
patterns in some parts of the region have been shaped by fire.
The Sheffield Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (SDGVM:
González also pointed out that fuel loads associated with
Woodward et al., 1995) generates the provocative prediction
synchronous flowering and death of Chusquea bamboos
that 25% of the Earth’s vegetation is fire-maintained. The
promote rapid spread of forest fires, whether of human or
SDGVM uses physiological criteria to predict spatial and
temporal variation in broad vegetation types on the basis of
Whether as a result of climate or isolation from evolutionary
climate, soil and atmospheric CO concentration. William
innovations, fire seems to have made fewer inroads in New
Bond (University of Capetown, South Africa) showed that
Zealand than in any of the major southern landmasses. Geoff
the model grossly overpredicts global forest cover, unless a
Rogers (Department of Conservation, Dunedin, New
fire module is incorporated in simulations. Without fire,
Zealand) estimated prehuman fire return intervals of > 1000 yr
forest cover is predicted for Mediterranean-type climates,
in the eastern South Island, attesting to the low flamm-
implying that widespread heathlands and shrublands in
ability of vegetation even in this relatively dry district of
those regions are fire-maintained. When fire is added to the
the country. Although human arrival greatly increased fire
model, the predicted global vegetation map coincides closely
frequency, most native plants lack the ability to recapture
with current patterns, although deciduous forest is still
sites rapidly through sprouts or seed banks.
incorrectly predicted for maritime temperate climates inChile, New Zealand and the Pacific North-west. The future
Long-term fire exclusion experiments in South African
savannas support model predictions (Bond et al., 2003). Sites
While ‘Towards a southern perspective’ may be a reasonable
receiving > 650 mm rainfall show succession to forest when
short-term goal of Southern Connections, the real issue is
fire is excluded, whereas arid savanna sites (predicted to remain
that due consideration of both hemispheres means a better
as savanna), although showing some increase in tree biomass,
understanding of ecological processes and the evolution of
do not develop closed forest. An analysis of Tasmanian
the biosphere as a whole. Perhaps the clearest case is the work
landscapes by Ross Bradstock (NSW National Parks &
by South African and Australian ecologists on fire, which,
Wildlife Service, Hurstville, Australia) developed the inter-
although spurred mainly by studies of their own particularly
esting related point that low site fertility can promote fire
fire-prone systems, may force a rethink on the part of plant
by prolonging dominance of flammable early successional
ecologists and biogeographers the world over.
Another worthwhile aim must be to improve the rep-
When and why did fire become so important? Bond et al.
resentation of some of the smaller southern hemisphere countries
(2003) argue that the spread of fire as a major ecological
at future conferences. Perspectives from New Caledonia and
force can be linked to the advent of a new fuel type: the C
Madagascar were sorely missed, and efforts must be made to
grasses which proliferated under the falling CO levels of the
persuade delegates from these remarkable Gondwanic frag-
late Miocene. The combination of rapid growth and pro-
ments to attend the next meeting in 2007 in Adelaide.
duction of slow-decaying litter by many C grasses results in
Southern Connections is a ‘must attend’ forum for southern
rapid buildup of inflammable material, enabling these plants
hemisphere whole-organism biologists that northern hemi-
to carry fire into mesic habitats (D’Antonio & Vitousek,
sphere scientists might also do well to attend, to help a flow
1992). Ensuing changes in disturbance regimes may have
of ideas across the divide. Perhaps there is also a need for
triggered the evolution of fire-adapted traits in other taxa.
‘Northern Connections’ ensuring east–west interchange and
Has fire split southern biotas? David Bowman (Charles
inclusion of east Asian and Russian input to ecological and
Darwin University, Australia) argued that the ecological and
evolutionary impact of fire in Australian landscapes pre-dates human arrival by millions of years (contra Flannery,
Chris Lusk1,* and Peter Bellingham2
1994), as is also clearly so in South Africa. Peter Clarke(University of New England, Armidale, Australia) showed
1Departamento de Botánica, Universidad de Concepción,
that fire stimulated recruitment of > 80% of taxa even on
Casilla 160-C, Concepción, Chile; 2Landcare Research, P.O.
relatively mesic sites in New South Wales. Although fire seems
Box 69 Lincoln, New Zealand (*Author for correspondence:
to have played a lesser role in the evolution of South American
tel + 41 56 203418; fax + 41 56 246005; email
vegetation, some plants show probable fire adaptations,
www.newphytologist.org New Phytologist (2004) 162: 243–251 Flannery TF. 1994. The future eaters: an ecological history of the Australasian Acknowledgements lands and people. Sydney, Australia: Reed.
We thank Jeremy Midgley, Elizabeth Dankwertz and the
McConkey KR, Drake DR. 2002. Extinct pigeons and declining bat
populations: are large seeds still being dispersed in the tropical Pacific?.
organising committee for making the IV Southern Con-
In: Levey D, Silva W, Galetti M, eds. Frugivory and seed dispersal: evolutionary and conservation perspectives. Wallingford, UK: CAB International, 381– 395. Montenegro G, Avila G, Schatte P. 1983. Presence and development References
of lignotubers in shrubs of the Chilean matorral. Canadian Journal of Botany61: 1804 –1808. Armesto JJ, Smith-Ramirez C, Sabag C. 1996. The importance of Steadman DW. 1995. Prehistoric extinctions of Pacific Island birds:
plant-bird mutualism in the temperate rainforest of southern South
biodiversity meets zooarchaeology. Science267: 1123 –1131.
America. In: Lawford RG, Alaback P, Fuentes ER, eds. High latitude Willson MF, De Santo TL, Sabag G, Armesto JJ. 1996. Avian rainforests and associated ecosystems of the west coast of the Americas:
communities of temperate rainforests of North and South America.
climate, hydrology, ecology and conversation. Berlin, Germany:
In: Lawford RG, Alaback P, Fuentes ER, eds. High latitude rainforests and associated ecosystems of the west coast of the Americas: climate, Bond WJ, Midgley JJ. 1995. Kill thy neighbour: an individualistic hydrology, ecology and conversation. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag,
argument for the evolution of flammability. Oikos73: 79 – 85. Bond WJ, Midgley GF, Woodward FI. 2003. What controls South Woodward FI, Smith TM, Emanuel WR. 1995. A global land primary
African vegetation – climate or fire? South African Journal of Botany
productivity and phytogeography model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles9: 69: 79 – 91. Clout MN, Hay JR. 1989. The importance of birds as browsers, Worthy TH, Holdaway RN. 2002. The lost world of the Moa.
pollinators and seed dispersers in New Zealand forests. NZ Journal of Ecology12: 27–32.
Bloomington, IN. USA: Indiana University Press. D’Antonio CM, Vitousek PM. 1992. Biological invasions by exotic
grasses, the grass/fire cycle, and global change. Annual Review of Ecology Key words: fire ecology, flammability, invasive plants, plant–bird and Systematics.23: 67– 87.
mutualisms, southern hemisphere ecosystems. About New Phytologist • New Phytologist is owned by a non-profit-making charitable trust dedicated to the promotion of plant science, facilitating projects
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