When will an IP valuation be helpful in inform-
Tim Heberden BRAND FINANCE AUSTRALIATax planning
Intellectual property valuations can inform a range of legal
Many multinationals are structuring their IP in spe-
issues, including commercialisation, licensing, litigation,
cialist IP-holding companies (IPCos) for commercial
transfer pricing, IP audits and mergers and acquisitions
and tax reasons. Operating benefits can be significant,
particularly from a brand management perspective. The
This article is intended to help lawyers identify when a
tax benefits of locating the IPCo in a low tax jurisdiction
can be important. However, the envisaged tax benefits
Essential features of IP valuations are discussed to help
lawyers effectively brief and interpret valuation reports.
can swiftly evaporate if capital transfers and royaltiesbetween related parties fail to satisfy tax authorities.
Two-thirds of global enterprise value is contributed
by intangible assets.1 In this environment, it is not
M&A planning
surprising that companies are devoting more attention to
With intangible assets contributing the bulk of the
creating, exploiting and protecting intellectual property.
value of many acquisitions, one would expect due
At many points in the IP development process, legal
diligence to include rigorous evaluation of intangibles.
decisions can be informed by knowledge of the current
This is not always the case, and value destruction is
and potential value of the IP. Below are examples of
often the result. Valuers should be aware of the profit
and tax impact of the allocation of value between
Commercialising IP
Large companies often have a large amount of
Portfolio rationalisation
early-stage technology, and many designs and trademarks. Yet resources are limited. A valuation framework
A bloated portfolio ties up capital and management
can guide resource allocation by quantifying the relative
time in underperforming assets. Value can often be
economic potential of the IP, together with each item’s
unlocked by selling, licensing or terminating part of the
investment requirements and associated risks. At the
portfolio. Management needs to know the value impli-
other end of the spectrum, small companies often require
equity partners to commercialise new inventions. Nego-tiation is much easier with a credible business plan that
Auditing a client’s IP
articulates the value potential of the invention.
In addition to having intangible characteristics, most
IP is not visible on the balance sheet, as only acquired
intangibles can be capitalised. In line with the concept of
Royalty rate determination is the flip side of the
“what gets measured gets managed”, we have found that
valuation coin. The common factor is the economics of
otherwise well-managed companies have a poor grasp of
the IP. In one instance, this is expressed as a dollar
the intangible assets that contribute to their enterprise
amount, and in the other as a percentage of revenue. All
value, and the specific IP within each category.
too often royalties are determined by crude rules of
Value mapping can be used to split the total value of
thumb or a poorly informed haggle, rather than knowl-
the business between tangible assets and the different
edge of the revenue and cost savings generated by the IP.
categories of intangibles. Visibility of the value andcommercial contribution of intangible assets provides
senior management with the incentive to identify and
The need for a valuation in support of a damages
claim or other dispute is clear. However, the resulting
The following example shows how communication
benefit depends on the valuation being properly scoped
between lawyers and valuers can ensure that a legal
and sufficiently robust to withstand close scrutiny from
document meets the client’s requirements.
without the benefit of Daimler Benz design, engineering
and service? Similarly, would the Zantac brand be
Prior to the IPO of easyJet, a European airline, it assigned
incomplete without the Ranitidine patent? How would
some of its IP to its parent company, easyGroup. Included in
the Guinness brand fare without the recipe and produc-
the assignment were the easyJet trade marks. These were to
be licensed back from the easyGroup on a royalty-free basisin perpetuity. Briefing a valuation
Brand Finance was briefed to determine whether the pro-posed reorganisation resulted in a transfer of value between
the companies. The legal and corporate finance advisers
There is currently not a distinct professional body and
initially assumed that the combined effect of the assignmentand licence would be value neutral, as easyJet enjoyed
qualification for business valuers in Australia. However,
indefinite, royalty-free use of the trade marks.
control is exerted through regulatory and professional
Our analysis determined that certain clauses of the proposed
licence made it materially less valuable than ownership of
Although the valuation community has significantly
the trade marks. These included loss of control of the visual
increased its focus on intangibles, valuers lag behind the
identity and positioning of the brand, loss of brand extension
legal profession in that IP valuation is generally not
opportunities, and increased risk from the possibility of
treated as a specialist field. There are few valuers that
inappropriate licensing by easyGroup.
specialise in IP valuation; in many instances the task is
Through collaboration with the client’s legal advisers, the
entrusted to business valuers. This is not ideal given the
terms of the license were amended so that the transfer ofvalue was minimised, and the directors’ requirements met.
intricacies of intellectual property and its complex rolein value creation.
When assisting a client to appoint a valuer, lawyers
Value characteristics of intangible assets
should ensure that the candidate can demonstrate:
Valuation of intangible assets requires an understand-
• a suitable financial qualification and professional
ing of their characteristics and role within the business
model. These are the key attributes and their valuationimplications:
• extensive valuation experience and a high level of
• There are generally no efficient markets for intan-
• an understanding of the purpose of the valuation,
gibles, and they are typically sold as part of a
and the required output; for instance, this could be
business combination. As a result, the market
an opinion on damages incurred, an appropriate
approach to valuation is seldom possible.
• There is seldom a linear relationship between
• sound knowledge of IP in general and the particu-
investment and returns. Therefore the cost approach
to valuation is often not appropriate.
• Non-financial metrics regarding the quality of
• Intangibles are not diminished by use, and are
non-rival, meaning that simultaneous use is pos-
A weakness observed in IP valuations is a lack of
sible. This can lead to rapid growth and high
clarity in the definition of the asset being valued. The
following categories of intangible assets are referred toby International Financial Reporting Standards:
• Value often results from interactions with other
assets, causing a complex value chain.
• artistic — copyright, design rights;
The final point merits further discussion. Baruch Lev,
• customer based — customer lists, customer con-
Professor at New York University’s Stern School of
Business, has stated that, “when such interactions are
• contacts — licenses, use rights, distribution con-
intense, the valuation of intangibles on a standalone
basis becomes impossible”.2 It is sometimes necessary
• marketing — trade marks, domain names, market-
to group complimentary intangibles for valuation pur-
poses. Value maps can be used to explore the interac-
• technology — software, patents, databases.
The interaction between intangible assets is particu-
These are broad categories. More detailed and precise
larly important when valuing brands. Would the Mercedes
definitions are required, particularly for legal and tax
brand command such fierce loyalty and price premium
valuations. The following example illustrates why the
term “technology” is too broad, and should be described
in terms of specific patents, trade secrets, designs and
The level of detail and rigour required in a valuation
ranges between an indicative valuation and a formal
valuation opinion. It is clearly important to match
deliverables with the purpose of the valuation. If a client
A recent valuation that Brand Finance carried out on behalf
wishes to know whether a potential damages claim will
of a tax authority provides an interesting example of impre-
be material, an indicative valuation will meet their
requirements, and will cost far less than a formal
The taxpayer commissioned a valuation to support the
valuation opinion. On the other hand, it is inappropriate
assignment of technology to a related party offshore — an IP
to commission an indicative valuation for the purpose of
management company in a low tax jurisdiction. The valua-tion report did not clearly define the elements of the
litigation, financial reporting or transfer pricing.
technology, and contended that it had limited commercial
An important distinction can be made between tech-
relevance. The value placed on the technology for the
nical and commercial valuations. The former are gener-
purpose of the assignment was several hundred thousand
ally conducted for the purposes of financial reporting,
tax planning, litigation, securitisation and M&A. They
Technology was simultaneously licensed back from the
focus on providing a robust, independent opinion on the
offshore company. The transfer pricing documentation stated
value of the IP at the valuation date. Commercial
that this package of technology (not clearly defined) played
valuations are used for strategic planning, portfolio
a significant role in revenue generation. It commanded a highroyalty which resulted in royalty payments of several million
management and budget allocation. Such valuations
dollars per annum. The taxpayer contended that this was a
often address the value of the IP under different sce-
broader package of IP than was assigned.
narios and assess the impact of flexing valuation assump-
A detailed analysis of the business model, together with the
assignment and license agreements, revealed that the assignedtechnology was the same as the licensed technology. Requirements of a valuation report
Clarification of the components of the technology influencedthe independent valuer’s opinion on both the value of IP
The Accounting Professional and Ethical Standards
assigned and the subsequent transfer pricing.
Board recently issued a standard on Valuation Services(APES 225). This is effective from 1 January 2009, but
The asset that is most prone to poor definition is
early adoption is encouraged. Standards issued by the
“brand” — a term that is loosely used to describe
International Valuation Standards Committee (IVSC) are
different groupings of complimentary IP. In our experi-
widely accepted by valuers around the world. Although
ence, there are three different concepts, all of which are
the IVSC’s initial focus was real property, its scope now
includes business and intangible assets valuation. In2007 the IVSC released a discussion paper on the
• The narrow definition is trade marks, copyright in
devices, and associated goodwill. (It is ultimately
Both of these sources list the requirements of valua-
the goodwill that consumers associate with the
trade mark that influences their behaviour andgenerates cash flows.)
• the scope of the valuation and any limitations or
• In other instances, a broader group of rights is
bundled together as a “brand”. It can be appropri-
• the purpose for which the valuation report has
ate to group complimentary assets — for instance,
beer trade marks will seldom be licensed or sold
• a clear description of the asset being valued;
without the accompanying recipe and brewing
• the date at which the value has been determined,
guidelines. Other marketing intangibles such as
and the date on which the report has been issued;
domain names, product design rights, copyrightsin advertising visuals and written copy can be
• the basis, approach and method of valuation;
included in a wider the definition of “brand”.
• In commercial valuations, “brand” is sometimes
• sufficient details of the valuation and underlying
used to describe a branded business unit incorpo-
assumptions to allow a reader to understand how
rating both tangible and intangible assets.
• the name and qualifications of the valuer.
Different groupings of brand-related IP are suitable in
different situations. The constant is the need for a precise
We find it helpful to express the valuation findings in
definition if a brand is the subject of a valuation report.
a commercial context. This means explaining the role of
the IP in driving business value. It is useful to remember
The relief from royalty method is commonly used for
that value is a function of three primary variables —
patent and trade mark valuations. It is based on the
premise that if the IP were not owned, it would have tobe licensed from a third party, and a royalty paid. The
Valuation approaches and methods
value of the IP is equated to the present value of the
These are matters for the valuer to decide. However,
notional royalty stream that ownership relieves the
an understanding of them aids a lawyer’s interpretation
business from paying. Selection of an appropriate roy-
alty rate is a key aspect of the valuation. The most
compelling evidence is gained from arm’s length licenses
Value is in the eye of the beholder, so it is essential to
for the specific IP being valued. Where no such agree-
determine whether an asset is to be valued from the
ments exist, evidence can be gained from a study of
perspective of a typical purchaser (market value) or a
specific purchaser (investment value). Market value is
Earnings split methods require a detailed analysis of
the most commonly used basis of valuation, and the
the operating profits of the firm. Typically a charge is
1907 definition from Spencer v Commonwealth still
made for tangible assets; the intangible earnings are then
attributed between specific intangible assets based onquantitative research, or the valuer’s judgment of their
The price that would be negotiated in an open andunrestricted market between a knowledgeable, willing but
not anxious buyer and a knowledgeable, willing but not
In some technical valuations, the use of several
anxious seller acting at arm’s length.
valuation methods is required to determine a robust,
Non-market value bases include investment value
defensible valuation. Additionally, it is recommended
(the value of the property to a particular investor), value
that IP valuations should be supported by a valuation of
the enterprise or business unit in which it operates. Thisprovides an additional layer of cross-checks.
Whatever the basis of valuation, the valuer will apply
one or more of the cost, market or income approaches.
A value-based approach to IP management enables
The cost approach determines value on the basis of
companies to make rational economic decisions regard-
the cost to create a similar property. This is generally not
ing which IP to invest in, what royalty rate to apply,
suitable for unique intangibles such as trade marks and
whether to proceed with a transaction, and what dam-
patents as there is not a close relationship between their
cost and economic worth. The approach can be used for
Lawyers should be able to advise their clients when
valuing replicable IP such as software.
The market approach establishes value by reference
to sales of similar or substitute properties. This is not
suitable for most IP as there is insufficient comparable
data due to the lack of an active market.
The income approach is normally the most appropri-
ate for the valuation of IP and is the most widely usedapproach for business valuation. This determines the
value of an asset as the present value of the future cash
‘Global Intangible Tracker’ 2001 to 2007, Brand Finance Plc at
Lev B Intangibles: Management, Measurement, and Reporting
Within the income approach there are several avail-
‘Determinination of Fair Value of Intangible Assets for IFRS
able methods of intangible asset valuation. The most
Reporting Purposes’ International Valuation Standards Com-
widely used are relief from royalty and a variety of
Spencer v Commonwealth (1907) 5 CLR 418.
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