MANITOBA SCHIZOPHRENIA SOCIETY NEWSLETTER Editor’s note: This year’s Journey of Hope Walk was another rousing success.While so many people must be congratulated for their fund raising efforts, we would like to pay special tribute to one – Tracy Stople, who, along with her Mother and family, raised a whopping $4,460! Tracy has been a family care giver for many years – her Mother, Jean Stople, lives with Schizo- affective Disorder – and she wanted to share her story with readers of our Newsletter. Here it is, in her own words… A Labour of Love – Tracy Stople Raises Over $4,660
in Honour of Her Mother
A long time ago, when I was nine years old, my Mother came into my bedroom and quite calmly informed me that there were people in my closet and we couldn’t let them out. I didn’t know at the time that she was having her first psychotic episode. Now, 36 years later, my mother, Jean Stople, is enjoying her life and participating in such activities as the Manitoba Schizophrenia Society (MSS) Woman’s Group which meets every Thursday afternoon.
Having Schizo-affective Disorder, my Mother has had to endure major struggles and hardships most of her life. As a Tracy Stople (centre),this year’s Journey of Hope Walk top fundraiser with her Mom Jean and Dad Gerald daughter, I have witnessed the effects of this disease on her developed a real understanding of what people with a mental relationships, not only within our immediate family but with all illness have to face everyday. Stigma is a challenge for both the consumer and family members and hopefully one day stigma This year, my mother turned 80 years old and I wanted to do can be eradicated from society. All individuals, especially ones something special to honour her. She has amazing inner with a mental illness, should be treated fairly and with respect.
strength, is exceptionally intelligent, and loves her family deeply. My mother contributes to society in her own way each and However, due to her illness, it has been difficult for her to every day.
socially connect, however she loves to be around people. So I I never realized what a challenge it would be to raise money decided to organize an 80th birthday “bash” for her and my for the Schizophrenia Journey of Hope Walk. I knew I would have to probably organize a few fund raisers but I was not I also decided to participate in the MSS Journey of Hope prepared for the results. My first fund raiser was a Magic Show.
Walk on September 13. In so doing, I made up my mind to I thought I had all the bases covered. I was convinced that with set another goal - to be the top canvasser this year at the all the advertising I did, I would fill the Community Centre with Walk so that my Mom’s picture could be in the newsletter. I over 200 people. A big oops – only 50 people came.
wanted to show the whole world how proud I was of her.
As anyone who has a family member with a major mental In This Issue
disorder can attest, life can be quite a roller coaster ride.To A Labour of Love. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 this day, my father is still emotionally distraught over my mother’s illness. As it is very painful for him, he prefers not to First-Class Centre. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 acknowledge it. However, he has been next to her side the Journey of Hope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 whole time and that in itself speaks volumes. They are Recovery Through Art . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 practically inseparable and he will do anything for her. He has Ziprasidone Hydrochloride Recommended. . . . . . . 5 provided her with a safe home and has never abandoned her.
MSS’s Sherri Matsumoto receives Award . . . . . . . . . 6 He is truly a hero and I am also very proud of him.
Quality of life. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 As for myself, the hardships I have had to endure with my Canada Post Establishes New Foundation . . . . . . . 10 mother’s illness have taught me many valuable skills such as Cinesanity . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 compassion, resilience, patience, and independence. I have Locations/Board. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Back Cover Recovery Through Art
Editor’s Note: Laurie Green is a local artist who has been actively involved with Winnipeg-based Artbeat Studio a mental health consumer initiated, peer directed, and recovery oriented program. Here is her story… I only have praise for Artbeat Studio and the Bart family who About Artbeat Studio
work tirelessly to ensure Artbeat’s continued success. I was fortunate to have been chosen as a member of the fourth group Artbeat Studio is a mental There was exceptional support and encouragement from Nigel oriented program. This Bart, the Studio Facilitator, Lucille Bart, the Director, and the eight community-based studio other artists who were part of my cohort. We worked accommodates artists cooperatively and shared our ideas and areas of artistic expertise whose mental health, social with each other. In addition to having a creative aptitude that connection, and income artists like to explore, one of the additional criteria for being make it impracticable for selected to Artbeat is that applicants must be living with some them, individually, to Artbeat Studio founders Lucille and Nigel Bart As we progressed through our term, it seemed we began to they might advance their artistic technique safely and securely.The identify ourselves more as artists than as a group of mentally ill artists are supported and mentored in managing their own individuals. Our self-esteem increased as our strengths were workplace, production, and marketing within the operating Artbeat Studio accommodates a group of nine artist applicants per six-month period.Visit Artbeat at .
Moving Lives
Forward Scholarship
The Manitoba Schizophrenia Society was pleased to partner once again with Eli Lilly Canada Inc. to offer the “Lilly Moving Lives Forward Scholarship” in Manitoba. The purpose of the Scholarship is to few alumni were able to Bradley is performing at his group’s show July, 2008. It provide financial assistance to persons with severe and took him 20 minutes to paint Jimi Hendrix while secure shared studio listening to his music.
persistent mental illnesses such as schizophrenia and space at 444 Kennedy in exchange for giving workshops to the bipolar disorder enabling them to participate in a range tenants of the apartment building. Also, a few other alumni began of eligible educational programs. The Scholarship is working at “the Edge” at 611 Main St. Two other alumni artists intended to help such individuals acquire the recently moved into studio space at cre8ery on Adelaide Street.A few other alumni and I began taking part in activities at Art from educational and vocational skills they need to move the Heart. No matter where we end up, we have a common bond their lives forward and realize their full potential. as alumni of Artbeat Studio. Many of us return to visit or volunteer because we believe in the philosophy of “recovery through The following are recipients of this year’s scholarship fund. Congratulations to: Barbara Chatelain, Grant Funk, Chris Gauthier, Chris Nethery, Tannis Olson, Tyrone Otte, Brandi Randell, and three individuals who


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