
Sei in der medizinischen Forschung die Grundgesamtheit der M¨ ur einen Herzinfarkt indentifiziert. Aus Erfahrungsberichten von Pa- tienten werde vermutet, dass die regelm¨ aßige Einnahme einer geringen Menge Aspirin das Risiko eines Herzinfarktes senken kann. Sie seien Teil einer Forschergruppe, die diese Hypthese untersuchen ochte, und beraten diese auf statistischem Gebiet. Ihre Kollegen aus der Medizin spezifizieren die Individuum i beginnt ab Zeitpunkt T mit der t¨ Individuum i beginnt ab Zeitpunkt T mit der t¨ Individuum i wurde im Zeitraum T bis T+365 Tage mindestens einmal wegen eines Herzinfarktes in ein Krankenhaus eingeliefert oder ist in diesem Zeitraum an Individuum i wurde im Zeitraum T bis T+365 Tage kein einziges Mal wegen eines Herzinfarktes in ein Krankenhaus eingeliefert und ist in diesem Zeitraum nicht autern Sie die potentiellen Ergebnisse f¨ (ii) (2 Punkte) Ihnen steht eine Stichprobe der Gr¨ oße N = 22071 aus der Grundgesamtheit aller anner mittleren Alters (ohne Vorerkrankugen) zur Verf¨ 11037 Individuen werden per Zufallsgenerator der Behandlungsgruppe zugewiesen (C = 1), die anderen dienen als Kontrollgruppe (C = 0). Das Ergebnis Y = 1 wird in der Behand- lungsgruppe 104 mal beobachtet, in der Kontrollgruppe 189 mal. Berechnen Sie mit diesen ur den mittleren kausalen Effekt einer Behandlung.
agt vor, dass bei der Berechnung des mittleren kausalen Effekts andere Beobachtungsmerkmale wie etwa das Alter der Individuen ber¨ offentlichung Ihrer Studienergebnisse lesen Sie in der Zeitung, dass es gesund sei, jeden Tag eine Aspirin zu schlucken. Welche Einw¨ (5 Punkte) If we think that β1 is positive in (13.14) and that ∆ui and ∆unemi are negatively correlated, what is the bias in the OLS estimator of β1 in the first-differenced equation? [Hint: Review Equation (5.4).] [Quelle: Wooldridge 3e & 4e Problem 13.4] (Hinweis: Schreiben Sie ∆ui als β2∆xi + ∆vi, wobei ∆xi die vergessene Variable repr¨ VOTE2.RAW includes panel data on House of Representative elections in 1988 and 1990. Only winners from 1988 who are also running in 1990 appear in the sample; these are the incumbents.
An unobserved effects model explaining the share of the incumbent´s vote in terms of expenditures voteit = β0 + δ0d90t + β1 log(inexpit) + β2 log(chexpit) + β3incshrit + ai + uit, where incshrit is the incumbent´s share of total campaign spending (in percent form). The un- observed effect ai contains characteristics of the incumbent - such as ”quality” - as well as things about the district that are constant. The incumbent´s gender and party are constant over time, so these are subsumed in ai. We are interested in the effect of campaign expenditures on election (i) (1 Punkt) Difference the given equation across the two years and estimate the differenced equation by OLS. Which variables are individually significant at the 5% level against a two- (ii) (1 Punkt) In the equation from part (i), test for joint significance of ∆ log(inexp) and (iii) (2 Punkte) Reestimate the equation from part (i) using ∆incshr as the only independent variable. Interpret the coefficient on ∆incshr. For example, if the incumbent´s share of spen- ding increases by 10 percentage points, how is this predicted to affect the incumbent´s share (iv) (1 Punkt) Redo part (iii), but now use only the pairs that have repeat challengers. [This allows us to control for characteristics of the challengers as well, which would be in ai. Levitt (1995) conducts a much more extensive analysis.] (Hinweis: Verwenden Sie hierzu das Objekt [Quelle: Wooldridge 3e & 4e Computer Exercise C13.8] (4 Punkte) Zeigen Sie, dass unter der Annahme seriell unkorrelierter uit mit konstanter Varianz The file MATHPNL.RAW contains panel data on school districts in Michigan for the years 1992 through 1998. It is the district-level analogue of the school-level data used by Papke (2001). The response variable of interest in this question is math4, the percent of fourth graders in a district receiving a passing score on a standardized math test. The key explanatory variable is rexpp, which is real expeditures per pupil in the district. The amounts are in 1997 dollars. The spending variable (i) (1 Punkt) Consider the static unobserved effects model math4it = δ1y93t + . . . + δ6y98t + β1 log(rexppit) +β2 log(enrolit) + β3lunchit + ai + uit, where enrolit is total district enrollment and lunchit is the percent of students in the district eligible for the school lunch program. (So lunchit is a pretty good measure of the district- wide poverty rate.) Argue that β1/10 is the percentage point change in math4 when real per-student spending increases by roughly 10%.
(ii) (1 Punkt) Use first differencing to estimate the model in part (i). The simplest approach is to allow an intercept in the first-differenced equation and to include dummy variables for the years 1994 through 1998. Interpret the coefficient on the spending variable.
(iii) (2 Punkte) Now, add one lag of the spending variable to the model and reestimate using first differencing. Note that you lose another year of data, so you are only using changes starting in 1994. Discuss the coefficients and significance on the current and lagged spending variables.
(iv) (2 Punkte) Obtain heteroskedasticity-robust standard errors for the first-differenced regres- sion in part (iii). How do these standard errors compare with those from part (iii) for the (v) (1 Punkt) Now, obtain standard errors robust to both heteroskedasticity and serial correlation.
What does this do to the significance of the lagged spending variable? (vi) (2 Punkte) Verify that the differenced errors rit = ∆uit have negative serial correlation by carrying out a test of AR(1) serial correlation.
(vii) (4 Punkte) Based on a fully robust joint test, does it appear necessary to include the enroll- [Quelle: Wooldridge 3e & 4e Computer Exercise C13.11] (4 Punkte) Zeigen Sie, dass es sinnvoll ist, die gew¨ ohnlichen OLS-Standardfehler aus Aufgabe 5 (iii) durch die Autokorrelation- und Heteroskedastie-robusten Standardfehler zu ersetzen. Gehen Sie dabei auch kritisch auf die FD-Annahmen ein.

Source: http://www-wiwi.uni-regensburg.de/images/institute/vwl/tschernig/lehre/oeko_iii_ws_blatt_02.pdf

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Managing Your Child’s MRSA How to treat your child’s MRSA at home MRSA (MER-suh) stands for methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus. This type of bacteria does not respond to treatment with common drugs. To learn more about MRSA, please see the flyer titled “” or other materials that your child’s healthcare provider gives to you. This kind of bacteria does not respond to

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MEASURING VIBRATION EXPOSURE TO WHEELCHAIR USERS IN THE COMMUNITY. Yasmin Garcia BSa,b, Jonathan Pearlman PhDa,b, Steve Hayashi BSa,b, Juan J. Vazquez MSa,b, Rory A. Cooper PhDa,b, aHuman Engineering Research Laboratories, Department of Veterans Affairs, Pittsburgh, PA; bDepartment of Rehabilitation Science and Technology, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA; cDepartment of Physi

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