Mordecai was a Benjamite (Esther 2:5). And Benjamin was the son of Rachel. Rachel was also another heroine who knew how to hide things and emotions.
When her father, Laban swapped her with her sister,
Leah, in Rachel's marriage to Jacob, she did not cry
out nor protest against injustice. She did not desire to
Behind The Scenes Of Purim bring shame to her father and her sister. She hid her
feelings, suffering in silent pain until Jacob finally
Behind the scenes of Purim is a loving and invisible
God working to deliver His beloved people from their
Rachel’s son, Joseph was also a case of hidden
enemies. From the beginning to the end of the Book of
identity. His godly qualities and greatness were
Esther, we would not find Him or any mention of His
concealed from his parents and brothers. Even in
name. This is the only book in the Bible that the name
Potiphar’s palace, his godliness and purity were
of God is not being named even once. Nevertheless,
hidden until Potiphar’s wife exposed them. He kept his
His invisible presence is visibly felt as He orchestrated
testimony and brought honour to God even in the
and turned a day of destruction of the Jewish people
hidden prisons and dark dungeons. He was a treasure
into a day of great deliverance for them!
hidden and preserved by God for a specified time and
task. When his brothers came to Egypt to seek food in
Though God was hidden behind the Purim scenes, His
times of famine, Joseph successfully hid himself from
hands were evidently moving throughout the whole
them. They could not recognize him behind his grand
saga. Nothing was given to chance or coincidence,
apparel of royal Egyptian garments. He also hid a
silver cup in Benjamin’s sack (Gen 44:12) to test
whether his brothers would again forsake and
Queen Vashti refused to appear at the royal feast.
abandon their own brother. A masquerade that
The king replaced his disrespectful queen.
eventually became a master plan of God to build Israel
Esther was chosen to be the new queen.
from merely 70 people to a nation of millions (Gen
Mordecai was at the right place at the right time to
Haman plotted to annihilate all the Jews.
Another Benjamite, Saul felt unworthy to become the
Mordecai came to know about Haman’s evil plan.
first king of Israel. He hid himself among the baggage
when the people of Israel came searching for him to
The king’s servants reminded him of Mordecai’s
elect him as their king (1 Sam 10:21-23).
The miracle of Purim is a hidden one. Chanukah was
The king walked in when Haman was in the
an open miracle. The oil, which was only enough to
burn for one day, persisted to burn for eight days.
Everyone was able to see the bright miracle of
The Jews were delivered, and their enemies were
Chanukah. But the Purim miracle was not so obvious.
Who actually saved the entire Jewish community from
destruction? The king? Esther? Mordecai? Or God?
Purim is the holiday in hiding. This idea of
concealment is found in the very name of the heroine
of the book. The name Esther is derived from the
The entire deliverance of the Jewish people is being
Hebraic root str which means "hidden." In Deut 31:18,
masked. It is a story wrapped in a disguise, hidden
God gave Israel this warning, "And I will surely hide
behind a costume, concealed behind a mask. We
My face in that day because of all the evil which they
need to unmask the Hidden God in between the
have done, in that they have turned to other gods."
verses of the ten chapters of Esther. The Invisible
This verse may suggest that the Lord had hidden
controls the visible, and the Unseen is more powerful
This is the theme of the book – hidden people and
Another thing hidden in Purim is the feast itself. The
hidden plans. Take Esther for example. No one knew
Feast of Purim is the most physical of all the Jewish
who she really was except her cousin Mordecai
holidays. Work is permitted as usual on Purim unless it
(Esther 2:20). Even her husband, King Ahasuerus was
falls on a Sabbath. The festive Purim meal, the
sending of cooked food to friends, the gifts of charity
to the poor, and even the encouragement to drink
Mordecai was also a hidden character - working
excessively - all of these deal with the physical body
quietly and secretly behind the scenes. He adopted
and soul. Almost nothing spiritual. In contrast to the
Esther as his daughter at the death of her parents
most spiritual and holiest Feast of the Lord, Yom
(Esther 2:7). Through this act and many following, he
Kippur, Purim seems to be the direct opposite. But
became a precious vessel that God used to deliver His
upon closer examination, the two are closely related in
The official name of Yom Kippur is Yom HaKippurim.
We will be celebrating Purim @ WHOP through
Literally, this means "a day like Purim." This is
praise, worship, scriptural reading and intercession.
astounding. Yom Kippur is a day like Purim. How can
this be? Opposite and yet the same. Both of them are
mirror images of one another. On Yom Kippur we are
forbidden to eat or drink, on Purim we are bidden to eat and drink. Yom Kippur is overwhelmingly spiritual;
Purim is overwhelmingly physical and soulish. God is
interested in the whole man - whole spirit, soul and body be preserved blameless at the coming of our
We are to serve God in the Holy of Holies at a solemn
Yom Kippur, and also to serve Him at the outer courts
celebrating and feasting with His people in a joyful
Purim. Spirituality is both vertical and horizontal, both
private and public, both unseen and seen.
Please join us as we read and pray together through
We must be willing to be hidden by God till He reveals
us to the world as His light and salt. Joseph was
WHOP (Worldwide House Of Prayer)
hidden in Egypt to save his family and the people of
7 Armenian Street, #03-03, Singapore 179932
the lands. Baby Jesus was hidden in Egypt until King
Herod died (Matthew 2:13-15). He then returned to
save His people from their sins. Prophet Elijah was
hidden in the brook of Cherith, and kept by God to do greater things (1 Kings 17:1-7).
However, we speak wisdom among those who are mature, yet not the wisdom of this age, nor of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing. But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory. But as it is written: "Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him." But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. (1 Cor 2:6-11)
When God hides His face from us, His hand is still here with us. He is always with us through each single day and night. He has something great in store for us even though we may not see or comprehend them. One day, everything hidden will be unveiled. Every riddle will be solved. The LORD is now working behind the scenes to bring forth the salvation of Israel and all the nations of the earth. When He unmasks Himself, all of us will see Him face to face. Written by: Joshua Ong (WHOP Coordinator) 5 March 2012
ABSTRACT Keywords: bee products, antibiotics apitherapy, sulfonamides, heavy metal contamination, imunoenzymatic assay (ELISA), RIA CHARM II assay, TETRASENSOR, high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), liquid chromatography with mass spectrometry The doctoral thesis “ Quantitative correlation of heavy metals and antibiotics in melliferous flora, honey and bee product, established
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