Patrick THONNEAU Fonction : Représentant de l'IRD en Tunisie Mail : PARCOURS ACADEMIQUE / QUALIFICATIONS :
DIRECTEUR de l'Equipe de recherche EA 36 94, Toulouse (2001 – 2008) VICE-PRESIDENT du CONSEIL SCIENTIFIQUE de la Faculté de Médecine de Toulouse (2005-
MEMBRE FONDATEUR du GIS « Santé, Société » (ancien IFR 126) ; Université Paul Sabatier
ENSEIGNANT auprès de la Faculté de Médecine de Toulouse et de l'Université Paul Sabatier
(Toulouse III) ; Ecole Doctorale Biologie Santé Biotechnologies, Toulouse III; Ecole Doctorale d'Epidémiologie, Bordeaux et Paris XI; Ecole Doctorale Médecine et Biologie de la Reproduction , Paris VII)
PRESIDENT de la Société d'Andrologie de Langue Française (SALF) (2007-2009) Membre de l'Association des Epidémiologistes de Langue Française (ADELF) Membre de l'Académie Européenne d'Andrologie (organisateur et président du congrès européen
Membre de l'Association Internationale d'Andrologie (ISA) (Représentant pour la France) EXPERT–CONSULTANT auprès de l'UNICEF et de l'OMS
FONCTIONS EXERCEES : Direction de l'Unité de recherche EA 36 94 « Recherche en Fertilité Humaine – Santé de la
Reproduction dans les Pays Emergents » ; Université de Toulouse/CHU/INSERM; 1999 - 2008
Chercheur INSERM (U-292) - responsable de l'équipe « Epidémiologie de la Fertilité » ; 1987 - Praticien Hospitalier ; Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris ; 1990 – 1999
COORDINATION (co-coordination) DE PROJETS NATIONAUX ET INTERNATIONAUX : ANR (Agence Nationale de la Recherche) : Facteurs de risque de survenue de la cryptorchidie.
INSERM, CHU de Toulouse et Limoges ; 2005-2008.
ABM (Agence de la Bio Médecine) : Analyse des parcours thérapeutiques de couples inféconds admis dans un programme d'assistance médicale à la procréation. INSERM, INED, CHU/CHR : 2007-2009. AFFSET (Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire de l'Environnement) : Evaluation des conséquences de l'exposition professionnelle aux pesticides chez les personnes travaillant en arboriculture en Midi Pyrénées. Mutualité Sociale Agricole, Agence Française de Sécurité Sanitaire des Aliments, laboratoires privés ; 2007-2009. Ligue Nationale contre la Cancer : Adolescent et cancer : préservation de la fertilité.
Fédération Française des CECOS (Centre d'étude et de conservation du sperme et des œufs), CHU et Université Toulouse ; 2008-2010.
Programme UNICEF (Evolution de la mortalité et de la morbidité maternelles en Tunisie) ;
de la Santé publique de Tunisie, Institut National de la Statistique de Tunisie ; 2007-2010.
Programme européen PASSAGE (Programme d'Approche Solidaire en Santé Génésique ) ;
IRD, ULB (Université Libre de Bruxelles), IMT (Institut de Médecine Tropicale d'Anvers), l'Association Equilibres et Populations ; 2006 – 2009.
Programme franco-tunisien de formation à la prise en charge de l'infécondité, en partenariat
avec la Société Tunisienne de Gynécologie Obstétrique (STGO), la Société Française d'Andrologie (SALF) ; 2008-2009.
Programme AQUASOU du Ministère Français des Affaires Etrangères (Amélioration de la qualité des soins obstétricaux d'urgence en Afrique de l'Ouest et Afrique Centrale) ; INSERM, IRD, IMT, ULB, Association Equilibres et Populations ; 2002-2005. Programme européen INCO-DEV : First-trimester obstetrical complications in West and Central African region ; 1998-2002. Programme OMS. Assessment and risks factors of maternal mortality in Africa ; 1998-2001. Programme européen INTAS (European Union programmes for New Independent States): Trends in maternal mortality in Kazakhstan and central Asian countries ; 1997-2001. Programme européen (European Concerted Action): Public health and Occupational hazards to human reproductive capacity (Denmark, Greece, Great Britain, France, Italy, Poland); 1997- 2000. Programme du Ministère Français des Affaires Etrangère. Implementation, monitoring and evaluation of national family planning programmes in South-East Asian Countries ; 1995- 1997.
Thonneau P, Almont T. Contraceptive efficacy of intra-uterine dev ices. American J Obstet Gynaecol 2008;
Khedis M, Nohra J, Dierickx L, Walschaerts M, Soulié M, Thonneau P, Plante P, Huy ghe E .Polyorchidism:
presentation of 2 cases, rev iew of the literature and a new management strategy. Urol Int 2008; 80(1):98-101.
Walschaerts M, Huyghe E, Muller A, Bachaud J-M, Bujan L, Thonneau P. Doubling of testicular cancer
incidence rate over the last 20 years in southern France. Cancer Causes and Control 2008; 19 (2):155-61.
Velez de la Calle J-P, Muller A, Walschaerts M, Clav ere J-L, Jimenez C, Wittemer C, Thonneau P. Sperm
deoxy ribonucleic acid fragmentation as assessed by the sperm chromatin dispersion test in assisted reproductiv e technology programs: results of a large prospective multicenter study. Fertility and Sterility 2008.
Walschaerts M, Muller A, Daudin M, Hennebicq S, Thonneau P. Sperm cryopreservation: recent and marked
increase in use f or testicular cancer compared with Hodgkin’s disease. J Androl 2007; 28(6):801-80.
Huy ghe E, Muller A, Mieusset R, Bujan L, Bachaud J-M, Chevreau C, Plante P, Thonneau P Impact of
diagnostic delay in testis cancer: results in a large population bases study. Eur Urology2007;
Huy ghe E, Nohra J , Vezzozi D, Daudin M, Bennet A, Caron P, Thonneau P, Plante P .Fertility bef ore and after
treatment of patients with Ley dig cell tumour. Prog Urol 2007 Jun; 17(4):841-5.
Walschaerts M, Muller A, Auger J Bujan L, Guérin J-F, Le Lannou D, Clav ert A, Spira A, Jouannet P,
Thonneau P. Env ironmental, occupational and f amilial risks f or testicular cancer: a hospital-based case-control study. Int J Andrology 2007; 30(4): 222-229.
Huy ghe E, Plante P, Thonneau P. Testicular cancer variations in time and space in Europe. Eur Urology
Sergerie M, Mieusset R, Daudin M, Thonneau P, Bujan L. Ten-y ear v ariation in semen parameters and sperm
deoxy ribonucleic acid integrity in a healthy f ertile man. Fertil Steril 2006; Nov; 86 (5):1513-18.
Thonneau P, Almont T, La Rochebrochard (De) E, Maria B. Risk f actors f or IUD f ailure: results of a large
multicentre case-control study. Hum Reprod 2006; 21(10):2612-2616.
La Rochebrochard (De) E, De Mouzon J, Thepot F, Thonneau P, and the FIVNAT Group. Fathers ov er 40 and
increase failure to conceive: the lessons of in vitro f ertilization in France. Fertil Steril 2006; 85(5):1420-4.
Dongmo R, Fenieys D, Aminou M, Calvez T, Gruénais M-E, PhD, Thonneau P. Introduction d’un système
d’inf ormation obstétricale : résultats d’une étude pilote menée au Nord Cameroun, Rev Epidemiol Santé Publique 2006,54:507-515.
La Rochebrochard (De) E, Thonneau P. Paternal age: are the risks of infecundity and miscarriage higher when
the man is aged 40 y ears or ov er? Rev Epidemiol Sante Publique 2005; 53:2S47-2S55.
Hijazi Y, Namory K, Fenyes D, Diallo H, Balde MD, Thonneau P. Misoprostol use for labor induction in
dev eloping countries: a prospectiv e study in Guinea. European J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2005; 12(4)34-38.
Huy ghe E, Soulié M, Escourrou G, Mieusset R, Plante P, Thonneau P. Conserv ativ e management of small
testicular tumors relativ e to carcinoma in situ prev alence J Urol 2005;173:820-823.
Huy ghe E, Matsuda T, Daudin M, Chev reau C, Bachaud JM, Plante P, Bujan L, Thonneau P. Fertility after
testicular cancer treatments. Cancer 2004; 100:732-737.
Thonneau P, Matsuda T, Alihonou E, de Souza J, Faye O, Moreau J-C, Djanhan Y, Welf ens-Ekra C, Goy aux N.
Distribution of causes of maternal mortality during deliv ery and post-partum: results of an African multicentre hospital-based study. European J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 2004; 114:150-154.
Thonneau P, Matsuda T, Goyaux N, Djanhan Y , Y ace-Soumah F, Welf ens C. Determinants of maternal deaths
in induced-abortion complications in Iv ory Coast. Contraception 2004; 70:319-326.
Leke R, Goy aux N, Matsuda T, Thonneau P. Ectopic pregnancy in Africa: a population-based study perf ormed
in Y aounde, Cameroon. Obstet Gynecol 2004; 103:692-697.
De La Rochebrochard E, Thonneau P. Paternal age> 40 y ears: an important risk factor for infertility. American J Obstet Gynecol 2003; 189:901-905.
Goy aux N, Leke R, Keita N, Thonneau P. Ectopic pregnancy in African developing countries. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2003; 82:305-312.
Huy ghe E, Matsuda T, Thonneau P. Increasing incidence of testicular cancer worldwide: a rev iew. J Urol
De La Rochebrochard E, McElreav ey K, Thonneau P. Paternal age ov er 40 years: the ‘amber light’ in the
reproductiv e lif e of men? J Androl 2003; 24:459-465.
Thonneau P, Candia P, Mieusset R. Cryptorchidism: Incidence, risk factors, and potential role of env ironment:
an update. J Androl 2003; 24:155-162.
Thonneau P, Goy aux N, Gouf odji S, Sundby J. Abortion and maternal mortality in Af rica. New Engl J Med
Thonneau P, Hijazi Y, Goy aux N, Calvez T, Keita N. Ectopic pregnancy in Conakry, Guinea. Bull WHO 2002;
De La Rochebrochard E, Thonneau P. Paternal age and maternal age are risk f actors f or miscarriage: results
of a multicenter European study. Hum Reprod 2002; 17:1649-1656.
Giuliano F, Chevret-Measson M, Tsatsaris A, Reitz C, Murino M, Thonneau P. Prev alence of erectile
dysf unction in France: results of an epidemiological surv ey of a representativ e sample of 1004 men. Eur Urol 2002; 42:382-389.
Thonneau P, Goulard H, Goyaux N. Risk factors for intrauterine dev ice f ailure : a review. Contraception 2001;
Goy aux N, Alihonou E, Diadhiou F, Leke R, Thonneau P. Complications of induced abortion and miscarriage in
three African countries : a hospital-based study among WHO collaborating centers. Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2001; 81:568-573.
Velez de la Calle JF, Rachou E, Le Martelot MT, Ducot B, Multigner L, Thonneau P. Male inf ertility risk f actors
in a French military population. Human Reprod 2001; 16:481-486.
Bujan L, Daudin M, Charlet J-P, Thonneau P, Mieusset R. Increase in scrotal temperature in car drivers. Hum Reprod 2000; 15:1355-1357.
Goy aux N, Y acé-Soumah F, Welf ens-Ekra C, Thonneau P. Abortion complications in Abidjan (Iv ory
Coast).Contraception 1999; 60:107-109.
Thonneau P, Abell A, Larsens SB, et al. Effects of pesticide exposure on time to pregnancy: results of a
multicenter study in France and Denmark. Am J Epidemiol 1999;150:157-163.
Thonneau P, Larsens SB, Abell A, et al. Time to pregnancy and paternal exposure to pesticides: preliminary
results f rom Danish and French studies. Scand J Work Environ Health 1999; 25 sup 1:62-63.
Diadhiou F, Goyaux N, Fay e O, Thonneau P. A neglected but prev alent tragedy. Br Med J 1999; 318:1526. Bonde JP, Joffe M, Danscher G, Apostoli P, Bisanti L, Giwercman A, Kolstad HA, Thonneau P, Roelev eld N,
Vanhoome M. Objectives, designs and populations of the European Asclepios study on occupational hazards to male reproductiv e capability. Scand J Work Environ Health. 1999; 25 Suppl 1:49-61.
Thonneau P, Bujan L, Multigner L, Mieusset R. Occupational heat exposure and male fertility: a rev iew. Hum Reprod 1998; 13:2122-2125.
Kaupov a N, Nukusheva S, Biktashev a H, Goyaux N, Thonneau P. Trends and causes of maternal mortality in
Kazakhstan. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 1998; 63:175-181.
Ekani-Bessala M-M, Carré N, Calv ez T, Thonneau P. Prevalence and determinants of current contraceptive
method use in a palm-oil company in Cameroon. Contraception 1998; 58:29-34.
Goy aux N, Calvez T, Y ace-Soumah F, Welfens-Ekra C, Faye O, De Bernis L, Diadhiou F, Goufodji B, Alihonou
E, Carré N, Thonneau P. Obstetrical complications in West Africa. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 1998; 27:702-707.
Thonneau P, Fougeyrollas B, Ducot B, Boubilley D, Dif J, Lalande M, Soulat C. Complications of abortion
perf ormed under local anesthesia. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1998; 81:59-63.
Thonneau P, Ducot B, Bujan L, Mieusset R, Spira A. Effect of male occupational heat exposure on time to
pregnancy . Int J Androl 1997; 20:274-278.
Alihonou E, Carre N, Capochichi V, Thonneau P. Contraceptiv e continuation and its determinants in Benin.
Contraception 1997; 55:97-101.
Bisanti L, Olsen J, Basso O, Thonneau P, Karmaus W and The European Study Group on Infertility and
Subf ecundity. Shift work and subf ecundity: a European multicenter study. Occup Environ Med 1996; 38:352- 358.
De Mouzon J, Spira A, Thonneau P, Multigner L. Declining sperm count. Br Med J 1996; 313:43. Bonde JP, Giwercman A, Ernst E, Joffe M, Bisanti L, Vanhoorne M, Thonneau P, et al. Identifying
env ironmental risk to male reproductive f unction by occupational sperm studies: logistic and design options. Occup Environ Med 1996; 53:511-519.
Thonneau P, Djanhan Y , Tran M, Welf ens-Ekra C, Bohoussou M, Papiernik E. The persistence of a high
maternal mortality rate in the Iv ory Coast. Am J Public Health 1996; 86:1478-1479.
Thonneau P, Ducot B, Bujan L, Mieusset R, Spira A. Heat exposure as a hazard to male fertility. Lancet 1996;
Thonneau P, Poirel H, Fougeyrollas B. A comparative analysis of fall in haemoglobin f ollowing abortions
conducted by mifepristone (600mg) and v acuum aspiration. Hum Reprod 1995; 10:1512-1515.
Thonneau P, Quian X, Toure B. Obstetrics transfers and maternal mortality: a study in Conakry, Guinea.
Health Policy and Planning 1994; 91:8 1-90
Thonneau P, Goy aux N, Toure B, Barry TM, Cantrelle P, Papiernik E, Magnin G. Maternal mortality in Guinea :
assessment and perspectives. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 1994; 23:721-726.
Thonneau P, Fougey rollas B, Spira A. Analysis of 369 abortions conducted by miprefistone (RU486)
associated with sulprostone in a French family planning center. Fertil Steril 1994; 61:627-631.
Thonneau P, Ducot B, Spira A. Risk factors in men and women consulting f or infertility. Int J Fertil 1993;
Thonneau P, Quesnot S, Ducot B, Marchand S, Fignon A, Lansac J, Spira A. Risk f actors for f emale and male
inf ertility: results of a case-control study. Hum Reprod 1992; 7(1):55-58.
Thonneau P, Patureau J, Moyse C, Marchand S, Tallec A, Ferial ML, Lansac J, Lopes P, Tabaste JM. Inf ertility
in France: results of a multicenter surv ey in three French departments (1988-1989). Contracept Fertil Sex .1992; 20(1):27-32.
Toure B, Thonneau P, Cantrelle P, Barry TM, Ngo-Khac T, Papiernik E. Level and causes of maternal mortality
in Guinea. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 1992; 37:89-95.
Thonneau P, Toure B, Cantrelle P, Barry TM, Papiernik E. Risk f actors of maternal mortality: results of a case-
control study conducted in Conakry (Guinea). Int J Gynaecol Obstet 1992; 39:87-92.
Thonneau P, Marchand S, Tallec A, et al. Incidence and main causes of infertility in a resident population
(1,850,000) of three French regions (1988-89). Hum Reprod 1991; 6(6):811-816.
Thonneau P, Quesnot S, Lhomme JP, Testas P, Spira A. Ev aluation by women consulting in a family planning
centre of their own risk of HIV infection. AIDS 1991; 5:549-553.
Ducot B, Spira A, Thonneau P, Toulemon L, Léridon H. Difficulties in conceiving. Discussion about
methodology concerning the INED-INSERM surv ey carried out in France in 1988 on 3,181 women aged between 18 and 49. J Gynecol Obstet Biol Reprod 1991; 20(5):643-50. 1990 – 1989 - 1984
Thonneau P, D'Isle B. Does vasectomy hav e long-term effects on somatic and psychological health status?
Rev iew. Int J Androl 1990; 13:419-432.
Thonneau P, Spira A. Prevalence of inf ertility: international data and problems of measurement. Eur J Obstet Gynecol Reprod Biol 1990; 38:43-52.
Thonneau P, Gratton J. Health profile of applicants for ref ugee status (admitted into Quebec), August 1985 –
April 1986). Can J Public Health 1989; 81:182-186.
Delanoe D, Fougeyrollas B, Mey er L, Thonneau P. Androgenisation of f emale partners of men on
medroxy progesterone acetate/percutaneus testosterone contraception. Lancet 1984; 4:284.
Bactericidal activity of GAMA Healthcare Ltd. biocide determined using the European Standard Test method BS EN 1276:1997 against: Klebsiella pneumoniae NCTC 13368 (ATCC 700603) March 2007 Author: P. Humphreys Tests Carried Out By: University of Huddersfield Huddersfield Microbiology services School of Applied Sciences Queensgate Huddersfield HD1 3
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