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StoneCrest Medical Center
Nursing Student Orientation Test
1. Patients have a right to delete incorrect portions of their medical records: a. True 2. Use Standard Universal Precautions when you reasonably expect to come into contact with blood, mucous membranes, bloody fluids, secretions and/or excretions: 3. The proper response for a FIRE is: a. Code 0 a. StoneCrest is a smoke-free environment b. inside patient’s rooms with doctor’s orders c. in designated areas on the hospital campus 5. The purpose of Students Rights is to: a. recognize the personal values of employees/students b. ensure that proper and consistent patient care takes place c. both a and b d. none of the above 6. The MSDS (Material Safety Data Sheet) is used to: a. describe hazardous materials in your work area b. describe how to clean up hazardous materials c. both a and b d. none of the above 7. In the event of a hazardous spill, the first step is to: a. consult MDS sheets for instructions on handling the spill b. contain the spill to prevent the spread of material c. identify the substance d. none of the above 8. Hand washing is the most effective way to reduce the risk of infection transmission to both workers and patients: a. True 9. Patients have a right to access their health information: 10. Any documentation, medication administration, or intervention must be cosigned by your instructor. a. True 11. Match each code name to the type of emergency it describes: _____ Bomb Threat 12. Who can obtain and witness an informed consent from a patient? a. student nurse c. Physician b. RN or LPN d. B & C 13. Considering the patient Bill of Rights & Responsibilities, which of the following statements is false? a. The non-English speaking patient has access to an interpreter. b. The patient rights do not allow the right to be free from restraints. c. Patient has the right to exclude any family member from participating in d. All patients have the right to have their pain assessed and managed. 14. What pain measurement tool(s) would you use with a cognitively impaired 17 year old patient? a. Wong-Baker scale c. 0-10 Numeric 15. Since I have the ability to access, I can access my own record or my family members’ records? a. True 16. To call an emergency code, the correct number would be 17. An antibiotic with a volume of 50 ml is to be infused over 30 minutes. What rate/hour should be set on the infusion pump? a. 25cc/hour c. 60cc/hour b. 50cc/hour d. 100cc/hour
18. StoneCrest’s has restraint protocols that can be initiated by a RN?
a. True
19. Your patient is to receive Lopressor 25 mg PO every a.m. You have identified your patient using the armband with 2 identifiers (name and date of birth). When you go to scan the medication it will not scan. What action would you take? a. Scan the patient, read the medication label and give the Lopressor. b. Try to scan it again, if it doesn't scan, just skip the medication for today. c. Attempt to scan again, if it does not scan, take the medication to your d. Give it to the primary nurse and give your other medications due. 20. Lopressor 25 mg is scheduled to be given at 0900. At what times is it acceptable for the administration of this medication? a. 0900 until 1000 b. 0830 until 0930 c. 0800 until 0900 d. None of the above 21. Photographing/audio recording of patients or StoneCrest staff is acceptable as Long as the patient and/or staff agrees. 22. I am taking care of a patient on Contact –C Precautions, the appropriate hand hygiene is: a. Wash hands with soap and water b. Disinfect hands with a hand sanitizer c. Wash with soap and water and then a hand sanitizer I hereby acknowledge that I have reviewed and understand StoneCrest’s Student Nurse Orientation module and all its content. Signature ________________________________ Date __________________ School ___________________________________



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