Ifa - summary of cover

Summary of Cover – Members of the International Federation of

What is the Summary of Cover?
This document provides key information about Hiscox medical malpractice insurance. It
does not contain the full terms and conditions of the insurance cover and does not
constitute your insurance contract. If you have any additional questions, please refer to
the policy wording, your insurance adviser or contact our customer service team.

Product Name

: Medical Malpractice – Complementary Medicine and Beauty Type of Insurance : Liability package
Underwritten by

Significant Features and Benefits
The Hiscox complementary medicine and beauty policy is designed for individual
therapists, small beauty / complimentary clinics and training schools. Professional
bodies / associations representing their members should be referred to us for a tailor
made quotation.
Key Benefits

• The product is designed to cover malpractice, public and products liability and
includes financial loss cover as well as extensions for libel and slander, breach of confidentiality and loss of documents • Cover will indemnify the therapist for both the legal costs of defending an action and • Our malpractice cover is wide in its definition. We cover bodily injury, mental injury, illness, disease or death arising from business activities, or as a result of a good Samaritan act • We will work on your behalf to minimise the cost of a covered liability and any potentially damaging consequences (eg damaged relationships and/or time consuming litigation), through our proactive mitigation measures.
Other Important Features
• Cover is underwritten on a claims made basis
• The limit of indemnity is any one claim in addition to defence costs and all costs and
expenses recoverable from you by a claimant • Run-off cover is usually available if you cease to trade due to retirement, death or
Acceptable Therapies

Adveyic Medicine

Alexander Barrie Pelvic Correction
Amatsu Medicine
ANMA and Setai
Anataneea Technique
Aqua Detox Treatments
Aroma Soma
Aromasport Treatments
Astrological Therapy
Australian Bushflower Essences
Bach Flower
Balinese Massage
Bates Method
Beauty Therapy
Bio Detox
Bio Danza
Bio Dynamic Massage
Bio Dynamic Therapy
Bio Magnetic Therapy
Bio Therapeutic Therapy
Body Balance
Body Control Pilates
Body Contour Wrapping
Body Massage
Bowen Technique
Chavutti Thirumal
Colour Analysis
Colour Therapy
Cranial Sacral Therapy
Crystal Healing
Dance Movement Therapy
Eastern Head Massage
Energy Field Therapy
Energy Medicine
Esoteric Healing
Face & Daoyin TAO Massage Facial Therapy
Feldenkrais Therapy
Fenzian Treatment
Finders Inch Wrap
Foot Detox Treatment
GS Massage – Effleurage, Petrissage
Healing – Shamanic
Herbal Compress Massage
Herbal Medicine
Holistic Psycho therapy
Holistic & Swedish Massage Hopi Ear Candle
Hot & Cold Stone Massage
Hydrotherm Massage
Hyperton X
Image Consultant
Hydrotherm Treatments
Hydro Massage
Indian Head Massage
Japanese Face Massage
Jin Shin Jyutsu
Kats Eye Blend
Korean Head Massage
The Lebed Method
Life Coaching / NLP
Lomi Lomi Massage
Lotte Berk Exercise
Lymph Drainage Massage
Meridian Therapies
Metamorphic Technique
Mother & Baby Yoga
Mud Wrap & Inch Loss Wrap
Muscular Energy Technique Myotherapy
Myo Reflex Therapy
Neuro Linguistic Technique
Neuro Muscular Technique
Neuroskeletal Re-Alignment Therapy
No Hands Massage
Oils to Animals
On Site Massage
La Stone Therapy
La Stone Massage
Oriental Body Work
Pain Management
Personality Profiling
Polarity Therapy
Reflexology Therapy
Relaxation Teaching
Remedial Back Therapy
Remedial Sports Massage
The Rosen Method
Rozevburg Technique
Seated Massage
Seated Thai Massage
Soft Tissue Manipulation
Sound Therapy
Spinal Touch Treatment
Spiritual Healing
Spinal Reflexology
Stress Management
Sun Aqua Yoga
Swedish Massage
Thought Field Therapy
The Felden Krias Method
Thai Massage
Thai Yoga Massage
Therapeutic Massage
Thermo Auricular
Thought Therapy
Touch Pro Massage
Tibetan Acupressure Message
Trigger Point Therapy
Tui Na Massage
Vega Allergies
Vertical Reflex Therapy
Vibrational Meditation
Vortex Healing
Xero Balancing
Vibromuscular Harmonisation


Significant or unusual exclusions / limitations

• The therapist will normally have to pay an initial amount for each claim made against
them under the policy. The quotation and schedule of insurance will show the specific excesses applicable to the policy • Any type of work undertaken which has not been declared to and accepted by us will • Any claims, circumstances or shortcomings in the therapists work which they knew about or ought reasonably to have known about prior to inception of the policy are excluded • Any claims or circumstances where the therapist was under the influence of • It is a claim condition of the policy that records of each treatment are kept and
Duration of Contract

Policies will be issued on an annual basis – please refer to your schedule.

Cancellation Rights

If the cover does not meet your needs, you have 14 days from receipt of your policy
documentation to cancel. We will return any premium you have paid in full provided no
claims have been made on the policy during that time. Otherwise, you can cancel this
policy at any time giving 30 day’s notice and you will only be charged for the premiums
due up to the date of cancellation.
Claims Service

If you need to make a claim you should contact Towergate Professional Risks directly
on 0113 391 9555. You will need to provide your policy number and full details of the
claim or circumstance, including the date and the amount and circumstances of the loss.
It is when you make a claim that you really find out how good your insurer is and we are
confident you will not find a better service in the UK. Hiscox and Towergate Professional
Risks pride themselves on their fast, fair and sensible claims service, offering access to
expert legal teams where necessary.
This is a summary only of the cover, together with the main exclusions, and is
provided so that you have sufficient details to enable you to make an informed
choice. Please refer to the policy wording for full details, or contact us if there is
anything specific you would like to discuss

Questions and Complaints

If you have any queries, please contact Towergate Professional Risks using the details
: Towergate House, 5 Airport West, Lancaster Way, Yeadon, Leeds LS19 7ZA Complaints Procedure
We aim to provide you with a first class service. If we have not delivered the service
that you expect or you are concerned with the service provided, we would like the
opportunity to put things right.
Our complaints process
Initially, contact us to raise your concern with Towergate Professional Risks
Email: professionalrisks@towergate.co.uk If your complaint is against Hiscox Insurance Company Limited, please contact them directly using the details below: Post: Hiscox Customer Services Email: customerservices@hiscox.com We aim to provide you with a high level of customer service at all times, but if you are not satisfied, please contact us at the above address. In the event that you remain dissatisfied, you may be eligible to refer your case to the Financial Ombudsman Service. You will receive full details of how to do this at the appropriate stage of the complaint process. We are covered by the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS). You may be entitled to compensation from the scheme if we cannot meet our obligations to you. This depends on the type of insurance, size of the business and the circumstances of the claim. Further information about the compensation scheme arrangements is available from the FSCS. (www.fscs.org.uk)

Source: http://www.towergateprofessionalrisks.co.uk/PDF/IFA-Summary-of-Cover.pdf


Revista CENIC Ciencias Biológicas, Vol. 39, No. 1, 2008. Antibacterial effect of Costus spiralis leaves extract on pathogenic strains of Vibrio cholerae Celso Pérez, ♣ Alina Falero, Blanca Rosa Hung, Talena Ledón and Rafael Fando. Department of Biotechnology, National Center for Scientific Research, Ave. 25 y 158, Playa, P.O. Box 6412, Zip Code 10600 Havana, Cuba. Email: celso.pere

Spermatogonial stem cell preservation in boys with klinefelter syndrome: to bank or not to bank, that's the question

Spermatogonial stem cellpreservation in boys with Klinefeltersyndrome: to bank or not to bank,that's the questionInge Gies, M.D.,a Jean De Schepper, M.D., Ph.D.,a Ellen Goossens, Ph.D.,b Dorien Van Saen, M.Sc.,bGuido Pennings, Ph.D.,c and Herman Tournaye, M.D., Ph.D.b,da Department of Pediatrics, UZ Brussel, Brussels; b Research Group Biology of the Testis, Department of Embryology andGenetics

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