General post-op instructions

It is best to refrain from eating for at least 2 hours and until the anesthesia has worn off to prevent possibly injury to your lips, tongue or cheek. This will also allow the temporary filling to harden, depending upon the type used.
You will most likely feel soreness in the area as well as pressure when you bite down. For this reason, you should avoid hard and chewy foods. Do not eat on the treated side of your mouth for at least 24 hours. The soreness should decrease within a week.
Take any antibiotic medication prescribed to you by the doctor as this will eliminate any remaining infection in the tooth.
If you notice any of the following symptoms please contact our office: - Increasing tenderness or swelling in the area surrounding the tooth - Loss of the temporary filling material It is best to refrain from eating for at least 2 hours and until the anesthesia has worn off to prevent possibly injury to your soft tissue.
Temporary: Please be careful when cleaning around the temporary restoration. Do not
pull up on the temporary when flossing this area. Make sure to brush this area gently
and not to chew any hard or sticky foods with the restoration. If your temporary comes
off between appointments, please call our office so that we can reapply it for you.

Sensitivity: Sensitivity to hot and cold is to be expected following treatment. For the
first few days, do your best to avoid extremely hot or cold foods and beverages. It is
normal to have discomfort in the gums around the tooth after the anesthesia wears off.
If you feel discomfort in the gum tissue, rinse the area with warm salt water. You can
also take an Advil, Aleve or Tylenol if the discomfort persists.
Permanent Crown/Bridge: When the final restoration is placed, your bite may feel a
little different. This is typically your mouth adjusting to minor changes in the shape of the
tooth. If it still feels “off” after a few days, please call the office for a slight adjustment.
Home Care: It is important to resume regular brushing and flossing immediately. A
consistent daily home care routine will increase the longevity of the restoration.
It is best to refrain from eating for at least 2 hours and until the anesthesia has worn off to prevent possibly injury to your soft tissue.
Sensitivity: Sensitivity to hot and cold is not unusual and may be expected following
treatment. For the first few days, try to avoid extremely hot or cold foods and beverages.
It is normal to have discomfort in the gums around the tooth after the anesthesia wears
off. If you feel discomfort in the gum tissue, rinse the area with warm salt water. You can
also take an Advil, Aleve, or Tylenol if the discomfort persists.
Home Care: It is important to resume regular brushing and flossing immediately. A
consistent daily home care routine will increase the longevity of the restoration.
After your periodontal therapy appointment, it is best to rinse your mouth 2-3 times per day with warm salt water. (One teaspoon salt / 8 oz. glass of warm water.) You should start home care immediately, although you should be extremely gentle with the treated areas.
If you feel discomfort in the gum tissue where you had treatment, an Advil, Aleve, or Tylenol may be taken to relieve this feeling. The treated areas will probably be sensitive to hot and cold. It is best to refrain from eating any hard or chewy foods for the next 48-72 hours while the treated area begins to heal.
You may also experience some swelling or jaw stiffness. If this does occur, you can place a cold compress on the swelling or a hot towel on the stiffness.
Smoking should be terminated for a period of 48-72 hours following these procedures. Please contact the office if the pain or swelling persists.
It is best to refrain from eating for at least 2 hours and until the anesthesia has worn off to prevent possibly injury to your soft tissue.
Temporary: Please be careful when cleaning around the temporary restorations. Do not
pull up on the temporary when flossing this area. Make sure to brush this area gently
and not to chew any hard foods on the restoration.
If your temporary comes off between appointments, please call our office so that
we can reapply it for you.

Sensitivity: Sensitivity to hot and cold is to be expected following treatment. For the
first few days, try to avoid extremely hot or cold foods and beverages It is normal to
have discomfort in the gums around the tooth after the anesthesia wears off. If you feel discomfort in the gum tissue, rinse the area with warm salt water. You can also take an Advil or Tylenol if the discomfort persists.
Permanent Veneers: When the final restoration is placed, your bite may feel a little
different. This is just your mouth adjusting to the new addition. If it still feels off in a few
days, please call the office for a slight adjustment.
Home Care: It is important to resume regular brushing and flossing immediately. It is
very important to thoroughly clean the area between the veneer and the tooth at the
gumline. A consistent daily home care routine will increase the longevity of the
Bleeding: It is normal for minor bleeding to occur for the first 24 hours following surgery
If slightly heavier bleeding occurs:
1. Place a piece of gauze over the surgery site.
2. Bite firmly on the gauze for at least 30 minutes. DO NOT chew on it.
3. If the bleeding continues, call the office.
4. Do not suck on the area where the surgery occurred, or drink through a straw for the Rinsing:
1. Don’t spit or rinse the surgical area on the day of surgery.
2. The day after surgery you may gently rinse with warm salt water.
3. You may brush your teeth and your tongue after the surgery. Be careful around the Eating: You should start with liquids and very soft foods for the first 24-48 hours
following the surgery. If the area feels a little better, you can then move on to a normal
diet. Be careful of chewing on hard foods near the surgical area.
Pain & Swelling: It is normal to experience some degree of swelling. If you do
experience swelling, you can place ice over the affected area for 20-30 minutes at a
time during the first 24 hours. This should help to reduce pain and the swelling. Do not
ice after the first 36 hours. If you feel discomfort, it is recommended that you take Advil,
Aleve, or Tylenol to ease the pain. If the pain persists, please contact the office.


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