O r i g i n a l A r t i c l e Singapore Med J 2004 Vol 45(9) : 430 Smoking cessation programme: the Singapore General Hospital experience H C Zow, A A L Hsu, P C T Eng ABSTRACT Conclusion: We strongly recommend that all inpatients who are smokers to be routinely referred Introduction: The National Health Survey in for counselling. Singapore repor ted that the prevalence of smoking had decreased from 20 percent in 1984 Keywords: bupropion, counselling, nicotine to 15 percent in 1998. This may be due to the dependence, pharmacotherapy, smoking cessation efforts of smoking cessation education established Singapore Med J 2004 Vol 45(9):430-434island-wide. In this study, we review the efficacy of the Singapore General Hospital smoking cessation INTRODUCTION programme and examine the efficacy of different
Tobacco smoking is the single most preventable
treatment modalities.
and predictable cause of morbidity and mortality. Methods: We studied the immediate quit rate
Worldwide, smoking is responsible for at least 3
and point prevalence abstinence rates at six and
million deaths a year(1). In Singapore, smoking-
12 months in our telephone survey. Subjects were
related diseases are responsible for >2,600 deaths
patients who attended our programme from June
a year, or seven deaths a day(2). Since the 1970s,
1999 to December 2002. Pharmacotherapeutic aids
the government has been involved in tobacco
utilised with counselling sessions were individualised.
control campaigns and activities in Singapore. From
1984, anti-smoking education has been advocated
Results: The study populations for outpatient and inpatient arms were 394 patients and 425 patients,
through smoking control programmes established
respectively. In the outpatient programme, mean
at community centres, hospitals, schools and
age was 46 years (range of 12 to 80 years), and the
workplaces. A National Health Survey in 1998
showed that the smoking prevalence had decreased
ratio between males and females was 8.6. The
from 20% in 1984 to 15% in 1998(3). Although
outpatient immediate quit rate was 33 percent, and the six and 12 month quit rates were both
several studies have been published in major
36 percent. However, in the inpatient programme,
journals on the efficacy of smoking cessation
programmes, there is currently no published local
mean age was 65 years (range of 15 to 93 years),
or regional data. This study was conducted to review
and the ratio between males and females was 4.9.
the effectiveness of the Singapore General Hospital
Department of The six and 12 month quit rates of the inpatient Respiratory & arms were 30 percent and 32 percent, respectively. Critical Care
examine the efficacy of different treatment arms in
Medicine Although there is no statistically significant Singapore General Hospital difference in the different treatment modalities, Outram Road the immediate quit rates for bupropion only and Singapore 169608 counselling only were relatively higher (36 percent
The SGH smoking cessation programme was officially
and 41 percent, respectively). These were sustained
launched in June 1999. This included an outpatient
at more than 35 percent at six and 12 months
treatment programme and a one-time counselling
follow-up. We achieved comparable efficacy compared to published data. Counselling, as a
for inpatients. Group therapy was also available
which consists of one 30-minute individual evaluation
sole therapy, can be effective in a select patient group. One-time inpatient counselling achieved
session and four 45- minute group counselling
Correspondence to:
sessions. Appropriate clinical recommendations
a quit rate (32 percent at 12 months) far superior
were given, based on the first clinic visit with the
to previously- reported self-quit rate (3 percent
smoking cessation clinic medical officer. The
and 8 percent at 12 months).
patients would be routinely given an appointment
Singapore Med J 2004 Vol 45(9) : 431
with the smoking cessation counsellor, who was
Table I: Characteristics of outpatients and inpatients.
Pharmacotherapy recommended was individualised,
which included sustained-release bupropion, 16
hour nicotine patch, and nicotine inhaler. Patients
who were more than 18 years old and without
medical contraindication for pharmaceutical aid
Mean age (range)
were matched with one or more of these aids
targeted at their smoking and behavioral pattern. Co-morbidity
The regime for various pharmaceutical aids used in
the programme were: (1) sustained-release bupropion:
150mg per day was given for the first six days,
followed by 150mg twice daily for eight weeks;
(2) 16 hour nicotine patch- starting with 15mg
nicotine patch for eight weeks, followed by 10mg
for two weeks and 5mg for two weeks, one patch
daily; (3) nicotine inhaler- initially six to 12 cartridges
per day for eight weeks, thereafter three to six
cartridges per day for two weeks, followed by one to
three cartridges per day for two weeks.
Patients who were under 18 years old or with
medical contraindication for pharmaceutical aids
received counselling only. Inpatient counselling
involved 15 minutes face-to-face counselling. Patients
Source of referral
would be referred to the outpatient programme if
they needed further assistance on smoking cessation.
Patients who attended at least one counselling
session in the smoking cessation programme between
June 1999 and December 2002 were included in
the outpatient treatment programme. The study
population for inpatient counselling was smokers
admitted to SGH and who were referred for smoking
cessation counselling. After the last counselling
session, the patients were followed-up at six and
12 months through a telephone survey.
treatment arms. Chi-square test was used to evaluate
The main outcomes analysed were: outpatient
the association between quit rates and number of
immediate quit rate, outpatient and inpatient point-
sessions attended, and the association between quit
prevalence abstinence rates followed-up at six
rates and different treatment arms. Stepwise logistic
and 12 months, and quit rates of outpatients in
regression analysis was applied to identify predictors
different treatment arms. Immediate success of
for each quit rate. The factors included in the model
quitting was defined as a statement that smoking
were the number of sessions attended and the
had stopped totally before or at the last counselling
session. The individual self-reported smoking status
was assessed in each session by exhaled carbon
monoxide level using mini smokerlyzer as a smoking
The characteristics of the outpatients and inpatients
biochemical marker. A measurement of carbon
are presented in Table I. Intra-departmental referrals
monoxide level in expired air of <6ppm was
within SGH constituted the major source of outpatient
considered a valid reported abstinence(4). The six and
referrals. Forty-two patients were discharged from
12 month point prevalence abstinence rates were
the programme after the first session because they
defined as self-reported smoking status at the time of
were more interested in acupuncture or hypnotherapy,
or they could not afford the costs of treatment.
Descriptive statistical analyses were performed
A total of 436 outpatients attended at least one
to assess the overall immediate quit rates, six and
session between June 1999 and December 2002.
12 month quit rates, and the efficacy of different
The group therapy had enrolled 11 patients in
Singapore Med J 2004 Vol 45(9) : 432 Table II: Abstinence rates of outpatients who attended different
the programme, with only four patients completing
number of sessions and inpatients who received one-time
all five sessions. There were 446 inpatients referred
brief counselling.
for smoking cessation counselling during the
same period. Of these, 21 were enrolled into the
outpatient programme for further counselling and
pharmacotherapy. These patients were grouped
under the outpatient programme in the analysis
of outcomes. Therefore, the study populations for
outpatient and inpatient arms were 394 patients and
The overall outpatient immediate quit rate,
and six and 12 month quit rates of outpatients and
inpatients, and quit rates of outpatients who attended
different number of sessions are presented in
Table II. For the outpatient programme, subjects
who attended more counselling sessions were more
likely to quit at the last counselling sessions
(p<0.005) and at 6 months follow-up (p=0.004).
Based on self-reported smoking cessation and exhaled carbon monoxide
However, this were not apparent at 12 months
level at the last counselling session.
follow-up (p=0.132). The quit rates of outpatients
** Point-prevalence abstinence rates based on self-reported smoking
in the different treatment arms are shown in Table
cessation at the telephone follow-up survey.
III. There is no statistical difference at immediate,
n+ total number of patients evaluated.
six and 12 month quit rates between the treatment
arms. Using stepwise logistic regression, only the
number of sessions was significant at immediate
and six month quit rates (p<0.0005 and p=0.019,
respectively). For the quit rate at 12 months, neither
Table III: Abstinence rates of outpatients in different treatment arms.
the number of sessions nor the treatment arms
were significant. However, except for bupropion
only and no pharmacotherapy arms, the numbers
of patients in the remaining treatment arms were
small. The immediate quit rates for bupropion only
and no pharmacotherapy arms were relatively
higher (36% and 41%, respectively) and these
were sustained at >35% at 6 and 12 months
Previous published data on smoking cessation
programme in hospital or outpatient settings reported
quit rates of between 19% and 35.5% at 12 months
follow-up(5-10). The programme in SGH has achieved
comparable efficacy compared to these data, which
included different pharmaceutical aids(5-10). Unlike
the reported decay in abstinence rate over time(8),
our overall abstinence rates appeared to be more
Based on self-reported smoking cessation and exhaled carbon monoxide
sustained. In our programme, we aimed to provide at
level at the last counselling session.
least four individual counselling sessions of
** Point-prevalence abstinence rates based on self-reported smoking
30-minute duration as recommended by the United
cessation at the telephone follow-up survey.
States Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality(11).
n+ total number of patients evaluated.
We found that more counselling sessions have an
Excluded from analysis because of the very small numbers.
impact on immediate and six month quit rates;
however, this was not apparent on 12 month quit
rate. The optimal number of sessions for individual
Singapore Med J 2004 Vol 45(9) : 433
counselling to achieve long-term quit rate needs to be
There are several limitations in this study. First,
it is a retrospective study. Therefore, the outpatients
were not randomly assigned to different treatment
showed similar findings in the efficacy of different
arms and the numbers in some treatment arms
pharmaceutical aids, as illustrated in previous
were small. In addition, unaccounted sources of
published trials(8-10). However, it is difficult to
bias, such as the patient’s preference for specific
compare the various pharmacotherapies due to the
pharmacotherapy, may have skewed the efficacy of
heterogeneity in the published trials. In our study,
different treatment arms. Secondly, self-reported
the efficacy of the different treatment arms was
abstinence, in the absence of other confirmatory
similar. However, except for bupropion recipients
sources such as biochemical and third party
and patients who received only counselling,
verification, may overestimate the cessation rate.
the numbers in each treatment arm were small
Finally, the impact of one-time inpatient counselling
and all patients were not randomly assigned to
may not be significant as these patients are more likely
the different treatment arms. Bupropion recipients
to quit due to the episode of acute illness. We are
had a higher long-term abstinence rate and
currently analysing the matched data of smokers
patients who were not suitable for pharmaceutical
admitted during the same period and those who did
therapy also has a high immediate quit rate, which
was maintained at >35% during follow-up at
On conclusion, despite its limitations, the quit
12 months. In practice, pharmacotherapy should
rates of the smoking cessation programme in SGH
be individualised rather than randomly assigned.
are comparable, if not superior, to previous studies
This was probably one of the reasons for the
on such programmes in hospitals or outpatient
relatively high and sustained quit rates in our
settings involving different pharmaceutical aids.
programme. More research is needed before
The good results achieved in this study may be partly
evidence-based pharmacotherapy algorithms can
due to the use of multiple pharmacological aids
during the counselling sessions. Patients who received
We could not analyse the results of group
only counselling because of contraindication for
therapy due to the small sample size. Few patients
pharmacotherapy achieved good quit rates in the
were interested in the group sessions. The main
programme. Counselling, as a sole therapy, can be
reason given by our patients was that the group
effective in a select patient group. The good results
programme was time-consuming. The group therapy
of brief inpatient counselling may indicate that
consists of a single 30 minute individual evaluation
hospitalisation is a critical period to motivate patients
session and four group sessions lasting 45 minutes
to quit smoking. We strongly recommend all smokers
each. During group counselling, it usually takes
to be routinely referred for counselling during
a longer time to provide mutual support and
share resources among group members who face
common problems. It is possible that group therapy
is less popular and efficacious in heterogeneous
The authors thank Ms Stephanie Fook-Chong,
Biostatistician, Department of Clinical Research,
For one-time inpatient counselling, which
Singapore General Hospital, for providing statistical
involved 15 minutes of face-to-face counselling, a quit
rate of 32% at 12 months follow-up were achieved.
This was far superior to previously- reported self-
quit rate of 3% to 8%(12-14). Previous studies also
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Antibiotics Interaction Literature Search In an effort to evaluate the validity of the statement in the Glycar Pericardial Patch IFU which reads: “Antibiotics and/or anti-cycotics must NOT come in contact with the SJM Pericardial Patch with EnCap technology as these are known to alter the cross-link characteristics of tissue fixed in aldehyde preparations”, a literature search was