Sibsey free primary school english policy

Sibsey Free School
Special Medical Needs Policy
This Policy includes medical needs relating to asthma, diabetes, anaphylaxis and any other long
term medicinal need, including physical, plus guidance on other, less common conditions.

The school actively encourages attendance and participation at all times and will endeavour to support its pupils in its role of loco parentis as far as possible without contravening any other laid down procedures. Information in this policy relevant to parents will be brought to their attention in the School’s Prospectus. Before a child begins school, the parents are asked to notify the school of any special medical needs requiring attention of any kind ie. asthma, diabetes, hay fever, allergic reactions, food allergies etc. A list of all children with medical concerns is available in each classroom in the class register and in the medical room to assist in the awareness of each member of the staff. A health care plan will also be put into place specifying the necessary details and will be kept in the Health Care Plans file and monitored by the Assistant SENCO of the School.
As a school we have a duty of care to assist all pupils, this may include encouraging, or
persuading pupils to take their medication. If a child is reluctant to do so, clearly, force will not
be used, therefore parent/carers will be informed as a matter of urgency, in certain circumstances
the emergency services may be called.
Notification of Infectious Diseases
The Health Protection Agency will be contacted for advice about any outbreaks of infectious
diseases and about who should be alerted, i.e. any unusual increase of illness or group of
associated illnesses, which may require action, and any case of meningitis.
The school is not responsible for notifying the Health Protection Agency of any notifiable
diseases; that is the responsibility of the Doctor concerned.
Exclusion of pupils with Infectious Diseases
The final decision about exclusion and/or re-admission to school rests with the Headteacher. If a
parent returns a child before the suggested timescale shown for any of the diseases listed in the
Lincolnshire Health – Advice to Schools –Exclusion Policy for Infectious Diseases (as detailed in
Section A20 of the document ‘Medical Matters Relating to Pupils’ as contained in the School
Administration Handbook), Headteachers have the authority to refuse admission and they will be
supported by the Health Protection Agency. There may be circumstances when, following
discussions between a Headteacher, the Health Protection Agency and the general practitioner, a
child is able to return to school before the exclusion period expires. Should a GP contact a Head
to ask why a particular child has not been allowed to return to school when he/she has said that
this was in order, the GP will be advised to contact the Health Protection Agency if the reason for
refusing to re-admit was because the exclusion period for the disease in question has not expired.

Communicating risk to other parents and pupils
Refer to the section below regarding head lice. For infectious diseases, we will seek advice from
the Health Protection Agency. Individual pupil’s rights of confidentiality will be recognised at
all times.
Regular and/or emergency medication
Any child requiring regular or emergency medication will have a Health Care Plan prepared for
them. This Plan will detail any regular medication taken at home and/or school. It will also
show any emergency medication required. Health Care Plans are retained and monitored by the
Assistant SENCO of the School.
Copies of Plans are also held in each relevant class.
Any member of staff who accepts responsibility for administering prescribed medication to
pupils will receive appropriate training and guidance.
Non-prescriptive medication

Non-prescriptive medication will not be administered by any member of staff at any time.
Short term medication i.e. antibiotics, lotions, eye drops etc.

Many children require short term medication and parents should be encouraged to ask for dose
frequencies which enable the medication to be taken outside school hours. Where this is not
possible then the parents/carers should notify school of the necessity for the medication to be
administered by the Parent/Carer at a mutually convenient time.
When this is not possible, the Head may authorise the administration of medication by a member
of staff. Details of who prescribed the medication, time and amount of previous dose
administered, dosage and time to be administered at school, should be recorded on the Short
Term Administration of Medication forms available within each classroom at the beginning of
each day when treatment is to be given. A copy of this will be sent home at the end of the day
and the school copy should be placed in the Medical Incident/Treatment Records Book, located
in the office, by the presiding member of staff.
Only medicines in their original containers, and labelled with the child’s name, together with the
amount/frequency of dosage, will be accepted into school. In no circumstances will drugs be
accepted which are sent in unmarked containers.
Children suffering from infections requiring treatment by antibiotics should not normally be in
school until the course of treatment has been completed. However, arrangements can be made
for parents to come into school to administer medicines. Alternatively, the Headteacher can
authorise the administration of medication by a member of staff as detailed above. The
administration of antibiotics by a member of staff will not be given until 48 hours after the initial
dose, as directed by the school nurse, which is deemed enough time for any adverse reactions to
be apparent. If a parent wishes their child to attend school during this time they will be made
aware that alternative arrangements for the administration of the medication as detailed herein.
Children returning from long term illness or injury
The Headteacher will seek advice from a School Health Service professional if he is concerned
about the care and management of a child who returns to school following a long term illness or
The Headteacher will inform the Education Welfare Officer if they are concerned about either of
the following circumstances so that arrangements can be made for the child to be seen by the
School Health Service, if necessary.
Prolonged or regular periods of absence that are viewed with suspicion although they are certified by a general practitioner. Where a child is thought not to be fully fit.
All medical information is treated as confidential. Parents are encouraged to share information
about their child’s health, particularly where there is a concern that this may affect the child’s
performance at school. In cases where additional information may be needed from the Health
Service professionals, consent should be sought from parents.
Hygiene/ Infection Control
All staff are familiar with the normal precautions for avoiding infections and follow basic
hygiene procedures. Staff have access to protective disposable gloves, and are aware of the need
to take care when dealing with any spillages of blood or other bodily fluids, and the correct
disposal of dressings or equipment. Disposal of any medication must be done by the parents.
When spillages occur i.e. blood, faeces, saliva, vomit, nasal, eye discharges, these should be
cleaned using a product that combines both a detergent and a disinfectant. Mops must never be
used for cleaning up blood and body fluid spillages. Instead disposable paper towels should be
With regard to HIV/AIDS and Hepatitis B, Staff should ensure that they take the normal
precautions for avoiding infection and follow basic hygiene procedures.
Long term medication i.e. Asthma, Diabetes, Allergies etc.
Children suffering from chronic illnesses should be actively encouraged to manage their own
medication, when possible, from an early age and as a school, we support this, although staff will
be on hand to supervise.
Their medication will be kept securely under the scrutiny of their class teacher, clearly labelled
with the child’s name, amount/frequency of dosage, enabling the stated child access at all times,
when appropriate.
Asthma Guidance
Parents will be asked for the details of their child’s treatment, together with guidance on correct
usage of their medication and this will be kept with their contact information.
Parents also need to be aware of our policy for self-management.
If the pupil uses a reliever inhaler; Ventolin, Bricanyl and Salbutamol, they will need to keep one
at home and an additional one at school. This applies also to preventative inhalers; Intal,
Becotide and Pulmicort.
Pupils will have access to their inhalers at all times; in the classroom, on the sports field, at the
swimming pool, at break and lunch times and also on school trips.
The aim of total normal activity should be the goal for all but the most severely affected pupil
with asthma. However, nearly all people with asthma can become wheezy during exercise.
During P.E., Teachers are aware that a number of pupils with asthma need to take a dose of their
preventative inhaler before exercise. Some children, depending on the time since their last dose,
may need to take a dose of their reliever inhaler. This helps prevent exercise-induced asthma. If
the pupil does become wheezy or breathless, a further dose of the reliever inhaler should be
taken. Pupils who are normally active should not be forced to participate in games if they
become too wheezy to continue.
Recommendations by the National Asthma Campaign: An Asthma Attack – What To Do.
If an asthmatic pupil becomes breathless and wheezy or coughs continually;
Encourage the pupil to sit down in a comfortable position, leaning forward, supported by their arms on a table. Reassure and comfort them whilst, at the same time, encouraging them to breathe slowly and deeply. Do not put your arm around the pupil as this could restrict breathing and do not make them lie down. Let the pupil use his/her reliever inhaler – normally blue. If the pupil has forgotten his/her inhaler and you do not have prior permission to use another inhaler: Call the parents. Failing that, call the family doctor. Inform the Headteacher, Miss Bellamy or Mrs. Hoeft immediately. (Another person’s assistance will be invaluable, to make further phone calls without leaving the patient alone etc.). Check the attack is not severe - see below. The symptoms disappear, the child can go back to what they were doing.
If the symptoms have improved, but not completely disappeared, call the parents and
give another dose of the inhaler whilst waiting for them.
But if the inhaler has had no effect and the child appears distressed, is unable to talk
normally and is becoming exhausted:

Call an ambulance and inform the family doctor.
Get someone to inform the parents.
If the pupil has an emergency supply of oral steroids, Predisolone or Prednosol, give
them the stated dose now.
Keep trying with the usual reliever inhaler every 5 minutes, do not worry about
Anaphylactic Shock
Children in school who have been diagnosed as Anaphylactic, will have a Health Care Plan
prepared for them. Training on the administration of Epipens/Anapens/Jext pens will be
available to all staff members annually. Every member of staff will be made aware of the
children within the school who may require this treatment.
At any one time, the School may have children who have been diagnosed with diabetes. Children
will be encouraged to be responsible for their own blood testing to show sugar levels, (there is
usually a container for the used needles which goes home to be disposed of). Also, there is
usually a container in the classroom at all times for the diabetic child to be able to get something
to eat or drink should this be required.
Children with Type 1 diabetes may require insulin injections. Children with Type 2 diabetes will
usually be treated through diet and exercise regimes only. Individual Health Care Plans will
detail the needs of the children concerned.
Any staff involved in the administering or monitoring of blood sugar levels or insulin injections
will have appropriate training.
Although children will be encouraged to be responsible for their own treatment, younger children
will be given adult supervision to enable their condition to be managed effectively.
Specific guidance for individual children with epilepsy will be detailed in the child’s Health Care
Plan and supported by advice for Health Care professionals. If medication is required to be
administered by staff, they will be given appropriate training.
Management of ADHD
Medication for ADHD is not usually required during the school day, but when this is required, it
will be detailed in the child’s Health Care Plan. School will refer to the relevant appendices in
the ‘Medical Matters Relating to Pupils’ as detailed in the School Administration Handbook.
Medication may be prescribed as part of a holistic treatment programme. Not all children with
ADHD are given medication.
Other Long Term Conditions
For other children with long term conditions, e.g. food allergies, skin conditions, physical
difficulties or other long term medical conditions, Health Care Plans will be prepared giving
details of condition, and any regular medication taken or required in school, together with any
emergency medication which may be required. Any such emergency medication required in
school will be kept in the appropriate class as previously detailed herein.
Sickness and Diarrhoea
Exclusion of anyone with symptoms of gastro-enteritis (diarrhoea) is important because it is at
this stage that the child is most infectious. Any child who has suffered from sickness and/or
diarrhoea should not return to school until 48 hours after the last incidence of sickness and/or
diarrhoea. This is in accordance with guidance from Health Professionals.
Head Lice

It is the responsibility of parents to be vigilant and also to take appropriate action to treat head
lice should it be necessary. Where treatment appears unsuccessful, parents should seek further
advice from their GP. Occasionally it may be helpful for the Headteacher to alert groups of/all
parents of an outbreak.
Children will not be excluded from school by reason of head lice infestation unless advised
otherwise by the School Nurse.
We are all aware of the dangers of too much exposure to sun and as a school we take every
precaution we can to lessen the amount of time the children may be exposed, but we do need the
help of parents. Parents should ensure their child wears appropriate clothing. (Fair skinned
children burn easily and should spend as little as possible uncovered outside, therefore a
lightweight shirt etc. especially if they are to be outside for sports, school trips, etc.). All staff
will be aware of the need to be vigilant in observing individuals who appear to be over exposing
themselves to the sun.
We encourage the children to wear hats in the sun and use sun cream. (Staff or Volunteers are
not allowed to apply cream to a child. Parents/Carers must make sure their child/children know
how to apply the cream themselves).
Water is available at all times for the children to drink. However, when there is a specific
activity, trips etc. and we are not in school then it is suggested that Parents/Carers provide their
child/children with an additional supply of water.
Children will be educated in developing their understanding of the dangers of the sun and to take
proper care of themselves.
Further Information

As stated previously herein, we have a list of children with special medical needs which includes
relevant information for individual pupils. Teachers and Support Staff are aware of the contents
of this list. This list is kept in classroom registers, the medical room and, where relevant, on
individual pupil’s records.
If any child requires a specific care plan, then details can be found in the Additional Information
for Special Medical Needs folder located in the Head’s Office.


This policy has been approved by the Governing Body and will be reviewed annually.
Updated March 2013


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Most parents wouldn't dream of giving their kids a toasty cup of coffee, but they may routinely serve soft drinkscontaining caffeine. Although it's likely that your child will ingest caffeine at some time, it's a good idea to keepcaffeine consumption to a minimum, especially in younger children. Although the United States hasn't yet developed guidelines for caffeine intake and kids, Canadian guid

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ANNUAL REPORT CHILD HEALTH AND WELFARE RESEARCH GROUP 1st January 2001 to 30th June 2002 Principal Investigators Prof J Stuart Elborn : Professor of Respiratory Medicine, Queen's University Belfast and)Prof Madeleine Ennis : Professor of Immunopharmacology, Queen's University BelfastProf Henry L Halliday : Consultant Neonatologist, Royal Maternity Hospital and HonoraryDr Liam G H

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