Microsoft word - first aid policy nov 201

Policy and Procedures on First Aid and Administration of
Rossall School is committed to providing adequate and appropriate First Aid
raining throughout all areas of the school. Houseparents and sports coaches in the
senior, junior, infant and nursery are required to complete basic First Aid training
as part of a three-yearly cycle of Inset provision.
First Aid boxes are accessible in all areas of the school.
Provision for First Aid is included in all school trips and visits
The School nurses will administer routine medical treatment during the week and
on Saturday morning.
The School Doctor will hold a surgery prior to morning school during the week and
is available for emergencies at other times.
All accidents in school are recorded and records are kept in the Medical Centre
and in the Health and Safety office.
General First Aiders
Name Scott Beavers Scott Hadfield Bill Matthews Paula Cowell Heather Loughran Tim Hayes Anthony Brindle Doreen Crossley Carol Hartevedt Valerie Johnson Janine Walker Ann Jurczak Anna Kimmerle Encarna Marza Guy Emmett Helen Lockyear Jane Mercer Martin Metcalfe Michael Kelly Mungo Winkley Stuart Corrie Nicola Mason Lee Keegan Dale Stirzaker Christopher Wood Peter Graham Matthew Woods
Claire Fairhurst
Lyn Kane
Karen Pook
Mary Butler
Annette Murray
Linda Walker
Anne-Marie Wright
Michele Metcalfe
Daniel McGregor
Joanne Park
Mike Park
Isobel Riley

Next review date Michaelmas

First Aid Policy
First Aid can save lives and prevent minor injuries becoming major ones. The
Governing Body accepts the responsibility to provide adequate and appropriate
equipment and facilities for providing first aid in school.
The Governing Body is responsible for the health and safety of its employees and
anyone else on the school premises. This includes:
• Arrangements for first aid
• Number of first aiders/appointed persons
• Number and locations of first aid containers
• Arrangements for off site activities and visits
• Out of school hours arrangements
The Governing Body should ensure that insurance arrangements provide full
cover for claims arising from actions of staff acting within the scope of their
In practice, most of the day to day functions are delegated to the Headmaster, who
is responsible for ensuring that the policy is put into practice, and that parents are
aware of the School’s health and safety policy, including arrangements for first aid.
Responsibilities of school staff
Staff are expected to use their best judgement at all times to secure the welfare of
pupils at the school in the same way that parents might be expected to act towards
their children.
The Headmaster must arrange for adequate and appropriate training and guidance
for staff who volunteer to be first aiders and ensure that there are enough trained
staff. In addition, the Headmaster will consider:
• the individual’s reliability and communication skills
• aptitude and ability to absorb new skills and knowledge
• ability to cope with stressful and physically demanding emergency procedures
• ability to leave normal duties to attend an emergency.
The Medical Centre (See Appendix 1)
A School Nurse is on site from Monday to Friday, between 8.15am and 5.15pm
and on Saturdays for a period of three hours. Advance notice of the exact timing of
the medical cover on a Saturday will be given to all Boarding Houses and will be
scheduled to coincide with school sports fixtures.
The School Nurse is the primary recourse in the event of illness or accident
Staff First Aiders complete a training course approved by the school. In the
absence of the School Nurse, they give immediate help to casualties with injuries
or illnesses and those arising from specific hazards at school. When necessary,
they ensure that an ambulance or other professional medical help is called. The
Red Cross has been arranged to cover all rugby fixtures on the pitches at Rossall
Assessment of Need
The School is required to provide first aid for employees and, in the light of legal
responsibilities, considers the likely risks to pupils and visitors and makes
for them when training first aiders. This is reviewed annually. The following factors
are taken into consideration in the provision of first aid:
• The size and spatial arrangement of the school
• Any specific site hazards, for example in science laboratories
• Any specific need arising from the staff or pupils
• Accident statistics
• Provision at lunchtimes, or in the case of absence, or for out of hours activities
Providing Information
All staff, pupils and visitors to the school are informed as appropriate of the first aid
arrangements. Notices are clear and easily understood and displayed in prominent
places. Induction programmes include first aid information and it is also included in
staff and parent handbooks.
All staff, pupils and visitors should know how to contact a first aider from any area
of the school.
First Aid Equipment and Facilities
The Medical Centre includes two consulting rooms ( Doctor and Nurses), toilets,
shower and washbasins. There are two beds in each of the two rest rooms, a
lounge with TV and a kitchen. This self contained area houses the first aid
equipment according to HSE recommended provision.
For off site visits, a travelling first aid kit is available. Basic first aid boxes are
strategically positioned around the school and restocked regularly by the School
Hygiene and Infection Control
All staff are required to take precautions to avoid infection and must follow basic
hygiene procedures. First Aiders have access to single use disposable gloves and
hand washing facilities. The usual precautions are taken when dealing with blood
and other body fluids, or disposing of dressings or equipment. The School Nurse
liaises with the School Doctor in this matter.
Reporting Accidents and Record Keeping
The School Nurse keeps appropriate medical records and the Health and Safety
Officer reports relevant incidents to the HSE under the Reporting of Injuries,
Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995. Relevant records are
kept for a minimum of three years. Accident Report Records are kept by the
Health and Safety Officer. All pupil accident reports are to be passed to the School
Nurse. This is to enable them to be aware of any medical care which may be
required. Reports are then passed to the Health and Safety Officer.
The school keeps a record of treatment given by first aiders including:
• The date, time and place of incident
• The name of the injured or ill person
• Details of the injury or illness and the first aid given
• What happened to the person immediately afterwards - for example, went back to
• Name and signature of the first aider dealing with the incident.
In the case of any serious or significant incident, the parents are contacted by
Administration of Medicines
General Principles
The Governing Body recognises that many pupils will, at some time, need to take
medication at school. The school acts in ‘loco parentis’ for all boarding pupils and
has a duty of care to do all that is reasonably practicable to safeguard and promote
the pupils welfare.
While parents of day children retain responsibility for their child's medication, the
school has a duty of care whilst they are at school.
The Governing Body takes responsibility for the administration of medicines during
school time in accordance with the government's policies and guidelines. The
Headmaster will implement this policy and report, as required, to the Governing
Medication will normally be administered by the School Nurse, or in her absence,
by Houseparents or designated staff.
All staff are expected to maintain professional standards of care, but have no
contractual or legal duty to administer medication. The Governing Body does not
require staff to administer medication. See DfES Circular 14/96 Supporting
Students with Medical Needs.
However, some specified staff, for example, the
School Nurse, or staff taking educational visits who volunteer their services, will be
given training to administer first aid and/or medication to pupils.
Staff Indemnity
The Governing Body fully indemnifies all staff against claims for any alleged
negligence, providing they are acting within their conditions of service and
following Governing Body guidelines. The indemnity covers situations where an
incorrect dose is administered or where any other mistake in the procedure is
made. The Governing Body will meet any claims in these circumstances.
Admission Records (See Appendix 2)
On admission of any pupil to school, all parents will be required to provide
information giving full details of:
• medical conditions
• allergies
• regular medication
• emergency contact numbers
• name of family doctor/consultants
• special requirements (eg dietary)
At the beginning of each academic year, all parents will be required to up-date the
medical form.

Administration of Medication

Medication will normally be administered by the School Nurse or by the
Houseparent outside the school day.
Prescription medications will be deposited with the Houseparent who will be given
full directions on administration and dosage of medication. Pupils will not be
allowed to have prescription medication in their possession, and every attempt
should be made to limit the possession of other medication (e.g. Paracetamol,
medication from home or abroad)
When the medical centre is closed it is acceptable for home remedies and
Paracetamol supplied by the school nurse to be administered for particular
Aspirin or aspirin based products should not be used by anyone under the
age of 12yr
Lockable medicine cabinets are installed in each boarding house, where basic
home remedies are kept. In the event of a pupil feeling unwell and when the
medical centre is closed, it would be seen as negligent if these remedies are not
offered to pupils. The medical centre has provided written guidelines ‘Protocol for
Medication in Houses’. (See Appendix 3)
All medicines have to be confiscated from pupils and checked by the Rossall
School Medical Centre.
Only medicines prescribed by the Rossall School GP should be administered. This
will be clearly labelled. with pupils name and dosage details.
In the event that medicines have been prescribed by a Doctor from another
country, and documentation has been provided with it, a repeat prescription will be
issued from Rossall with correct packaging details. However, there may be
occasions when the exact English equivalent is not available. In cases where
specialist have prescribed drugs, e.g. Ritalin, the responsibilities lies with the
prescribing doctor.
Boarding pupils who are ill may need to be sent home to their parents/guardians,
as facilities to care for them are limited in the medical centre.
Action to be taken by Houseparents
Houseparents must make every effort to ensure Medicines are collected in from all
pupils. It is a requirement that an up to date Medicine Log Book (issued by KML) is
kept to record medicines taken by pupils.
This should log:
1. Pupils name 2. Medicine given 3. Dosage 4. Date and time given to pupil by houseparent/deputy 5. pupils signature 6. houseparent/deputy signature
At the end of each term the Medical Centre will check medicine cabinets and
record books.
In the event of a medicine such as Ritalin, or Concerta, a ward Register of Drugs
Controlled in the misuse of Drugs Act (DDA book) must be completed. The
medicine must be clearly labeled and locked in the locked cabinet. The amount of
tablets at the beginning of term must be counted and recorded in the book, each
time they are dispensed they are counted and the balance recorded. The pupil and
houseparent must both sign.
All staff are expected to maintain professional standards of care, but have no
contractual or legal duty to administer medication. However House parents are in
Loco Parentis whilst pupils are boarding, so therefore take on the parents

Parents will be expected to notify any requests for the administration of medicines
at the earliest opportunity. If there are difficulties or concerns, they will be invited to
discuss with School Nurse what can be done before a decision can be made.
The Headmaster, or person authorised by him, will decide whether any medication
will be
administered in school, and by whom (usually the School Nurse). In appropriate
cases the School Nurse, Houseparents and parents, in consultation with the
Headmaster and anyone else the Headmaster deems necessary, will draw up a
healthcare plan.
Medical Care for Day Pupils
During the school day the school nurse is available to day pupils for emergency
care. Routine Medical care can not be arranged. Parents will be contacted if their
child falls ill at school so they may be taken home as soon as possible.
If a day pupil requires medication during the day for a headache or a temperature,
this will only be given if parental consent has been obtained on a pupil’s admission
to the school. Consent forms can be downloaded from the wedsite . There are a
list of over the counter remedies used by the medical centre (See Appendix 4)
and as mentioned the parent is asked to sign for consent.
The school expects that normally parents will administer medication to their
children. Any request for medicine to be administered must come from a parent in
writing on the school medicine permission and consent form. (See Appendix 5 )
the form will include:

A separate form must be completed for each medicine to be administered.
The medication must be in a container as prescribed by the Doctor and dispensed
by a chemist with pupils name and instructions for administration printed clearly on
the label. If the pupil has been given permission and is required and able to
administer their own medicine, for example, an inhaler for asthma, where
appropriate the School Nurse will check that the pupil fully understands what has
to be done. The school nurse is able to administer non-prescription medicines in
school for example, cough sweets and painkillers as detailed in the pupils’
admission form on entry to the school. For day pupils, the school will not deal with
any requests to renew the supply of the medication. This is entirely a matter for the
Long-term Medical Needs
The Governing Body and Headmaster will do all they reasonably can to assist
students with long-term needs. Each case will be determined after discussion with
the parents, and in most cases the family doctor. The Headmaster also reserves
the right to discuss the matter with the School's Doctor.
Records of administered medicines
The School Nurse and Houseparents will complete an entry in their daily log in
every instance. It will be kept in the relevant office. The record will contain:
• name of the student
• date and time of the administration
• who supervised the administration
• which medication
• how much was given
• a note of any side-effects
The School Nurse will ensure that the medical record logs are filled in and checked
Vaccinations and Immunizations (See Appendix 6)
No form of vaccination or immunization will take place unless the School Medical
Officer has parental consent. Notification for Flu vaccination for the boarders are
sent to parents at the beginning of every academic year. Primary Care School
Nurses carry out routine immunizations in the school as and when indicated.
The Governing Body is committed to providing appropriate training for staff who
volunteer to participate in the administration of medicines.
Monitoring and Review
The implementation of the policy will be reviewed and reported annually to the
Health and Safety committee.
APPENDIX 1 - The Medical Centre
The School Doctor
Dr. Paul Carpenter
Broadway Medical Centre,
West View Health Village
Fleetwood, FY7 8GU.
Dr. Carpenter or a partner has a daily surgery prior to morning school. Dr Kirk
usually attends on Wednesdays allowing pupils the choice to see a female Doctor.
The Medical Centre is located in Porritt Hall and is staffed by Registered General
Nurses’ working within defined “Codes of Practice”. The School Nurse is therefore
bound by certain codes of conduct including a pupil’s right of confidentiality
regardless of their age. There are currently two nurses who work complementary
routines; they are Mrs Karen Pook and Mrs Lyn Kane.
Medical Centre Opening Times

Three Hours Times change in accordance with the sports fixture list. House notified each week.
Surgery Times

0830 – 0900 for those requiring the Doctor 0815 –17.15 for those requiring routine attention by the nurse.
Other times (including Sunday
Pupils requiring medical attention should see their House Parents who will either
contact the Broadway Medical Centre or take the pupil directly to the Accident and
Emergency at Victoria Hospital see useful numbers.
Any regular medication will be pre planned and administered through the house.
In the event of an epidemic or if a pupil needs constant supervision the School will
arrange ‘agency cover’ through the night.

Boarding Pupils
The Doctor and nurse are available to boarding pupils for all aspects of their health
care. Dental care should be carried out during the holidays.
There is a statutory requirement on schools to conduct medical examinations on all
new pupils on entry. This will take place as soon as possible at the beginning of
each term. All boarding pupils are then registered with the school Doctor. This
service is free.

Leave Off Games Chit
Boarders will only be given ‘leave off’ chits after seeing the School Nurse at the
Medical Centre.
Day pupils will not be given permission to miss games at any time other than in an
emergency. It is the parents’ responsibility to provide an excuse letter.

Same Day Appointment
Same Day Health Centre, Fleetwood Hospital Pharos Street.

By appointment only. Open 8am – 8pm 7 days a week.

Out of Hours
Fylde Coast Medical Centre, Whitegate Drive, Blackpool
Urgent Medical Problems. Walk in centre 8am – 8pm

Accident and Emergency Blackpool Victoria Hospital

NHS Direct telephone service

Available 24 hours a day to give general advice and information 08454647
about medical conditions, illnesses, treatment and self help.

Dental Care
Emergency dental care can be arranged via Bispham Clinic

Dear Parents
As we approach the new academic year we will be updating all our records.
In order for us to be aware of the medical needs for our pupils, please can you
inform us of any medical conditions/allergies your child may have? Would you
kindly answer the questions below in as much detail as possible and return to The
School Nurses, Medical Centre Rossall School.

Please complete even if you have completed the forms many times before! Things
change and it is vital for us to be aware of any medical conditions of your child

Name of Child:……………………………………House/Yr………………….Date of
Name of Parent……………………………………………Signature
Contact Telephone Number…………………………………………
Is your child allergic to anything? Foods, medicines etc. Please give details if answered yes…………………………………………………………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2. If your child uses an inhaler please can we have the names of them and when used…………………………. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Does your child carry an inhaler at school? If your child uses a reliever often it would be beneficial for the school nurses to
have a spare one please
Does your child have an ongoing medical condition? Please give details if answered yes …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4. Any past medical history that the medical centre should be aware of Please give details if answered yes. You can continue overleaf if required. ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. All details will be treated in the strictest confidence Although the Medical Centre is for the care of our Boarders, we are available for
emergency care for ALL our pupils. For day pupils requiring prescriptive
medications from the Dr. we can administer them providing we have the consent
form completed by the parents. See attached form.

As a Boarding School we are in a position of “Loco Parentis” for ALL pupils and
welfare and health of each is paramount

Small First Aid boxes with basic supplies are issued to each house (January 2007).
In the event of supplies needing restocking, the Houseparent should contact the
Medical Centre. At the beginning of each term the First Aid boxes will be

Lockable Medicine Cabinets have been installed in each Boarding House
(December 2006). Each house will be given basic home remedies to be given in
the event of a pupil feeling unwell when the Medical Centre is closed. It would be
seen as negligent if these remedies are not offered to pupils. The Medical Centre
has supplied written guidelines.
All Medications have to be confiscated from pupils and checked by the Rossall
School Medical Centre.
Only medications prescribed by the Rossall School GP should be administered.
This will be clearly labelled, with the pupils name and dosage details.
In the event that medicines have been prescribed by a GP other than the Rossall
GP a repeat prescription will be issued from Rossall with correct packaging details,
if this has come from overseas and we have a British version.

Houseparents must make every effort to ensure Medicines are collected in from all
It is a requirement that an up to date Medicine Log Book is kept to record drugs
taken by pupils.
This should log:
1. Pupils name 2. Drug given 3. Dosage 4. Date and time given to pupil by Houseparent/Deputy 5. Pupils signature 6. Houseparent/deputy signature
At the end of each term the Medical Centre will collect the medicine log book for


Over 12yr. and adults’ one 5ml spoonful 3 – 4 times daily. Not to be used in pregnancy, liver disease, epilepsy, brain injury or disease. If accidentally taken too much, seek Doctor’s advice. Discard any unused linctus 2
months after first opening bottle.

Dissolve one lozenge slowly in mouth every 2 – 3 hours
May occasionally cause allergic reaction including asthma.
(This is more common if allergic to aspirin)
Headache, period pain, migraine, sore throat, toothache, rheumatic pains, fever aches and pains of cold/flu. Children over 12yr and adults. 1 – 2 tablets dissolved in water
every 4 – 6 hours as required. Up to a maximum of 8 tablets
in 24 hours.

Consult DR first if any kidney/liver problems or known allergies to Paracetamol in
past. Also if taking other medication containing Paracetamol. Or medication
containing Non-steroid anti inflammatory agents. I.e. aspirin/Ibuprofen.
If stated dose is exceeded seek Drs advice or contact A/E department on 01253
Children 6 – 12 years. 5 – 10 mls every 4 – 6 hours Adults and children over 12yrs. 10 – 20 mls every 4 – 6 hours. Maximum 4 doses in 24 hours. Consult Dr. if taking other Paracetamol based medicines history of kidney or liver
problems or taking anticoagulants/anti convulsants.
Seek immediate medical attention if overdosed

Relief of local pain from insect bites, stings and nettle rash. Ease itching and inflammation. Do not use if skin is broken or has a history of eczema Apply to affected part as soon as possible after sting/bite. Can apply 2 – 3 times a day for up to 3 days.

Cleanses and helps prevent infection in first aid and minor skin problems. Mild skin healing cream. Cool and soothing Apply to affected are as needed.

Relief from muscular aches, backache and sciatica. For bruises and sprains. Adults and children – gently massage into affected area until absorbed 2 – 3 times daily. Do not use on broken skin.

Indigestion remedy. Also relieves heartburn, gastritis, flatulence, upset stomach and biliousness. Adults - 2 tablets sucked or chewed as required. Maximum 16 tablets a day. Children 6 – 12 yrs - 1 tablet when required. Maximum 8 tablets in 24hours APPENDIX 4 LIST OF OVER THE COUNTER REMEDIES USED BY THE

Antacids and Gastrointestinal
Rennie Tablets

Coughs, Colds, Sore Throats and Hay fever
Simple Linctus
Buttercup Cough Syrup
Karvol Capsules
Vic Inhalers
Olbas Oil
Pholcodine Linctus

Skin Care
Derbac M/Full Marks/Lyclear
Canesten Cream
Calamine Lotion

Travel Sickness
The above list is not exhaustive. If there is any further information that you would
like to give or concerns that you may have regarding your child that has not been
mentioned above please comment here:


Pupil’s Information
Medication must be in the correct container and packaging. Pupil’s name and dosage must be clearly written on package or bottle School Nurse Signature APPENDIX 6 - INFLUENZA VACCINATION
November 2011

To Parents/Guardians of all Boarders at Rossall School.

We are again offering immunisation against influenza (“Flu”) to all boarding Pupils
Although influenza vaccines are very specific and cannot be guaranteed to cover
every strain of influenza virus, The Department of Health recommends
immunisation for those at risk, and those living in residential homes and similar.
We consider it wise to continue our recent policy of immunisation because of the
special risk of infection within a boarding school community.
If you would like your child to receive the influenza vaccination, please complete
the consent form below and return it to Rossall School Nurses, to the address
Thank You.
Dr.P.G. Carpenter
School Medical Officer
Consent for vaccination;
FOR THE ATTENTION OF the School Nurses
Medical Centre
I wish /do not wish my son/daughter to be immunised against influenza. Please delete as appropriate. Pupil’s Name …………………………………………………………………………………… House/Year…………………………………………Date of Birth………………………………… Signed…………………………………… Date………………………… ….

Updated November 2011


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