These products may affect the ability of the platelets in your blood to clot, and may “mask” a fever. Many over-the-counter medications contain aspirin or aspirin-like ingredients. Before you use any over-the-counter medication, please check with your physician or nurse to be sure it is safe. Acetominophen is the aspirin substitute in Tylenol. It does not affect the platelets but may “mask” a fever. If you need to use acetaminophen, please check with your doctor or nurse first. Below is a list of commonly used over-the-counter products that DO contain aspirin or Ibuprofen and SHOULD NOT BE USED unless approved by your doctor. Please read the labels of any other medicines you use to be sure that they are aspirin-free. For your safety, check with your doctor or nurse before taking any medicines or herbal supplements. NOTE: With some surgeries, your doctor may instruct you to take NSAID's (drugs like Advil, Alleve, Motrin, Ibuprofen, etc), that help decrease inflammation and pain.
ORAL MEDICATIONS (Medicines you take by mouth) THAT SHOULD NOT BE USED A Acuprin Aches-N-Pain Actron Advil Aleve Alka-Seltzer (all preparations) Effervescent tablets Pain relief and Antacid Plus cold medicine Anacin analgesic Anacin maximum strength analgesic Anaprox and Anaprox DS Anodynos Ansaid A.P.C. Argesic Artha-G Arthritis pain tablets (all preparations) Arthropan ASA Asacol Ascone tablets Ascriptin and Ascriptin A/D Aspergum Aspirin , with or without codeine Asproject
Axotal tablets Azdone B B-A-C tablets BC powder and tablets Bayer aspirin (all preparations) Children’s chewable aspirin Children’s cold tablets Bayer timed-release aspirin Bexophene Bufferin (all preparations) Extra strength tablets With codeine #3 tablets Bultalbital Butazolidin Butazolidine Butazone C Cataflam Cama In-Lay Cap-Profen Clinoril Co-Advil Cogesic Congespirin chewable cold tablets Cope tablets Coricidin D decongestant tablets Cosprin 325 and 650 tablets D Damason-P Darvon Compound Darvon Compound 65 Dasin capsules Daypro De Witt’s pills Diclofenac Diflunisal Dipridamole Disalcid Doan’s Dolene Dolobid Dolor Doxaphene Dristan (all preparations)
Duradyne E Easpirin Etodalac F Feldene Fenoprofen Flurbiprofen G Genpril H Haltrin I IBU tablets Ibuprin Ibuprofen Ibuprohm Indocin and Indocin SR Indomed Indomethacin K Keterolac Ketoprofen L Lodine M Magan Magsal Measurine tablets Meclofenamate Medipren caplets & tablets Mefenamic Mementum muscular backache tablets Menadol Mepor Compound Meprobamate/Aspirin Meprogesic Q Methocarbamol with aspirin tablets Micranin tablets Midol
Mobidin tablets Mono-Gesic Motrin and Motrin IB N Nabumetone Nalfon Naproxen Norgesic and Norgesic forte Nuprin Nytol Nyquil O Orphenadrine Orudis Oruvail Os-cal-Gesic tablets Oxaprozin Oxycodone and aspirin Oxyphenbutazone P Pabalate-SF tablets P-A-C Pamprin and Pamprin IB Panasal Pentusa Pepto Bismol liquid and tablets Percodan and Percodan Demi Persantine Persistin Phenaphen Phenergan Rhinex synalgos Phenetron Compund Phenylbutazone Piroxican Plavix Ponstel Premysyn Propoxyhene compound 65 Propoxyphene Q Quiet World tablets R Relafen
Resolve Rexolate Robaxisal tablets Robomol Roxiprin Rufen S S-A-C Saleto-200 Salflex Salsalate Salsitab Sine-aid Sine-Off medicine Sodium salicylate Soma Compound Soprodol Compound Sominex St. Joseph’s cold tablets for children Sulindac Suspac tablets Synalgos capsules and Synalgos DC capsules T Talwin compound tablets Tandearil Tolectin and Tolectin DS Tolmetin Toradol Trendar Triaminicin tablets Tricosal Trigesic Trilisate Compound tablets Tusal V Vanquish capsules Voltaren Z Zorprin tablets TOPICAL MEDICATIONS (medicines you rub on your skin) Usually you can continue to use these products, but if you are taking a blood thinning drug (such as Coumadin) please ask your doctor or nurse before using any of these:
Analgesic Balm Arthrocare Lotion Banalg Ben Gay Compound W Deep-Down Pain Relief
Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists April 30, 2009 The Texas State Board of Examiners of Psychologists met in Austin, Texas on April 30, 2009. The following Board members were in attendance: Carl Settles, Ph.D., Chair; Gary Elkins, Ph.D., Vice-Chair; Donna L. Black, M.A.; Tim Branaman, Ph.D.; Jo Ann Campbell, M.S.; Carlos Chacón; Angela Downes, J.D.; Narciso Escareno
Services available at Roscommon County Hospital INTRODUCTION This paper has been prepared following a request from the Oireachtas members for a briefing regarding the on going service changes at Roscommon County Hospital due to the reconfiguration of the Emergency Department at the hospital on the 11th July 2011. CONTEXT OF RECENT CHANGES TO SERVICES: The changes to service delivery in