National reye’s syndrome foundation

Reye's Syndrome Bulletin
Reye's Syndrome is a very serious disease. Children and adults develop Reye's Syndrome as they are getting
over a viral illness, such as the flu or chicken pox. Reye's Syndrome usually affects people from infancy
through young adulthood; however, no age group is immune. Although Reye's generally occurs when
someone is recovering from a viral illness, it can develop three to five days after the onset of the illness. The
disease's main targets are the liver and brain. Reye's Syndrome is non-contagious, and too often is
misdiagnosed as encephalitis, meningitis, diabetes, poisoning, drug overdose, or sudden infant death.
Early diagnosis is crucial. Following a viral illness, individuals should be watched during the next two to three weeks for the following symptoms: (irritability, slurred speech, sensitivity to touch) (unable to identify whereabouts or answer questions) Reye's syndrome should be suspected in anyone who vomits repeatedly. Call your doctor immediately if these symptoms develop. Voice your concern about Reye's Syndrome. If your physician is unavailable, take the person to an Emergency Room promptly. Two liver function tests (SGOT, SGPT) can be done to determine the possibility of Reye's Syndrome. There is a 90% chance of recovery when the syndrome is treated in its earliest stages by physicians and nurses experienced in the treatment of Reye's. Studies have shown that using aspirin or aspirin-containing medications to treat the symptoms of viral
illnesses increases the chance of developing Reye's Syndrome. If you or a member of your family have a
viral illness, do not use aspirin or aspirin-containing medications. In fact, you should consult your
physician before you take any drugs to treat any viral illness such as the flu or chicken pox, particularly
aspirin or anti-nausea.
The National Reye's Syndrome Foundation (NRSF), the U.S. Surgeon General, the Food and Drug Administration, the Centers for Disease Control, and the American Academy of Pediatrics recommend that aspirin and combination products containing aspirin not be taken by anyone under 19 years of age during fever-causing illnesses. Aspirin is a part of the salicylate family of medicines. Another name for aspirin is acetylsalicylate; some drug labels may use the words acetylsalicylate, acetylsalicylic acid, salicylic acid, salicylate, etc., instead of the word aspirin. Currently, there is no conclusive data as to whether other forms of salicylates are associated with the development of Reye's Syndrome. Until further research has answered this question, the NRSF recommends that products containing any of these substances not be taken during episodes of viral infections. The NRSF is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization with affiliates located in 44 states. The NRSF has pioneered the movement to disseminate knowledge about the disease in an effort to aid in early diagnosis and also provides funds for research into the cause, cure, care, treatment, and prevention of Reye's Syndrome. National Reye's Syndrome Foundation, Inc.
Copyright 2005 National Reye's Syndrome Foundation


Members of the American Association of Equine Practitioners 201 Taylor Avenue, Gordonsvil e, VA 22942 540-832-3030 Greg R. Schmidt, DVM Mark H. Foley, DVM Rebecca W. Kramer, DVM Martha A. Mellish, DVM Variations in each horse’s immune system and management situation should be reflected in its individ-ual de-worming program. Many horses, especially if kept at an appropriate numbe

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