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Rashad Hussain (PhD)

Department of Animal Sciences,
Quaid-i-Azam University
Islamabad, Pakistan
Off. +92-90643209

Ph. D Neurosciences (2011, France)
Signaling and Integrated Networks in Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Paris Sud 11 and Bio-pathology
and Imaging of myelin, Laboratory of Imaging and Cognitive Neurosciences, University of Strasbourg, France.
Thesis Title
Role of androgens and progestagens in remyelination of central nervous system.
Published Articles
Hussain R
., A.M. Ghoumari, B. Bielecki, J. Steibel, N. Boehm, P. Liere, W. B. Macklin, N. Kumar, R. Habert, S.
Mhaouty-Kodja, F. Tronche, R. Sitruk-Ware, M. Schumacher, M.S. Ghandour. 2012. The neural androgen receptor: a therapeutic target for myelin repair in chronic demyelination. Brain (accepted Sept. 2012).
Schumacher M., R. Hussain, N. Gago, C. Mattern and A. Ghoumari 2012. Progesterone synthesis in the nervous
system: implications for myelination and myelin repair. Front. Neurosci. 6:10.
Hussain R
., M. El-Etr, O. Gaci, J. Rakotomamonjy, W. B. Macklin, N. Kumar, R. Sitruk-Ware, M. Schumacher and
A. M. Ghoumari. 2011. Progesterone and nestorone facilitate axon remyelination: A role for progesterone receptors. Endocrinology 152:3820-31.
Khan A. A, A. Mian and R. Hussain. 2011. A delivery system for carbon monoxide fumigation of Indian crested
porcupine, Hystrix indica, den using two-ingredient cartridge. Pak J. Zool., 43(4):727-732
Hussain R, N. Ullah and S. Akhter. 2006. Effect of season on average number of culturable oocytes recovered from
cattle and buffalo ovaries. Pak. J. Zool., 37 (4):281-283
Khan A.A, A. Mian and R. Hussain. 2006. Investigations on the use of poison baits and fumigants against Indian
crested porcupine, Hystrix indica, for development of management strategy. Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res. 49 (6):418-422
Hussain R, N. Ullah and S. Akhter. 2005. In vitro maturation and vitrification of cattle and buffalo oocytes. Int. J.
Posters and oral presentations in national and international meetings
Hussain R., M. Chouchane, A. D. Fouchier, M. Schumacher, A. Ghoumari. 2011. Sexual dimorphism of oligodendrocytes: in
and in vitro studies. 41th Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience 2011 held in Washington DC (Nov. 12-16, 2011).
Hussain R., A. Ghoumari, M. Schumacher and S. Ghandour. 2010. Myelin repair with testosterone and its metabolites in two
well established animal models of demyelination. 7th International Congress of Neuroendocrinology held in Rouen, France, July
11-15, 2010.
A. Ghoumari, R. Hussain, M. El-Etr, R. Sitruk-ware, M. Schumacher. 2009. Progestins induce myelination and remyelination in
slice cultures of murine cerebellum. 39th Annual meeting of Society for Neuroscience 2009, held in Chicago (Nov. 13-17, 2009).
Hussain R., A. Ghoumari, M. El-Etr, B. Bielecki, M. Schumacher and S. Ghandour. 2009. Myelin repair after chronic
demyelination: Sexual dimorphism and testosterone. 2009. 2nd ELA Research Foundation Congress 2009 held in Luxembourg,
June 26- 27, 2009.

M. Sc. Zoology, PMAS Arid Agriculture University, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
B. Sc. Zoology, Botany and Chemistry, University of Punjab, Pakistan
F. Sc. Govt. Gordon College, Rawalpindi, Pakistan
Matriculation, FG Boys Higher Secondary School, Sihala, Islamabad, Pakistan
Research Experience and Employment History

• One year (August 2002-2003) research work in reproductive physiology (M. Sc. Thesis Work) at
Animal Reproduction Laboratory, Animal Sciences Institute, National Agriculture Research Centre (NARC), Islamabad, Pakistan • Research Associate (from Nov. 2003- Jan. 2007) in ALP project, entitled: Biology and Management of
Porcupine, Hystrix indica in Central Punjab, Funded by: Agriculture Linkage Program (ALP), Pakistan Agriculture Research Centre (PARC), Islamabad, Pakistan • Zoologist, Zoological Survey of Pakistan, Islamabad. Jan-June, 2007
Ph. D Studies, 2007-2011
Technical Expertise

Hands on experience of transgenic mice handling and genotyping Surgical manipulations of reproductive system (Castration and ovariectomy of mice) In vitro cultures: Primary cell culture of oligodendrocytes, Organotypic brain slice culture Immunohistochemistry, Western blot, RT-PCR, Confocal microscopy, Electron microscopy (for myelin and axons in CNS) Statistical analysis by using: Systat, Graph padprism, Statistica Brief knowledge/experience of: Electrophysiology, diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI) optimized for myelin
Membership in Professional Societies

Life fellow, Zoological Society of Pakistan (International), Since Dec. 2005.
Fellow, British Society for Neuroendocrinology, Since Dec. 2009
Fellow, Society for Neuroscience, USA since April 2011.
Hussain R, Co-inventor; 2012 Sept. 27. Myelin regeneration with androgens. World Intellectual Property
Organization (WIPO) published under Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT). International Publication No. WO
2012/129365 A1.


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