Cirriculum vitae

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Membership of professional organisations and societies

Senate of Dental Specialties
Formerly member on behalf of the British Society of Periodontology
British Society of Periodontology
Scientific advisor to the president, Professor Francis Hughes European Association of Osseointegration Fellow of the International College of Dentists Senior Member of the London Dental Fellowship Peer Reviewed Publications:

Research/ Publications
Since shortly after graduation in 1966 I have devoted part of my working week to teaching and
research. For many of the research projects in which I have been involved my contributions
have been on the levels of initial literature research and identifying the question to be
answered. I have also actively contributed and participated in the clinical activity involved in
allowing the research to be completed. I have not made any grant applications in my own
name but have enjoyed a long, fruitful and ongoing relationship with my co-authors.
1. Watts T. L. P., Palmer R. M. & Floyd P. D. (1986)
Metronidazole: A double blind control trial in untreated human periodontal disease. J. Clin. Periodontol. 13: 939-943
2. Harley A., Floyd P. & Watts T. (1987)
Monitoring untreated periodontal disease J. Clin. Periodontol. 14: 221-225
3. Harley A. F. & Floyd P. D. (1988)
Prevalence of Juvenile Periodontitis in schoolchildren in Lagos, Nigeria Community Dent. Oral Epidemiol.16: 299-301
4. Pritlove Carson S., Palmer R. M., Morgan P. R. & Floyd P. D. (1992)
Immunocytochemical analysis of cells attached to Teflon Membranes following guided tissue regeneration. J.Periodontol 63: 969-973
5. Pritlove Carson S., Palmer R. M., Morgan P. R. & Floyd P. D. (1994)
Immunocytochemical of tissues regenerated from within periodontal defects treated with e- PTFE membranes. J.Periodontol. 65: 134-138
6. Palmer R. M., Floyd P. D., Palmer P. J., Smith B. J. & Albrektson T. (1994)
Healing of implant dehiscence defects with and without e-PTFE membranes. A controlled clinical and histological study. Clinical Oral Impl. Res. 5: 98-104
7. Pritlove Carson S., Palmer R. M. & Floyd P. D. (1995)
Evaluation of GTR using e-PTFE membranes in the treatment of paired Periodontal defects. Brit. Dent. J. 179: 388-394
8. Palmer R.M., Smith B.J., Palmer P. J. & Floyd P. D. (1997)
A prospective study of Astra single tooth implants. Clinical Oral Impl. Res. 8: 173-179
9. Palmer R.M., Smith B.J., Palmer P.J., Floyd P.D., Johannson C.B. & Albrektson T. (1998)
Effect of loading on bone regenerated at implant dehiscence sites in humans. Clin Oral Impl. Res. 5: 283-291 10. Needleman I., McGrath C., Floyd P.D. & Biddle A. (2004)
Impact of oral health on the life quality of periodontal patients. Clinical papers
1. Palmer R. M. & Floyd P. D. (1995)
Periodontology: A clinical approach: i Periodontal examination and screening. British Dental Journal 178: 185-189
2. Palmer R. M. & Floyd P. D. (1995)
Periodontology: A clinical approach: ii Periodontal diagnosis and prognosis British Dental Journal 178: 225-227
3. Palmer R. M. & Floyd P. D. (1995)
Periodontology: A clinical approach: iii Non-surgical treatment and maintenance. British Dental Journal 178:263-268 4. Palmer R. M. & Floyd P. D. (1995)
Periodontology: A clinical approach: iv Periodontal surgery British Dental Journal 178: 301-306 5. Palmer R. M. & Floyd P. D. (1995)
Periodontology: A clinical approach: v Treatment of multi-rooted teeth British Dental Journal 178: 345-349 6. Palmer R. M. & Floyd P. D. (1995)
Periodontology: A clinical approach: vi Reconstructive periodontal therapy 7. Palmer R. M. & Floyd P. D. (1995)
Periodontology: A clinical approach: vii Integrated treatment planning British Dental Journal 178: 423-428
8. Floyd PD, Palmer R, Barrett V.(1999)
Dental Implants.
Treatment planning for implant restorations.
British Dental Journal 187 : 297 – 305.
9. Floyd PD, Palmer P, Palmer R.(1999)
Radiographic techniques. British Dental Journal. 187 : 359 – 365. 10. Palmer R, Palmer P, Floyd PD. (1999)
Dental Implants
Basic implant surgery. British Dental Journal 187: 415 – 21 Mosedale, R. F., Floyd, P. D., & Smales, F. C. (1985)
The British Society of Periodontology
„Periodontology in General Dental Practice‟
A Policy for Periodontal Care
Palmer, R. M & Floyd, P. D. (1996) ISBN 0 904588 48 3
Periodontology: A Clinical Approach
British Dental Journal Publications. Stockton, London.
Palmer, R. M & Floyd, P. D. (2nd Edition 2003)
Periodontology: A Clinical Approach
British Dental Journal Publications. Stockton, London.
ISBN 0 904588 750
Palmer, R.M. (Ed) (2000)
A Clinical Guide to Implants in Dentistry
British Dental Journal Publications. Stockton, London.
Chapter 4: Floyd, P.D., Palmer, R.M. & Barrett, V.
Treatment Planning for Implant Restorations Chapter 5: Floyd, P.D., Palmer, P. & Palmer, R.M.
Chapter 6: Palmer, R.M., Palmer, P. & Floyd, P.D.
„The treatment of intrabony defects‟ The Fifth International Week for Dentistry in Istanbul „Periodontal treatment and maintenance‟ Manchester Dental Alumni Association Biennial Conference Manchester Symposium in Restorative Dentistry „Beyond the scaler - advances in periodontics‟ The British Dental Hygienists Association Annual Conference The British Society of Restorative Dentistry „The management of periodontal disease‟ British Dental Association Annual Congress „Treatment Planning‟ The University of Newcastle Postgraduate Institute for Medicine and Dentistry. “Treatment Planning‟, “Periodontal reconstructive and regenerative surgery‟, “Pocket elimination and osseous surgery‟ The British Society of Periodontology regional meeting Two days- Glasgow and Dundee 2006 “Dental Implants in the posterior maxil a” An introduction of the subject. Comparison of the success rates of implant and periodontal treatment. Moderator of the subsequent session: “Sinus lift versus short or angled implants” Europerio 5 Madrid 2007 “Tradition and Innovation, How can the Periodontist help? The British society for Restorative Dentistry, Annual Scientific Meeting, Brighton 2009 “How can the Periodontist help the Restorative dentist?” Talking points in Dentistry. Two lectures, in Antwerp and


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From the desk of Angela M. Daniels, DVM Circle H Animal Health LLC & CAVL Diagnostics www.circlehanimalhealth.comDoes High SCC in Milk Constitute a Human Health Risk? the NMC (old name National Mastitis Council) is an organiza- Six speakers spoke on a variety of topics teurization alone is not the final solution for the during this preconference seminar. L


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