Handbook 201

SPECIFIC AREAS OF EXPECTATIONS ("School-wide Procedures" contain detailed student expectations.)
1445 Berwick Lane New Haven, IN 46774-2050 Telephone 260-446-0150 / Fax 260-446-0153
Dear Parents/Guardians:
Welcome to East Allen County Schools and especially Highland Terrace Elementary! We are
glad to have your child/children attending here! Highland Terrace now serves students in grades
Kindergarten through second grade. At the end of grade two, students will attend Meadowbrook
Elementary for Grades 3-5.
Highland Terrace has a caring and experienced group of teachers who want to do all they can to
help the students they work with to reach their full potential. Together, we are striving to
accomplish the mission statement printed at the bottom of this page.
This Handbook has been prepared with the hope that you may become acquainted with certain
school policies which we feel make for a wholesome learning situation for your child. It
replaces information in any prior Handbook.
Please take time to read this Handbook through because there have been some minor changes
made this year. We trust that your knowledge of some of the major school policies of Highland
Terrace Elementary School will help make for a smooth school year. Please discuss the content
of this handbook with your children so they may feel confident about attending school here.
Other questions you may have about school policies not mentioned in this handbook can usually
be answered with information from the East Allen County Schools Guide to Students and
Parents. Both the East Allen County Schools Handbook and the Highland Terrace Handbook are
based upon policies and regulations approved by the Board of School Trustees of East Allen
County Schools. Policies and regulations are amended as needed and will supersede any
information printed in these handbooks.
Please remember for student safety to sign in and out at the office and obtain a visitor
badge when in the building.

If at any time you have a question or a concern, please contact the school by calling 446-0150.
Mrs. Teresa Knoblauch,
Vision Statement
Highland Terrace Elementary is a nurturing community of diverse
learners striving toward development of strong character and
academic excellence for all students.
Mission Statement
Our mission, as educators at Highland Terrace Elementary,
is to:

Foster a genuine love of learning
Set high academic and behavioral expectations
Encourage collaboration among students, staff, parents,
and stakeholders
Cultivate self-worth, values, and pride in every student
Provide a safe and positive learning environment
We are committed to delivering a strong and comprehensive
educational program through implementation of best
practices and use of differentiated instruction while
developing productive and responsible citizens.

Every day is visitor's day at Highland Terrace Elementary School. Parents are always welcome. We would like to submit the following visitation procedures that were prepared jointly by the teachers and the administration. Immediately upon entering the school, please use the buzzer to announce yourself and the purpose of your
visit. Please proceed to the office directly to your right to register and secure a badge to wear.
Visitors must
enter at the front west entrance. (Door # 6) All other outside doors will be locked during the school day for your
child's safety and protection.
Please turn off cell phone ringers upon entering the classroom. Also, if a parent must place or answer a cell
phone call, please do so in the hallway so as not to disturb the students in a class.

Short visitations are considered to be more informative than one lengthy one. Usually 30 to 60 minute visitations
prove the most beneficial.
Teachers prefer to have visitors enter the room as quietly as possible. Knocking on the classroom door is not
necessary. Visitors may quietly enter the room and seat themselves. Please keep in mind that the teacher needs to
stay focused on the lesson and the students but will greet you when an appropriate time permits. We look forward to
your visit and encourage you to stop by your child’s classroom when you have time.

East Allen County Schools has a policy of providing equal opportunity. All courses are open to all students regardless of race, color, gender, handicapping condition, national origin, or limited English proficiency due to national origin. In addition, all educational services, student activities, programs, instruction and facilities will not be denied to anyone in East Allen County Schools as the result of an individual’s race, color, gender, handicapping condition, national origin, or limited English proficiency due to national origin. Furthermore, East Allen County Schools has a policy to provide equal employment opportunity to all applicants and employees in a harassment-free work environment without regard to age, race, color, national origin, limited English proficiency due to national origin, gender, or disability. ARRIVAL TIME FOR CHILDREN:
Boys and girls may enter the building with the sounding of the first bell, which is at 8:55 a.m. The tardy bell will ring at 9:05 a.m. ARRIVAL/DISMISSAL INSTRUCTIONS
BUS RIDERS: The first set of buses will dismiss at 8:35 a.m. Students eating breakfast will proceed to the
cafeteria and students not eating breakfast will proceed to the library for computer/reading time. The second set of
buses will dismiss breakfast eaters as soon as they arrive and all other bus riders will be dismissed from their bus at
8:55 a.m. At 8:55, all students will proceed to their classrooms. The tardy bell will ring at 9:05 a.m. At the end of
the day, the first set of buses will dismiss from the front parking lot at approximately 3:53 and the second set of
buses will dismiss at approximately 4:11.
********MINI BUSES: Mini-buses should be the only vehicles in the back parking lot during normal morning
arrival and afternoon dismissal times until cones are removed from the entrance to the parking lot.

WALKERS: Walkers should not arrive at the school before 8:35 a.m. Student supervision begins at 8:35
They will be admitted to the building at 8:35 a.m. to either proceed to the cafeteria to eat breakfast or at 8:45
to Door 7 & 8 if they do not eat breakfast. They will be dismissed when bus pick up is complete in the front
parking lot at 4:11. Students walking around school property should always follow the sidewalks in front of the
school when arriving or leaving school. Walkers needing to cross Berwick Lane must cross at the crossing guard.
This is to ensure student safety! Walkers will not be released until the buses have left the parking lot.
DROPPING OFF STUDENTS: Car Rider drop off can begin as early as 8:35 a.m. Early drop off takes place
from 8:35-8:55 a.m. along Scots Lane with K students going to Door 7 and 1st/2nd grade students going to Door 8.
There will be supervision at each door while students cross the playground on the sidewalk provided. This will also
help control traffic congestion with buses around Berwick Lane. Children may be dropped off in the front parking
no earlier than 8:55a.m. after buses have exited this area and the supervisor has removed the cones from the
entrance. To maintain traffic flow, please pull up forming one line at the yellow zone in front of the school entrance
before allowing your child to get out of your car. Children may be allowed to exit your car when you are within the
painted yellow zone. This keeps your child and others safe. Students are not allowed to cross the parking lot.
Please do not pass cars in line as this would be unsafe for students. Students must stay on the sidewalk behind the
yellow safety line to enter the building.

Students not riding the bus will be dismissed at 3:50 p.m. in the back parking lot
once the mini-buses have left the back parking lot. Parents should form a line along Scots Lane and will enter the
back parking lot to pick-up car riders. Parents should enter the lot when the cones have been removed from the
*Arrival/Departure Procedures may be changed at the beginning of the year as we monitor the safety of our
students and the efficiency/timeliness for our parents.

Arriving at school on time is very important to starting the day off right. A student is considered tardy if he or she is not present at the beginning of class or school. A student is not counted tardy if the bus the student arrived on is
late. Tardies can be a problem if students are habitually late for school. Students are tardy to school if they are not
in their classroom by the 9:05 a.m. tardy bell and do not have an excused reason to not be there. Acceptable reasons
would include the same ones for absences, such as illness or doctor’s appointments, as well as late buses. All
students are to check in at the office if they are late to school
. They will be given a “pass” to class that will
indicate the reason and whether it is a tardy or simply a late arrival (excused). It is important that we teach
responsibility to the students to be where they should when they should. This also helps eliminate wasted time at the
beginning of the day with checking in late students.
EACS guidelines require the school to make a home visit, if your child is not called in to the school office as sick or
being late to school by 10:00 a.m. Please help us ensure that all children are safe and accounted for every day by
calling the school office, if your child will be absent or late.
All children are expected and encouraged to go directly home following dismissal. If your child will be doing
anything to alter his/her regular schedule at the end of the school day, a note must be written or a phone call
should be made to the school. (Ex. Your child will be picked up rather than riding the school bus, your child will be
staying for after school clubs, your child will be getting off at another bus stop, etc.) We request that if there is a
change in transportation for the day and a note has not been written, that you call the school office by noon. This
will help alleviate any confusion that may be caused with the change.
Periodically throughout the year weather conditions may be such that school will not be in session or the starting of the school day will be delayed. Announcements of this nature are made over the local radio and/or television stations starting as early as 6:00 a.m. Please do not call the school for this information. Listen for the announcements over the media mentioned above. Highland Terrace is included in the East Allen County Schools announcements. No Breakfast is served on 2-hour delay days. ALTERNATE SCHEDULE: (Delay days)
Students in Grades K -2:
A one-hour delay means that school doors will open at 9:35 a.m. and the tardy bell will ring at 10:05 a.m.
A two-hour delay means that school doors will open at 10:35 a.m. and the tardy bell will ring at 11:05 a.m.
A three-hour delay means that school doors will open at 11:35 a.m. and the tardy bell will ring at 12:05 a.m.
School end time on a 3-hour delay is a half hour later with dismissal beginning at 4:15 p.m.
Should weather conditions worsen after students arrive for classes and require that students be sent home prior to
scheduled dismissal time, the early dismissal will be reported to all media stations.
The EACS Board of School Trustees has approved the following collaboration schedule for teachers and staff: 1. The collaboration schedule for East Allen County Schools will be to dismiss school 30 minutes early
(3:15 p.m.) on each scheduled Wednesday collaboration day from 09/7/2011 through 05/16/2012.
2. On any day the Corporation has a delay due to inclement weather, the collaboration schedule will be cancelled and schools will dismiss at regular time. 3. Collaboration will occur every week regardless of vacations, holidays or the like.
Cars may not pull in the front parking lot until the buses have unloaded or loaded and left the parking lot.
not use the back parking lot in the mornings unless it is a day with a special program (Ex. Muffins with
This will leave this area free for bus arrival and departure. Parents visiting the school and other school
visitors will use the front parking lot after the buses have left.
It may be necessary for you to take your child from school during school hours. If this situation should arise, you
should send a note or call the school office in advance. It is necessary for you to come to the school office and
either the school secretary or principal will get your child for you
. You will also need to “sign-out” the child in
the school office. The greatest protection for your child can be provided this way and classroom interruptions will be
kept to a minimum.
If your child is going to be absent, please call the school prior to 9:20 a.m. to report the absence. The telephone
number is 446-0150. When you hear the recorded message, press "1". Please leave a message regarding how
you would like homework to be sent home or picked up.


Regular school attendance is a prime factor in your child being able to experience academic success in schoolwork.
For the sake of other children's health, your child should NOT attend school if he/she:

has a morning temperature of 99 degrees or above or has had a temperature of 100 degrees or above in the past 24 hours without the use of a fever reducing medicine. has had vomiting and/or diarrhea in the past 24 hours. has a communicable disease such as chicken pox, or a bacterial or fungal infection such as conjunctivitis (or pink eye), impetigo, and/or ringworm. • appears obviously ill (with or without a fever).
If your child becomes ill at school with any of the above indicators, you (or an emergency contact person) will be
called to pick-up your child. Sick children are not sent home on the bus.
If you feel your child needs to remain in the school building during recess and / or not participate in physical
education class for more than one day, the school must have a note from your physician. This may be faxed or sent
to the school. The school’s fax number is 446-0153.
Children kept home from school due to fever, must remain home until fever-free for 24 hours without the aid of
medication such as Tylenol or Motrin. Please check your child's temperature later in the day as many fevers "spike"
in the afternoon.
Children who are vomiting or have diarrhea MUST stay home until they are symptom free for 24 HOURS.
Please pay special attention to the Attendance Policy in the East Allen County Schools’ Guide to Students and

All medication brought to school MUST be taken to the clinic and dispensed by the nurse or a trained staff
member (UAP).
All medication given at school must have a signed STUDENT MEDICATION PERMIT (Hs-5) on file,
or a signed parent note with the student's name, name of medication, dose, and time the medication is to be
All prescription and non-prescription (or over-the-counter) medication must be in the original, correctly
labeled container. Medication samples require a doctor’s written order.
No medication is given to a student by a UAP until the medication has been identified and logged by the
school nurse.
Please ask a pharmacist for a "school bottle" for long-term or daily medication for use on field trips. Medications are given exactly as directed on the bottle. Any changes must be verified in writing by the physician and may be faxed or sent to school. All "as needed" medications, such as Tylenol or Motrin, may be given by other trained staff (UAP) only after appropriate assessment by the school nurse. Herbal medication, vitamins, and dietary supplements must have a signed HERBAL - VITAMIN -
(Hs-5a) and written instructions signed by the physician.
Inhalers for asthma will be kept in the school clinic, unless there are specific instructions signed by the physician explaining that the medication needs to be with the student at all times. If your child has allergies that may result in an emergency situation (i.e. bee sting or peanut allergy) you
must provide the necessary medication (EpiPen, Benedryl) for use at the school.
All medications must come from home. EACS does not stock any medications for student use. *See East Allen County Schools’ Handbook for more details.
The school nurse is to assist the parent and the school to understand the health problems of the student. In addition, the nurse shall strive to maintain an atmosphere that promotes health and safety for both students and staff within the school. The nurse’s responsibilities include caring for our students and staff who become ill or are injured at school, conducting Indiana-mandated screenings, and maintaining a permanent health record on each student. The nurse acts as a liaison between the school, the home, physicians, community agencies, and others who serve the health of school children. The nurse also initiates and updates individual health plans as needed for students with chronic health conditions. VOLUNTEERS FOR CLASSROOMS, FIELD TRIPS, OR MEDIA CENTER:
Anyone who is interested in serving as a volunteer should contact the school office for more information. An EACS
Background Check must be completed and returned two weeks prior to anyone planning to volunteer in a
classroom or chaperone a field trip. A new Background Check needs to be completed each year. We are
always thrilled to have extra help in the school.
Thank you for supporting the school with your generosity of
Recess periods are of utmost importance for children in developing coordination, learning to play and get along with other children, and diverting their attention from classroom work to a period of free play. Therefore, all children are expected to participate in outside recess unless: The teacher has requested the child to remain inside. The student has a written statement from the doctor stating the student should not participate in outside recess because of a chronic illness. (If your child is highly susceptible to upper respiratory ailments, you will want to obtain this statement early in the year so your child's teacher and nurse will have it on file.) Then, whenever you feel it is advisable for your child to remain inside, send a note to the teacher and your request will be granted. If the student has been absent because of illness and you feel it is absolutely necessary to remain inside, the student may remain inside for only one (1) day, providing you request it. If you feel it should be for a longer period of time, then a statement from your doctor must be obtained stating the length of time the child is to remain inside. When cold weather comes, be sure your child is dressed for it. Warm mittens, a hat, boots, and a coat that will zip or has all of the buttons on it are a must when playing outside in the snow and cold. If snow is present, students must change into boots in order to be able to go off the blacktop. When the temperature is less than 55 degrees, children must wear a coat/jacket. If children wear a
coat outside, it must be left on their body.


All students deserve the opportunity to attend a SAFE SCHOOL where ALL CHILDREN CAN LEARN!
For this to happen, parents, students and staff must work together. Please read the following
The focus of discipline at Highland Terrace is one of "teaching students to become responsible
individuals"; rather than one of "punishing misbehavior". Children will make "mistakes" while at school
and we want to make such times a learning experience. However, behavior, which is defiant, significantly
disruptive, and/or causes personal injury to others, will not be accepted.
Highland Terrace Elementary will be orderly and disciplined. Students will show respect, self-control, and
will be accountable for their behavior. Students will experience the consequences of inappropriate
behavior. Highland Terrace staff will help students understand "School-wide Expectations & Procedures".
Classroom teachers will establish "Classroom Expectations & Procedures" and review them with
students. "Expectations" will be sent home for parents to read.
1. Student behavior will allow "teachers to teach and students to learn." Behavior that disrupts teaching and learning will not be allowed.
2. Students will respect one another's personal space. Fighting (intentionally hurting others) will not be allowed.
Play fighting is not allowed and the judgment of the supervisor will determine the
action to be taken.

3. Students will use respectful language and actions. Disrespectful or inappropriate language and actions will not be allowed.
4. Students will respect the property of others. Vandalism and theft will not be allowed.
5. Students will be in school on time unless parents have informed the office otherwise. Tardies and unexcused absences are strongly discouraged.

Children will be responsible and accountable for their behavior and will experience the consequences of inappropriate behavior. Typical consequences used by staff to address student misbehavior will include: "Minor" Misbehavior:
The classroom teacher handles minor misbehavior. Appropriate interventions/consequences will include: - detention before or after school (approximately 30 min.) - walk the line or stand by the wall at recess Note: There will be no "standing/sitting students in the hallway for discipline reasons" . liability, etc.
"Major" Misbehavior:
* Possession of firearms, explosives, knives, beepers, lighters, matches, drugs or other forbidden items. (This
includes real or toy weapons.)

(See EACS Guide to Students and Parents)
Major misbehavior results in immediate referral to the administrators. This will usually result in: - Request for Expulsion from school for the remainder of semester or year . and will ALWAYS INCLUDE a contact with the parent or guardian.
Note: When a student is suspended from school, a parent conference is required for his or her return.
It is extremely important to our children that parents and school personnel work hand-in-hand.
Communication, support, mutual respect, and follow-through are critical in achieving the desired results for
all students
SPECIFIC AREAS OF EXPECTATIONS ("School-wide Procedures" contain detailed student
Students will be mannerly during school assemblies. Students will actively participate and applaud by clapping only. Students will not visit with peers during assemblies. Students will enjoy this "break from work" and use "conversation voices" while socializing with peers. All cafeteria materials and equipment will be handled with care. * Students will follow "Classroom Procedures". * Students will be alert, attentive, and ready to participate in class activities. * Students will be courteous and respectful of all people at all times. * Students will treat school and one another's property with respect. Emergency Drills: Students will follow stated procedures quickly and quietly; obeying staff immediately. Hallways: Students will follow "Hallway Procedure"; not disturbing others at study. Playground and playground equipment procedures will be followed.
Note: The throwing or kicking of snowballs, ice, mulch, or rocks will not be allowed.

Students will follow bus procedures. (The bus drivers will discipline the students with referrals being sent to the head of transportation.) SCHOOL PROCEDURES FOR HIGHLAND TERRACE STUDENTS:
1. Walk, face forward. No talking.
2. Form a *line on the right side of the hall, one arm's length from your neighbor.
3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
4. Line leaders watch and wait for oncoming traffic.
5. Don't pass another class. Fall in line behind the class.
6. When in the hall without adult supervision, students must have a pass.
1. Face forward
2. Single file
3. One arm's length from the person in front or behind you
4. Hands to your side
1. Use quiet voices.
2. Flush toilet when finished.
3. Wash hands with warm, soapy water when finished.
4. Make sure bathroom is left clean and tidy.
5. Any student using a bathroom outside of the classroom must have a pass for a designated bathroom.
A. Hall procedures must be followed. B. Bathroom procedures must be followed. Art and Music will have designated bathrooms and passes. BUS LINE PROCEDURES
1. Hall procedures are followed going to the buses.
2. Staff members will escort students outside and walk the length of the buses to the last bus. Students will stay in
a line when entering the buses. The remaining staff will supervise the walkers. 3. Walkers must sit quietly at a designated spot until they are dismissed by a staff member. Walkers leave at 4. Students staying for any after school activity will follow walker procedures. After the walker bell, students may go to their activity using hall procedures. PLAYGROUND PROCEDURES
1. Follow hall procedures going to and coming from recess.
2. Students are responsible for all recess equipment and games.
3. Stay within boundaries of the playground. If a ball needs to be retrieved, talk to a playground supervisor first.
4. No food on the playground.
5. Line up quickly and quietly when you hear the whistle/ bell.
6. You must have permission from the playground supervisor before reentering the building.

• Conduct is to be friendly and courteous. Foul language will not be used.
• To help assure safety, knives, guns (real or play), ammunition, caps, baseballs, footballs and bats are to be left at home. Sticks, stones, mulch, snowballs, ice, etc., are not to be kicked or thrown.
• Students will not climb on the framework of the equipment or on the fence. • Clothing of others should not be grabbed, pulled, or damaged in any way. • Students are to observe the white line rule around the equipment. (Those not directly using the equipment are to remain outside the lines until their turn.) • Students will obey the decision of the teacher on duty as to the advisability of playing on the grass CAFETERIA PROCEDURES
1. Students will wash hands following the “Hand Washing” procedure then proceed to the cashier line on the black
2. Students stand on the line in alphabetical order. Stay behind the line on the black tiles until the cashier calls you 3. Hands at your side at all times. Do not lean against the walls. Enter the serving line quietly. 4. Walk at all times. 5. Students will stay in their seats. Students will face forward, keep hands to themselves and use quiet voices at all 6. Students need to raise their hand to be excused when they are finished.
7. Students (grade levels) must have all trash removed from their area before they may leave the cafeteria.
8. No cafeteria purchased food will be taken out of the cafeteria.
9. Students must stay quietly in their seats until the duty person comes to get them.
10. Students may not save a seat.
1. Walk to the middle aisle of the cafeteria and then to the line in front of the return window.
2. Dump your paper trash, apple cores, and fruit peels
3. Deposit silverware into the container.
4. One student at a time goes to the window to deposit tray. Watch for students coming out of the serving area.
5. Walk back to your seat and sit quietly until you are dismissed.
1. Follow your classroom indoor recess procedures as determined by the staff.
2. Use cafeteria procedures to enter the cafeteria.
3. Use hallway procedures to return to the classroom.
Any student misbehaving in the following manner will be referred to the principal for disciplinary action:
Disrespect to any staff member
Throwing food
Foul language and/or obscene gestures witnessed by any staff member
Climbing or standing on the table top or bench
Students' dress and grooming must be clean, neat, and appropriate for the classroom and all school activities. Attire
that poses a threat to safety and health or disrupts the educational process will not be permitted.
Clothing which MAY NOT BE WORN includes:
Shirts or sweatshirts with inappropriate slogans (including tobacco, drugs, or alcohol advertising or characters), sayings or messages or that which is solicitous, obscene, or profane. Bare midriff shirts or blouses, halter-tops, spaghetti straps, tube tops; (shirts must have at least 3 inches covered
on the shoulder).

Sagging pants displaying undergarments. Low riding pants must have shirt tucked in pants with a belt or with pants containing the inseam adjustment. Short-shorts, biker pants, gym shorts (except in physical education classes); (Shorts, capris, gauchos, skirts/dresses without nylons may be worn from after spring break through
and as announced through the school office for special days or unseasonably warm days. Shorts
must be longer than the student’s fingertips when his/her arms are straight down at his her side.
Shorts”, gauchos, or skirts/dresses may be worn anytime with leggings/tights/nylons and must still be longer
than the student’s fingertips when his/her arms are straight down at her side. During the winter months, all
skin on the leg must be covered with either leggings/tights/nylons/socks.
Torn clothing, fish-net or see-through tops. Any improperly revealing or tight clothing (all undergarments must be covered). Accordingly, sagging pants displaying undergarments are not allowed. Any apparel which is representative of gang affiliation (colors, symbols, letters, etc.) or worn in a way to reflect “gang” interest or involvement. Hats and Bandanas! Hats and bandanas will be taken off upon entering the building. Hair may not be dyed/sprayed unnatural colors (such as: blue, green, purple, etc.)
10. For student safety, plastic/vinyl flip-flop are strongly discouraged from being worn to school.
11. Cleats or shoes with wheels exposed will not be allowed at school. (Ex. Heelys)

In cases where students do not follow these guidelines, parents will be contacted and asked to bring a change
of clothes for their child to school.

A nutritious breakfast will be served daily. A variety of cereal or yogurt will be available in place of any breakfast entree. Milk offered is 2% white, skim white, and 2% chocolate. There are a few simple steps to follow regarding the breakfast procedure. Please explain these to your children: The cafeteria is open for breakfast from 8:35 a.m. until 9:05 a.m. Students must enter the cafeteria through the outside door marked # 6. (Only children eating breakfast are to use this door at this time. Upon entering the cafeteria, students will leave their belongings in a designated area. Students will then get in line at the cash register to pay and will follow the black tiles. Students will proceed through the serving line and sit down at the designated area. After finishing breakfast, students are to return their trays to the dish window and sit back down in the same spot he/she ate in. then return to pick up their belongings. Students will sit back down until the bell rings. Then students are dismissed to their classrooms. Students may then exit the cafeteria going directly to their classroom. They are expected to be on time. The
tardy bell will ring at 9:05 a.m.
If there is a school delay, breakfast will not be served.
Highland Terrace has a "closed" lunch hour. This simply means that a student either eats his/her lunch at school or goes home
for lunch. (Note: Students will not be permitted to go home for lunch unless written notification has been received from a
parent.) Students may not leave the school to go to a local restaurant for lunch.

Fast food and pop are not allowed in the lunchroom. (Please share this information with anyone that might each lunch
with your child at school.) If a visitor brings fast food meals to school, he/she will be asked to eat with the child in another
designated area of the school.

Parents and relatives are welcome to have breakfast and lunch with their children any day at Highland Terrace School. Have
your child notify his/her classroom teacher the day you plan to eat with them so we may plan accordingly.
A school lunch will be served each day school is in session. A lunch menu will be sent home with each child so you
will know what is being served each day; however, the menu is subject to change.
Lunch money needs to be brought to the office and placed in the secure box designated for lunch money. The
preferred payment for lunches is cash or a check made payable to Highland Terrace Elementary.
Students at Highland Terrace and throughout EACS are switching from the Lunchbox Point of Sale System to
MealsPlus Point of Sale for their breakfast and lunch meals as well as purchasing Ala Carte items.
Starting with the 2011-2012 school year, federal requirements have lowered the fat content for flavored milk to 1%
or less which means we will be serving flavored milk that is 1% or less.
All East Allen County School cafeterias use a computerized Point of Sale (POS) system to keep track of money
deposited into a student’s account and purchases made against the account. Students and staff are required to make
deposits into their account for all purchases made in the cafeteria. (Except vended items) A $10 minimum deposit is
required for all full pay students. A $2 minimum deposit is required for reduced priced students and for free students
who wish to purchase ala carte items.
Check or money should be placed in an envelope with the student’s name, POS ID number (same as their computer
number) and amount of deposit. We take deposits for only the exact amount received; no cash will be given back to
the student. Deposits need to be turned in by 9:30 am on any weekday to be credited to the student’s account for
lunch served that day.
We allow elementary students to charge up to 3 meals on their account before they are served an alternate meal. No
charging is allowed for secondary students. Notification is given to students when their balances fall below $5.00.
At the end of the school year, a student’s balance (both positive and negative) will follow them to the next school
year. Refunds for student’s leaving the district or graduating can be requested from the school cafeteria manager.
We can also transfer funds to a sibling who will be staying in the East Allen County School District.
All account activity and student balances can be viewed on the East Allen County Schools website under the Parents
tab, using the Parent Access Login link.
The system allows you to deposit a check (payable to Highland Terrace Elementary) or cash into your child’s
account. Then your child’s lunch, breakfast, or Ala Carte item is deducted from his/her account when purchased.
We prefer a minimum deposit of $10.00 and a maximum of $100.00. A minimum deposit for students approved for
reduced is at least one week of purchases. Students receiving free lunch and breakfast may also deposit money for
Ala Carte purchases. We cannot set “limits” on the purchasing of Ala Carte items. A parent can make the decision
to not allow the child to purchase any Ala Carte by contacting the cafeteria manager at 446-0150 extension 5108.
We have pre-printed envelopes for the students to use when bringing money to school. A child is able to deposit
any day of the week by placing the deposit envelope in a locked box located in the office. Low balance letters and
charge letters will be sent home twice a week. Low balance letters are sent once your child’s account goes below
$6.00 for full-pay and $2.50 for reduced pay.
As your child approaches the cashier, he or she will put in his/her PIN number. Your child will not be identified as
being free, reduced, or full paying. This system will also track the meal that your child has eaten on any given day.
If we are aware that your child has a food allergy, we will be able to note that on the register screen. This will allow
the cafeteria staff to provide a faster method in which to move students through the breakfast and lunch lines.
Any money left in the account at the end of the school year will transfer to the next school year. Students moving to
another school district or graduating may request a refund on the balance of their account. Toward the end of the
year, we encourage students to make a smaller deposit or pay cash at the register during the last week of school to
avoid such refunds.
If at any point you have questions or concerns, please contact the cafeteria manager at 446-0150 extension 5108.
Again this year Highland Terrace will be implementing an OFFER VS. SERVE program in our cafeteria.
The program works as follows:
The school lunch consists of five food items contained within the four food components. They are: 1) meat or meat alternate, 2) vegetables and fruits (two or more), 3) bread or alternate, 4) milk. To qualify for a Type A lunch, you must take at least three different components of the five food items. For example, a sandwich and milk would equal three food components: meat, bread, and milk. This means, food you do not intend to eat may be deleted. Also, new foods you would like to try may be served in a sample portion. Milk offered is skim white, 2% white, 2% strawberry, and 2% chocolate. East Allen County Schools and Highland Terrace Elementary believe that collection of lunch and breakfast monies
teaches responsibility to your child. Please work with us to insure that these monies are not forgotten but brought to
school as needed. When sending the money to school, please use the designated envelopes with information
completed on the outside of the envelope (name, PIN #, date, and amount depositing). This will help ensure that
your child’s money is secure and placed in the right account. We will allow a student to borrow lunch money (not
breakfast) from the cafeteria. Money borrowed must be returned the next school day. A child may only borrow
three times per semester. If a child needs to borrow more than three times, he/she will be offered an alternate food.

To promote safety students must carry their book bags on school property. Some book bags have wheels and can
cause students that are following to trip or fall. Upon arrival and departing from school, all book bags must be
Book bags with wheels may be used off school grounds.
Children riding bicycles to school are to park them in the bicycle racks located in the north parking lot. No riding of
bicycles around the school property or sidewalks adjacent to school property is allowed during the school day.
Kindergarten children are discouraged from riding bicycles to school at any time. All bicycles should be locked for
everyone's protection. Students scheduled to ride a school bus may not ride a bicycle to school. For safety reasons,
students are strongly encouraged to wear proper safety gear, especially
helmets, when riding a bicycle to
Periodically fire, tornado, earthquake, code red, code yellow, and code green drills are held during the school day.
Directions for each type of drill are reviewed by the teacher with the students and are also posted in the classroom.
The same desirable conduct and following of procedures is expected during these drills as is expected during the
school day.
To enhance the curriculum and broaden the child's experiences, trips beyond the school are planned. Parents will be
informed of the place, date, time, and means of transportation for each trip. A "Parent Permission Card" will be sent
home by the teacher at the beginning of the school year to be signed by the parent or guardian and returned. No
child will be allowed to go on a field trip without a signed permission card on file. Any adult planning on
chaperoning a field trip must complete an EACS Background Check two weeks prior to going on a field trip.

Lost clothing items should be taken to the cafeteria and placed in the designated box. All other items should be taken to the school office. It is most important that items such as clothing, shoes, book bags, boots, lunch boxes, etc., be clearly marked in permanent ink with the child's name. MODES OF TRANSPORTATION WHICH ARE PROHIBITED ON SCHOOL PROPERTY:
Mini-bikes, motor-bikes, motor scooters, go-carts, motorcycles, scooters, skateboards, and any other unlicensed motor vehicles will not be permitted on East Allen County Schools property except: If a motor vehicle defined above is legally licensed, it will be permitted to operate on paved areas for vehicular traffic provided such use is for transportation to an activity located on school property. PARENT RESOURCE MATERIALS:
In the Media Center, there is an area with several books for parents to check out. These books cover several topics such as helping your child with homework, working with ADHD children, discipline, family reading, etc. Please visit the Media Center during the school day to check out these books. If you can't come in during the day, send a note requesting a listing of the books. This listing will be sent home with your child along with a form that you can return to request the desired book. Your selection will then be sent home with your child. SMOKE-FREE WORK PLACE:
All persons, including students, staff, and visitors, shall not be permitted to use tobacco products of any kind or any form while inside school corporation owned buildings or while in school corporation-owned, contracted, or other authorized vehicles. Further, the use of tobacco products of any kind or any form on school corporation-owned property outside school corporation-owned buildings is prohibited during regular school hours and at other school activities. Toy guns, toys, knives, trinkets, baseball cards or any other trading cards, and other trivia are to be left at home.
Children are easily distracted with such items. They will be placed in the teacher's possession for the remainder of
the school day, if brought to school, and then turned over to the building principal. Items turned over to the
principal will only be returned to the parent/guardian. Skateboards, roller-skates, and electronic equipment
(including cell phones) are not appropriate to bring to school. No playground play equipment may be brought to
Students should not bring any electronic devices to school including, psp’s, cell phones, iphones, gameboys, ipods,
mp3 players, etc… These items can not be monitored in student bookbags and are not the responsibility of the
school. They also distract from the learning environment and can interfere with the educational process. If these
items are found at school, they will be placed in the school office and parents will be called to pick them up. Any
items left at the remainder of the school year will be donated to a local organization/charity.

Source: http://nhp.eacs.k12.in.us/UserFiles/Servers/Server_3123644/File/HighlandTerraceElementary/Parents/handbook2011.pdf


Was ist Adipositas? Fettleibigkeit (Adipositas) Als Fettleibigkeit wird eine übermäßige Ansammlung von Fettgewebe im Körper bezeichnet. Zu einer solchen Anreicherung von Fett kommt es, wenn die Energiezufuhr (vor allem durch Fett, Zucker und insgesamt kalorienreiche Ernährung) den Energieverbrauch dauerhaft übersteigt. Die Adipositas führt zu Folgeerkrankungen und einer kürzeren


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