
Final Program
The International Neuropsychological Society, Finnish
Neuropsychological Society, Joint Mid-Year Meeting
July 29-August 1, 2009
Helsinki, Finland & Tallinn, Estonia

9:00 AM–12:00 PM
Continuing Education Course 1: Cerebral Palsy And Traumatic Brain Injury:
A Family-Based Approach To The Rehabilitation Of The Child
Presenter: Lucia Braga
Press Room

9:00 AM–12:00 PM
Continuing Education Course 2: Clinical & Psychometric Strategies For
Improving Accuracy For Identifying Cognitive Impairment
Presenter: Grant Iverson
Fennia II

1:00–4:00 PM
Continuing Education Course 3: Neuropsychotherapy: Guidelines For A New
Integrated Field Of Neuropsychological Treatment
Presenter: Ritva Laaksonen
Fennia I

1:00–4:00 PM
Continuing Education Course 4: The Functional Neuroanatomy Of
Semantic Memory
Presenter: Alex Martin
Fennia II

1:00–4:00 PM
Continuing Education Course 5: Neurodevelopmental Consequences Of Very
Low Birth Weight: Current Knowledge And Implications
Presenter: H. Gerry Taylor
Press Room

4:15–4:45 PM
Opening Ceremony

4:45–5:30 PM
Presidential Address: Time, Language, and the Human Brain
INS President: Michael Corballis

Time, Language, and the Human Brain.
6:00–7:30 PM
Helsinki City Reception
Helsinki City Hall

8:30–10:00 AM
Paper Session 1: Memory in Clinical Conditions

Source Memory for Emotional Pictures in Alzheimer Patients.
Episodic and Semantic Memory Decline in Very Old Age: The Impact of Processing Speed and ExecutiveFunctioning.
Prospective Memory Functioning and its Underlying Cognitive Components in Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
Distinctive memory profiles in depression remitters and nonremitters following electroconvulsive therapy:Preliminary findings.
Do Low Effort Learning Strategies Mediate Impaired Memory in ADHD? 8:30–10:00 AM
Symposium 1: Neuropsychology of the Spectrum of Affective Disorders
Chair: Thomas Beblo

Neuropsychology of the Spectrum of Affective Disorders.
Memory Predicts Social Adjustment in Bipolar Disorder.
Attentional capacity and dop-down control changes in patients with major depression Evidence based onthe theory of attention (TVA).
Motor Sequence Learning In Patients with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Depression.
Are neuropsychological deficits specific in patients with Borderline Personality Disorder? A comparison withpatients with Major Depression.
Inhibition during affective and neutral information processing in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD)and borderline personality disorder (BPD) – neuropsychology and functional imaging.
8:30–10:00 AM
Invited Symposium: Theoretical and Clinical Contributions to the Social
Neuroscience: a Developmental Perspective
Chair: Vicki Anderson
Fennia I

Theoretical and clinical contributions to the social neuroscience: a developmental perspective.
New perspectives on the assessment of moral reasoning after childhood traumatic brain injury.
Social cognition after paediatric traumatic brain injury: Mechanisms of aggression.
The neuro-developmental risk of childhood head injury on later offending and the need for socially focussedearly neuro-rehabilitation.
Social and behavioural problems following acquired brain injuries in childhood.
8:30–10:00 AM
Invited Symposium: Aspects on Biological and Psychological Determinants of
Cognitive Plasticity
Chair: Göran Horneman
Fennia II

Aspects on biological and psychological determinants of cognitive plasticity.
Improvement of cognitive deficits in first-episode psychosis - An association to information processing speed.
Cognitive outcome after head injury in childhood.
Cognition in myotonic dystrophy type 1 - general impact during different stages of the lifespan.
Training of executive functions in young and old adults.
Computerized training of working memory in aging - a controlled randomized trail.
10:00–11:00 AM
Poster Session 1: Intervention, Psychopathology, Traumatic Brain Injury, ADHD

The Effect of Long-Term Methylphenidate Treatment on Test-measured Executive Functions in Childrenwith ADHD.
Dialectical Behavioral Therapy -based skills training in group for adult substance abusers with attentiondeficit hyperactivity disorder (AD/HD).
Neural Markers of Detecting Infrequent Visual Events in ADHD.
High self-perceived stress in everyday life, and a heightened risk for poor recovery after a cognitive stres-sor in adults with ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder).
Rey Osterreith (RO) Performance in Finnish Adolescents With and Without Attention Deficit Hyperactiv-ity Disorder (ADHD).
Do the Behavioural and Emotional Characteristics Related to AD/HD in Adults Predict Attention NetworkEfficiency? Comorbities in a sample of Brazilian Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD).
Neuropsychological Evaluation of Memory in Children and Adolescents with Attention-Deficit Hyperac-tivity Disorder (ADHD): a Lifespan Perspective.
Assessing executive functions in children with ADHD: A comparative study of results of the Behavior Rat-ing Inventory of Executive Functions (BRIEF) and neuropsychological tests.
Clinical and Neuropsychological profile in a sample of Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Dis-orders (ADHD).
Long-Term Methylphenidate Treatment Improves the Every-day Executive Functions of Children with ADHD.
ADHD Traits in Finnish Male Prisoners.
Dialectic Behavioural Therapy -based skills training in group for adults with attention deficit hyperactiv-ity disorder (ADHD).
Traumatic Brain Injury (Child)
Script Generation of Everyday Activities: An Ecological Measure of Executive Skills in Children with Trau-matic Brain Injury.
Implicit Judgment of Music Syntax in Children with Traumatic Brain Injury.
Prognostic Factors in Pediatric Traumatic Brain Injury: Correlation of Clinical Parameters and Neuropsy-chological Outcome.
Parental Distress and Child’s Executive Function Skills among Families attending Holistic Pediatric Reha-bilitation Program for Brain-Injured Children (HOPE).
Impaired Awareness of Deficits in Children with Traumatic Brain Injuries.
Validity of the Paediatric Care and Needs Scale (PCANS) for assessing support needs of children and ado-lescents with acquired brain injury.
Traumatic Brain Injury (Adult)
Effects of Neurofeedback on Memory and Quality of Life in Traumatic Brain Injury.
Executive Functions and Quality of Life in Traumatic Brain Injury.
Digit Span Age Scaled Score in Middle-Aged Military Veterans at Risk for TBI: Comparative Utility in Con-firmation of Incomplete Effort.
Self-reports of Cognitive Function Are Not Predictive of Neuropsychological Test Performance among Re-turning Combat Veterans.
Traumatic brain injury in people with spinal cord injury: prevalence and clinical consequences.
Investigating Cognitive And Electrophysiological Mechanisms Of Task-Switching Deficits In TraumaticBrain Injury (TBI).
Clock Drawing and the Mini-Mental State Examination in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury.
Neuroanatomical Correlates of the Clock Drawing Test in Patients with Traumatic Brain Injury.
Social Communication Outcome Following Severe Traumatic Brain Injury: Comparing the Perspectives ofInjured Adults and their Relatives at Different Stages of Recovery.
Length of PTA is Not a Predictor for Discharge to Psychiatric Ward after Subacute Rehabilitation of Se-vere TBI.
The Influence of Depression and Anxiety on TOMM Performance in Patients with Mild TBI at Six-Monthsand Two-Years Post-Injury.
A Comparison of the Insight Interview and Other Measures of Awareness Deficits.
Relationship Between Neuropsychological Intervention and Vocational Outcome Following Traumatic BrainInjury Rehabilitation.
Relationship of Trait Anxiety and Personality Factors with Post-Concussive Symptoms (PCS) FollowingMild Traumatic Brain Injury (MTBI).
Impact of acquired brain injury in primary caregivers. Preliminary findings.
The Impact of an Acquired Brain Injury on High-level Musical Skills: Two Case Studies.
Is Post Traumatic Amnesia(PTA) just Amnesia and does Prospective Recording of New Learning Abilityduring PTA Predict Long Term Outcome.
Practice Effects of Computerised Versus Pencil and Paper Neuropsychological Assessment in Sports-re-lated Concussion.
Traumatic Brain Injured patients, regardless of disability level, show impairments in the same cognitivedomains.
Relationship between Cognitive and Motor Performance in Physically Well-recovered Men with TraumaticBrain Injury.
The Relationship Between Age, Injury Severity and MRI Findings Following Traumatic Brain Injury.
Neuropsychological Support and Intervention to Adult Relatives of Patients with Severe Acquired Brain In-jury in the Sub-acute Phase.
Self-Reported Fatigue Following Uncomplicated Mild Traumatic Brain Injury.
Impairment in the Recognition of Emotion across Different Media following Traumatic Brain Injury.
The Impact of Alexithymia on Somatisation after Traumatic Brain Injury.
Alexithymia and Emotional Empathy following traumatic Brain Injury.
Is Cognitive Outcome in Penetrating Brain Injury Distinguishable from that of Non-Penetrating BrainInjury? Effect of stabilotraining with biofeedback at rehabilitation of patients with posttraumatic Korsakoff syndrome.
The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) in the Detection of Insufficient Effort in Suspected Head Injury.
Psychopathy and frontal lobe functioning: The role of executive dysfunction in secondary psychopathy.
MMPI – RF assessment augments Neuropsychological Treatment Utility.
Social-emotional development in children with mild traumatic brain injury.
Neuropsychological Correlates of Insight in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.
A Study of Retrospective Memory Function in Depression.
Tentative Explanation of Delusional Perception in PDFTBI patients with temporal pole lesions.
Organizational Strategies: A New Cognitive Endophenotype of OCD? The Rorschach Coping Deficit Index Reflects Neuropsychological Dysfunction.
Psychotic Features on the Rorschach and Cognitive Neuropsychological Dysfunction.
Executive Functions in Schizophrenia and Its Relationship with the Clinical Symptoms.
Neurocognitive Function in Individuals with Very High Risk Stage of Psychosis.
60. GARCIA-VALDECASAS COLELL, M Schizophrenia and Dandy-Walker Complex: a Case Report.
61. PEÑA, J CFA confirmation of a latent cognitive structure common to Spanish and North American patients withschizophrenia.
Cognitive Intervention/Rehabilitation
Neurocognitive Rehabilitation of Anoxic Brain Injury Following Cardiac Arrest.
Rehabilitation of Error Awareness Post Acquired Brain Injury (ABI): An Intervention.
Treatment of migraine: How effective is Biofeedback - Assisted Relaxation training? Does Timing Training Affect Goal-directed Upper Limb Movements in Youths with Cerebral Palsy? The effect of cognitive rehabilitation using car driving simulator in schizophrenia.
The constancy of the ipsilesional upper limbs movement of the unilateral spatial neglect patient after theright hemisphere injury.
Cognitive Profiles in Portuguese Children with Dyslexia.
Training of Three Executive Functions in Old Adults.
Neuropsychological rehabilitation of memory applied to Dementia reduces depression and promotes cog-nitive gains.
The effects of family guidance combined with cognitive training on performance of AD patients.
Emotional Processes
Laterality, EEG Alpha Band Power and Behavioural Inhibition (BIS) and Activation (BAS) Systems in Emo-tional Face Comprehension.
Validation of the Emotion Word Fluency Test: Preliminary Evidence.
Coping and Psychological Distress in Children of Parents with ABI. A Preliminary report.
11:00 AM–12:00 PM
Invited Plenary: Postnatal Development of Hippocampus:
Neuropsychological Implications
Speaker: Lynn Nadel

Postnatal Development of Hippocampus: Neuropsychological Implications.
1:30–3:00 PM
Invited Symposium: Highlights of Recent Results Associated with
Developmental Neuropsychology
Chair: Margaret Semrud-Clikeman

Highlights of Recent Results Associated with Developmental Neuropsychology.
Developmental Predictors and Prevention of Dyslexia.
Brain Morphology and Dyslexia; Relationship to an Extended Family who is Twice Exceptional.
Functional and Structural Neuroimaging in ADHD with and without Medication Treatment.
1:30–3:00 PM
Paper Session 2: Cognitive Deficits in Mild Cognitive Impairment and
Fennia I

The Neural Correlate of Cognitive Reserve.
Cognitive Tests Predicting Different Dementia Disorders in MCI Subjects 4 Years Before Diagnosis.
Cognitive Decline in Subcortical Ischemic Vascular Disease. Cross-sectional and Longitudinal Findings fromthe LADIS Study.
Comparison of Visual Confrontation Naming in Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson’s Disease with and with-out Dementia.
Impaired Visuomotor but not Visuoperceptual or Cognitive Skill Learning in Parkinson’s Disease.
1:30–3:00 PM
Symposium 2: The Neuropsychology of Dual-Tasking
Chair: Jonathan Evans
Fennia II

The Neuropsychology of Dual-Tasking.
Walking and Talking: Cognitive-Motor Dual-Tasking in Multiple Sclerosis.
Dual Task Engages an Independent Executive Function.
The Effect of a Cognitive or Motor Task on the Gait Parameters of those with Diabetes, with and withoutNeuropathy.
Dual Task Abilities in Alzheimer’s Disease due to E280A Single Presenilin-1 Mutation.
Impact of Task Complexity and Dual Task Conditions on Performance of Habitual Everyday Tasks in MildAlzheimer’s Disease.
1:30–3:00 PM
Invited Symposium: Silent Cysts, Are There? The Case of Anja Kohonen: The
Ingenious Zero with Large Arachnoid Cyst.
Chair: Ritva Laaksonen

Silent Cysts, Are There? The Case of Anja Kohonen: The Ingenious Zero with Large Arachnoid Cyst.
Clinical and Neuroradiological Findings of the Case A.K.
What Did the Neuropsychological Assessment Reveal about an Incidentally Emerged Large Arachnoid Cyst?The Case A.K.
The Subtle Sequelee of a Large Arachnoid Cyst: The Experiential World of Anja Kohonen and the Con-traversies of Silent Cysts.
3:00–4:00 PM
Poster Session 2: Aging, Dementia, Cognitive Neuroscience,
Electrophysiology, Imaging, Genetics

Semantic Memory: Relations With Demographic Variables.
Enhancing Mini-Mental State Examination -MMSE- Memory Assessment.
Relation between cognitive function and urinary incontinence in healthy community-dwelling middle andelderly people.
Awareness of memory impairment in middle and old aged community dwellers.
Cognitive Activity and Cognition at Old Age: The use of Technology as a Buffer of Cognitive Decline in Aging.
Age Related Declines in Performance on the Wechsler Intelligence Scales from 1955 to 2008.
Is the Stroop Color-Word Test sensitive to cognitive decline in elderly people? Life-span change in Japanese grammar: From child to elder.
Assessing Mental Flexibility: Neuroanatomical and Neuropsychological Correlates of the Trail Making Testin Elderly People.
Comparison of the GDS and the PHQ-9 Depression Screening Instruments in Ethnically Diverse Older Med-ical and Psychiatric Veteran Populations.
Dementia (Alzheimers)
Working Memory Deficits in Alzheimer’s Disease and Mild Cognitive Impairment: Contribution of MemoryTrace Decay.
Activities of daily living in early onset and late onset Alzheimer’s disease.
The correlation of neuropsychological performances and cortical thickness in mild cognitive impairmentand Alzheimer’s disease.
Design and Operation of a Multidisciplinary Memory Clinic Using Telehealth Technology To Serve a Ruraland Remote Population.
Confabulation in Mild Alzheimer’s Dementia.
Apathy and memory performance in Alzheimer’s disease.
The validation of the Finnish version of CERAD neuropsychological battery.
Behavioural and neural correlates of inhibtiory functioning in patients with Alzheimer’s disease and healthycontrol subjects.
Dementia (Subcortical, Specific Disorders, MCI, etc.)
Clustering and Switching on Verbal Fluency: Comparison Between Parkinson’s Disease Patients and HealthySubjects.
Phonetic and Semantic Fluency in Different Stages of Parkinson Disease.
Amnestic MCI-MD with Prefrontal Impairment Shows Greater Preservation of Premotor Functions thanNon-Amnestic MCI-MD with Prefrontal Impairment.
Self-appraised versus informant-reported and objective cognitive function in mild cognitive impairment (MCI).
Memory Related Brain Activation in MCI: An Interaction between Disease Severity and Cognitive Process.
Prefrontal Functions are Impaired in Amnestic MCI Multidomain.
If Combined, Are Life Style Risk Factors and Neuropsychological Profiles Markers of Disease Progressionin MCI? Subjective vs. Objective Cognitive Impairment in Subjects Seeking Care at a Memory Clinic.
Voxel-Based Analysis of Diffusion Tensor Imaging in patients with dementia or mild cognitive impairmentwith small vessel disease :Correlates with cognitive and motor deficits.
Hypophonia in Subcortical Vascular Mild Cognitive Impairment and Subcortical Vascular Dementia.
A multimodal Category-Specific Semantic Deficit for Animals: A Case Study.
Cognitive Functions of a Patient with Fronto-temporal Dementia (FTD) having Superior Painting Skills issimilar to that of Autistic Savant Syndrome.
Inverse Relationship between Triiodothyronine and Cognition in MCI.
Assessment of Processing Speed and Executive Functions performance when discriminating between MildCognitive Impairment and Dementia States.
Neuropsychological Features of Two Patient Cases with Posterior Cortical Atrophy.
Relationship between Switching On Semantic Verbal Fluency and Working Memory on Parkinson DiseasePatients and Healthy Elderly.
Cognitive Neuroscience
Relationship between Mood and Cognitive Effects of Acute Doses of Donepezil in Young Healthy Volunteers.
Visual Processing Factors Contribute to Object Naming Difficulties in Dyslectic Readers.
Interaction between perceptual color and color knowledge information in object recognition: Behavioral andelectrophysiological evidence.
The perception of musical phrases by musicians.
The Value of Nothing: Behavioral Relevance Determines the Processing of Negative Prediction Errors.
Profiling Dislexic Children: Phonology and Visual Naming Skills.
Contribution of the Left Retrosplenial Region to Human Navigation.
The Internal Structure of Number Space.
The Role of Dorsal Stream for Motor Imagery Process. An ERP Analysis.
Observing, Imitating and Executing: An Electrophysiological Investigation of Acting and Inter-actingProcesses.
Neuropsychological and Cognitive Correlates in Tourette Syndrome.The Inhibitory Process Hypothesis.
Right Visual Field Advantage in Parafoveal Processing: Evidence from Eye-Fixation Related Potentials.
Relationship between Performance of Visual Memory and Global Field Synchronization of EEG in childrenwith Learning Disabilities.
Genetics/Genetic Disorders
Neuropsychology and Genetics: Probabilistic Models and the Endophenotype Strategy.
Variability in Clinical, Neuropsychological and Behavioral Phenotype In Ring Chromossome 14 Syndrome- Report of Two Brazilian Cases.
Heterogeneous Cognitive Abilities in Boys Suffering from Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy.
Hemispheric Asymmetry/Laterality
Sex Specific Effect of Prenatal Testosterone on Language Lateralization in Children.
Identification of Language-specific Activated Regions During a Sentence Comprehension fMRI task.
The Relationship Between Cumulative Formal Music Practice and Cerebral Language Lateralisation.
The Relationship between Language Functions and Cortical Activation during a Covert Verb GenerationParadigm.
The Role of a Default-Mode Network in Stress Experience in Elderly People with Harm Avoidance Trait.
The Effects of Subliminal Cuing on Prospective Memory.
The Effect of Withdrawal on Brain Response to Smoking Cues.
Effects of subject-performed tasks in memory of action events:a case-control fMRI study.
Prefrontal Asymmetry: Correlates of Restraint, Disinhibition and Eating Behaviors.
Strategic Self-regulation and Its Relation with the Posterior Cingulate Cortex in Abstinent PolysubstanceAbusers.
Brain Morphology in Middle-Aged Obesity and Insulin Resistance.
Diffusion Tensor Imaging After Traumatic Brain Injury: Speed of Information Processing and AttentionalControl.
White Matter Impairment and its Cognitive Correlates in Prematurely Born Children with Low-risk of BrainDysfunctions: A DTI Study.
Visual Loss Differentially Affects Grey Matter Density of Brain Structures Involved in Spatial Navigation.
Superior Temporal Sulcus Lower Surface in Preterm Children with Low-risk of NeurodevelopmentalImpairments.
Prevalence and Categories of Absolute Pitch in Music Schools in Brazil.
Music-supported therapy induces plasticity in the sensorimotor cortex in chronic stroke patients as re-vealed by fMRI.
The Episodic and Autobiographic Memory Scale: Its Relations to Affective Experience and Personality.
4:00–5:00 PM
Invited Plenary: Confabulation and the Creation of Reality
Speaker: Armin Schnider

Confabulation and the Creation of Reality.
5:00–6:00 PM
Invited Plenary: The Application of Cognitive Neuroscience to Problems in
Everyday Life.
Presented by Barbara Wilson, recipient of the INS Award for Lifetime Achievement

The Application of Cognitive Neuroscience to Problems in Everyday Life.
7:30 PM–1:00 AM
Congress Dinner
(optional, pre-registration required)
Restaurant Pörssi

FRIDAY, JULY 31, 2009
8:30–9:15 AM
Invited Symposium: Vascular Impairment From The Neonatal Stage Till The
Late Years
Chair: Liina Vahter

Vascular Impairment from the Neonatal Stage till the Late Years.
Vascular impairment following the childhood stroke.
Vascular dementia and Alzheimer‘s disease – two different diagnoses or one syndrome? 8:30–10:00 AM
Paper Session 3: Adult Traumatic Brain Injury

Fatigue following Traumatic Brain Injury: Its Nature and Causes.
Awareness Deficits and their Relations with Executive Functioning and Memory Processes.
Life expectancy and vocational outcome of patients with traumatic brain injury: a 30 year follow-up study.
What can electrophysiology tell us about recovery after mild TBI? Visuospatial deficits in the acute andchronic post-injury phases.
Traumatic brain injury as a neurodegenerative disorder - progression of gray and white matter loss fol-lowing resolution of acute injury.
8:30–10:00 AM
Symposium 3: The Impact of Very Early Brain Insult on Development
Chair: Sarah Knight
Fennia I

Craniosynostosis: Neurodevelopmental Functioning in Infants Prior to Surgical Intervention.
Craniosynostosis: Neuropsychological Outcomes During Late Infancy and Early Childhoood Following Sur-gical Intervention.
Traumatic Brain Injury in Very Early Childhood: Cognitive, Behavioural and Social Outcomes.
Visual Function and Visual Perception Impacts Academic Achievement.
Developmental Timing of Brain Insult Impacts Differentially on Attention Processes.
The Impact of Very Early Brain Insult on Development.
8:30–10:00 AM
Invited Symposium: Fast, Focused, or the Fabulous Four: Teasing Apart the
Elements of Visual Attention
Chair: Thomas Habekost
Fennia II

Fast, Focused, or the Fabulous Four: Teasing Apart the Elements of Visual Attention.
Attentional Deficits in Neurodegenerative Diseases: an Analysis of Visual Processing Capacity and SpatialAttention Based on Bundesen’s Theory of Visual Attention (TVA).
Too Little, Too Late: Reduced Visual Span and Speed Characterize Pure Alexia.
Specifying the Underlying Deficit in Developmental Dyslexia: An Application of the Theory of VisualAttention.
Differential Effects of Nicotine on Discrete Components of Visual Attention.
TVA Based Assessment: A General Introduction.
9:15–10:30 AM
Invited Symposium: Searching for the Etiology of ADHD Using EEG, Genetics
and Measures of Executive Function.
Chair: Solveig Jonsdottir

Searching for the Etiology of ADHD Using EEG, Genetics and Measures of Executive Function.
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Phenotype Is Influenced by a Functional Catechol-O-Methyl-transferase (COMT) Variant.
Why Is ADHD So Frequently Associated with Specific Language Impairment (SLI)? 10:00–11:00 AM
Poster Session 3: Epilepsy, Toxic Disorders, Stroke/Aneurysms, Other
Medical Conditions, Visuospatial, Executive

Behavioral Neurology
Subclinical neurological involvement in Behçet’s disease.
Error Rate and Sequence Learning in Parkinson’s Disease.
False Familiarity of Unfamiliar Faces and Palinoptic Perseveration.
Constricted intentional field in a patient with normal pressure hydrocephalus : A single case study.
Neural correlates of artistic drawing in patients with right hemisphere stroke.
Study of neurological soft sighs in Japanese patients with schizophrenia.
Drug/Toxin-Related Disorders (Including Alcoholism)
Verbal Fluency Impairment in Ecstasy Users: the Effects of Cognitive Subcomponents, 5-HTT and COMTPolymorphisms.
A Longitudinal Twin Study of Effects of Adolescent Alcohol Abuse on the Neurophysiology of Attention andOrienting.
Correlates of Attention and Memory Performance in Opioid-dependence Treated with Methadone.
A Comparison of Internet and Alcohol Addiction of Attachment among Industrial Workers in Urban Korea.
Effects of intensity of alcohol vs. cannabis, cocaine and heroin use on executive function performance.
Elements of Attention in Children with Benign Childhood Epilepsy with Centrotemporal Spikes.
A Validation Of A Popular WAIS-III Short Form in Patients With Epilepsy.
Improved Cognitive Performance Following Cranial Resection for the Treatment Epilepsy.
Health concerns predicts poor quality of life in seizure-free epilepsy patients.
Timing is Everything: The Effects of Age of Onset and Seizure Duration on Cognitive Development in Chil-dren with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy.
Autobiographical Memory in Patients with Partial Epilepsy: Impact of Accelerated Forgetting.
Cognitive Impairment in Preschool Children with Epilepsy.
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation for Patients with Epilepsy: The Effectiveness of a Memory TrainingProgram.
Neuropsychological Assessment of Patients with Temporal Lobe Epilepsy after Corticoamygdalohip-pocampectomy.
Material-specific Lateralisation of Hippocampal Activation during Verbal and Non-verbal Memory En-coding: An fMRI Study.
Executive Functions/Frontal Lobes
The effects of single and mixed cues on choice reaction in Parkinson’s disease.
Subjective Memory Questionnaire: An Appraisal of Executive Functioning? The Difficulties of Executive Functions in Adolescents with Mild Mental Retardation.
Base Rates of Low Scores on the Test of Verbal Conceptualization and Fluency (TVCF) in Adults.
Return to Work in Brain Tumor Patients is Associated with Neuropsychological Test Performance.
Learning Strategies as an Indication of Executive Verbal Memory: A Comparison of Patients with Schizo-phrenia, Patients with Multiple Sclerosis and Healthy Controls on a Greek CVLT-type Task.
Executive Functions of Children with Specific Language Impairment at Age 7-9.
Switching Contribution to an Efficient Phonetic Verbal Fluency Production.
Error Processing in Social Contexts: Cooperation and Competition in Interaction with Biological and Non-Biological Agents.
Relationship Between Videogame Use and Measures of Sustained Attention in Brazilian Adolescents: Fasteris Better? Executive dysfunction in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome.
Information Processing, Reaction Time and Motor Speed in Patients with Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome.
Stress-Induced Cortisol Effects on Executive Function in Healthy Young Men.
Frontal Lobe Functions in Patients with Juvenile Myoclonic Epilepsy.
Effects of sex, co-twin’s sex, and pubertal development on Trail Making Test performance: A population-based study of 1847 adolescent Finnish Twins.
Medical Conditions (HIV/AIDS, MS and other Medical Conditions)
Depressive Symptoms May Influence in the Diagnosis of Neurocognitive Disorders in HIV Infection.
38. GARCIA-VALDECASAS COLELL, M Batería Neuropsicológica Breve (BNB) as a Neuropsychological Screening Tool for Cognitive Impairment The Effects of Rivastigmine on Cognitive Impairments in Multiple Sclerosis: A Case Study.
Neuropsychological Assessment of Young Adults who Presented Sydenham’s Chorea in Childhood.
Is Spatial Attention Affected in Amblyopia? Cognitive Performance After Aortic Surgery Using Deep Hypothermic Total Circulatory Arrest.
Differential effects of testosterone and estrogen replacement on fatigue, cognitive speed and memory function.
Pediatric Facial Fractures without Acute Brain Injury and Cognitive Performance in Early Adulthood.
The Prevalence of Cognitive Dysfunction in the Estonian Population of Hereditary Spastic Paraplegia.
Cognitive Functioning after Transient Ischemic Attack.
Symptom Awareness and Executive Dysfunction Predict Return to Work in First-Ever Cerebral Infarction.
Is Site of an Ischemic Brain Lesion Associated with Subtype of Executive Functioning.
Framingham Stroke Risk Profile and Cognitive Function: Preliminary Results from a Population-BasedStudy in the Mediterranean Area.
Cognitive performance in asymptomatic patients for surgery after carotid endarterectomy: a preliminary study.
Neuropsychological alterations in patients with posterior cerebral artery stroke: a preliminary study.
Predictors of Discharge to Home after Thrombolytic Treatment in Right Hemisphere Infarct Patients.
White Matter Lesions, Cardiovascular Risk Factors and Cognition in a Healthy Sample Between 50 and 65Years-old.
Effects of First-Ever Cortical or Subcortical Brain Infarction on Memory and Executive Function.
Visuopatial Functions/Neglect/Agnosia
The Effect of Asynchronous Presentation in Auditory Extinction: Two Different Processes in Extinction? Dissociation of local/global visual preference and performance in Williams Syndrome.
Now you see them, now you don’t: How to produce a category-effect the way you want it.
Incidence of left visual neglect after thrombolytic treatment in acute right hemisphere stroke patients.
Driving Ability in Stroke Patients with Residual Visual Inattention: A Pilot Study.
A Novel Use of the Cancellation Test to Assess Cognitive Change after Acute Brain Injury.
Right Hemisphere Infarct Patients and Healthy Controls: Comparing Starting Points in Cancellation Tasksof the Behavioural Inattention Test.
Sensitivity of the Behavioural Inattention Test in Assessing Chronic Neglect.
Visual Integration Deficit in a Patient with Prosopagnosia.
Brain perfusion correlates of visuoperceptual deficits in preclinical and mild Alzheimer’s disease.
An anosognosia prevalence of neglect and depression symptoms in patients after brain damage.
Effects of Hormone Replacement Therapy on Cognition: Evidence from Executive Dysfunction.
Lesion in right cerebellar hemisphere leads to greater impairment in executive and visuospatial function-ing than left cerebellar lesion.
Performance on Visuospatial Domains are Improved after Acute Donepezil Intake.
Characteristics of behavioural responses measured by the Wessex Head Injury Matrix (WHIM) in differentfunctional diagnoses in severe brain injury.
Peculiarities of Autonomic Nervous System Function in Migraine Patients with Increased Stress Reactivityin Headache Free Period.
The Reduction of Anxiety Rate for the Stroke Patients and Caregivers.
11:00 AM–12:00 PM
Invited Plenary: The Nature of Music from a Neurobiological Perspective
Speaker: Isabelle Peretz

The Nature of Music from a Neurobiological Perspective.
1:30–3:00 PM
Paper Session 4: Lateralisation and Neural Correlates of Cognition

Effects of Prenatal Testosterone Exposure on Handedness in Children.
Language Lateralisation Correlates with Verbal Memory Performance in Children with Focal Epilepsy.
Neural Correlates of Word Learning and Forgetting; An MEG Study.
Neural Underpinnings of Autobiographical Memory Retrieval in Alzheimer’s Disease.
Neural Correlates of the Detection of Own and Other’s Errors in Individuals with Psychopathy.
1:30–3:00 PM
Invited Symposium: Driving and Cognition
Chair: Taina Nybo

Cognitive Driving Evaluations and Brain Damage: What Steps Are Needed in Order to Establish an Evi-dence Based Practice? Older Drivers with Cognitive Impairments-Issues of Detection and Assessment.
Driving Simulator Tests as Part of the Neuropsychological Assessment of Fitness to Drive in Stroke and TBIPatients.
1:30–3:00 PM
Symposium 4: Neurocognitive Consequences of Pediatric Risk Conditions
Chair: Marit Korkman, Discussant: H. Gerry Taylor
Fennia I

Neurocognitive Consequences of Pediatric Risk Conditions.
Pre-reading Skills at the Age of 5 years - Comparison of Prematurely and Full-term Born Children.
Longitudinal Study of Neurocognitive Development of Children Born with Extremely Low Birth Weight.
Born Preterm: Socio-emotional Adjustment in Relation to Neuropsychological Functioning at Age 18.
Cognitive Development and Behavioral Outcome of Children with Univentricular Heart.
Generalized Neurocognitive Effects of Childhood Chronic Heart Disease with Consequent Transplantation.
1:30–3:00 PM
Symposium 5: Social Cognition: Investigation of Clinical Profiles
Chair: Paul Eslinger
Fennia II

Social Cognition: Investigation of Clinical Profiles.
Social Cognition in Affective Disorders.
Deficits in Social Cognition Related to Location of Frontal Lesions in TBI Patients.
Social Cognition in FTD: Converging Cognitive, Executive and Emotional Deficits.
3:00–4:00 PM
Poster Session 4: Pediatric, Developmental, Language, Memory, Assessment

Assessment/Psychometrics/Methods (Adult)
Transcultural Study Cognitive Profile Of Brazilian Seniors.
NART, WTAR and VCI From The WAIS-III: Do They Measure the Same Thing? Neuropsychological dysfunction pattern in patients with stroke in the left posterior cerebral artery.
Validation of the Revised Quick Cognitive Screening Test.
Cognitive and Psychological Sequelae of Hydrocephalus and Spina Bifida: Triangulation of Patient andCarer Perceptions with Neuropsychological Data to Inform Clinical Intervention.
Preliminary Estonian Normative Data for the Trail Making Test.
Development of a New Neurocognitive Screening Battery for Depression.
Verbal Fluency as an Embedded Measure of Effort.
Adaptation of the NART in Czech speakers – first experiences.
Are nonverbal neuropsychological tests culturally determined? The case of the Polish adaptation of the RFFT.
Sustained attention in brain injury patients: performance on Conners’ CPT.
Long-term neuropsychological effects of electroconvulsive therapy in depression: Systematic review andmeta-analysis.
Neuropsychological Interpretation of the WAIS-III: Does Intelligence Overlap with Executive Function? Assessment/Psychometrics/Methods (Child)
Cross-cultural Adaptation of “NEPSY: Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment”: Brazilian Pilot Study.
Cross-cultural Adaptation of “NEPSY: Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment”: Criterion Valida-tion with WISC-III.
The Overlap of Different Methods of Identifying Students with Learning Disabilities.
Comparative Study between North American and Brazilian children in the Computerized and Manual Ver-sions of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test.
Autism Spectrum Disorders
Social perception in children with Asperger’s, NVLD and controls: an fMRI study.
Face Perception in Children with Asperger’s Syndrome, NVLD, and Controls using fMRI.
Autism and Schizophrenia - Overlap and Differential Aspects.
Developmental Trajectories of Adaptive Behaviors in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Learning Disabilities/Academic Skills/Developmental Risk Factors
Can a Parent Report Measure of Activities of Daily Living, Play Preferences and Movement DifferentiateChildren with Developmental Coordination Disorder from Typically Developing Children? Development of Cognitive Domains in Dyslexic Children.
Project DyAdd: Adult Dyslexia and Attention Deficit Disorder in Finland.
26. MIJALKOVI ´C-STOIJILJKOVI ´C, G Specific Learning Disability: Cognitive Profiles and Differential Diagnostic Strategies.
27. NUKARI, J Dyslexia Among Adults in a Transparent Orthography – Neuropsychological Profile and Everyday Consequences.
Early Recognition and Preventive Intervention for First-Graders at Risk for Reading Failure.
Systematic Literature Review of Borderline Intellectual Functioning.
Sleep Disorders (SD) in Children with and without Learning Disabilities (LD).
Comparison of Brazilian Children with Dyslexia and Learning Difficulties in Single Word Reading andSpelling Tasks.
Risk and Protective Factors for Mental and Behavioral Well-being in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders.
Cognitive Development of Children with Unilateral Non-Progressive Brain Lesion.
Language and Speech Functions/Aphasia
Right-Brain Damage Affects Semantic but not Ortographic Word Fluency.
Pragmatic and semantic information interplay in ironic meaning computation: evidence from “pragmatic-semantic” P600 effect.
Verbal fluency in aphasia: word frequency and semantic similarity.
Production of Passives in Fluent Aphasia: Effects of Thematic Structure of the Verb.
Bilateral Representation of Language in Crossed Aphasia: A Case Report.
Different types of scanning disturbances from the mental lexicon observed in Japanese semantic jargonaphasics.
Investigation of visuospatial abilities in Russian-speaking children with weakness in understanding gram-matical structures.
Comparing MEG and fMRI Views to Naming Actions and Objects.
Grammatical Development in a Case of Acquired Childhood Aphasia with Onset at Age 6.
Interrelations between Semantic and Phonological Domains in Conduction Aphasia(CA).
Memory Functions
Cognitive Functioning in Mild Burnout.
A Case of Bilateral Hippocampal Lesion and a Selective Impairment of the Ability for Mental Time Travel.
Successful Forgetting of Irrelevant Information in Individuals with Frontal Lobe Tumours.
Right parahippocampal gyrus lesion and memory impairment: a case report.
Clinical Assessment of Nondeclarative Learning in Dementia: the Implicit Memory Test.
Memory Complaints and Visual Memory.
Priming Effects from Young-Old to Very Old Age on a Word-Stem Completion Task: Minimizing ExplicitContamination.
Electrophysiological correlates of the control of emotional memories.
Recognition Memory Impairment after Intentional Suppression and the Interference of Conflicting Infor-mation: An ERP Study.
Functional Retrograde Amnesia: The Blockage of Emotional Memory Retrieval.
Preserved Priming but Insensitivity to Perceptual Fluency on Recognition Judgments in Alzheimer’s Disease.
Pediatric Neuropsychology
Children With Cerebellar Tumors Cannot Judge the Emotional Valence of Music With Conflicting Emotionin Lyrics.
The Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL): Comparison between Children with Cerebral Palsy (CP), PosteriorFossa Tumors (PF) and Epilepsy.
Meeting the Challenges in the Cognitive Assessment of Children with Cerebral Palsy (CP).
Neuropsychological assessment of children with craniopharyngiomas.
The Development and Measurement of Inhibition in Early School-Aged Children.
The Development of Sustained Attention in Early School-Aged Children.
Developmental Outcome of Isolated Fetal Macrocephaly.
Does Normal Brain Imaging Predict Normal Neurodevelopmental Outcome in Fetuses with Proven Cy-tomegalovirus Infection? Psychopathologic symptoms in children after surgery for craniopharyngioma.
Cognitive Functions in Girls at Risk for Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia Treated Prenatally with Dexamethasone.
Morphometric and Neuropsychological Study in Two Pediatric Patients with Callosal Dysgenesis and Cin-gulate Gyrus Absence.
Upper Limb Functions in Children with Cerebral Palsy (CP): Kinematic Investigations and TimingIntervention.
Neuropsychological Predictions of Skill Development and Problem Behaviours in Young Adults with Com-plex Epilepsy and Intellectual Disability.
Adjustment and Quality of Life after Childhood Hydrocephalus and Meningitis.
The validity of premorbid IQ estimates in childhood traumatic brain injury (TBI).
A Pathogenic Model for Impaired Elementary Visuomotor Processes in Very Preterm Children.
Cognitive Functioning Among Adolescents with Inflammatory Bowel Disease.
Academic and Verbal Skills in Children with Early Onset Type 1 Diabetes.
4:00–5:30 PM
Symposium 8: Cognitive Profile in Multiple Sclerosis
Chair: Päivi Hämäläinen,

Cognitive Profile in Multiple Sclerosis.
The Paced Auditory Serial Addition Test Performance among Patients with Multiple Sclerosis.
Patterns of Fatigue in Cognitively Intact patients with MS.
The Effects of Heat on Cognitive Performance in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis.
Rivastigmine May Have an Effect on Cognitive Fatigue and Related Brain Activation in Multiple Sclerosis.
Positron Emission Tomography Shows Increased Brain Acetylcholinesterase Activity in Multiple SclerosisPatients with Marked Cognitive Impairment.
4:00–5:30 PM
Invited Symposium: Holistic Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Symposium
Chair: Sanna Koskinen

Holistic Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Symposium.
The Physical Context of Rehabilitation: Is There a Healing Architecture? Establishing a Therapeutic Milieu - Theory and Practice.
Coping with Brain Injury: Theoretical Aspects and Clinical Findings in Holistic NeuropsychologicalRehabilitation.
Many Pathways to Productive Living via Holistic Rehabilitation.
4:00–5:30 PM
Symposium 6: Training Reading Fluency: What does Research Have to Say?
Chair: Mikko Aro
Fennia I

Training Reading Fluency: What does Research Have to Say? The Effects of Reading Acceleration Training on Visual-Auditory Integration and Reading Fluency of Read-ing Disabled Children.
Training Reading Fluency in Children with Dyslexia: Explicit, Rule-Based Learning versus Implicit, Asso-ciative Learning.
Repeated Reading of Syllables among Finnish-Speaking Poor Readers.
Reading of Syllables Led to a Reduced Number of Fixations among Poor Readers.
4:00–5:30 PM
Symposium 7: Neuropsychology in Psychiatric Disorders
Chair: Annamari Tuulio-Henriksson
Fennia II

Neuropsychology in Psychiatric Disorders.
Sex Differences in Cognition among Schizophrenia Patients.
The Effect of Information Processing Speed on Cognitive Functioning in Patients with Familial Bipolar IDisorder and Their Unaffected Relatives.
Cognitive Functioning among Young Adults with Depressive or Anxiety Disorders.
The Relationship between Psychotic-Like Symptom Intensity and Cognitive Performance among Adoles-cents at Heightened Risk for Psychosis.
Cognitive Functioning in Substance Abuse and Dependence: A Population-Based Study of Young Adults.
5:30–6:30 PM
Invited Plenary: Brain Basis of Social Interaction
Speaker: Riitta Hari

6:30–7:00 PM
INS Business Meeting

12:00–1:00 PM
Invited Plenary: Episodic Memory-2009
Speaker: Endel Tulving

2:30–4:00 PM
Symposium 9: Psychological Adjustment to Acquired Brain Injury
Chair: Michael Schönberger, Discussant: Ritva Laaksonen

Psychological Adjustment to Acquired Brain Injury.
Occurrence of Sentinel Events and Emotional Adjustment During the Hospital to Home Transition Fol-lowing Acquired Brain Injury.
Psychological Adjustment to Traumatic Brain Injury in the Early Phase of Community-Based Rehabilitation.
Self-Discrepancy, Emotional Distress, and Functioning in Traumatic Brain Injury.
The Role of Social Identity in Determining Outcomes After Acquired Brain Injury.
2:30–4:00 PM
Paper Session 5: - Developmental Consequencies of Prematurity or Brain

Premorbid Child and Family Functioning as Predictors of Post-Concussive Symptoms in Children with MildTraumatic Brain Injuries.
Hierarchical Linear Modelling of the Effects of Injury Severity, Time, Age and Gender on Verbal and Non-Verbal Memory, Following Paediatric Severe/Moderate and Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI).
Neuropsychological Outcome at School Age of Preterm Children with Periventricular Hemorrhagic Infarc-tion: An Optimistic View.
Neuropsychological Profiles in 5 1⁄ 2 Year Old Children Born Preterm: Medical Risk and Long-term Outcome.
Neurocognitive and Behavioral Profile of Children Affected with Posterior Fossa (PF) Tumors.
2:30–4:00 PM
Paper Session 6: Cognitive Assessment

The Functional Independence Measure for People with Traumatic Brain Injury: How Good is the CognitiveScale for Measuring Neuropsychological Impairments? Semantic and Phonological Fluency in Colombian AD Patients.
Using Virtual Reality for Ecologically-Valid Assessment of Executive Functions.
Theory of Mind Task in Children after TBI: What Can Picture Arrangement Cartoons Tell Us about Eval-uation of Others’ Mental States? Development of an Open-Ended Ecological Task to Assess Executive Functioning in Children Post TBI: aCooking Task.
4:00–4:30 PM
Closing Ceremony


was some long seconds before she started fiddlingfurther with the equipment and it transpired thatthe major problem was with the scanner and notthe baby. Babies don’t have a tendency to freezeFor those of you that don’t already know, this willup and crash all that often as far as we know yet. probably be the last year that it’s just two of usIf there is an equivalent of Murphy’s law


O riginal article Scand J Work Environ Health 2006;32(5):339–348 Do burned-out and work-engaged employees differ in the functioning of thehypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis?by Saar Langelaan, MSc,1, 2 Arnold B Bakker, PhD,2, 3 Wilmar B Schaufeli, PhD,1, 2 Willem van Rhenen,MSc,4 Lorenz JP van Doornen, PhD 2, 5Langelaan S, Bakker AB, Schaufeli WS, van Rhenen W, van Doornen LJP. Do burned-out

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