C L I N I C A L A N D E X P E R I M E N T A L H Barry Collin AM Barry L Cole
as a part-time lecturer in ocular pathol-
etry and his sub-major in physics qualifiedhim for his part-time demonstrator posi-tion in the Physics Department in the
stairs to the tiny staff room in the Victo-
ment to decide on a change to his career.
of coffee with me. He told me that he was
thinking of leaving his job as optometrist
in his father’s practice and was looking for
a new job. His work as an optometrist was
no longer giving him much satisfaction. H Barry Collin AM Professor Emeritus
premises in the city to its own building in
full-time lecturer in the college two years
practice of optometry was not as interest-
ing in the 1950s as it is today—Schiötz
had agreed in the previous year to offer a
tonometry had just arrived, slit lamps were
cially as his father was reluctant to admit
be taught in conjunction with the college.
cycloplegia was prohibited by law and con-
Negotiations for affiliation with the uni-
tact lenses were in their infancy. Detection
versity were underway to establish a close
rather than diagnosis and evaluation, and
optometry course at the Victorian College
was not so busy, Barry filled in his spare
time preparing for his classes as a part-
that walk up the stairs to have coffee with
me.1 It advertised the position in 1961 but
course were also subjects of the Bachelor
of Science course in the university. Some
he gave as a part-time lecturer in the Vic-
diplomates of the college continued their
the uncertainty of its finances.2 Instead,
studies for another year to complete a BSc
the decision was timid or not, it was the
right decision, as subsequent events were
after seven years in private practice, espe-
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 84.1 January–February 2001
processes of graft rejection. This was im-
portant to ophthalmologists. It was signifi-
the Australian $50 note for some time.
and told that he should do some research.
Florey, Barry spent 1968 as a research fel-
cided that we had to have a research pro-
this. They need to be reminded that prior
to 1960, there was very little research in
versity. Part-timers John Nathan and Geoff
optometry in Australia and no research of
lished in journals such as Experimental Eye
Lederer’s work at the University of NSW
Research, Investigative Ophthalmology and
vision and the new boy, Barry Collin, had
Schultz’s work on optics at the University
By this time the temporary assistant lec-
ology and a most colourful personality in
the university,4 asked Barry Collin to come
Collin’s research achievements that broke
pointed lecturer in the Victorian College
to his office to discuss the possibility of a
moted to senior lecturer. In 1973 the Uni-
whether lymphatic vessels would prolifer-
recognise his outstanding contributions to
ate into the tissue of an injured cornea. If
responsibility for teaching the optometry
profession of optometry. In 1977, the Aus-
Collin’s employment was transferred from
because the cornea is not vascular. Profes-
the college to the university and in that
sor Wright had put his idea to some of his
sity that recognised outstanding research
Over the next few years, Barry Collin’s
time for research because of his teaching
load, and lymphatic vessels are elusive.
University of Adelaide in 1971. This prize
range of questions to do with the histopa-
Tenacity brings its rewards because I can
is awarded for the most significant contri-
thology of the anterior eye disease. It was
recall being invited into his tiny office,
which served also as his microscopy room,
to view a brilliant visualisation of single
cell walled lymphatics that he had induced
vessel proliferation into the vascularised
in Investigative Ophthalmology and one in
cal journals, he was at pains to communi-
Lancet. The second paper in Investigative
cate also with his optometric colleagues. Ophthalmology was thought sufficiently
Barry Collin’s mentor, Professor Wright,
journal and its predecessor, the AustralianJournal of Optometry, and in the Journal ofthe American Academy of Optometry. These
have covered a diversity of topics includ-
reprinting in the Year Book of Ophthalmol-
turn invited Barry to spend a year in Ox-
ing clarifying the criteria for referral for
ford. Readers will recall that it was Florey’s
substances and antibiotics that lead to the
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 84.1 January–February 2001
trial eye injuries and corneal disease. He
him to the senior degree of Doctor of Sci-
overdraft over three years and that the op-
erating grant for 1962 would be £10,000($20,000), some three times the current
state grant. However, despite the promise
countries, from optometrists keen to draw
council clearly decided it would be finan-
but he is peripatetic. He holds a visiting
cially much safer to make a short term jun-
ior appointment and it agreed to offer Barry
Collin a one-year appointment as assistantlecturer. A construction that can be placed
on this record is that the council was not
both of which he has visited regularly to
too impressed with the quality of the appli-
Josef Lederer who was the foundation pro-
teach undergraduates and foster research.
cants for the advertised position and used
fessor of optometry at that University.
finances as an excuse for appointing a per-
son who was not an applicant but whom itsaw as having better potential than any of
to give it a stronger base in the bio-medical
John Nathan was the Director of Studies at
the time. This was a part-time position and
its schools, to the Australian Youth Choir
John was in full-time private practice. He
as a tour manager and patron, and as trus-
held a first class honours BSc degree inphysiology as well as his optometric diploma,
diagnostic drugs, which to that point had
which was a good foundation for these early
research efforts. His contributions to the
literature and the development of academic
its readers, he accepted Editorship of the
CEO in 1993 and in that role is custodian
the award of an honorary Doctorate of Sci-ence in the University of Melbourne. Geoff
Henry was the first vice president of the
to the school a steady progression of re-
college council and, as the presidency was
titular and the president did not usually at-
tend meetings, he was also chairman of the
The Minutes of the meeting of the Council
college council. Geoff also had a first class
of the Victorian College of Optometry held
BSc degree. Later he was to sell his opto-
on July 16 1960 record that I asked if Coun-
metric practice to take up an appointment
cil might at this stage consider the possibil-
fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists
ity of appointing another full-time member
School for Medical Research in the Austral-
London, the only optometrist to be a Fel-
of the teaching staff and two months later
low of that august clinical and scientific
on September 27 1960 the Director of Stud-
an international academic reputation for his
research. He was awarded a DSc for hisresearch on the visual cortex.
Kett, that council approve an advertisementearly in 1961 calling for applications for a
At the meeting of council on June 28 1961,
council resolved to defer appointment of a
University. His research has not finished
lecturer until the negotiations for affiliation
University from 1980 to 1989. He advisedthe leaders of the optometry profession who
of the college to the university were con-cluded. The thought was that the position
were responsible for setting up the Victo-
would be more attractive to applicants if it
rian College of Optometry in 1939 and 1940
work done with his son, Shaun, on the fine
and helped plan the first four-year optom-
structure of the eyes of aquatic biota.
the minutes in 1961 also record council’s
etry course. He was involved again when the
Shaun is Associate Professor in the Depart-
concern about the finances of the college
and progress in negotiations with the State
university. He was a colourful supporter of
Government Director of Finance for a larger
causes as his biography ‘Pansy Wright—A
versity of Queensland. Barry has published
biography of Roy Douglas Wright’ by Peter
agreed that an appointment to the new post
McPhee (1999) attests. He challenged stu-
1994, of which more than half have eluci-
of lecturer could not be made without as-
dents, colleagues and institutions, asserting
at one time: ‘Whatever you do, whether you
and found publication in journals such as
Director of Finance. This is curious because
do it well or do it badly, do it brilliantly. Avoid
Histology and Histopathology. He also assem-
council received a report from council chair-
It is not clear why Professor Wright sum-
bled his work into a thesis entitled ‘The
pathology and morphology of the eye’ for
about research. Barry Collin does not know.
ment intended to write off the college’s
However, at the time negotiations leading
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 84.1 January–February 2001
to affiliation between the college and theuniversity were in progress and the Direc-tor of Studies, John Nathan, and the coun-cil chairman, Geoff Henry, would haveattended meetings at which ProfessorWright would have been present becausehe was a senior professor in the university. His future second wife, Meriel Wilmot, wasthe secretary of the College of Optometry,which may have given him further reasonto know what was happening in optometryand have an interest in it. John Nathan hadstudied for his BSc degree and had contem-plated postgraduate studies in the physiol-ogy department and had known ProfessorWright for 20 years. Most likely it was JohnNathan who mentioned that Barry Collinhad joined the staff of the college and thathe had a BSc degree in pathology and aninterest in histopathology. Professor Wrightwas to be Barry Collin’s mentor for the next20 years and they formed a close friendshipthat endured until Professor Wright’s deathin 1990.
Clinical and Experimental Optometry 84.1 January–February 2001
CENTRAL ELECTRICITY REGULATORY COMMISSION NEW DELHI Coram 1. Dr. Pramod Deo, Chairperson 2. Shri R.Krishnamoorthy, Member 3. Shri S.Jayaraman, Member 4. Shri V. S. Verma, Member Petition No 106/2009 ( Suo-motu ) In the matter of Maintenance of Grid Discipline – Non -compliance of provisions of the Indian Electricity Grid Code by Tamil Nadu Electricity Board.
GIUSEPPE G. L. BIONDI-ZOCCAI • GIACOMO MONTI • STEFANO TURI • IMAD SHEIBAN • ELENA BIGNAMI • GIOVANNI LANDONI ABSTRACT Introduction. Acute renal failure and fluid retention are common problems in pediatric patients after cardiac surgery. Furosemide, a loop diuretic drug, is frequently administered to increase urinary output. The aim of the present study was to compare efficacy