June 2009 101 School Street Trevor P. Hovde, Principal Lodi, WI 53555 592-3842
A note from the principal
beginning at 1:00 PM. After that date placements will be posted on the wall outside of the elementary office.
I’m sure this past week with the unexpected closing of
Registration materials will be mailed out around August
school due to the H1N1 flu (Swine flu) caught us all a
little off guard. I am so thankful for the work of our
school nurse Terry Haag, our secretaries, custodians,
The elementary school will begin summer office hours
support staff, and teachers. They have been helping to
on Monday, June 22nd, from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm
clean, organize, and prepare for the remainder of the
Monday through Thursday, and closed on Friday. Our
school year. It has been neat to see our staff pull
summer office hours will remain in effect through
together during a time when we were facing unexpected
August 14th. The elementary office will be closed the
adversity. It makes me realize the dedication that these
week of June 29th. Our normal scheduled hours will
folks share which is a common thread that binds us
begin on Monday, August 17th. I would suggest calling
together. Along with that, I appreciate the effort and
concern of our parents regarding their children’s health.
We had to make so many unexpected calls on Monday,
Summer is a great time for vacations, and special get-
to parents to have them come and pickup their children.
togethers. Although children are away from school, they
Parents were considerate, accommodating, and
should be encouraged to continue to read books of
concerned about their children and our school Thank
interest, play math games, explore nature, and visit
you for the effort that you have put into this week given
historical sites. Learning opportunities are endless
our unfortunate situation. My wife and I have used this
time as an opportunity to continue to encourage our
children to wash their own hands regularly. Good hand
With that said, I would like to wish everyone a happy
hygiene is one of the best preventative strategies that we
Our school year has been filled with special learning
opportunities for our children. I would like to thank
everyone for their hard work and effort to make this a
successful year at Lodi Elementary School. Teachers
have guided and encouraged students to grow socially,
emotionally, and academically. Parents have supported
students at home with children’s homework and projects.
We are proud of our students and the goals they have
accomplished. Learning is a partnership between all of
us. I’m proud of our students for their hard work and
Please view page 2 of this newsletter for summer LMC reading book checkout times. We will be open two days a week most of July. This is a great opportunity to check out books for summer reading!
10th 3rd grade swim at HS, 8:30-11:00 am
Parents will be able to find out next year’s placement on
Thursday, August 13th. This is our scheduled
11th Market Day pickup, MS, 3:30-5:00 pm
Registration Day. Registration will take place at the
high school from 1:00-7:00 pm. You will find the
classroom placements posted up at the high school
See you at the Lodi Agricultural Fair!
Thank you for entering your projects in the Lodi
Agricultural Fair, we have a wide variety! You
are invited to view the projects at the fair on
July 9th-12th. You may pick up your projects
between 4 and 6 pm on Sunday July 12th, or
between 4 and 6:30 pm on Monday July 13th at
the Lodi Curling Club. They will also be available
at registration day in August. Enjoy the fair!
Could you add that they should pick up fair
projects at the curling club on Sunday July 12th
Six fourth grade students from Lodi Elementary
School participated in the Math 24 Regional
Competition on April 1 in De Forest. A total of
twenty-seven students from Waunakee, Fall
River, Lodi and Mount Horeb attended the
morning competition. Congratulations Logan
Walzer (4th place trophy), Gabi Acker (6th place
trophy), Jacob Michel, Alex Von Behren, Sam
All library books and materials should be
Beckwith, and Kendra Nicolay. Mrs. Autz and
returned to the LMC by June 1st. If you are
doing a special project, they could be kept
longer. Summer library hours are every Tuesday
and Wednesday, 8:00-11:00 am, July 6th-30th.
Mrs. Peggy Schaub and Mrs. Linda Brokish
particular virus is droplet bound so a sneeze
• Good immune systems! Drink water, not pop.
I am including information about N1H1 (Swine flu).
Fruits and vegetables. Fermented vegetables,
Some of you have experienced this virus yourself and
such as un-pasteurized sour kraut (in freezer
the rest of you have been hearing a lot about it. So
section or health food stores), are promoted
here are some thoughts and facts for you.
to have anti-viral qualities. Extra vitamin C,
lots of sunshine for vitamin D. Plenty of sleep.
You may have heard about confirmed cases of H1N1
Swine influenza and wondered what the process is for
support and boost the immune system. Raw
confirming that an illness is indeed this one. If a
garlic, great in salads or just chopped up and
person presents to their medical provider with
eaten may also assist warding off germs.
symptoms of influenza, (fever over 100 degrees,
These are just some natural approaches that
achy, sore throat, and or cough, nausea and vomiting
are possible to keep healthy or if you do get
are not usually included, but could be), the medical
provider may swab the back of the nasal passage to
Summer is coming and hopefully the most we’ll
test for the influenza. You may have heard about a
have to worry about is poison ivy and sunburn! If
rapid test. If the rapid test for influenza comes back
you have any questions or concerns, please call, or
positive, the clinic will send the culture on to the
e-mail me at the El. School. If I am in another
State Health Lab to confirm if it is actually a case of
building the secretaries will let me know and I will
Swine flu. This usually takes at least 36-48 hours
after its sent to the State Lab. Some rapid tests
have been negative and have been sent in, and still
turn positive for Swine flu. Also many clinics aren’t
testing and just tell people with the symptoms, to
stay home for 7 days. Why seven days, you might be
asking. Most viruses take about 7 days to complete
their cycle in your body. So since there have been
confirmed cases in the El. School, and many have had
symptoms but their clinic chose not to test, we can
assume exposure has taken place. Therefore if your
child or you, experience the above listed symptoms,
please call your medical provider, and stay home for
the 7 days unless seeking medical assistance.
If you or your student, or any family member, is
immune compromised for any reason, and you
experience, or have been exposed to the H1N1 Swine
flu, please check in with you medical provider for
• Viruses and bacteria enter our bodies through
mucous membranes (mouth, nose, eyes, in this
case). So covering coughs, don’t share
drinking glasses, food, etc. to minimize
spreading. Hand washing for 30 seconds with
soap and water is the best. Hand sanitizers if
coughing persons by 6 feet at least. This
Upcoming Dates First Day of School Tuesday, September 1st NONDISCRIMINATION The School District of Lodi does not discriminate against any person on the basis of sex, race, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, creed, pregnancy, marital or parental status, sexual orientation, or physical, cognitive, emotional, or learning disability or handicap in its education programs or activities. If any person suspects that such discrimination has occurred, they may file an informal and, if needed, a formal complaint by contacting Anne Thompson, Director of Student Services, School District of Lodi, 115 School Street, Lodi, WI 53555, 608-592-3851, x-5487
Nicotine Nasal Spray How Do I Begin? For more information contact: Nicotine nasal sprays are available by prescription only. Two items of advice: It helps to get help. Each year, only about 5% of people Possible side effects: Do not use if you who try to stop on their own succeed. Research shows that those enrolled in formal stop-smoking programs 3300 Dundee Road • N
Facteurs de forme et technique projective, sansResume : Dans cet article nous presentons une methode projective, dans le cadre de la radiosite,qui simplie le calcul des facteurs de forme, en calculant les contours d'ombres projetees. Lesombres sont delimitees par un polygone d'occlusion qui nous permet d'identier les parties visibleset cachees des objets. Nous pouvons alors calculer