Microsoft word - jtc faculty publications 2008.doc


Plaisance, P.L., 2008, Media ethics: Key principles for responsible practice. Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage Publications. 280 pp.
Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters (22)

Besley, J.C., McComas, K.A. & Trumbo, C.W. (2008). Local newspaper coverage of health
authority fairness during cancer cluster investigations. Science Communication 29(4), 498-521.
Buller, D.B., Woodall, W.G., Zimmerman. D., Slater, M.D., Heimendinger, J., Rogers, E.M.,
Waters, E., Hines, J.M., Starling, R., Hau, B., Burris-Woodall, P., Davis, G.S., Saba, L., &
Cutter, G.R. (2008) Randomized trial on the 5 a Day, the Rio Grande Way website, a web-based
program to improve fruit and vegetable consumption in rural communities. Journal of Health
, 13, 230-249.
Cross, J., Zimmerman, D., & O’Grady, M. (2009, January 13). Residence hall rooms, suites,
and alcohol consumption. Environment & Behavior. January 13, 2009 (Online:
Christen, C.T. (2008, Winter). Opinion polls, exemplification or perceived news slant?
Anticipating a bandwagon effect in the 2008 U.S. presidential election. Invited essay, Political
Communication Report
, 18(3). Available online:
Hallahan, K. (2008). Need for cognition as motivation to process publicity and advertising.
Journal of Promotion Management, 14(1/2), 169-194.
Hallahan, K. (2009). Crises and risks in cyberspace. In R.L. Heath & D. O’Hair (Eds.),
Handbook of risk and crisis communication (pp. 412-445). New York: Routledge.
Kim, Y., Cha, H., & Kim, J. (2008). Developing a crisis management index: Applications in
South Korea. Journal of Public Relations Research, 20(3), 328-355
Ki, E., & Kim. J. (2008). How Viagra has been framed since its launch: A framing analysis of
major newspapers in South Korea and the USA. The Open Communication Journal, v.2, 108-116

JTC faculty indicated in bold; JTC graduate students indicated in bold italics.

Kim, J., & Shin, H. (2008). How an issue in cyberspace shifts to the real world: Three-stage
cyber-issue diffusion (CID) model. Journal of Cybercommunication Academic Society, 25(2), 5-
Kim, M. (2008). Web2.0시대에 인터넷서비스제공자 (ISP)의 법적 책임문제: 미국의 ‘ISP
면책조항’의 새로운 해석 및 최근 적용 사례들에 대한 고찰 [Liability of Internet Service
Providers (ISPs) in the age of Web2.0: Examination of recent cases changing § 230 immunity of
the Communications Decency Act, 정보법학 . Journal of Korea Information Law], 12(1), 205-
Kodrich, K. (2008). The role of state advertising in Nicaragua: Was the demise of Nicaragua’s
Barricada Newspaper political sabotage? Bulletin of Latin American Research, 27(1), 61-82.
Laituri, M. & Kodrich, K. (2008). The online disaster response community: People as sensors
of high magnitude disasters using Internet GIS. Sensors Journal, 8, 3037-3055.
Seel, P. B. & Dupagne, M. (2008). Digital television. In A. E. Grant & J. H. Meadows (Eds.),
Communication technology update (11th ed.) (pp. 79-95). Boston: Focal Press.
Slater, M. D., Long, M., Bettinghaus, E. P., & Reineke, J. B. (2008). News coverage of cancer
in the United States: A national sample of newspapers, television, and magazines, Journal of
Health Communication, 13
(6), 523-537.
Switzer, J. (2008). An analysis of a decade of research published in the Journal of Computer-
Mediated Communication. In S. Kelsey (Ed.), Handbook of research on computer-mediated
(pp. 541-550). Hershey, PA: Information Science Reference.
Switzer, J. (2008). Impression formation in computer-mediated communication and making a
good (virtual) impression. In K. St-Amant (Ed.), Handbook of research on virtual workplaces
and the new nature of business practices
(pp. 98-109). Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.
Switzer, J. (2008). Successful communication in virtual teams and the role of the virtual team
leader. In K. St-Amant (Ed.), Handbook of research on virtual workplaces and the new nature of
business practices
(pp. 39-52). Hershey, PA: Idea Group Publishing.
Switzer, J. (2008). Virtual community mentoring in higher education. In M. Pagani (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of multimedia technology and networking (pp. 1520-1524). Hershey, PA: Idea
Group Publishing.
Switzer, J. (2008) E-mentoring: Mentoring at a distance. In Patricia Rogers (Ed.), Encyclopedia
of distance and online learning
, 2nd edition (pp. 1283-1287). Hershey, PA: Idea Group
Trumbo, C.W. & McComas, K.A. (2008). Institutional trust, information processing and
perception of environmental cancer risk. International Journal of Global Environmental Issues
8(1/2), 61-76.
Trumbo C.W., McComas, K.A. & Besley J.C. (2008). Individual- and community-level effects
on risk perception in cancer cluster investigations. Risk Analysis 28(1), 161-178.

Non-Refereed Articles, Book Chapters, Book Reviews and Encyclopedia Entries (13)

Hallahan, K. (2008). Strategic framing. Entry in W. Dansbach (Ed.). International
encyclopedia of communication
(vol. X, pp. 4855-4960). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell
Kim, M. (2008, April). Uses of Creative Commons licenses, The Open Source Business
Available at Canada.
Kodrich, K. (2008). Book review of Centuries of silence: The story of Latin American
by Leonardo Ferreira. Journalism: Theory, Practice and Criticism, 9(2), 224-226.
Landers, J. (2008, Summer). Book review of Alphabet to Internet: Mediated communication in
our lives
by Irving Fang. Journalism History, 34(3), 175.

O’Keefe, G. J. (2008). Video malaise. Entry in W. Donsbach (Ed.), International encyclopedia
of communication
(vol. XI, pp. 5270-5273). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
O’Keefe, G. J. & Rursch, J. (2008). The media in rural America. In G. Goreham (Ed.),
Encyclopedia of rural America (pp. 618-621). Millerton, NY: Grey House Publishing.
Plaisance, P.L. (2008). Violence. In L. Wilkins & C.G. Christians (Eds.), Handbook of mass
media ethics
(pp. 162-176). New York: Routledge.
Plaisance, P.L. (2008). Ethics of media content. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), International
encyclopedia of communication (
vol. IV, pp. 1573-1577). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Plaisance, P.L. (2008). Research Ethics. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), International encyclopedia of
(vol. IX, pp. 4191-4195). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Plaisance, P.L. (2008). Book review of Critical conversations: A theory of press criticism by
W.N. Wyatt. Journal of Mass Media Ethics 23 (3), 254-257.
Rouner, D. (2008). Media credibility. In W. Donsbach (Ed.), International encyclopedia of
(vol. 3, pp. 1039-1044). Malden, MA: Blackwell.
Seel, P. B. (2008). When all-digital TV arrives, will we be ready? Television Quarterly, 38, 3-4,
Switzer, J. (2008). The blogging revolution: The role of blogs in transforming media and
education. Feedback, 49(6), 8-14. [Broadcast Education Association]
Academic Conference Presentations—National and Regional (30)
Besley, J.C., McComas, K.A. & Trumbo, C.W. (2008, December). Public perceptions of public
meetings. Society for Risk Analysis, Boston, MA.

Bubar, R., & Rouner, D. (2008, November). Native youth and sexual health: Implications for
sexual assault risks. 11th Annual Indian Nations Conference, Palm Springs, CA.
Champ, J. (2008). Representation matters: Televised news coverage of wildland fire along
Colorado’s Front Range. International Association of Wildland Fire, Jackson, WY.
Jackson, P. with T. Hove (2008, September). Ethical imperatives of news as a commodity.
Colorado Colloquium on Media Ethics and Economics: Competing Imperatives and Duties,
Estes Park, CO.
Kim, J., & Choi, Y. (2008). Influence of social involvement on corporate local philanthropy.
Association for Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Public Relations Division,

Kim, M.
(2008, October). Licensing and tagging – The Creative Commons model. Association
for Computing Machinery Western Regional Conference, Denver.
Kim, M. (2008, August) Friends of the First Amendment? Amicus curiae briefs in free
speech/press cases during the Warren and Burger Courts. Association for Education in
Journalism and Mass Communication, Chicago.
Kucherenko, V.V. & Christen, C.T. (2008). The effects of political knowledge on the ability to
spot manipulated information in print news coverage of the 2004 Ukrainian presidential election.
Political Communication Division, International Communication Association, Montreal, Canada.
Martey, R.M. & Stromer-Galley, J. (2008, November). Visual spaces, norm governed places:
The influence of spatial context online. National Communication Association. San Diego, CA.
Martey, R.M. & Stromer-Galley, J. (2008, July). Perceiving digital space: The role of visual-
spatial context in online Interaction. International Association for Media and Communication
Research Annual Conference. Stockholm, Sweden.
McComas, K.A., Trumbo C.W. & Besley J.C. (2008, December). When voice matters:
Exploring the relative influence of procedural fairness and salient values similarity on trust
judgments in the context of risk. Society for Risk Analysis, Boston.

Newman, G., Zimmerman, D., Stapel, L., Stohlgren, T., Crall, A., Graham, J. Jarnevich, C.,
Holcombe, T. and Kalkhan, M. (2008). Can citizen scientists think spatially: Evaluating the
publics' ability to understand and use an online GIS map application for invasive species.
Ecological Society of America, Milwaukee, WI.
O’Keefe, G.J. (2008, February). Human dimensions of natural resources panel session
(moderator). National Water Conference. U. S. Department of Agriculture. Reno, NV.
O’Keefe, G.J. & Shepard, R. (2008, February). Toward more effective water resources
information/education programs: Lessons learned from health communication. National Water
Conference. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Reno, NV.
O’Keefe, G.J. & Zimmerman, D. (2008, March). Information campaigns and public
perceptions of natural resources issues. Interior Mountain West Public Affairs Conference. U.S.
Forest Service, Denver.
O’Keefe, G. J. (2008, June). Translating research to practice: Implications for natural resources
management. 14th International Symposium on Society and Resource Management. Burlington,
Pearson, J. L. & Rouner, D. (2008, September). The 2008 election and the role of gender
among young voters. Making History: Race, Gender and Media in the 2008 Election
Conference. St. John’s University, Queens, NY
Plaisance, P. (2008, May). Privacy reconsidered: A conceptual redefinition in the context of
journalistic practice. Journalism Studies Division, International Communication Association,
Montreal, Canada.
Plaisance, P. (2008, August). Anonymity and identity in the news (panel discussant).
Association for Education in Journalism & Mass Communication, Chicago.
Plaisance, P. (2008, February) Author meets the critics: Critical conversations: A theory of
press criticism, W.N. Wyatt. Association for Practical and Professional Ethics, San Antonio,
Rouner, D., Hoeken. H., Maes, A., Putts, B. J., & Nieuwboer, I. (2008, May). Comparing
Internet health seeking about sexually transmitted infections by adolescents in South Africa, the
Netherlands and the United States. International Communication Association, Montreal,

Seel, P
. (2008, August). Using Second Life in teaching visual communication. Association for
Education in Journalism and Mass Communication Visual Communication Division, Chicago.
Seel, P. (2008). Constructivist student exploration techniques: Using Second Life. Visual
Communication Conference, Tahoe City, CA.
Steinke, J., Long, M., Johnson, M., Ghosh, S. (2008, August). Gender stereotypes of scientist
characters in television programs popular among middle school-aged children. Science
Communication Interest Group, Association for Education in Journalism and Mass
Communication, Chicago. (Top-three faculty paper).
Slater, M. D., Hayes, A. F., Reineke, J. B., Long, M., & Bettinghaus, E. P. (2008, November).
Newspaper coverage of cancer prevention: Multilevel evidence for knowledge gap effects.
National Communication Association, San Diego, CA.

Trumbo C.W.
McComas, K.A. & Besley J.C. (2008, December). Institutional trust moderates
the effect of source credibility and value similarity on perception of risk for in-situ uranium
mining (poster session). Society for Risk Analysis, Boston, MA.
Trumbo C.W. & McComas, K.A. (2008, May). Social trust and the communication of risk.
International Communication Association, Montreal.

Trumbo C.W.,
McComas, K.A. & Besley, J.C. (2008, May). A multi-level analysis of risk
perception. International Communication Association annual convention, Montreal.
Zimmerman, D.E. (2008, July). Teaching writing and instructions. Colorado Association for
Career and Technical Education Summer Conference.

Zimmerman, D.E,
& Yohon, T. (2008, May) Testing Rogers’ diffusion of innovation concepts:
Faculty adoption of information technology for teaching. International Communication
Association, Montreal.

Creative Works, Juried and Non-Juried (5)

Luft, G. (2008). How to create an effective television story. Instructional video. Telly Award.
Luft, G. (2008). Creative editing techniques for nonlinear video editing. Instructional video.
Telly Award. (writer-director-producer-editor)
Luft, G. (2008). How to you feel? Documentary program. Award of distinction from The
Communicator Awards. (writer-director-producer-editor)
Seel, P. (2008). The education of Bryan Rivera. Documentary (writer-director-producer)

Seel, P. (2008). The chasm: Bridging the gap between Judaism and Christianity. Documentary
JTC faculty members also conducted campus and community workshops, spoke before local and
regional groups, provided consulting services, wrote technical reports, and authored newspaper and
magazine articles.
Merit Review Committee – Updated November 2009



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