Microsoft word - nur263_answerexamplesfromdrugcalculationmodule.doc

1. Your patient’s MAR has the following order: Motrin Elixer 6.2 ml PO every 6 hours PRN for pain. On hand is Motrin 100 mg / ½ tsp. How many mgs of Motrin will your patient receive with each dose of 6.2 ml? Your patient weighs 27 kg and the maximum recommended safe dosage is 10 mg/kg/dose. Is the ordered dose safe to give? Order: 6.2 ml x 100 mg x 1 tsp = 248 mg
Max. RSD: 27 kg x 10 mg = 270 mg
The physician orders Amoxicillin 75 mg PO every 12 hours. The recommended safe dose is 50 mg/kg/day. Child weighs 22 lbs 10 oz. Calculate the recommended safe dosage per day? Is the ordered dose safe to give? 22 lbs 10 oz = 22 10/16 lbs = 22.625 lbs x 1 kg = 10.28 kg
50 mg x 10.28 kg = 514 mg
kg/day day
Order: 75 mg x 2 doses = 150 mg
day day
150 mg < 514 mg day day ANS: 514 mg/day ANS: Yes, safe It is time for your patient to receive his antibiotic. You check the MAR and it has the following order written: Erythromycin ¼ tsp (400 mg/5 ml) PO every 6 hours. On hand is Erythromycin 250 mg/5 ml. How many ml's will you give? Order: ¼ tsp x 5 ml x 400 mg = 100mg
1 tsp 5 ml
A child weighing 45 lbs has orders for Ibuprofen Elixir PO for temperature > 101°F. The directions for recommended safe dosage appear on the label as follows: Children (20-27 kg).180 mg every 6 hours Children (28-35 kg).240 mg every 6 hours What is the recommended safe daily dosage of Ibuprofen for this child? Your patient is ordered to receive Amoxicillin oral suspension 78 mg every 8 hours. Using the label below, how many ml’s will you give? Per 5 ml. Amoxicillin
6. Your patient is complaining of nausea. You check the MAR and find the following order: Compazine 1.3 mg IM every 6 hours PRN for nausea and vomiting. Using the label below, how many ml’s will you give? Compazine 10ml
tartrate, 12 mg; sodium saccharin, 0.9 mg. Injection 5 mg/ml
7. The pediatrician orders for your patient to receive Actifed Syrup 2.6 ml PO every 6 hours. Using the label below, how many mgs of pseudoephedrine hydrochloride is the child receiving per dose? Each 5 ml(1 teaspoonful) contains: Actidil brand Triprolidine Hydrochloride ---------------------1.25 mg Sudafed brand Pseudoephedrine Hydrochloride --------------------- 30 mg PRESERVATIVES: Sodium benzoate ---0.1% Methylparaben ------0.1% 8. You are working in the ED and the physician gives you a verbal order for Atropine 0.26 mg subcutaneous. Using the label below, how many ml’s will you administer? ATROPINE
9. The physician orders 0.05 mg IM stat of epinephrine. The child weighs 26 lbs 2 oz and the recommended dose is 0.001 milligram per kilogram. Is this a safe dose for this child? 26 lbs 2 oz. = 26 2/16 lbs = 26.125 lbs x 1 kg = 11.88 kg RSD: 0.001 mg x 11.88 kg = 0.012 mg
10. The pediatrician orders Erythromycin drops 58 mg PO every 6 hours. Using the label below, how many ml will you administer? Your patient weighs 10 lbs. The recommended safe dosage for Erythromycin is 50 mg/kg/day divided every 6 hours. Is the ordered dose safe to give? (When mixed)
EryPed Drops

100 mg per 2.5 ml

2.2 lbs
Order: 58 mg x 2.5 ml = 1.45 ml
100 mg
RSD: 50 mg x 4.55 kg = 227.5 mg x day = 56.88 m
kg/day day 4 doses
Order RSD
58 mg > 56.88 mg therefore the order is not safe to give
11. Your 9-year-old patient is in pain following his tonsillectomy. You check the MAR and find the following order: Codeine (15 mg/5 ml) 3.5 ml PO every 6 hours as needed for pain. You remove the medication from the pyxis and see a bottle of codeine with the label below. How many mg’s of Codeine Phosphate is the child ordered per dose? The maximum recommended safe dosage of codeine is 60 mg/day for children 6 – 12 years of age. Is the ordered dose safe to give? Phosphate
Oral Solution
15 mg per 5 ml
Each 5 ml contains: Codeine
Phosphate 15 mg.

Ordered amount per day: 10.5 mg x 4 doses = 42 mg/day Maximum RSD: 60 mg/day Order RSD 42 mg/day < 60 mg/day therefore safe to give 12. It is time for you to give your patient her antibiotic. The medication ordered is Rocephin 370 mg IM every 24 hours. On hand is a vial with 500 mg of Rocephin.
The directions on the bottle state to add 1.8 ml of sterile water to the vial to make a
total of 2 ml and a concentration of 250 mg/ml. How many ml's will you administer
per dose?
13. Amoxicillin oral suspension 220 mg PO every 12 hours is ordered for a child weighing 43 lbs 4 oz. The recommended safe dosage for Amoxicillin is 50 mg/kg/day. What is the recommended safe daily dosage? Is the ordered dose safe to give? 43 4/16 lbs = 43.25 lbs x 1 kg = 19.66 kg 2.2 lbs RSD: 50 mg x 19.66 kg = 983 mg
Order: 220 mg x 2 doses = 440 mg
14. Your patient’s MAR has the following: Gentamicin 24.7 mg IV every 8 hours. The recommended safe dosage for Gentamicin is 7.5 mg/kg/day in 3 – 4 divided doses. Your patient weighs 22 lbs 5 oz. What is the recommended safe daily dose? Is the ordered dose safe to give? 22 5/16 lbs = 22.3125 lbs x 1 kg = 10.14 kg 2.2 lbs
RSD: 7.5 mg x 10.14 kg = 76.05 mg
kg/day day
Order: 24.7 mg x 3 doses = 74.1 mg
day day
Order RSD
74.1 mg/day < 76.05 mg/day
Therefore safe to give
15. The pediatrician orders Penicillin G Benzathine 50,000 units/kg IM as a single dose. Your patient weighs 17 lbs 6 oz. The medication strength is 600,000 units per ml. How many ml’s will you administer? 17 6/16 lbs = 17.375 lbs x 1 kg = 7.90 kg 2.2 lbs
Order: 50,000 units x 7.9 kg = 395,000 units
16. Your patient is in pain. You check the MAR and find the following order: Morphine 8 mg IV every 4 hours as needed. Using the label below, how many ml’s will you administer? 20 ml
17. The pediatrician writes an order for Cefaclor 23 mg/kg PO three times a day. The child weighs 12 lbs 9 oz. Using the label below, how many milliliters of this antibiotic will you prepare? 12 9/16 lbs = 12.5625 lbs x 1 kg = 5.71 kg Order: 23 mg x 5.71 kg = 131.33 mg
131.33 mg x 5ml = 5.25 ml
125 mg
18. Vancomycin 95 mg PO every 6 hours is ordered for a child weighing 18 lbs 11 oz. The recommended safe dose (RSD) for Vancomycin is 44 mg/kg/day divided every 6 hours. What is the RSD for this child for 24 hours? Is the ordered dose safe to give?
18 11/16 lbs = 18.6875 lbs x 1 kg = 8.49 kg
2.2 lbs
RSD: 44 mg x 8.49 kg = 373.56 mg

Order: 95 mg x 4 doses = 380 mg
day day Order RSD 380 mg > 373.56 mg day day therefore, not safe to give



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