Perspective Metabolic Complications of Antiretroviral Therapy Donna E. Sweet, MD HIV–infected patients receiving long-term antiretroviral treatment experience a num-ber of metabolic abnormalities, including lipid abnormalities, dysregulation of glu-cose metabolism, body-fat redistribution, mitochondrial abnormalities, and bone
tase inhibitors (nRTIs), a number of stud-
abnormalities, as well as the sequelae of these disorders. These complications can besevere and life threatening, disrupt adherence to antiretroviral therapy, limit optionsin therapy, and profoundly affect quality of life. Risk for such complications should beconsidered in selection of antiretroviral therapy, and patients should be monitoredfor the occurrence of abnormalities and changes in risk factors. This article summa-
Clinical Trials Group [ACTG] 384 study) or
rizes a presentation by Donna E. Sweet, MD, on the metabolic complications of long-term antiretroviral therapy at the IAS–USA course in New York in March 2005.
Management of Antiretroviral Therapy–Terry Beirn Community Programs for
initial therapy, and the selection should
gression of HIV disease, developing effec-
lowering the pill burden of regimens, and
which threatens efficacy, and their pres-
patients on long-term effective antiretro-
viral therapy are the long-term metabolic
as simplification of regimens, need to be
Lipodystrophy Clinical Implications of Metabolic Abnormalities
HIV-infected patients receiving long-term
quality of life. The lack of a standardized
case definition for lipodystrophy compli-
lipid abnormalities, dysregulation of glu-
cose metabolism, body-fat redistribution,
tracking of the disorder. The etiology of
Opportunistic Infections. In brief, find-
ings in these studies indicate that substi-
abnormalities, as well as the sequelae of
and influenced by specific antiretroviral
inhibitor (NNRTI) appears safe, decreases
insulin resistance, usually reduces triglyc-
there are probably multiple causes of fat
eride levels, has inconsistent effects on
redistribution, it is unlikely that a single
lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels, and
the timing of initiation of antiretroviral
therapy, since the risk of long-term toxic-
switching of antiretroviral drugs, anabol-
cavir substitution for stavudine results in
glitazone treatment, lipid-lowering thera-
Dr Sweet is a Professor of Medicine at the
University of Kansas School of Medicine in
effects of rosiglitazone in lipodystrophy
Volume 13 Issue 2 June/July 2005
fat mass in those with both insulin resis-
pravastatin 40 mg or atorvastatin 5 or 10
needed if patients are taking efavirenz.
els, but may result in increased total and
ered, with careful dose titration; fluvas-
low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol
tatin should not be used if the patient is
levels. Further studies with newer glita-
taking saquinavir/ritonavir or nelfinavir. Dyslipidemia and Coronary
infarction (MI), 28% of which were fatal,
also be used to treat dyslipidemia. Other
Heart Disease
HIV-infected patients on long-term thera-
py was 1.26 per year of therapy; a recent
HIV-infected patients and these risk fac-
update after an additional year of follow-
large decrease in triglycerides in hyper-
tors need to be managed aggressively.
triglyceridemic patients, although levels
year of antiretroviral therapy (Sabin et al,
Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther, 2004). For
(CHD), as well as for diabetes and hyper-
tension, both major risk factors for CHD.
relative risk of 10.4 for stroke. Another
sent before beginning antiretroviral ther-
Antiretroviral therapy appears to acceler-
ate the progression of insulin resistance
coronary disease, is greater and increas-
ate to have less effect on lipid profiles. As
indicated that HIV infection alone, prior
to initiation of therapy, is associated with
and efavirenz-based therapies resulted in
adverse effect on insulin sensitivity (El-
Sadr et al, HIV Med, 2005). HIV-mediated
reduce cardiovascular risk include follow-
general population, including institution
steroid treatment on lipid profiles and fat
toxicity in association with HIV–hepatitis
B or C virus coinfection need to be taken
into careful consideration when selecting
Truncal Fat Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue Appendicular Fat Visceral Adipose Tissue Body Fat (kg) Abdominal Fat (cm
Figure 1. Changes in body fat (left) on dual energy x-ray absorptiometry (DEXA) and in abdominal fat (right) on computed tomography (CT) over 48 weeks of efavirenz-based (EFV) or atazanavir-based (ATV) treatment in the BMS-034 study. Adapted with permission from Noor et al, XV Int AIDS Conf, 2004. P = .01 P = NS P = NS P = NS P = NS P = NS P = .01 P = .02 Oxandrolone Oxandrolone Triglyceride Lean Mass
Figure 2. Changes in body fat and lipid measures over 12 weeks with oxandrolone treatment plus exercise (oxandrolone) or exercise alone (placebo). Abd SAT indicates abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue; Abd VAT, abdominal visceral adipose tissues; Chol, cholesterol; HDL, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; LDL, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol; NS, not significant. Adapted with permission from Smith et al, XV Int AIDS Conf, 2004.
pared with exercise alone (Figure 2); how-
patients (Valcour et al, J Acquir Immune
osteoporosis. Clinicians need to be aware
Defic Syndr, 2005). The study indicated
that diabetes is an independent risk fac-
should treat them early; however, routine
tor for HIV-associated dementia, with the
Glucose Metabolism
study is needed to identify the etiology of
decreased bone mineral density, risk fac-
in patients on antiretroviral therapy, with
>50 years), older patients with diabetes
over 144 weeks in initially antiretroviral-
patients had osteopenia at baseline, but,
adjustment for age, education, ethnicity,
to osteoporosis over the course of follow-
insulin-sensitizing agents may be benefi-
significantly associated with risk for HIV-
patients were lost to follow-up, making it
cial; diabetes treatment guidelines should
difficult to interpret the study findings.
be followed in HIV-infected individuals.
Mitochondrial Disorders
dorsocervical fat deposit termed “buffalo
hump” in HIV-infected patients (Mallon et
Bone Disorders
al, J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr, 2005).
This finding indicates that patients with
these agents. Older nRTIs (eg, stavudine,
for insulin resistance and diabetes. It also
associated with a greater risk of toxicity
suggests that caution should be exercised
emtricitabine, abacavir, tenofovir).
Mitochondrial toxicity has been implicat-
ies call this into question. Various risk
Volume 13 Issue 2 June/July 2005
loss. The disorder is primarily seen with
dine, zalcitabine, didanosine); pancreati-
reversible after stopping nRTI therapy.
citabine); peripheral fat wasting (stavu-
severe lactic acidosis is relatively rare, a
associated with HIV infection per se. Risk
acidosis. The role of HIV per se in mito-
ing of lactate levels. Risk factors include
clear cells (PBMCs) increased in patients
was significant only after switching from
hyperlactatemia is unclear. Of concern is
with the findings being similar to what is
observed in nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Hyperlactatemia and Lactic Acidosis
Questions that remain to be answeredinclude whether the condition poses
Myopathy and Cardiomyopathy
As noted, hyperlactatemia and lactic aci-
potential for progression to cirrhosis and
ly with zidovudine, although it is less fre-
associated with older nRTIs, such as zal-
Peripheral Neuropathy
tic acidosis observed is a “type B” lactic
oxygen supply to tissue), for which mito-
is characterized by bilateral, symmetric,
ciated myopathy is difficult to distinguish
painful tingling sensations (dysesthesias)
from that caused by HIV infection per se. Mean mtDNA (copies/cell) Mean mtDNA (copies/cell)
Figure 3. Changes in mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) level in fat (left) and in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs; right) over 48 weeks after switch to nRTI-sparing regimen. After stratification for prior nRTI, increase in fat mtDNA was significant only with switch from stavudine (not zidovudine) and increase in PBMC mtDNA was significant only with switch from zidovudine (not stavudine). Adapted with permission from Boyd et al, XV Int AIDS Conf, 2004. grant and research support from Bristol-
Table 1. Guidelines for Reducing Risk Myers Squibb, Gilead, and GlaxoSmithKline.She has also served as a scientific advisor toor is on the speakers’ bureaus of Abbott,
Smith BA, Raper JL, Weaver MT, et al. Agouron, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Gilead,GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, and ViroLogic.
exercise and oxandrolone on lean mass, fat
distribution, blood lipids, bone density andtraining markers in HIV infected men and
• Assess the patient’s risk factors and
Suggested Reading
XV International AIDS Conference. July 11-
Boyd MA, Bien D, Ruxrungtham A, et al.
• Lipodystrophy is easier to prevent than
al. Diabetes, insulin resistance, and demen-
• Treat dyslipidemia, insulin resistance,
efavirenz 600mg qd after failing NRTI com-
tia among HIV-1-infected patients. J AcquirImmune Defic Syndr. 2005;38:31-36.
• Think about lactate levels in patients
syndrome. Expert Rev Cardiovasc Ther.
• Be vigilant for bone disease—investigate
El-Sadr WM, Mullin CM, Carr A, et al.
Effects of HIV disease on lipid, glucose and
Top HIV Med. 2005;13(2):70-74.
insulin levels: results from a large antiretro-
Copyright 2005, International AIDS Society–USA
viral-naive cohort. HIV Med. 2005;6:114-
thy, clinical and histologic changes arereported to be reversible.
Mallon PW, Wand H, Law M, Miller J,Cooper DA, Carr A; HIV Lipodystrophy
Case Definition Study; AustralianLipodystrophy Prevalence Survey
Patients should be assessed for risk fac-
associated lipodystrophy is associated with
antiretroviral therapy prior to initiation of
hyperinsulinemia but not dyslipidemia. JAcquir Immune Defic Syndr. 2005;38:156-
after starting treatment, at the time ofswitching therapy, and at least annually
Noor MA, Maa J, Giordano MF, Hodder SL.
after initiation of atazanavir-based therapy:
International AIDS Conference. July 11-16,
Sabin C, Morfeld L, Friis-Moller N, et al.
HIV-1 RNA levels to below 50 copies/mL.
Changes over time in the use of antiretrovi-
ral therapy and risk factors for cardiovascu-
therapy threaten the clinical benefits of
lar disease in the D:A:D study. [Abstract
866.] 12th Conference on Retroviruses and
Opportunistic Infections. February 22-25,
Presented in March 2005. First draft pre-
Shlay JC, Visnegarwala F, Bartsch G, et al. pared from transcripts by Matthew Stenger.Reviewed and updated by Dr Sweet in June
in antiretroviral-naive patients randomized
to didanosine and stavudine (ddI+d4T) vs. abacavir and lamivudine (ABC +3TC). Financial Disclosure: Dr Sweet has received
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La proportion de personnes infectées avec des souches résistantes n'a pas augmenté ces dernières années. Evolution des résistances VIH-1 au traitement La proportion de personnes infectées avec des souches résistantes n'a pas augmenté ces dernières années. Date de mise en ligne : vendredi 10 juin 2005 Description : Plusieurs laboratoires de virologie français vienne