Microsoft word - animal health product companies
Animal Health Product Companies’ Recommendations to Meet Japanese MRL
Requirements of U.S. Pork
Data Provided by the National Pork Board
Date that these data were last updated: 8/1/2008 9:25:32 AM
These data will be updated each time more information is provided by animal health-product companies. Please
go to to check for the latest information.
Product (Trade
Active Ingredient
US Withdrawal
Withdrawal Period
to satisfy Japan
Excenel RTU EZ
Sterile Suspension Baytril® 100
NeoMed Soluble
Powder Tetroxy LA Injection Oxytetracycline
Tetroxy HCA
Soluble Powder TetraMed 324 HCA
Soluble Powder Pro Pen G
Injectable Suspension LincoMed 300
Injection LincoMed 100
Injection Combi Pen 48
Suspension Tylan® Injection
Tylan® Premix
Tylan® Soluble
Tylan® Sulfa G
Terramycin® 343
Soluble Powder Tet-Sol™ 10 or 324
(Water Soluble) TM 50 or 100
NPPC's voluntary 14-days WDP for tetracycline containing products)
Soluble Powder Pulmotil®
Safe-Guard Feed
Stafac (various
concentrations) Terramycin 50, 100,
NPPC's voluntary 14-days WDP for tetracycline containing products)
PREDEF® 2X Sterile isoflupredone acetate
Aqueous Suspension Procaine Penicillin
G (Injectable)
Pennox 50™, 100
Hi-Flo™, or 200 Hi-
Pennox 343™
(Water Soluble)
Pennchlor SP 500™
Pennchlor 50™, 50-
G®, 90-G®, 100 Hi- Flo™, and 100-G® Pennchlor 64™
(Water Soluble) Oxytet™ soluble
(Water Soluble) Paylean®
Penicillin 100 (Feed) penicillin G, procaine
100/50, 50/50 or
14-days WDP for tetracycline containing products)
Nuflor® Injectable
Nuflor® 2.3%
Concentrate Solution NAXCEL® Sterile
Powder Neo-Oxy 100/50,
50/50, or 100/50 MR Neo-Sol® (Water
Soluble) Liquamycin® LA-
200® Injectable Lutalyse® Sterile
Solution Mecadox 10
Lincomix® Soluble
Powder Lincomycin
Injectable 30% Injectable Lincomycin Soluble
(Water Soluble)
Levasole® Soluble
Pig Wormer Lincomix® Feed
Medications 20, 50 Lincomix®
Injectable Gen Gard
Injection IVOMEC Premix
Excede® for Swine
Sterile Suspension
Excenel® RTU
Sterile Suspension Flavomycin 4
Denagard (tiamulin)
Type A Medicated - 200 g/ton inclusion rate Draxxin® Injectable
Solution Denagard (tiamulin)
Liquid - 10.5 mg/lb body weight/day dose rate Denagard (tiamulin)
Liquid - 3.5 mg/lb body weight/day dose rate Denagard (tiamulin)
Type A Medicated - 35 g/ton inclusion rate ChlorMax® 50
Chloratet 50
Injectable Benzathine
Penicillin Injection
BMD® 30, 50 or 60
BMD® Soluble 50%
(Water Soluble)
AureoZol® 250 or
Granular 500 (Feed)
Injectable Banminth 48
Atroban® 11%,
Atroban® 42.5% Aureo S-P® 250
Granular or
Aureomix Granular 500 (Feed) Aureomycin® 50,
90, or 100 granular (Feed) Albac®/Baciferm®
Granular 50 Apralan® Premix
Apralan® Soluble
3-Nitro® 20 (Feed)
3-Nitro® Soluble
HEALTH RECORD FORM Student’s Name _________________________________________ Northern Illinois University, Lorado Taft Campus (815) 732-2111, extension 120 School________ _________________________________________ My child will attend the Lorado Taft Field Campus from _______________________to___________________________ Date of Birth ______________ Age______ Weight _______ Male____ Female
Deliberazione n. 38 in data 22-06-2010 VERBALE DI DELIBERAZIONE DELLA GIUNTA COMUNALE COMUNE DI BOVOLENTA C/ TASINATO ANDREA ED ALTRI. GIUDIZIO AMMINISTRATIVO CONSIGLIO DI STATO N. 11601/2001 L'anno duemiladieci addì ventidue del mese di giugno alle ore 18:10 , nella Residenza Municipale, per riunione di Giunta Comunale. MENEGHELLO VITTORIO SINDACO BAESSATO EMILI
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