
I M M U N E - T R E E — T H E C O L O S T R U M O P T I O N Immune-Tree Colostrum Offers Protection
Against NSAID-induced Gastrointestinal Tract Damage

Aspirin, ibuprofen, diclofenac, piroxicam, and The Immune-Tree Colostrum Option
naproxen. Painkillers such as these are known as Because irritation to the stomach lining is so commonly non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).
associated with this broad family of drugs, many informed These are the most commonly used drugs worldwide to doctors now recommend that consumers also take treat pain and inflammation. The use of NSAIDs is routine Immune-Tree Colostrum.
therapy for arthritis and many other musculoskeletal dis- Two important recent studies demonstrate how highly orders, as well as many other inflammatory conditions beneficial supplemental bovine colostrum can be for any- such as sinusitis, prostatitis and cystitis.
one using NSAIDs such as aspirin, ibuprofen and other sim- Most NSAIDs can be safely used for two to three days, and many are sold as OTC drugs with reduced recom- In an experimental study to examine whether colostrum mended dosages. Obviously, instances occur when the could reduce gastrointestinal injury caused by indomethacin, use of these drugs is the best course of action. No one is researchers administered the NSAID indomethacin together calling into question their value in appropriate situations.
with colostrum. As noted in the May 1999 issue of the journal However, using these drugs instead of and without trying Gut, pretreatment with colostrum reduced gastric injury by our alternatives is due to lack of healing insight; although 30 to 60 percent. Addition of colostrum to drinking water also these drugs are anti-inflammatories; they do not stimu- prevented villi shortening in the mouse model of small intestinal injury. (Damage to villi, which are minute finger- When these drugs are used for longer periods, virtually shaped projections of the mucous membrane of the small all patients suffer some complications, which can range intestine that serve in the absorption of nutrients, is an early from micro-bleeding and ulcers in the gastrointestinal sign of NSAID damage.) “Bovine colostrum could provide a novel, inexpensive approach for the prevention and treat- In a sense “the cat has been let out of the bag.” More ment of the injurious effects of NSAIDs on the gut and may than 20,000 Americans per year die from complications also be of value for the treatment of other ulcerative condi- resulting from NSAID therapy. This is particularly true for the elderly, and for anyone with a history of peptic ulcers.
In a more recent study, researchers examined whether In any given year, it’s estimated that six percent of bovine colostrum could reduce the rise in gut permeability patients taking NSAIDs will get into serious trouble, (a non-invasive marker of intestinal injury) caused by NSAIDs in volunteers and patients taking NSAIDs for clinical This fact was underscored again in December 1998 reasons. Seven healthy male volunteers participated in a ran- when the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) domized crossover trial comparing changes in gut perme- approved the new arthritis pain-killer, Celebrex, the ability before and after five days of 50 mg of indomethacin first in a long-awaited new type of painkiller for mil- three times daily together with colostrum or a placebo. lions of arthritis sufferers that is said to be safe on the In volunteers, indomethacin caused a three-fold increase stomach. Initial sales reports on Celebrex show it sur- in gut permeability in the placebo group, whereas no signif- passed Viagra in sales during its first month. Yet, icant increase in permeability was seen when colostrum amidst all of the hype, the FDA cautioned its stomach- safe benefits may have been overplayed. Celebrex will This study provides “preliminary evidence that bovine bear the same warning about side-effects as many of colostrum, which is already currently available as an over- the-counter preparation, may provide a novel approach to Indeed, most recently Celebrex was linked to 10 deaths the prevention of NSAID-induced gastrointestinal damage in and 11 cases of gastrointestinal hemorrhage in its first three months on the market, according to a recent reportin The Associated Press. Half of the 10 people who diedsuffered from gastrointestinal bleeding or ulcers, accord-ing to reports submitted to the FDA that were obtained by DID YOU KNOW?
The Wall Street Journal under the Freedom of Information Did You Know? Vitamin D Can Help
Act. Two other deaths were attributed to heart attacks, Reduce Risk of Type I Diabetes
one to drug interaction, one to a kidney disorder and one A new study in Lancet indicates that infants given 2,000 IU
with no cause of death listed. Another related painkiller or more of supplemental vitamin D per day in the first year of
their life had an 80% lower risk of developing type I diabetes,
compared with infants who were given less than that amount.
SOURCE: Hypponen, E., et al. “Intake of vitamin D and risk of type I
diabetes: a birth-cohort study.” Lancet, 2001;358:1500–1503.
20 The Doctors’ Prescription for Healthy Living / Volume 6, Number 1
I M M U N E - T R E E — T H E C O L O S T R U M O P T I O N (continued) How Immune-Tree Helps
Importance of First-Milking Colostrum
Immune-Tree Colostrum is a rich source of a wide range of It is worth noting that researchers who use colostrum in growth factors that aid in maintaining the integrity of the clinical trials usually seek first milking colostrum because they recognize that potency and quality are diminished Growth Hormone (GH) is the single most abundant hor- with time. To expect similar results with transitional milk mone produced by the body, affecting almost every cell. GH being marketed as colostrum would be unfair to those levels are highest during teenage years and they fall rapidly producers of true first-milking colostrum. thereafter. GH increases metabolism, reduces fat and Bovine (cow) colostrum is produced before birth, and can increases muscle mass. It is involved in the regeneration of only be collected for a short period of time without being heart, lung and liver tissue, as well as many other organs diluted by the subsequent production of milk. At the time and tissues throughout the body. It stimulates protein syn- of birth, potency is at its peak. The active elements such as thesis, which is critical for the renewal of skin, bones and immune factors, growth factors, antioxidants and anti- inflammatory agents are at their highest concentrations. Insulin-like growth factors (IgF) I and II belong to a whole However, in less than 12 hours, the concentration of family of hormones contained in colostrum, called the IgF these components is only half of what it was at the time of super family. IgF-1 is considered to be the most potent. It birth. This makes colostrum a limited commodity and yet, functions like the captain of a ship, triggering the events that because of the extensive dairy industry, sufficient quanti- activate cell growth and reproduction, protein synthesis, and ties are available for human use as a dietary supplement.
the release of energy (glucose metabolism). Because it is It is difficult to determine where to draw the line involved in so many major functions, it is found in associa- between true colostrum and what has been called transi- tion with almost all the cells in the body. It improves the func- tional milk. At what point in time is colostrum no longer tion of GH to build muscle and burn fat. It is also recognized pure colostrum? According to Dr. Donald H. Lein, Chairman for its ability to regenerate and repair cartilage and other of Population Genetics and Diagnostic Sciences at the internal bodily tissues. As we age, the cells in our body do not College of Veterinary Medicine, Cornell University, “Bovine reproduce themselves as well and since IgF-1 is a primary fac- colostrum is produced during the few weeks prior to birth tor in the ability of cells to grow and reproduce, it is highly of the calf and, due to hormonal changes in the mother, its desirable for its many anti-aging and regenerative effects.
production stops at birth. Secretions collected at the first Transforming growth factors A and B are helpful in milking during the first 12-hour period after birth contain healing wounds and in the synthesis and repair of RNA complete colostrum with all of the beneficial components and DNA. Fibroblast growth factor, among other things, intact. Removal of even some of the colostrum results in stimulates the growth of new blood vessels and con- the release of a different material, known as transitional tributes to tissue development and wound healing.
milk, that dilutes any colostrum still present and changes Platelet-derived growth factor is involved in the healing of vascular wounds. It is released in conjunction with blood Since colostrum is such a limited commodity, it is easy to see why anyone would want to stretch the collection of REFERENCES
this valuable substance. This is why many widely-adver- The Associated Press. “Report: Celebrex linked to 10 deaths.” April 20, 1999.
“FDA approves new pain-killer for arthritis.” Associated Press, December 31, 1998.
tised colostrum products on the market today are Fries, J., et al. “Adverse drug reactions, surveillance.” Arthritis, Rheumatology, 1991; 34: obtained from the first 5 milkings—as far as 72 hours, Lazarou, P., et al. “Incidence of adverse drug reactions in hospitalized patients; meta- and definitely not complete colostrum.
analysis of prospective studies.” Journal of the American Medical Association, 1998; 279:1200-1204.
Playford, R.J., et al. “Bovine colostrum is a health food supplement which prevents NSAID induced gut damage.” Gut,1999;44(5):653-658.
Playford, R.J., et al. “Co-administration of the health food supplement, bovine colostrum, reduces the acute non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug-induced increase in intestinalpermeability.” Clin Sci (Lond), 2001;100(6):627-633.
The Doctors’ Prescription
Immune-Tree bovine colostrum is a cheap, readily available source of growth factors. These growth factors have beenshown to reduce gastrointestinal injury in experimental andclinical studies. Use of Immune-Tree would also appear to bewarranted for a number of other gastrointestinal conditions,including ulcerative colitis, other inflammatory bowel diseases,and chemotherapy-induced mucositis.
We recommend Immune-Tree Colostrum because it is truly a first-milking colostrum, one whose natural constituents have been preserved through expert processing (see “Importance ofFirst-Milking Colostrum” side bar).
While adults can use colostrum as both a capsule, powder or pineapple lozenge, children tend to love the strawberry chew- ables. Immune-Tree Colostrum is widely available at natural health centers and from health professionals. But if you have anytrouble finding a source for it, call Immune-Tree toll-free at (888) 484-8671. Health professionals can call (800) 916-3681. Volume 6, Number 1 / The Doctors’ Prescription for Healthy Living

Source: http://www.immunetreesa.co.za/files/NSAID%20Induced%20Gastrointestinal%20Tract%20Damage%20and%20Colostrum.pdf

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Short Poster Presentations Linkoping University, Linkoping, Sweden, 7First Department of Transplantation of neuroprotective choroid plexus Pediatrics, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, 8Department epithelium prevents diabetes in the nod mouse of Pediatrics, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, 9Department ofDiabetes and Endocrinology, University Campus Bio-Medico, Rome, R. B

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