Myria Christophini
Selected Exhibitions

 2011: Bealtainne, The Glue Factory, Glasgow (30 April-14 May 2011).  2010: Half-knowledge/half., Grace and Clark Fyfe Gallery, Glasgow(12-28  2007: If it is to be, The BRIDGE Gallery, London (07-12 September 2007).  2007: Out of Nothing, Canterbury Environment Centre, Canterbury(01-10 May  2005: Transmission: Laurence Rathsack, Liz Bachhuber & Alumni, Neues Museum Weimar, Weimar (01 July- 07 August 2005).
Selected Film Festival Screenings

 2012: Oxford Film Festival, Oxford Mississipi – 'Dance in B'Minor' in category  2012: Love Unlimited Film Festival and Art Exhibition, L.A. and Houston – 'Dance in B' Minor' in category of animated shorts (25/02/2012).  2011: Lucerne International Film Festival, Lucerne –'Dance in B' Minor' in showcase of animated shorts (20-22/10/2011).  2009: International Film Festival South Africa, Cape Town –'Hands Across the Divide' in their showcase of animated shorts (03/11/2009).  2009: Swansea Bay Film Festival, Swansea –'Hands Across the Divide' in the category of best student film/ video (05/06/2009).  2009: International Film Festival Ireland, Tipperary –'Hands Across the Divide' in the category of best in festival (06-12 /09/2009).  2009: International Youth Film Festival, Barry, UK –'Hands Across the Divide' in the category of best in festival (11-15/06/2009).  2009: International Film Festival Thailand, Phuket –'Hands Across the Divide' in the category of best student film/video, (14-19/06/2009).
Publications & Conferences

 Christophini, M. 2001. Das Muell Project. In: Bachhuber, Prof. Liz and Prof. Werner Bidlingmaier, 2001. Flotsam and Jetsam - Ballast and Treibgut, On Art and Refuse and Art [catalogue]. Germany: Bauhaus University Weimar University Publishers.  Christophini, M., 2003. Selfportraits. In: Bauhaus-Universität Weimar, 2005. »anno.02|03«, - Projekte, Preise und Personen an der Bauhaus-Universität, »anno.02|03«, - Projects, Awards and People at the Bauhaus University Weimar. Germany: Bauhaus University Weimar University Publishers.  Christophini, M. 2004. Greetings from Cyprus. [art work reference] »anno.04|05« - Projekte, Preise und Personen an der Bauhaus-Universität, »anno.04|05«, - Projects, Awards and People at the Bauhaus University Weimar. Germany: Bauhaus University Weimar University Publishers.  Christophini, M. 2005. Die Nachbarschaften der Welt, The neighbourhoods of the word. In: Rathsack, Laurence and Liz Bachhuber. 2005. Transmission [catalogue]. Germany: Klassik Stiftung Weimar.  Christophini, M. 2009. Hands Across the Divide [film reference]. In: A Cipro si oltre passa il muro grazie alla forza della musica. In: Frascaroli, E., ed. 2010. Modena Cooperazione - Solidarietà Internazionale, Altra Economia, Intercultura, Vol. 14.(07-08), p. 6.  Christophini, M., 2010. Drawing communities on the divided island of Cyprus. In: Beauty will save the world: An interdisciplinary postgraduate conference on art and social change. 07-08 September 2010, Institute for Advanced Studies, University of Bristol, U.K.  Christophini, M., 2011. Animating Peace. In: Animated Realities: Animation, Documentary and the Moving Image. 23-24 June 2011, Edinburgh University, Edinburgh College of Art & 65th Edinburgh International Film Festival, U.K.  Christophini, M., 2011. Animation screening and discussion. In: THATCamp Cyprus 2011, The technologies and humanities Camp. 06-07 September, Cyrus University of Technology, Cyprus.  Christophini, M., 2011. Animation for Peace. In published conference proceedings of: Peace as a Global Language 10th Annual conference, Peace without Borders, Konan University & Oxford University Press, Kansai, Japan. (Also, associated book chapter in process)


No. 676 Rafael Correa Delgado PRESIDENTE CONSTITUCIONAL DE LA REPÚBLICA Que, con el fin de contribuir a la seguridad ciudadana, reducir la contaminación ambiental, racionalizar el subsidio de los combustibles, mejorar la competitividad de la industria automotriz así como la eficiencia en la prestación del servicio de transporte urbano, intraprovincial, interprovincial, e internacional de

Sm 11.01.05 - factores eficacia materna.pmd

Salud Mental 2011;34:37-43 Factores asociados a la percepción de eficacia materna durante el pospartoFactores asociados a la percepción de eficaciaClaudia Navarro,1 Laura Navarrete,1 Ma. Asunción Lara1taken part in intervention (eight psycho-educational group sessionsoriented toward preventing postpartum depression)or control conditionsThe objective was to study maternal efficacy at two mom

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