Material Safety Data Sheet
SDS # : 1784-A
Revision Date: 2011-07-25
Version 1
_____________________________________________________________________________________________ This MSDS has been prepared to meet U.S. OSHA Hazard Communication Standard 29 CFR 1910.1200 _____________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION
Product name
Formula code
Active Ingredient(s)
Alternate Commercial Name
FMC 33297; 3-phenoxybenzyl (1RS,3RS;1RS,3SR)-3-(2,2-dichlorovinyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate;(3-phenoxyphenyl)methyl 3-(2,2-dichloroethenyl)-2,2-dimethylcyclopropanecarboxylate Chemical Family
Recommended use
Emergency telephone number
FMC CorporationAgricultural Products Group +1 (651) 632-6793 (All Other Countries - Collect) For leak, fire, spill or accident emergencies, call: +1 703 / 527 3887 (CHEMTREC - Collect - All Other Countries) 2. Hazards identification

Physical state
Physical or Chemical Hazards
Flammable properties
Potential health effects
Acute effects

Inhalation of vapors in high concentration may cause irritation of respiratory system. May causedrowsiness and dizziness.
MSDS #: 1784-A
Revision Date: 2011-07-25
Version 1
Harmful if swallowed. Potential for aspiration if swallowed. May cause drowsiness and dizziness.
Ingestion may cause gastrointestinal irritation, nausea, vomiting and diarrhea.
Chronic effects
May cause adverse kidney effects. May cause adverse liver effects.
3. Composition/information on ingredients
Hazardous ingredients
Chemical Name
Petroleum distillates, hydrotreated light 4. First aid measures
Hold eyes open and rinse slowly and gently with water for 15 to 20 minutes. Remove contact lenses,if present, after the first 5 minutes, then continue rinsing eye. Call a poison control center or doctorfor further treatment advice.
Take off contaminated clothing. Rinse skin immediately with plenty of water for 15-20 minutes.
Call a poison control center or doctor for treatment advice.
Move person to fresh air. If person is not breathing, call 911 or an ambulance, then give artificialrespiration, preferably by mouth-to-mouth, if possible. Call a poison control center or doctor forfurther treatment advice.
Immediately call a poison control center or doctor. Do not induce vomiting unless told to do so by apoison control center or doctor. Do not give any liquid to the person. Do not induce vomiting or giveanything by mouth to an unconscious person.
Contains petroleum distillate. Vomiting may cause aspiration pneumonia. This product is apyrethroid. If large amounts have been ingested, the stomach and intestines should be evacuated.
Treatment is symptomatic and supportive. Digestible fats, oils, or alcohol may increase absorptionand so should be avoided.
5. Fire-fighting measures
Flammable properties
Flash Point
Sensitivity to Mechanical Impact
Sensitivity to Static Discharge
Suitable extinguishing media
Foam. Carbon dioxide (CO ). Dry chemical. Water spray or fog.
Protective equipment and precautions
As in any fire, wear self-contained breathing apparatus and full protective gear. Isolate fire area.
for firefighters
Health Hazard
Special Hazards
6. Accidental release measures
MSDS #: 1784-A
Revision Date: 2011-07-25
Version 1
Personal precautions
Isolate and post spill area. Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves and eye/face protection. Forpersonal protection see section 8.
Environmental precautions
Keep people and animals away from and upwind of spill/leak. Keep material out of lakes, streams,ponds, and sewer drains.
Methods for cleaning up
Sweep up and shovel into suitable containers for disposal. Clean and neutralize spill area, tools andequipment by washing with bleach water and soap. Absorb rinsate and add to the collected waste.
Waste must be classified and labeled prior to recycling or disposal. Dispose of waste as indicated inSection 13.
For further clean-up instructions call FMC Emergency Hotline number listed in Section 1 "Productand Company Identification" above.
7. Handling and storage
Do not contaminate other pesticides, fertilizers, water, food or feed by storage or disposal.
Keep in a dry, cool and well-ventilated place. Keep away from open flames, hot surfaces and sourcesof ignition. Keep out of reach of children and animals. Store in original container only.
8. Exposure controls/personal protection
Exposure guidelines
Chemical Name
British Columbia
Ontario TWAEV
Occupational exposure controls
Engineering measures
Apply technical measures to comply with the occupational exposure limits. Ensure adequateventilation, especially in confined areas. When working in confined spaces (tanks, containers, etc.),ensure that there is a supply of air suitable for breathing and wear the recommended equipment.
Personal Protective Equipment
General Information
If the product is used in mixtures, it is recommended that you contact the appropriate protectiveequipment suppliers, These recommendations apply to the product as supplied Respiratory protection
For dust, splash, mist or spray exposures wear full-face elastomeric half mask respirator withappropriate cartridges and/or filters, which is approved for pesticides (U.S. NIOSH/MSHA, EU CENor comparable certification organization).
Eye/face protection
For dust, splash, mist or spray exposure, wear chemical protective goggles or a face-shield Skin and body protection
Wear long-sleeved shirt, long pants, socks, shoes, and gloves.
Hand protection
MSDS #: 1784-A
Revision Date: 2011-07-25
Version 1
Hygiene measures
Clean water should be available for washing in case of eye or skin contamination. Wash skin prior toeating, drinking, chewing gum or using tobacco. Shower or bathe at the end of working. Remove andwash contaminated clothing before re-use. Launder work clothing separately from regular householdlaundry.
9. Physical and chemical properties
Physical state
Melting Point/Range
Freezing point
Boiling Point/Range
Flash Point
66-68 - 68 °C / 151-154 °F Tag Closed Cup Evaporation rate
Autoignition Temperature
Flammable properties
Vapor pressure
Vapor density
Specific Gravity
Water solubility
Percent volatile
Partition coefficient:
Oxidizing properties
10. Stability and reactivity
Conditions to avoid
Excessive heat, Extreme risk of explosion by shock, friction, fire or other sources of ignition Hazardous decomposition products
Chlorine, Hydrogen chloride, Carbon oxides, Aldehydes.
Hazardous polymerization
11. Toxicological information
Eye contact
Skin contact
Large toxic doses of the formulated product, administered to laboratory animals, have producedcentral nervous system effects with symptoms that include hypersensitivity to touch and sound,tremors, and clonic convulsions. Vomiting after ingestion of this product may cause aspiration ofaromatic hydrocarbons into the lungs, which may result in fatal pulmonary edema.
In animals overexposure has produced symptoms such as squinting eyes, irregular and rattlingbreathing, and ataxia. Inhalation of hydrocarbon vapors may cause headaches, dizziness,disturbances in vision, drowsiness, respiratory irritation, anesthesia, unconsciousness, and othercentral nervous system effects.
> 2,000 mg/kg (rabbit) LD50 Oral
LC50 Inhalation:
May cause sensitization of susceptible persons.
MSDS #: 1784-A
Revision Date: 2011-07-25
Version 1
Chronic Toxicity - Other Ingredient(s)
Chronic Toxicity
May cause adverse kidney effects. May cause adverse liver effects.
Not recognized as carcinogenic by Research Agencies (IARC, NTP, OSHA, ACGIH).
Permethrin: Did not show mutagenic effects in animal experiments.
Reproductive toxicity
Permethrin: No toxicity to reproduction.
Neurological Effects
Permethrin: Clinical signs of neurotoxicity include altered motor activity and FOB effects, with nosigns of histopathology Developmental Toxicity
Permethrin: Not teratogenic in animal studies Target Organ Effects
Permethrin: Long-term feeding studies in animals resulted in increased liver and kidney weights,induction of the liver microsomal drug metabolizing enzyme system and histopathological changesin the lungs and liver.
Chronic Toxicity - Other Ingredient(s)
Chronic exposure to aromatic hydrocarbons may cause headaches, dizziness, loss of sensations orfeelings (such as numbness), and liver and kidney damage.
12. Ecological information
Marine pollutant
Permethrin (52645-53-1)
Active Ingredient(s)
Chemical Name
Toxicity to algae
Toxicity to fish
Toxicity to microorganisms
Toxicity to daphnia and other
aquatic invertebrates

promelas 96 h LC50 2.2 mg/LLepomis macrochirus 96 hLC50 2.4 mg/L Oncorhynchusmykiss 96 h Environmental Fate
Permethrin (52645-53-1)
Active Ingredient(s)
Type of Test
Bioconcentration factor (BCF), Bluefill sunfish DRAGNET® SFR TERMITICIDE/INSECTICIDE
MSDS #: 1784-A
Revision Date: 2011-07-25
Version 1
Stable to hydrolysis over a wide range of pHvalues.
13. Disposal considerations
Waste disposal methods
Pesticide wastes are toxic. Improper disposal of excess pesticide, spray mixture, or rinsate isprohibited. If these wastes cannot be disposed of by use according to label instructions, contactappropriate disposal authorities for guidance.
Contaminated packaging
Containers must be disposed of in accordance with local, state and federal regulations. Refer to theproduct label for container disposal instructions.
14. Transport information
Not regulated for transportation if shipped in Non Bulk packaging. The classification below pertainsto the shipment in Bulk packaging.
Packaging Type
Proper shipping name
Hazard Class
Packing group
Marine pollutant
Proper shipping name
Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o. s.
Hazard Class
Packing group
Proper shipping name
Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o. s.
Hazard Class
Packing group
Marine pollutant
Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. (permethrin), UN3082 + Marine Pollutant Limited quantity
Proper shipping name
Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o. s.
Hazard Class
Packing group
Marine pollutant
Environmentally hazardous substance, liquid, n.o.s. (permethrin), UN3082 + Marine Pollutant 15. Regulatory information
U.S. Federal Regulations
SARA 313
Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). This product contains a chemical or
chemicals which are subject to the reporting requirements of the Act and Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Part 372
MSDS #: 1784-A
Revision Date: 2011-07-25
Version 1
Chemical Name
SARA 313 - Threshold Values
SARA 311/312 Hazard Categories
Acute Health Hazard
Chronic Health Hazard
Fire Hazard
Sudden Release of Pressure Hazard
Reactive Hazard
This material, as supplied, does not contain any substances regulated as hazardous substances under the Comprehensive Environmental
Response Compensation and Liability Act (CERCLA) (40 CFR 302) or the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act (SARA) (40 CFR
355). There may be specific reporting requirements at the local, regional, or state level pertaining to releases of this material.
Chemical Name
U.S. - TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) - Section 8(a) - Chemical-Specific Reporting and
Petroleum distillates, hydrotreated light Partially exempt chemical substance termed Petroleum Process Stream Chemical Name
U.S. - TSCA (Toxic Substances Control Act) - Section 8(d) - 716.120(a) - Health and Safety Reporting -
List of Substances
International Regulations
Mexico - Grade
This product has been classified in accordance with the hazard criteria of the Controlled Products Regulations (CPR) and the MSDS
contains all the information required by the CPR.
WHMIS Hazard Class

16. Other information
Revision Date:
Reason for revision:
FMC Corporation believes that the information and recommendations contained herein (including data and statements) are accurate as of the date
herein relates only to the specified product designated and may not be applicable where such product is used in combination with any other materials or
in any process. , Use of this product is regulated by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). It is a violation of Federal law to use this product
in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. , Further, since the conditions and methods of use are beyond the control of FMC Corporation, FMC
corporation expressly disclaims any and all liability as to any results obtained or arising from any use of the products or reliance on such information.

Prepared By
MSDS #: 1784-A
Revision Date: 2011-07-25
Version 1
FMC Logo and Dragnet - Trademarks of FMC Corporation 2012 FMC Corporation. All Rights Reserved.
End of Material Safety Data Sheet


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COMPARATIF DES LISTES 2004 et 2005 DE SUBSTANCES ET PROCEDES INTERDITS LISTE 2004 MODIFICATIONS CONTENUES DANS LA LISTE 2005 (Arrêté du 20 avril 2004 modifié par l’arrêté du 16 août 2004) Classes des substances interdites en compétition Substances S1. Stimulants La classe S1 a comprend les substances interdites suivantes, ainsi que leurs interdites Adra

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Dit artikel is oorspronkelijk verschenen als een interne publicatie op Epilepsiecentrum Kempenhaeghe, Heeze, Nederland in: de Ruif, 5, nr.1, pp. 17-22, november 1996. Toevoegingen na vertaling in het engels, Versie: 1.1, April 1998. Versie 1.2 met toevoegingen over behandelingsstrategieën, November 2001. Versie 1.3 met toevoeging van PGB, Juni 2003 Versie 1.4 met toevoegingen over QEEG, me

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