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1. Project / network content
1.1 Why is the project / network / thematic seminar needed?
Explain the rationale and the background of the project /network
/ thematic seminar.

Online digital video and audio is becoming a major opportunity for teacher education. Video has been
used for many years in teacher education, for it is virtually the only way to “visit” a classroom without
disturbing the class. However, traditional “analogue” video is not easy to use:
videotapes have to be stored and copied and it is not easy to locate a small fragment on a particular
videotape. Digital video however, is much more flexible in use. It can be stored in one location on the
web, links can be made to certain fragments and teachers and students can see the video everywhere
with a broadband internet connection. It is no longer necessary to copy videotapes to show the video to
There are many examples conceivable of using online video in teacher education:
• Students can film there own lessons, put the video online and show other students and teacher
educators fragments of their lessons. This can
be part of their portfolio and the authentic situation can be part of the assessment. A interesting
tool for doing this is the virtual cutter
(, that makes it possible to make a link in a
document to certain fragments of online video.
• Online video can also be used to store examples of good (and maybe bad) practice on a server,
from where they can be recalled on a later
moment, depending on the needs of the training program. Often examples of good practice can
only be observed on a moment which is not
appropriate for training purposes (e.g. the first reading activities in primary schools happen in
September, while teacher training starts in
October). A database with examples of good practice can be consulted at any time and from
every where. It also offers additional possibilities
analysis (see for example the Mile project of the Freudenthal institute:
• Online video can be used for designing cases of practical situations and problems in education,
so student teachers can study such a situation
or problem and discuss this with other students and teachers. A video case makes it possible for
students to have the same reference situation.
• Online video can be used for preparing student teachers before going inservice, by showing
what to do and what not to do.
• Video conferencing for supporting in-service teachers on a distance. Especially when students
are in rural schools, it is often not easy to
support them from the teacher education centre. Video conferencing (using webcams or more
sophisticated material) makes it possible to see

each other on a distance. Seeing each other is important because of the visibility of non-verbal
• With video conferencing it is possible to organize a class with an expert of another university.
• Online video can be used to show students from different countries the culture of teaching in
their own country (“cross-culturalisation”).
• With Video conferencing students of different countries can cooperate on the same tasks.
• With online video lectures can be stored on the internet.

Because the use of online video is relatively new, there is little experience of its use in teacher
education. This project is designed to study the
benefits of online video and especially the kind of pedagogy can be used when using online video in
teacher education. These benefits and the
pedagogy will be the basis of a practical handbook for teacher educators, a workshop for teacher
educators and a website where teacher
educators and student teachers can find all kind of inforamtion, including example video's that helps
them to use online video in their own
1.2 In case of networks / thematic seminars, what is the main targeted thematic area?
1.3 What are the objectives of the project / network / thematic seminar? What is the expected
impact of the project /
network / thematic seminar on the situation described under point 1.1?

The objective is to design a pedagogy for the different kinds of use of online video and audio in teacher
education and to disseminate this
pedagogy in the EU to teacher educators. A secondary objective is to exchange knowledge between
student teachers of teaching culture and

1.4 What are the main outputs / products (e.g. training courses and modules, guides, directories,
common tools, Webbased services, multimedia products, syntheses, needs analyses, reports,
comparative analyses, conferences, seminars etc.) to be developed by the project / network?
• Experiments with the use of digital video and audio in teacher education in different cultures. The
results of these experiments will be
formulated in good practices and will form the basis for the design of a pedagogy for the use of digital
video in teacher education.
• A description of the pedagogy for the use of digital video in teacher education.
• A model for a workshop for teacher educators how to use digital video in teacher education. This
model contains (video)materials to support the
• A website with examples of good practices of the use of video in teacher education. The website will
provide at least three languages of the EU
(English, French and German) and the languages of the countries that are involved in the project. The
website will be based on a database of
audio and video learning objects that maybe downloaded by the users.
• A practical handbook about the pedagogy of digital video in teacher education. This book has links to
the website. Language of the book will be
• A website where students of different countries show examples of their teaching and school and
subject culture.
• A database with examples of good practice by experienced teachers in e.g. primary or secondary
schools, which can be (1) consulted by
student teachers drawing inspiration from them for their own teaching (2) used by teacher trainers to
illustrate principles of teaching they discuss
during their classes. During the project and while still 'under construction' this database is open to the
participating universities; later on it will be
available to every European institute for teacher training. The examples will be subtitled in other
languages if necessary.
1.5 What are the main activities of the project / network in order to achieve the outputs /
products? If possible please provide the approximate timetable foreseen.

• Literature search about what is known about using online video in education and especially in teacher
• Experimenting with different kind of use of online video in teacher education (see 1.1 for examples).
• Analyzing the experiments, especially on do’s and don’ts
• Designing a pedagogy for use of online video in teacher education. This pedagogy wil be the basis of
the website and handbook.
• Developing a website with examples of how to use online video.
• Writing a practical handbook for how to use online video in teacher education. This books has links to
the website/database.
• Designing workshops fo teacher educators about how to use online video in teacher education.
• Giving workshops for teacher educators. This can be workshops on conferences for teacher educators
but also specially organized workshops.
• Videorecording examples of good practice in primary and secondary schools, editing them and
compiling a database which can be consulted
by student teachers and teacher trainers
• Giving presentations on National and European conferences, with a focus on teacher educators.
1.6 What are the precise target groups which will benefit directly and indirectly from the outputs
/ products and activities
of the project / network / thematic seminar?

The target groups are the teacher educators. Indirectly also future teachers are a target group, because
we believe that showing teacher
students the opportunities of digital video will help them to use digital video in their classes as well.
1.7 What are the main pedagogical concepts and methodological / didactical approaches
underlying the project /network / thematic seminar?
There are two main pedagogical concepts that fundaments our project: a strong emphasis on social
constructivism and competency based
learning. Video can support both concepts. Research show that the use of video case studies for
example can be very effective in teacher
education. Video case studies bring authentic situations in teacher education classes. Due to social
constructivist theories authentic situations
are very important for learning practical skills (see Bransford et al, 2000). Video can also play an
important role in the use of a portfolio, because
(online) video makes it possible to use video fragments of own practical skills in such a portfolio. A
portfolio is a very important tool for
competency based learning and the use of video gives another dimension of that competency based
Bransford, J.D., Brown, A.L. & Cocking, R.R. (2000) “How People Learn. Brain, Mind, Experience
and School”, Washington D.C.: National
Academy Press.
1.8 What do you consider to be innovative about the project / network / thematic seminar? What
is the European dimension of the project / network / thematic seminar?

Digital online video and audio is now a few years old, but it can be used in teacher education only quite
recently, because the technique of
formatting digital video was not always compatible with all computers (and still is not always) and
because of the lack of bandwidth in
universities and on schools. However, as digital video gets more common the technique is now quite
reliable and most universities and more
and more schools have now broadband internet connections which makes it possible to use digital
video online. Because until recently digital
video could not be used in teacher education, there is not much experience with it in teacher education.
There is experience with analogue
video, but that use is less flexible and gave fewer opportunities. This project wants to learn and to
demonstrate the opportunities this new
techniques gives in teacher education.
Some of the participating partners already have some experience with online video and audio. One of
the objectives of the project is to learn
from these partners. Also, the use of online video can differ in different countries, because of teaching
culture, structure of teacher education,
legislation and cultural dimensions. There are some projects already in different countries to support
video in teacher and higher education, but
little is known about the use of video in different cultures. We want to analyze how these culture
influences the pedagogy of use of digital online



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