
Application for Accreditation of International Observation Body
The following must be submitted to the CEC along with the below application:
• Application for Accreditation of International Observers.
• Photocopy of the Contact Person’s passport.
• Completed ‘List of Proposed Observers’ form including each observer’s name, nationality, passport number and date of birth. (This form can be submitted at a later date, if necessary.) • Declaration and Pledge of International Observer for each observer, with two ID photos and a photocopy of the passport attached to each. (This form can be submitted at a later date, if necessary.) The observation body should provide each of its observers with the following documents. The documents
and information may be accessed at www.elections.ps or obtained from the CEC directly. By signing the Ap-
plication for Accreditation and Declaration and Pledge for International Observers, the observation body and
its observers are pledging to respect the CEC Code of Conduct.
• Declaration and Pledge of the International Observer.
Please note the following:
• The organization must provide the CEC with the Declaration and Pledge forms signed by the body’s proposed observer(s) in order to receive the accreditation cards.
• The CEC will not consider any late or incomplete accreditation applications.
• The completed application for accreditation, along with the documents specified in the application, can be completed on- line, at www.elections.ps, or sent to the CEC via e-mail (observers@elections.ps) or fax (+972 2 296 9712). Photos can be uploaded with the online application or delivered in person to the CEC HQ in Ramallah.
• The observation body should provide its observers with the necessary training to observe the electoral process.
For CEC use only
Date: day month year
Attachments: Copy of the contact person’s passport Verification letter Commissioners’ decision: Accepted Declined Date: day month year
A. Please check the appropriate box:
Regional Organization Governmental Delegation Non-Governmental Organization B. Information about the Observation Body
1. Name of body:
10. Anticipated date of observers’ arrival: day month year
C. For Non-Governmental Organizations
day month year
11. Country of Registration:
12. Registration No.:
13. Date of Registration:
D. Head or Representative of the Observation Body
14. First name:
The contact person will be the sole point of communication between the CEC and the observation body. Please
provide all information requested below, including a valid e-mail address, telephone number and fax number.
By providing the information below, you are agreeing to authorize the contact person to perform the following
• Receive and submit all documents and materials to and from the observation body and the CEC.
• Sign all necessary pledges and documents.
E. Contact Person’s Information
20. First name:
Please submit the following documents along with this application:
26. A letter verifying that the above information is correct, signed by the head or representative of the body and stamped with the organization’s official seal.
27. Copy of the contact person’s passport.

Source: http://www.elections.ps/Portals/0/pdf/LE2012/LocalElections2012_Obs_IntlObsBody_ApplicationForm_EN.pdf


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