Exercise Treadmill Test Preparation PURPOSE An exercise treadmill test is performed to help diagnose heart disease, monitor blood pressure response to exercise and determine your exercise tolerance. WHAT TO EXPECT
• You will be asked to sign a consent form giving permission for the test. • The skin on your chest where the electrodes will be placed will first be prepared with abrasive lotion. Male patients: your chest will be partially shaved. This is done to ensure the electrodes make good contact, so we can accurately monitor your heart’s rhythm. • You will then walk on the treadmill. The physician will watch the monitor for any changes that may indicate heart disease or rhythm problems. • Your blood pressure will be checked frequently during the test. • The test will take approximately 30 minutes. Risks
Stress tests are generally safe. Some patients may have chest pain or may faint or collapse. A heart attack or dangerous irregular rhythm is rare.
Persons who are likely to have such complications are usually already known to have a weak heart, so they are not given this test. WHAT YOU NEED TO DO TO PREPARE FOR THE TEST If you’re scheduled for an Exercise Treadmill Test, follow these guidelines: Diet • Nothing to eat four hours prior to the procedure. • No caffeine products the morning of the procedure. Please understand that this means no coffee, colas, diet colas, energy drinks, etc. No nicotine the morning of the test; chewing tobacco, smoking, nicotine gum, inhaler or patch. Medications • Take your prescribed medications unless directed not to do so by our office. Bring a list of medications with you. • If you are on a Beta Blocker (you will find a list of beta-blockers below) do not take them the night before or the day of the test. • If you are diabetic and taking insulin, please get specific instructions. In general when fasting, you will be asked to take your normal dose of Levemir or Lantus, but do not take your Humalog, Novolog, or Apidra. Please bring a snack with you to have after the test ( i.e. cheese and crackers, or your favorite). . If you are unsure of the directions given to you, please call our office. Clothing • Wear shorts, comfortable slacks or sweatpants. • Please do not wear pantyhose. • Wear tennis shoes or comfortable walking shoes. Smoking Again, no smoking the morning of the procedure. Questions about your Exercise Treadmill Test? Call 316-689-0776. Common Beta-blockers:
Facteurs de forme et technique projective, sansResume : Dans cet article nous presentons une methode projective, dans le cadre de la radiosite,qui simplie le calcul des facteurs de forme, en calculant les contours d'ombres projetees. Lesombres sont delimitees par un polygone d'occlusion qui nous permet d'identier les parties visibleset cachees des objets. Nous pouvons alors calculer
CIALIS WESTERN OPEN PGA TOURNAMENT AND CHICAGOLAND SPEEDWAY NASCAR RACES CHICAGOLAND 300 BUSCH SERIES CHICAGOLAND 400 NEXTEL CUP SERIES JULY 3 THROUGH JULY 9, 2006 In anticipation of a significant number of aircraft traveling to the Chicago, Illinois, area during the Cialis Western Open PGA Tournament and the Chicagoland Speedway NASCAR races, a temporary air traffic cont