Pima College: Short Story Writing Syllabus
Course Writing 126 CRN 23408
Writing 206 CRN 24907
Spring 2011 Jan 18, 2011
College Site Pima East 8181 E. Irvington
Class Times Self-Pace Required Due dates for:

First & Final Short Story Submissions and Peer-edits
Final Portfolio
Online class discussions (Due with 1st & Final Short
Story Submissions- Weekly participation suggested.)

Meeting Dates TBA One Optional Mtg.-email tchr to request/confirm
Upper Computer Commons
Instructor Nan Vizedom Bb Vista e-mail or (only if unable to access
Contact us

Mailbox Adjunct Faculty E5-519 (I only check when on campus. Please use
Phone 206-7645 BbVista email for contact).

Required Texts:
Creating Characters” by Dwight V. Swain
“Plot & Structure” by James Scott Bell
Wrt 126 Course Descriptions:
Writing and reviewing short stories. Includes types and styles of short fiction, survey of
American short stories, and aesthetics toward creative short story writing, and writing a short
story. Course may be taken three times-maximum of nine credit hours.

Wrt 126
Performance Objectives:
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to do the following:
1 Discuss the short story form.
2. Describe the American short story of today.
3. Develop a philosophy or aesthetics towards creative short story writing.
4. Write and review short stories.
Wrt 206 Course Description: Short fiction writing. Includes techniques of fiction writing and
their effects, critical responses to fiction, and original writing.
Wrt 206 Performance Objectives:
Upon completion of the course, the student will be able to do the following:

1. Describe fiction writing techniques and their effects. 2. Explain critical responses to fiction. 3. Apply techniques to original writing.
Wrt 206 Prerequisite: Wrt 102 or 108 with a C or better
ADA Compliance:
Pima College provides reasonable academic accommodations to students who qualify
under Americans with Disability Act (ADA). Appropriate medical documentation will be
required to determine eligibility. Please contact campus Disabled Students Resource (DSR)
office at 206-7699 to begin the accommodation request process.
FERPA Statement: Subject to certain exceptions set forth in the Federal Family Education
Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) of 1974, Pima Community College will not provide personally
identifiable student information (including but not limited to grades, billing, tuition and fees
assessments, financial aid and other student records) to third parties absent the student's consent.
Third parties include parents, spouses and third-party sponsors. You (the student) may grant
Pima Community College permission to release certain information to a third party by
submitting the FERPA Release form. Ask your instructor for a copy of the form BEFORE you
arrive with a third party.

Student Learning Outcomes:
Pima Community College believes in continually improving our
educational programs. As part of this process, we measure the relevance of our programs and the
effectiveness of our teaching. Part of this course may involve an assessment of your achievement
of Student Learning Outcomes that will be used to help us improve student learning.
Standards of Academic Progress: Students are expected to make satisfactory academic
progress. Review the Standards of Academic Progress at
to understand the criteria and consequences.
Consider talking to an advisor and financial aid before deciding if a “W” is the grade that best
suits your needs and goals.

Student Services:

Students receive support in advising for academic or personal concerns. It is an open door
policy, or you may make an appointment to see a specific person. Call 206-7662 for information
or if you experience difficulty completing the course, please contact our retention specialist.
You should have a career you plan to pursue identified by the end of your second semester.
Your career will determine your major or program of study and what courses you need to take
while at Pima. If you are undecided or having trouble figuring out a career that is a good match
for you, get some help. Stop by the Career Center or Information Desk in Building L. Ask for
written material or to see an advisor or counselor. Try going to Click “Student
Resources.” Click “Career Services.” Click “Career Resources.” This will get you to a number
of helpful websites. Call 206-7662 to talk to an advisor or counselor with any questions.
Free tutoring is available and recommended if you need assistance- especially before turning in your Final Short Story. The tutoring center is located in the library. Call 206-7863 more information. On Line- (Access Code 0285770807). Holidays- Imp. Dates: Jan 24 Audit/Add/Drop/Refund Deadline Feb 23 Withdrawal Deadline
Feb 24-25 Rodeo Mar 3- 45 day reporting Mar 14-20 Spring Break Philosophy:
As a facilitator, I designed this class to help stretch your creative and intellectual potential
and offer guidance, support, and encouragement. Ultimately, you, the writer are responsible to
nourish your own creativity by participating in this class with your utmost effort to grow. Many
writers attest to the freedom, power, and even healing found in writing. Whatever goal you seek,
I am excited to be a part of your adventure and encourage you to take the risk to develop your
craft to see where your journey will lead.

Attendance- Instructional Method
This class is conducted entirely ONLINE. If you prefer a class with traditional classroom
meetings, please see Pima Schedule for classes using that format.
Students not familiar with BbVista are required to use the Pima College BbVista Tutorial
found on the Homepage. It will help you understand how to navigate through this course.
After you view the class on BbVista and review the BbVista tutorial on the Pima homepage -if feel you need additional assistance to learn how to navigate through the course, I may be offering one optional meeting. We will only meet if I have a request from you through BbVista email by the end of the first week of class. I will confirm requested meeting with you via BbVista email at least one day prior to the meeting. Please note: While this is a Self-Paced course, there are deadlines to be met and students
are required to participate in weekly on-line class discussions and two peer-editing workshops. However, you may proceed with completing required work before the due dates if you wish. Course Policies:
Academic Integrity: Plagiarism is stealing. Whenever you borrow a phrase, sentence,
paragraph-or even an idea stated in your own words-from any outside source without giving
credit to that source, you have plagiarized. There is a zero tolerance policy for dishonesty in any
form. Each of you should have received and are required to read a Student Handbook (available
from any advisor or counselor – also see the Pima College Student Guide Book:

The consequences for plagiarism or dishonesty in any form are severe, including failure
for the assignment with no make-up or revision of the assignment, and probable failure for the
course, disciplinary referral. If you are found cheating, plagiarizing, etc., a complaint will be
filed through proper channels to actively pursue your dismissal from this program and possible
expulsion from Pima if you are found to be at fault by the "Mediation Hearing Committee". You
are expected to understand that you are not permitted to use the internet or any other source to
copy assignments. All Pima College instructors have access to computer programs which will
tell them what you copied and where to find it on the internet.
Withdrawal: The grade of “W” designates an official withdrawal. Students who wish to
withdraw must withdraw from class by submitting a completed withdrawal request form through
the registration/admissions office by the date designated by Pima. (See Important Dates in
Syllabus). Students are required to withdraw by the deadline, or you will receive an F Grade.
Students have to successfully complete a certain percentage of classes they take. If students
withdraw from too many classes or do not pass a certain percentage, their accounts are flagged,
and they must work with student services. Students should also view:
Standards of Academic Progress:Satisfactory Academic Progress:
Incomplete (I) Grade: “I” grades are strongly discouraged and will only be awarded at
the instructor’s discretion in extreme circumstances. 90% of the class work must be completed,
and the student is required to request the “I” in writing to the instructor and provide
documentation regarding the circumstances of the request. The student must complete the “I”
work within three weeks after the end of the semester or the “I” will be changed to and F grade
within Pima’s guidelines – one year. There will be no extensions.
Mandatory Reporting Statement: Pursuant to Arizona law (A.R.S. §13-3620), College
personnel, including faculty, staff, and administrators, who learn in the course and scope of their
employment that a minor (defined as under 18 years of age) has been the victim of physical or
sexual abuse, are required to report this information immediately to law enforcement. (PCC
Class Participation and Communication Policies:
Students are expected to conduct themselves with the same ethical policies as expected in
traditional classroom setting. Pima College Guidelines apply to this class.
. I expect communication to
remain respectful and language to be appropriate for an academic setting.
If I feel any communication is inappropriate or disrespectful, you will be blocked from the
class email and discussions and may be referred to a Pima College authority. In order to contact
me if you want a conference, please email me one week prior to your desired conference through
BbVista. If you are unable to open the BbVista email, you may email me using MyPima.
Course Work:
Short Story Project:
During this class, you will be working on writing and perfecting ONE Phenomenal Short
Story. To receive credit, you are required to use the guidelines presented in this course and turn
in your Short Story in two parts. Submit both to: Group Workshop and Assignment Drop Box.
• First Fabulous Story Submission • Final Phenomenal Short Story Submission.
Group Workshop – Peer Editing
An atmosphere of mutual respect is important for a successful workshop-discussion. Please
treat each other and me with the utmost respect, civility, and dignity even if we are disagreeing.
I will always endeavor to do the same.
In order to receive credit for each of your Short Story Submissions, you are required to
participate in the Peer-Editing Group Workshop and follow the guidelines presented online.
Class Discussions:
You are required to participate in online class discussions. To optimize your class discussion
experience, it is suggested that you submit a comment and two replies to the discussion board
each week. However, the discussion due dates are the same as the First and Final Short Story
Submissions. (The first four weeks are due with the First Short Story Submission – and the
second four weeks are due with the Final Short Story Submission.) These discussions are
designed to stimulate your creative energy and help you form a deeper understanding of the
material presented in the text to produce a high quality Short Story.
In order to receive credit for each of your Class Discussions you are required to participate online using the guidelines presented in this class and submit by the due date: • One substantial comment to the question or statement with text reference • Two constructive replies to classmate’s comments
All Required Textbook and Online Learning Module Assignments that are not required to
be turned in during the Week of the Learning Module Unit are to be turned as a Final Portfolio.
All the Portfolio assignments are geared to help you produce a high quality Short Story and help
you to analyze Short Stories and their elements.
In order to receive credit for your Portfolio Assignments, you are required to:
• Complete each assignment using your Short Story material as you work on it each week and submit your completed Portfolio by the due date.

Assignment and Late Work Polices:
Due to the nature of this class, NO late work accepted. All assignments are listed in the
Portfolio and Weekly Learning Modules found in your course on BbVista.
All assignments, discussions, Short Story submissions, Final Portfolio must be submitted to
the Assignment Drop Box on or before the due date by 7:00 pm. Assignments submitted after
7:00 pm on the due date will not be accepted. You may submit early, but all Short Stories and
Portfolios will be graded after the due dates.
You should post your work a few days before the due date in case you run into unexpected
technical difficulties. Please follow instructions given carefully. Check the BbVista mail
regularly for messages that may be posted regarding assignments.

Grading Policy and Requirements:

Your Short Story Project, Portfolio and any additional Assignments, Peer editing, and all
Class discussions must be turned in on or before the due date earning a grade of “C” or above to
pass this class. Failure to complete any of the course requirements with a grade of “C” or above
may result in an F grade even if your points total 70% or more. To pass this course, students are
required to successfully complete and submit the following using the detailed guidelines
provided in the course:
Short Story: Successfully complete and submit both parts.
Peer Editing: Peer-edit two classmate’s submissions using the structured guides.
Discussions: Post one substantial comment using one text reference in each.
Post two constructive replies to classmates by the due dates.
Portfolio: Successfully complete all assignments.
General grading guidelines listed below. Detailed Rubrics-Instructions presented online. 1st Short • How well you have met the Rubrics Specifications & requirements presented. • How well you utilized the information in the course to produce a polished Short Story written with the appropriate college-level writing skills • How well you worked on all the elements of a Short Story to represent your best writing for all portions of your Short Story - one that is well-developed and free of spelling, grammatical and punctuation errors. (up to six errors with be • How well you edited your story and attended to spelling, grammatical, punctuation and structural errors. Points will be deducted on both submissions for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and structural errors. However, the Final Short Story will have a higher point deduction if submitted with spelling, grammar, punctuation, and structural errors. • How well you worked, revised, and improved all elements of your Short Story to represent your best writing for all portions of your Short Story. 1. You’ve addressed most (or all) issues I brought up in your First Short Story Submission and some issues your group brought up. 2. You’ve done more than just tinker with your first Short Story Submission, and you incorporated information given in this course to improve your First Submission and produce a high quality Final Short Story. 3. Your Short Story is ready for submission to a publisher. You’ve written and rethought your project, especially in light of the topics addressed during the course such as dialogue, character, plot, etc . . . . • How well you have met the requirements provided online and Required Work • How well you have met Rubrics specifications. • How well you apply what you have learned in the course material to your peer- • How well you have met the requirements. • How well you met the individual requirements for each assignment. • How well you completed the assignments. • How well you have shown your understanding of the course material. • How well you have demonstrated a thorough knowledge of the information presented regarding how to write an effective Critical Analysis. (Wrt 206 only) Grading Scale and Tentative Points: *pts may vary. The following scale will be used to
determine your Final grade only if all sections of required work receive a “C” or better. If any
portion of the required work does not receive a “C” grade or better, it will result in a failing
grade even if your percentage of total points received is above 60%.
100-90%=A 89-80%=B 79-70%=C 69-60%=D Below-F
680-612 611-544 543-476 475-408 407-0
To view grades for assignments and discussions: Click on “My Grade” under Course Tools.
Then, Click on “Graded”. Then double Click on Attachment.
To view Final Grades: Students may view an unofficial transcript, including grades via MyPima
at the end of each semester on Banner Online.

Required Work and Points: Wrt 126 Wrt 206

Class Discussions
Fabulous First Half –Short Story Project Must submit two peer edits on time – to receive credit for Short Story Submission Phenomenal Final – Short Story Project Must submit two peer edits on time – to receive credit for Short Story Submission Phenomenal Final Short Story Project – Group Workshop – Peer Review Final Portfolio as we read the chapters during the semester. Possible Pop Quiz(Weblinks, Treasure Chest, Bk) Each section listed must receive a “C”
or above to pass this course.
Tentative Schedule with Required Dates:
All Required Assignments listed in bold. An updated schedule will be posted online each week.
Suggested Dates for Readings and Discussions and Required Due Dates Below.
Book Book Online Module Required Required
Plot & Creating Reading & Discussions Sh Story/ Portfol.
Structure Characters Assignments Due with 1st Due Dates
Final S.S. Sub.
Wk 1
Data Sheet
Ex 3-4 p78
Sh. Story
summ lines
Due Tues.
each: Beg,
Mid, End)
*206 Only

Peer Edits
Due Sat.

Things They *206 Only
Bradbury &
Zen Manifesto
Or Critical
Final Short
Due Tues.
*Must also
submit Final
Sh Story to
Wk 5-8 due
Due Wed
Peer Edits
Due Sat.

Class Survey
*Short Story + Peer-Edits + Portfolio + Discussions *All required to pass class. Must
earn a “C” or better in each.
*Final Short Story (126 & 206) & Critical Analysis (206 only) Submit to
Online Course Information:
inhas detailed information on computer specifications. If you do not have a computer with the necessary software, computers are available to students
at any Computer Commons. Students can also use the Computer Commons at Community, East, West, Downtown, and
Desert Vista
campuses, as well as the Northwest Learning Center (limited computer availability
due to renovations) and the Northeast Community Learning Center (30+ computers available). Students using the Computer Commons on any campus need to show a Pima Community
College ID CARD, which can be issued at any PCC campus by showing a paid receipt for the
course ($2.00 fee). Call 206-6525 for more information.
with instructor and peers is essential for you to be successful in this web-
based course. Read discussion posts and check email at least 2 to 3 times each week and respond
to messages as necessary. Send messages to your instructor as needed. Demonstrate a positive
attitude and courtesy toward other discussion participants. Observe good discussion netiquette.
Additional help and information about Blackboard can be found at:

Tips for Online Learning
DO review all pages in the
DON'T just "browse" the class and expect all necessary
information to be posted in each module. Grading rubrics, deadline dates, assignment requirements, and descriptions are all posted in the various pages of the syllabus section. This is critical information for successful completion of an online course. DO create all your work in MS DON'T type your work directly into Blackboard. A
Word and then either upload or computer failure prior to "sending" or "posting" your
cut and paste it into
work in Blackboard will result in the loss of everything that you have just entered. Many students have reported spending hours on their work only to lose the assignment, discussion, or quiz. This could be a disaster if you are doing your work at the last minute. DO complete and submit your
DON'T wait until the night your assignment is due to
Portfolios and all other required complete and submit it. Technology problems on your Submissions a few days in end could mean that you will not be able to turn your assignment in on time. This could mean a total loss of that assignment's points. No late work is accepted. DO drop or withdraw the class
DON'T wait until the last week of class to try to
withdraw from the course. Incomplete grades are not given in this class unless you have 90% of the work submitted with at least a grade of “C” or above (see syllabus). Withdrawals must be made by the withdrawal deadline. Call admissions for withdrawal deadlines. DO contact the instructor as
DON'T keep your problems a secret! If you don't ask
questions, the instructor can't help you. DO look at the assignment and
DON'T wonder/ask about your grades until you have
checked your work against the requirements, directions, guidelines will help you earn the higher grades you desire. DO check your email every
DON'T be an infrequent "visitor" to your Blackboard
class. Logging in, only on the final due dates for each module means you'll miss important information that can


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