Grape Seed Extract Important Recommendation in Type 2 Cranberry Effective in Chronic Non-bacterial Prostatitis Diabetes!!
Cranberry juice and cranberry extracts have shown
Increased oxidative stress is a major factor in the risk of the
benefit in preventing and treating urinary tract infections
chronic complications of diabetes. Individuals with diabetes
in several double-blind studies. New data indicates that it
typically have elevated levels of free radicals and oxidative
may also be of benefit in men with non-bacterial chronic
compounds. These highly reactive compounds bind to and
destroy cellular compounds. They also greatly increase the
inflammatory process by adding fuel to their destructive fire
Prostatitis is a condition that occurs when the prostate
via increased formation of inflammatory mediators like C-
becomes inflamed or swollen. It is considered a chronic
condition when the symptoms last for several weeks.
One of the critical goals in diabetes prevention and treatment
Chronic non-bacterial prostatitis most often is the result
is to flood the body with a high level of antioxidant
of damage or inflammation to the connective tissue
compounds to counteract the negative effects of free radicals
barrier of the inner lining of prostate that prevents
and pro-oxidants. Two critical antioxidants for diabetics are
potentially harmful materials in urine from breaking
alpha-lipoic acid and flavonoid-rich extracts.
through to deeper tissues. Symptoms consist of:
• voiding issues including weak or intermittent
The beneficial effects of proanthocyanidin-rich extracts like
urinary stream, straining, hesitancy, terminal
grape seed and pine bark (Pycnogenol) extract in battling the
complications of diabetes are numerous. Proanthocyanidin
• storage issues including urgency, frequency,
• Are more potent and effective against a broader range
of oxidants than the traditional antioxidant nutrients
Forty-two men with chronic non-bacterial prostatitis
vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, selenium, and zinc.
received either 1500 mg of the dried powdered
• Increase intracellular vitamin C levels and preserve
cranberries per day for 6 months or no cranberry
important antioxidants like gluthathione (GSH).
treatment. At the end of the study, the cranberry group
• Protect against damage to arteries and other blood
experienced significant improvements in International
Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS), quality of life, and urine
• Decrease the leakiness and breakage of small blood
flow and other voiding parameters, but the control group
vessels, preventing easy bruising, and promoting
did not. The mean IPSS declined by 4.48 points in the
cranberry group compared with an increase of 1.43 in the
One of the major complications of diabetes is an increased
risk for heart attacks and stroke. In a very detailed 4-week
Vidlar A, Vostalova J, Ulrichova J, et al. The
double-blind study, grape seed extract (600 mg/day) was
effectiveness of dried cranberries (Vaccinium
compared to a placebo in 32 patients with type 2 diabetes.
macrocarpon) in men with lower urinary tract symptoms.
Results showed impressive reductions in markers for
Br J Nutr. 2010 Oct;104(8):1181-9. Epub 2010 Aug 31.
inflammation and oxidative stress. For example, whole blood
glutathione levels were 3595 mmol/l in the GSE group
compared to 2359 mmol/l in the placebo. The level of C-
Summer Special !!!
reactive protein was 2.2 mg/l in the GSE group and 3.2 mg/l
in the placebo group. To achieve these reductions within one
15% off total grocery purchase Produce included Sign up for E-mail at 1 time use only please Offer expires July 31, 2011 BioSil's ch-OSA®: The Scientific Breakthrough in Collagen Your Bones In a clinical trial women were divided into two
Collagen has been called the most important building block in the
groups: BioSil® and Placebo. The BioSil® group took ch-
human body. It comprises over a third of your body's proteins. It
OSA®, 1000 mg/day of calcium, and 800 IU/day vitamin D.
makes up 75% of your skin. It is a major supporting structure for
The Placebo group took only the calcium and vitamin D. Bone
your bones, joints, and vital organs. That's why collagen is
collagen synthesis was increased in the BioSil® group
essential for beautiful skin, hair, and nails as well as healthy
compared to placebo. Placebo subjects lost 1.22% in bone
bones and joints. But starting at age 21, collagen begins to
mineral density (BMD) at the hip region whereas the BioSil®
diminish. By age 30, the signs are visible. For years, scientists
subjects (6 drops ch-OSA®/day) gained 0.78 %. That's a
searched for a method that would give the human body the ability
difference of 2.00%, or 200% higher than the threshold of
to regenerate its own collagen. But it wasn't until BioSil®'s
clinical relevance. Published Clinical Trial Results: Spector et al
landmark discovery of ch-OSA® that genuine collagen
generation, through oral delivery, became a reality. Today, rigorous double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials prove that BioSil®'s patented ch-OSA® reduces fine lines and wrinkles,
Research Update on SAMe (S-
increases skin elasticity, strengthens and thickens hair, hardens
nails, and promotes healthy bones and joints. BioSil®'s historic discovery is now considered the scientific breakthrough in
collagen. Clinically Tested - Safe and Effective You'll be
S-Adenosylmethionine (SAMe) is an important physiologic
happy to know that BioSil's ch-OSA® collagen generator has
agent that is involved in more than 40 biochemical reactions
been the subject of the most rigorous testing procedure known:
in the body. It functions closely with folic acid and vitamin
the double blind, placebo-controlled university conducted clinical
B12 in “methylation” reactions. Methylation is the process of
trial. It is considered the gold standard in measuring results, and
adding a single carbon unit (a methyl group) to another
is employed by the pharmaceutical companies. The clinical
molecule. SAMe is many times more effective in transferring
results, now published in peer-reviewed medical journals, were as
methyl groups than other methyl donors. Methylation
dramatic as they were statistically significant. Subjects taking
reactions are critical in the manufacture of many body
BioSil's ch-OSA® showed a marked decrease in fine lines and
components, especially brain chemicals, as well as in
wrinkles, greater skin elasticity, thicker and stronger hair, harder
detoxification reactions. Not surprisingly, the principal uses
nails and an increase in bone mineral density (BMD) at the
of SAMe are in supporting brain and liver health as well as
critical hip region. Best of all, BioSil's ch-OSA® has been proven
safe. The condition of your hair, skin, and nails depends on Benefits for Healthy Joints: three proteins: Collagen 'plumps' your skin, removing fine lines
SAMe has also demonstrated impressive results in improving
and wrinkles, and preventing them from forming. In addition,
joint health in double-blind studies. A deficiency of SAMe in
collagen is essential for strong, healthy bones and joints.
the joint tissue, just like a deficiency of glucosamine, leads to
Keratin is the protein that's packed into your hair shaft. It gives
loss of the gel-like nature and shock-absorbing qualities of
your hair thickness, body, strength, and elasticity. Plus, keratin
cartilage. As a result, cartilage can degenerate leading to pain
Elastin gives your skin its ability to stretch and 'bounce back'
In double-blind trials, SAMe has demonstrated similar
(elasticity) preventing fine lines and wrinkles. With age collagen,
reductions in pain scores and clinical symptoms to those
keratin and elastin decline. BioSil® Hair Skin Nails with
produced by nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs)
clinically proven ch-OSA®, is specifically formulated to help
like ibuprofen, indomethacin, naproxen, nabumetone,
nourish your body's 3 beauty proteins and restore them to more
celecoxib, and piroxicam. Unlike the drugs which are
youthful levels. Your Skin By generating collagen in your skin,
exerting pharmacological effects, SAMe appears to produce
BioSil® Hair Skin Nails decreases fine lines and wrinkles, and
its benefits simply by delivering nutritional support to
increases skin elasticity. Users also report it adds a radiant quality
cartilage cells thereby helping them to function more
to their skin. Published Clinical Trial Results: Barel et al 2005
Your Hair BioSil® Hair Skin Nails helps your hair grow
thicker and stronger. The ch-OSA® in BioSil® has been
Two new studies compared SAMe (1200 mg/d) to the drugs
clinically shown to significantly increase the diameter of each
nabumetone (Relafene, 1000 mg/d) and celecoxib (Celebrex,
hair shaft - adding fullness and body to your hair. In addition,
200 mg/d) in patients showing signs and symptoms of
BioSil® Hair Skin Nails helps make your hair stronger, more
cartilage degeneration of the knees. In the first study, SAMe
elastic, and more break resistant. Published Clinical Trial Results:
was shown to be equal to nabumetone in effectively reducing
pain intensity from baseline as well as in patient and
Your Nails BioSil® has been clinically shown to strengthen your
physician assessment; and index scores of joint function. In
nails, making them more break resistant. The BioSil® nail
the study comparing SAMe to Celebrex, SAMe showed a
phenomenon has given birth to a new expression: 'Unbreakable
slower onset of action but was judged as effective as
Beauty.' Published Clinical Trial Results: Barel et al 2005
celecoxib, but without the side effects.
200% higher than the threshold of clinical relevance. Published
Given the known risks for significant side effects with use of
Clinical Trial Results: Spector et al 2008
NSAIDs, the results from these new studies provide additional evidence that a natural approach that focuses on delivering improved nutrition to joint tissues is a more rationale approach.
EDITORIAL 107 Medicações sistêmicas e queixa ocular: Alguma correlação? A o ser convidado para escrever este editorial, pensei em um tema diferen- te, que pudesse oferecer alguma contribuição ao leitor. Refiro-me aospossíveis efeitos colaterais oculares associados com medicaçõessistêmicas, comumente utilizadas por nossos pacientes. Estaria cada oftalmologis-ta ciente que dr